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File photo MANILA, Philippines — Nearly four out of 10 jobs in the Philippines are “highly” exposed to artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential to either displace workers or support various tasks to boost the productivity of employees, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said. In a country report dated Dec. 20, the Washington-based institution estimated that 36 percent of jobs in the Philippines are “highly exposed” to AI, which can either replace human workers or “complement“ tasks to boost the efficiency of employees. The good news is “more than half” of those highly impacted jobs were also rated as “highly complementary”—where AI can augment rather than take over the tasks performed by the worker. READ: Adopt AI or perish This means that 14 percent of the total workforce in the Philippines are at risk of being replaced by AI, the IMF warned, adding that the business process outsourcing (BPO) sector might experience shifts amid recent advances in such a technology. The IMF specifically noted the proliferation of AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants that now handle more customer service tasks. IMF staff estimated that roles such as technicians, services and sales, and clerical support have large exposures to AI. At the same time, these positions may also see the highest risk of job displacement due to the low potential for AI to just provide support to—and not replace—the workers in these occupations. On the flip side, there are a lot of opportunities for AI to augment the tasks of managers, professionals and machine operators. Workers in craft and trades, skilled agriculture, and elementary occupations were the least impacted by AI. The IMF also said that AI exposure varies by gender in the Philippines. It estimated that approximately half of all jobs held by women were highly exposed to the disruptions, compared to a quarter by men. “It is due to more women being employed as clerical support, service, and sales workers whereas men have a higher share in trades, agriculture, machine operations, and elementary occupations which are less likely to be impacted by AI at this stage,” it added. The latest country report was a product of the IMF’s 2024 Article IV Consultation in the Philippines that wrapped up early this month. And the findings were not surprising at all considering how vibrant the local information technology and business process management (IT-BPM) sector is. For this year, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) expects BPO revenues to grow by 6 percent to $31.4 billion. This means BPO receipts would outperform the growth of other key dollar engines such as remittances, which are projected to expand by just 3 percent based on BSP forecasts. The IT and Business Process Association of the Philippines, the umbrella organization of IT-BPM firms in the country, is projecting a much better revenue haul of $37.5 billion and for the domestic workforce headcount across the industry to reach 1.82 million by year’s end. Given the Philippines’ service-based economy, the IMF said the government would need to invest in digital infrastructure and education to ensure that the gains from AI use “are widely shared.” The IMF also urged local authorities to “strengthen the social safety net” for workers that will be replaced by AI. “The authorities concur that skills gaps, including those related to Al, and the high cost of power are the biggest bottlenecks to greater private sector investment,” the fund said. “They hope that joint efforts between the private sector and government agencies to modernize education curriculums, along with greater training for teachers at all levels and use of digitalization, will improve education outcomes,” it added. The IMF said that AI will have a potential impact on the global labor market, citing many studies predicting the likelihood that jobs will be replaced by AI, but in many cases will likely complement human work. In its study, it said almost 40 percent of global employment is exposed to AI. “Historically, automation and information technology have tended to affect routine tasks, but one of the things that sets AI apart is its ability to impact high-skilled jobs. As a result, advanced economies face greater risks from AI—but also more opportunities to leverage its benefits—compared with emerging markets and developing economies,” it noted. In advanced economies, it said about 60 percent of jobs may be impacted by AI. “Roughly half the exposed jobs may benefit from AI integration, enhancing productivity. For the other half, AI applications may execute key tasks currently performed by humans, which could lower labor demand, leading to lower wages and reduced hiring. In the most extreme cases, some of these jobs may disappear,” it warned. In emerging markets and low-income countries, by contrast, AI exposure is expected to be 40 percent and 26 percent, respectively, according to the IMF. Subscribe to our daily newsletter By providing an email address. I agree to the Terms of Use and acknowledge that I have read the Privacy Policy . “These findings suggest emerging market and developing economies face fewer immediate disruptions from AI. At the same time, many of these countries don’t have the infrastructure or skilled workforces to harness the benefits of AI, raising the risk that over time the technology could worsen inequality among nations,” it noted.TEXAS, USA — When Nathan Hecht ran for the Texas Supreme Court in 1988, no Republican had ever been elected to the state’s highest civil court. His election foreshadowed a coming transformation of the court, civil legal procedure and Texas itself. Hecht is the longest tenured Supreme Court justice in Texas history. He won six reelections and led the court as chief justice for more than a decade. He heard more than 2,700 oral arguments, authored 7,000 pages of opinions, and retires now not because he’s had enough, but because state law requires him to. Late on a Friday afternoon, just two weeks before he hung up his robe, he was still in his office, his mind mired in the work that was left to be done. “This is always a really busy time for us, because the opinions are mounting up to be talked about,” he said. “It’ll be busy next week.” Hecht began as a dissenter on a divided court, his conservative positions on abortion, school finance and property rights putting him at odds with the Democratic majority and some moderate Republicans. But as Texas Republicans began dominating up and down the ballot, his minority voice became mainstream on one of the country’s most conservative high courts. In his administration of the court, Hecht has been a fierce advocate for the poor, pushing for more Legal Aid funding, bail reform and lowering the barriers to accessing the justice system. “If justice were food, too many would be starving,” Hecht told lawmakers in 2017. “If it were housing, too many would be homeless. If it were medicine, too many would be sick.” Hecht’s departure leaves a vacancy that Gov. Greg Abbott , a former justice himself, will get to fill. He may elevate a current justice or appoint someone new directly to the chief justice role. Whoever ends up in the top spot will have to run for reelection in 2026. In his typical understated manner, so at odds with the bombast of the other branches of government, Hecht told The Texas Tribune that serving on the court has been the honor of his life. “I have gotten to participate not only in a lot of decisions shaping the jurisprudence of the state, but also in trying to improve the administration of the court system so that it works better and fosters public trust and confidence,” he said. “So I feel good about the past,” he said. “And I feel good about the future.” A ‘sea change’ Born in Clovis, New Mexico, Hecht studied philosophy at Yale before getting his law degree from Southern Methodist University. He clerked on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia and returned to Texas, where his reputation preceded him. As a young lawyer, Tom Phillips, a former chief justice and now a partner at Baker Botts, reached out to a Dallas law firm that had promised to hire him the next chance they got. “I called them a few months later and said, ‘So I assume you never got a vacancy,’” Phillips recalls. “And they said, ‘Well, we did, but we had a chance to hire Nathan Hecht, so you’ll understand why we went ahead and did that.’” Hecht was appointed to the district court in 1981 and quickly made a name for himself, pushing the court to modernize their stenography practices and taking the unusual step of writing opinions as a trial judge. He was elected to the court of appeals in 1986, and ran for Texas Supreme Court two years later. This race came at a low point for Texas’ judiciary, after a string of scandals, ethics investigations, eyebrow-raising rulings and national news coverage made several sitting Supreme Court justices household names — and not in a good way. Seeing an opportunity, Hecht challenged one of the incumbents, a Democrat who’d been called out in a damning 60 Minutes segment for friendly relationships with lawyers who both funded his campaigns and argued before the court. Hecht teamed up with Phillips and Eugene Cook, two Republicans who had recently been appointed to the court, and asked voters to “Clean the Slate in ’88,” separating themselves from the Democrats by promising to only accept small donations. “Party politics were changing in the state at the same time, but the broader issue on our court at the time was to ensure that judges were following the law,” Hecht said. “That was a driving issue.” Since Phillips and Cook were incumbents, Hecht was the only one who had to take on a sitting Supreme Court justice. And he won. “It really was a sea change in Texas political history,” Phillips said. “He was the first person ever to do that in a down ballot race, to defeat a Democrat as a Republican.” Political changes Republican dominance swept through the Supreme Court as swiftly as it did Texas writ large. The last Democrat would be elected to the court in 1994, just six years after the first Republican. But even among Bush-era Republicans filling the bench, Hecht’s conservatism stood out. In 2000, he wrote a dissent disagreeing with the majority ruling that allowed teens in Texas to get abortions with a judge’s approval if their parents wouldn’t consent, and a few years earlier, ruled in favor of wealthy school districts that wanted to use local taxes to supplement state funds. His pro-business bent stood out next to the court’s history of approving high dollar payouts for plaintiffs. Alex Winslow, the executive director of Texas Watch, a consumer advocacy group, told the New York Times in 2005 that Hecht was “the godfather of the conservative judicial movement in Texas.” “Extremist would be an appropriate description,” Winslow said. “He’s the philosophical leader of the right-wing fringe.” The only other justice who regularly staked out such a conservative position, according to the New York Times, was Priscilla Owen, who President George W. Bush appointed to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in 2005. Hecht and Owen, who now goes by her maiden name, Richmond, wed in 2022 . Wallace Jefferson, Hecht’s predecessor as chief justice, said Hecht’s sharp intellect and philosophical approach to the law improved the court’s opinions, even when he ultimately didn’t side with the majority. “He was a formidable adversary,” said Jefferson, now a partner at Alexander Dubose & Jefferson. “You knew that you would have to bring your best approach and analysis to overcome Nathan’s approach and analysis ... You had to come prepared and Nathan set the standard for that.” Hecht briefly became a national figure in 2005 when he helped Bush’s efforts to confirm Harriet Miers to the U.S. Supreme Court. As her longtime friend, Hecht gave more than 120 interviews to bolster Miers’ conservative credentials, jokingly calling himself the “PR office for the White House,” Texas Monthly reported at the time . This advocacy work raised ethical questions that Hecht fought for years, starting with a reprimand from the State Commission on Judicial Conduct. Hecht got that overturned. The Texas Ethics Commission then fined him $29,000 for not reporting the discount he got on the legal fees he paid challenging the reprimand. He appealed that fine and the case stretched until 2016 , when he ultimately paid $1,000. Hecht has largely stayed out of the limelight in the decades since, letting his opinions speak for themselves and wading into the political fray mostly to advocate for court reforms. While Democrats have tried to pin unpopular COVID and abortion rulings on the justices in recent elections, Republicans continue to easily win these down-ballot races. Hecht is aware of the perception this one-party dominance creates, and has advocated for Texas to turn away from partisan judicial elections. In his 2023 state of the judiciary address , Hecht warned that growing political divisions were threatening the “judicial independence essential to the rule of law,” pointing to comments by both Democratic politicians and former President Donald Trump. But in an interview, Hecht stressed that most of the cases the Texas Supreme Court considers never make headlines, and are far from the politics that dominate Austin and Washington. “There’s no Republican side to an oil and gas case. There’s no Democrat side to a custody hearing,” he said. “That’s the bread and butter of what we do, and that’s not partisan.” Hecht’s reforms Unlike its federal counterpart, the Texas Supreme Court is often a temporary port of call on a judge’s journey. Many, like Abbott, Sen. John Cornyn and U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett , leave for higher office. Others, like Owen and 5th Circuit Judge Don Willett, leave for higher courts. Most, like Phillips, leave for higher pay in private practice. But Hecht stayed. “I didn’t plan it like this,” Hecht said. “I just kept getting re-elected.” Hecht had been considering retirement in 2013, when Jefferson, the chief justice who replaced Phillips, announced he would be stepping down. “He wanted me to consider being his successor,” Hecht said. “So I did, and here I am. I didn’t say, ‘Let’s spend 43 years on the bench,’ but one thing led to another.” In 2013, Hecht was sworn in as chief justice by then-U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, another great dissenter whose views later became the majority. While the Texas Supreme Court’s political makeup has changed largely without Hecht’s input, the inner workings of the court have been under his purview. And that, many court watchers say, is where his greatest legacy lies. Hecht ushered in an era of modernization, both to the technology and the rules that govern justice in Texas. He led a push to simplify the appellate rules, removing many of the trapdoors and procedural quirks that led to important cases being decided on technicalities. The court scaled back how long cases could drag on by limiting discovery, including how long a deposition can go. And he ensured every case was decided before the term ended, like the U.S. Supreme Court. “I think people generally don’t understand the impact the rules can have on the equitable resolution of disputes, but they’re enormous,” Jefferson said. “Nathan recognized that at an early juncture in his career.” Hecht pushed Texas to adopt e-filing before many other states, which proved prescient when COVID hit. Hecht, who was then president of the national Conference of Chief Justices, was able to help advise other states as they took their systems online. Hecht also dedicated himself to improving poor Texan’s access to the justice system, pushing the Legislature to appropriate more funding for Legal Aid and reducing the barriers to getting meaningful legal resolutions. He helped usher through a rule change that would allow paraprofessionals to handle some legal matters like estate planning, uncontested divorces and consumer debt cases, without a lawyer’s supervision. “Some people call it the justice gap. I call it the justice chasm,” Hecht said. “Because it’s just a huge gulf between the people that need legal help and the ability to provide it.” Hecht said he’s glad this has been taken up as a bipartisan issue, and he’s hopeful that the same attention will be paid even after he leaves the court. “No judge wants to give his life’s energy to a work that mocks the justice that he’s trying to provide,” he said. “For the judiciary, this is an important issue, because when the promise of equal justice under law is denied because you’re too poor, there’s no such thing as equal justice under the law.” What comes next Despite the sudden departure of their longtime leader, the Texas Supreme Court will return in January to finish out its term, which ends in April. Among the typical parsing of medical malpractice provisions, oil and gas leases, divorce settlements and sovereign immunity protections, the high court has a number of more attention-grabbing cases on its docket this year. Earlier this year, the court heard oral arguments about the Department of Family and Protective Services’ oversight of immigration detention facilities, and in mid-January, they’ll consider Attorney General Ken Paxton’s efforts to subpoena Annunciation House, an El Paso nonprofit that serves migrants. They’ll also hear arguments over Southern Methodist University’s efforts to cut ties with the regional governing body of the United Methodist Church. Other cases will be added to the schedule before April. Phillips, who has argued numerous cases before the Texas Supreme Court since leaving the bench, said Hecht’s loss will be felt, but he expects the court to continue apace. “It’s not a situation like it might have been at some point in the past where if one justice left, nobody would know what to do next,” he said. “It’s an extremely qualified court.” As for Hecht, he’s tried to put off thinking too much about what comes next for him. He still has opinions to write and work to finish. He knows he wants to stay active in efforts to improve court administration nationally and in Texas, and he’s threatened his colleagues with writing a tell-all book, just to keep them on their toes. But beyond that, he’s waiting for the reality of retirement to sink in before he decides on his next steps. “We’ve got 3,200 judges in Texas, plus adjuncts and associate judges and others,” he said. “I really think it’s such a strong bench, and I am proud to have been a part of it. I look forward to helping where I can.” ___ This story was originally published by The Texas Tribune and distributed through a partnership with The Associated Press.Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy blasts Slovakia’s PM Robert Fico over reluctance to source alternatives to Russian gas. The Ukrainian leader’s fiery remarks come after Fico’s highly controversial visit to Moscow to on Sunday to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin. Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy slammed Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico in a post on social media platform X, formerly Twitter, accusing the Slovak leader of helping Russia’s Vladimir Putin weaken Europe. Zelenskyy’s comments followed a rare visit to Moscow by an EU leader since the Kremlin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Fico’s visit to the Russian capital on Sunday was classified as a one-one-one “working visit” with Putin aimed at discussing “the international situation”, prospects of a “peaceful end” to the war in Ukraine and Russian natural gas deliveries to Slovakia. Fico’s trip followed Zelenskyy’s comments on Thursday’s European Summit in Brussels. The Ukrainian leader declared his intention of not renewing a five-year agreement signed before the war on his country that enabled the flow of Russian natural gas to some European countries; including Slovakia, through Ukraine, set to expire at the end of this year. Dnes som sa v Moskve pracovne stretol s prezidentom RF V. Putinom. Znova pripomínam, že presadzujem suverénnu politiku... Fico said Zelenskyy’s decision would harm his country’s interests and economy, opting to seek an alternative arrangement with Putin instead of sourcing an alternative to Russian gas. Zelenskyy took to X saying the dependency and purchase of Russian gas helps Putin earn money to fund his war on Ukraine. “We are losing people as a result of the war that Putin started, and we believe that such assistance to Putin is immoral.” “Moscow provides significant discounts to Fico, but Slovakia pays for them. Such discounts are not free, payments to Russia are made through sovereignty or murky schemes. This should be a matter of concern for Slovakia's law enforcement and special services,” continued Zelenskyy. Zelenskyy says that evidence of such financing was revealed in last week’s Summit in Brussels. “Leaders observed that Mr. Fico does not want to participate in the common European work on energy independence or seek replacement for Russian gas, but rather wants to assist Russia in pushing American gas and energy resources of other partners away from Europe,” added the Ukrainian president. Zelenskyy noted that Fico had even refused compensations offered to Slovakia to ease the transition period as Europe looks to decrease its reliance on Russian energy. The Ukrainian leader implied that the Kremlin had incentivised Fico monetarily to ensure Slovakia’s continued interest in only Russian gas. “It is not a security issue for him. He is interested specifically in the Russian gas and the matter’s worth is 500 million U.S. dollars per year. Other profits come from the oil pipe that runs through the Ukrainian territory and gives another 500 million U.S. dollars per year, which helps Mr. Fico.” Thousands of people took part in anti-government protests in the capital, Bratislava, on Monday after the Slovak premier’s surprise talks with Putin. Protesters held placards calling Fico a traitor and denouncing him as their prime minister. In a post on X, Michal Šimečka, leader of Slovakia’s largest opposition party, Progressive Slovakia, called Fico’s visit a source of shame for the country, likening it to betraying their national interests and partners. He continued accusing his rival of making Slovakia a tool of the Kremlin’s propaganda machine, insisting Fico should have negotiated with Ukraine if gas was truly his point of concern. Russian troops have reportedly made significant advancements in various Ukrainian territories, leaving Kiev’s forces on the back foot. Ukraine has lost territory to Russian forces in the northeastern Kharkiv Oblast and eastern Donetsk Oblast regions, according to Ukrainian media outlets. The Kremlin’s gains in the region were kickstarted by Russia’s capturing of Avdiivka in February, paving the way for major offensives to batter Ukraine’s eastern fronts for the remainder of the year. Several key industrial cities in the Donetsk region quickly fell to Russian attacks, as Ukraine, struggling with troop shortages is now ending the year having ceded multiple key territories. Ukrainian media also reports that a Russian counteroffensive involving North Korean troops may be imminent, offering little respite or prospect for a positive change on the battleground.

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LOWELL — On Friday, Dec. 6, Congresswoman Lori Trahan announced Chelmsford High School students Obinna Onyemauwa, Wilson Ochie and Kensmyth Taveras as the winners of the 3rd Congressional District’s annual Congressional App Challenge. Their app, “Ecosense,” was selected by a local judges from the pool of submissions from middle and high school students who participated in this year’s competition. “Every year, I continue to be amazed by the sheer talent, ingenuity, and technological expertise of students across the Third District who participate in the Congressional App Challenge. It’s truly inspiring to see our young people tackle global challenges using fresh, innovative solutions,” said Trahan. “I’m thrilled to announce this year’s winners, Obinna Onyemauwa, Wilson Ochie, and Kensmyth Taveras, who developed an app that teaches users about their community’s water quality levels and local ecosystems. Thank you to every student who participated in this year’s highly competitive challenge and made it a tough choice for our judges.” The “Ecosense” app provides data on nearby water stations and animal habitats, mapping geographic coordinates to locate species across the country. It tracks and records animals sighted, displays water quality statistics, and compares these to government safety standards. The app includes a collection of animal species names with timestamps for research accuracy and integrates AI-driven image recognition, using Yolo11 and Microsoft Azure, to identify animals captured in photos. Additionally, it pulls data from government databases and incorporates animations to enhance the user experience. “The impact this app has potential to do is vast, from helping local universities with their research, providing information on organism habitats & environmental water quality statistics to helping the everyday person learn about the changes happening to the earth & allowing them to make an informed decision on what they consume,” said Onyemauwa, Ochie and Taveras.

What happens when 'The Simpsons' join 'Monday Night Football'? Find out during Bengals-CowboysBy CHRISTINE FERNANDO CHICAGO (AP) — As Donald Trump’s Cabinet begins to take shape, those on both sides of the abortion debate are watching closely for clues about how his picks might affect reproductive rights policy in the president-elect’s second term . Trump’s cabinet picks offer a preview of how his administration could handle abortion after he repeatedly flip-flopped on the issue on the campaign trail. He attempted to distance himself from anti-abortion allies by deferring to states on abortion policy, even while boasting about nominating three Supreme Court justices who helped strike down the constitutional protections for abortion that had stood for half a century. In an NBC News interview that aired Sunday, Trump said he doesn’t plan to restrict medication abortion but also seemed to leave the door open, saying “things change.” “Things do change, but I don’t think it’s going to change at all,” he said. The early lineup of his new administration , including nominations to lead health agencies, the Justice Department and event the Department of Veterans Affairs, has garnered mixed — but generally positive — reactions from anti-abortion groups. Abortion law experts said Trump’s decision to include fewer candidates with deep ties to the anti-abortion movement could indicate that abortion will not be a priority for Trump’s administration. “It almost seems to suggest that President Trump might be focusing his administration in other directions,” said Greer Donley, an associate law professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. Karen Stone, vice president of public policy at Planned Parenthood Action Fund , said while many of the nominees have “extensive records against reproductive health care,” some do not. She cautioned against making assumptions based on Trump’s initial cabinet selections. Still, many abortion rights groups are wary, in part because many of the nominees hold strong anti-abortion views even if they do not have direct ties to anti-abortion activists. They’re concerned that an administration filled with top-level officials who are personally opposed to abortion could take steps to restrict access to the procedure and funding. After Trump’s ambiguity about abortion during his campaign, “there’s still a lot we don’t know about what policy is going to look like,” said Mary Ruth Ziegler, a law professor at the University of California, Davis School of Law. That approach may be revealed as the staffs within key departments are announced. Trump announced he would nominate anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to lead the Health and Human Services Department, which anti-abortion forces have long targeted as central to curtailing abortion rights nationwide. Yet Kennedy shifted on the issue during his own presidential campaign. In campaign videos, Kennedy said he supports abortion access until viability , which doctors say is sometime after 21 weeks, although there is no defined timeframe. But he also said “every abortion is a tragedy” and argued for a national ban after 15 weeks of pregnancy, a stance he quickly walked back. The head of Health and Human Services oversees Title X funding for a host of family planning services and has sweeping authority over agencies that directly affect abortion access, including the Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The role is especially vital amid legal battles over a federal law known as EMTALA, which President Joe Biden’s administration has argued requires emergency abortion access nationwide, and FDA approval of the abortion pill mifepristone. Mini Timmaraju, president of the national abortion rights organization Reproductive Freedom for All, called Kennedy an “unfit, unqualified extremist who cannot be trusted to protect the health, safety and reproductive freedom of American families.” His potential nomination also has caused waves in the anti-abortion movement. Former Vice President Mike Pence , a staunch abortion opponent, urged the Senate to reject Kennedy’s nomination. Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the national anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, said the group had its own concerns about Kennedy. “There’s no question that we need a pro-life HHS secretary,” she said. Fox News correspondent Marty Makary is Trump’s pick to lead the FDA, which plays a critical role in access to medication abortion and contraception. Abortion rights groups have accused him of sharing misinformation about abortion on air. Russell Vought , a staunch anti-abortion conservative, has been nominated for director of the Office of Management and Budget. Vought was a key architect of Project 2025 , a right-wing blueprint for running the federal government. Among other actions to limit reproductive rights, it calls for eliminating access to medication abortion nationwide, cutting Medicaid funding for abortion and restricting access to contraceptive care, especially long-acting reversible contraceptives such as IUD’s. Despite distancing himself from the conservative manifesto on the campaign trail, Trump is stocking his administration with people who played central roles in developing Project 2025. Trump acknowledged that drafters of the report would be part of his incoming administration during the Sunday interview with NBC News, saying “Many of those things I happen to agree with.” “These cabinet appointments all confirm that Project 2025 was in fact the blueprint all along, and the alarm we saw about it was warranted,” said Amy Williams Navarro, director of government relations for Reproductive Freedom for All. Dr. Mehmet Oz , Trump’s choice to lead the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, is a former television talk show host who has been accused of hawking dubious medical treatments and products. He voiced contradictory abortion views during his failed Senate run in 2022. Oz has described himself as “strongly pro-life, praised the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade , claimed “life starts at conception” and referred to abortion as “murder.” But he also has echoed Trump’s states-rights approach, arguing the federal government should not be involved in abortion decisions. “I want women, doctors, local political leaders, letting the democracy that’s always allowed our nation to thrive to put the best ideas forward so states can decide for themselves,” he said during a Senate debate two years ago. An array of reproductive rights groups opposed his Senate run. As CMS administrator, Oz would be in a key position to determine Medicaid coverage for family planning services and investigate potential EMTALA violations. Related Articles National Politics | In promising to shake up Washington, Trump is in a class of his own National Politics | Election Day has long passed. In some states, legislatures are working to undermine the results National Politics | Trump taps his attorney Alina Habba to serve as counselor to the president National Politics | Donald Trump doesn’t appear to measure up to Prince William’s 6′ 3′′ National Politics | Man in custody had a gun, mask and writings tying him to killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO, police say As Florida’s attorney general, Pam Bondi defended abortion restrictions, including a 24-hour waiting period. Now she’s Trump’s choice for attorney general . Her nomination is being celebrated by abortion opponents but denounced by abortion rights groups concerned she may revive the Comstock Act , an anti-vice law passed by Congress in 1873 that, among other things, bans mailing of medication or instruments used in abortion. An anti-abortion and anti-vaccine former Florida congressman, David Weldon, has been chosen to lead the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which collects and monitors abortion data across the country. Former Republican congressman Doug Collins is Trump’s choice to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs amid a political battle over abortion access and funding for troops and veterans. Collins voted consistently to restrict funding and access to abortion and celebrated the overturning of Roe v. Wade. “This is a team that the pro-life movement can work with,” said Kristin Hawkins, president of the national anti-abortion organization Students for Life.None

MacKenzie Scott gives rare third gift to medical debt relief group

ENGLEWOOD, Colo. (AP) — Cornerback Riley Moss is “good to go” for the Denver Broncos' crucial game at Cincinnati on Saturday. Read this article for free: Already have an account? To continue reading, please subscribe: * ENGLEWOOD, Colo. (AP) — Cornerback Riley Moss is “good to go” for the Denver Broncos' crucial game at Cincinnati on Saturday. Read unlimited articles for free today: Already have an account? ENGLEWOOD, Colo. (AP) — Cornerback Riley Moss is “good to go” for the Denver Broncos’ crucial game at Cincinnati on Saturday. “He’s doing good,” coach Sean Payton said Thursday. “He’ll be ready to go.” The Broncos (9-6), who would end their eight-year playoff drought with a win or a tie against the Bengals (7-8), have sorely missed the second-year pro from Iowa since he sprained an MCL against Las Vegas in Week 12. The Broncos allowed 26.3 points per game during his absence. With Moss in the lineup opposite superstar Patrick Surtain II, Denver gave up just 16.8 points per game. Aside from allowing defensive coordinator Vance Joseph to go back to employing more man coverage, Riley’s return is expected to give the Broncos defense back its bite. “I think he’s got an awfully competitive juice, yeah, I would say you definitely felt his absence, not just physically as a player but also his presence,” Payton said. Earlier this week, Surtain said, “it’s great to have him back” at practice. “I mean, you talk about a guy who was playing lights-out before the injury, but to see him back out there with confidence, out there practicing, getting his mojo back, it brings a lot of confidence to the team.” Moss has enjoyed a breakout season in Denver with 71 tackles, eight pass breakups and an interception. He played in 14 games as a rotation player his rookie season after recovering from core muscle surgery that relegated him to special teams and spot duty in 2023. Moss wasn’t available for comment Thursday as he was receiving treatment during the locker room access period. Moss has been the perfect complement to Surtain because of the physical play, bravado and the production he provides as opposing offenses shy away from Surtain. “It’s going to be really good” having him back on the field, outside linebacker Nik Bonitto said. “I mean, I know the work that he’s been putting in to get back and just knowing the type of season that he’s had I’m just happy that he’s going to be able to come back against an opponent like this.” Denver’s defense hasn’t been the same without Moss. The Broncos allowed 32 points to the Cleveland Browns when former teammate Jerry Jeudy caught nine passes for a career-best 235 yards. Jonathan Taylor’s unforced fumble at the goal line as he was about to score a 41-yard touchdown and give Indianapolis a 20-3 lead saved the Broncos in Week 15 and allowed Denver to seize momentum and get the victory. And Denver couldn’t stop Justin Herbert, who led the Los Angeles Chargers back from a double-digit third-quarter deficit for a 34-27 win last week. ___ AP NFL: https://apnews.com/hub/nfl AdvertisementJERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s attorney general has ordered police to open an investigation into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s wife on suspicion of harassing political opponents and a witness in the Israeli leader’s corruption trial. The Israeli Justice Ministry made the announcement in a terse message late Thursday, saying the investigation would focus on the findings of a recent report by the “Uvda” investigative program into Sara Netanyahu. The program uncovered a trove of WhatsApp messages in which Mrs. Netanyahu appears to instruct a former aide to organize protests against political opponents and to intimidate Hadas Klein, a key witness in the trial. The announcement did not mention Mrs. Netanyahu by name, and the Justice Ministry declined further comment. But in a video released earlier Thursday, Netanyahu listed what he said were the many kind and charitable acts by his wife and blasted the Uvda report as “lies.” “My opponents on the left and in the media found a new-old target. They mercilessly attack my wife, Sara,” he said. He called the program ”false propaganda, nasty propaganda that brings up lies from the darkness.” It was the latest in a long line of legal troubles for the Netanyahus — highlighted by the prime minister's ongoing corruption trial . The pair have also had a rocky relationship with the Israeli media. Netanyahu is charged with fraud, breach of trust and accepting bribes in a series of cases alleging he exchanged favors with powerful media moguls and wealthy associates. Netanyahu denies the charges and says he is the victim of a “witch hunt” by overzealous prosecutors, police and the media. The report obtained correspondence between Sara Netanyahu and Hanni Bleiweiss, a former aide to the prime minister who died of cancer last year. The messages indicated that Sara Netanyahu encouraged police to crack down violently on anti-government protesters and ordered Bleiweiss to organize protests against her husband's critics. She also told Bleiweiss to get activists in Netanyahu's Likud party to publish attacks on Klein. Klein is an aide to billionaire Hollywood mogul Arnon Milchan and has testified in the corruption case about her role in delivering tens of thousands of dollars worth of champagne, cigars and gifts to Netanyahu for her boss. According to the report, Sara Netanyahu mistreated Bleiweiss, prompting her to share the messages with a reporter shortly before her death. Sara Netanyahu has been accused of abusive behavior toward her personal staff before. This, together with accusations of excessive spending and using public money for her own extravagant personal tastes, has earned her an image as being out of touch with everyday Israelis. In 2019, she was fined for misusing state funds. National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who oversees police and has repeatedly said Attorney General Gali Baharav Miara should be fired over a series of grievances against her, said the latest announcement was another reason for her to be dismissed. “Someone who politically persecutes government ministers and their families cannot continue to serve as the attorney general,” he said. And Justice Minister Yariv Levin, another Netanyahu ally and critic of Baharav Miara, accused her of focusing on “television gossip.” “Selective enforcement is a crime!” he said in a statement. AP correspondents Eleanor H. Reich in New York and Isaac Scharf in Jerusalem contributed reporting.

Israeli attorney general orders probe into report that alleged Netanyahu's wife harassed opponentsSUNNYVALE, CA / ACCESSWIRE / December 23, 2024 / TechStar Acquisition Corporation, a special purpose acquisition company listed in Hong Kong, announced that it entered a Business Combination Agreement with Seyond, a solution provider of high fidelity, high-performance LiDAR and intelligent sensing systems. Upon completion of the merger, Seyond is expected to be successfully listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The agreed valuation for this De-SPAC transaction is 11.7 billion Hong Kong dollars. Additionally, Seyond has introduced three PIPE investors with a cumulative investment of approximately 553.1 million Hong Kong dollars. Previously, Seyond has garnered investments from a host of prestigious institutions, including NIO Capital, Temasek, ERVC, Gaorong Ventures, Joy Capital, BAI Capital, Shunwei Capital, and Guotai Junan Venture Capital, among others. Established in 2016, Seyond specializes in providing automotive-grade LiDAR solutions for autonomous driving and a variety of automotive and non-automotive applications. As the first company to achieve mass production of automotive-grade high-performance LiDAR, Seyond ranked first globally in sales revenue of passenger car LiDAR solutions in 2022 and 2023. Rigorously tested with proven automotive-grade reliability and lifetime, Falcon, the flagship 1550nm LiDAR sensor for high-level autonomous driving, is mass-produced, with over 400,000 units delivered globally. Additionally, Seyond achieved a design win for its 905nm wavelength LiDAR products with a leading new energy automotive OEM, becoming the only company in the LiDAR industry with mass production experience in both 1550nm and 905nm products. In addition to the automotive market, Seyond is strategically expanding into the robotic and intelligent transportation markets with combined revenue opportunities of over USD 260 billion globally by 2031, aiming to create a more substantial revenue scale. Seyond is looking forward to embarking on this exciting new journey with its investors, partners, and customers. On January 7-10, the company will exhibit its latest technology at CES 2025 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Attendees visiting Booth #5060 will learn how Seyond's LiDAR solutions power intelligent systems worldwide. About Seyond SeyondTM is a global leader in high fidelity LiDAR solutions, powering a safer, smarter and more mobile world across the automotive, intelligent transportation, robotics and infrastructure industries. Seyond delivers a dynamic portfolio of robust, high resolution LiDAR sensors, perception software, and the Seyond ITS Management Platform (SIMPL). Founded in Silicon Valley with a global footprint, Seyond is dedicated to the highest quality engineering and manufacturing, and unwavering commitment to our customers. About TechStar TechStar is a special purpose acquisition company incorporated for the purpose of effecting a business combination with one or more businesses, with efforts concentrated on companies in new economy sectors, including but not limited to innovative technology, advanced manufacturing, healthcare, life sciences, culture and entertainment, consumer and e-commerce, green energy and climate actions industries. TechStar completed an offering comprising 100,100,000 TechStar Class A Shares at an offer price of HK$10.00 per TechStar Class A Share and 50,050,000 TechStar Listed Warrants on December 23, 2022. CONTACT: Name: Sally Frykman Email: sally.frykman@seyond.com SOURCE: Seyond View the original on accesswire.com

VANCOUVER, BC , Dec. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Seaspan Corporation (Seaspan), world leading independent containership lessor, has signed an agreement to equip its fleet with the OneWeb advanced low-earth orbit (LEO) satellite offering from KVH Industries. This marks the next step in Seaspan's drive to deliver shore-like internet connectivity at sea, supporting its digital transformation strategy and augmenting its fleet's existing LEO services. As an early adopter of LEO technologies, Seaspan is the first major owner/operator of containerships to partner with KVH for its OneWeb solution. Seaspan's OneWeb rollout will further strengthen the fleet's data connectivity infrastructure, enabling Seaspan to leverage advanced technologies and high bandwidth-demanding applications, including solutions such as cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) technology that were previously unsuitable for maritime use. "Our partnership with KVH for OneWeb services aligns with our strategy of providing a best-in-class communication experience across our fleet," said Garret Wong , Seaspan's Vice President of Information Technology. "This initiative brings us closer to realizing shore-like connectivity at sea while enhancing efficiency, safety, and seafarer welfare." Adrian Alb, Senior Manager of IT Operations at Seaspan, added "LEO satellite technologies have set a new benchmark for vessel communications, offering high-bandwidth, low latency, and reliability far beyond traditional marine satellite solutions. This collaboration with KVH aligns with our goal of enhancing provider diversity and minimizing geographical blackout zones, further bolstering the robustness of our satellite communications infrastructure." Chad Impey , Senior Vice President for Global Sales at KVH, commented, "We are proud to support Seaspan with the planned deployment of OneWeb service and hardware as part of our integrated KVH ONE multi-orbit, multi-channel network solution." With the integration of OneWeb LEO technology from KVH Industries, Seaspan continues to demonstrate its commitment to adopting cutting edge technologies enabling its fleet to meet the demands of modern maritime operations. About Seaspan Corporation Seaspan is the world's leading maritime asset-owner and operator focussed on long-term, fixed-rate leases to the world's most prominent shipping lines. As of September 30, 2024 , Seaspan's operating fleet consisted of 218 vessels, pro forma for undelivered newbuilds including PCTCs, with a total fleet capacity of approximately 2.3 million TEU on a fully delivered basis. For more information, visit seaspancorp.com . About KVH Industries, Inc. KVH Industries, Inc. is a global leader in maritime and mobile connectivity delivered via the KVH ONE® network. The company, founded in 1982, is based in Middletown, RI , with research, development, and manufacturing operations in Middletown, RI , and more than a dozen offices around the globe. KVH provides connectivity solutions for commercial maritime, leisure marine, military/government, and land mobile applications on vessels and vehicles, including the TracNetTM, TracPhone®, and TracVision product lines, the KVH ONE OpenNet Program for non-KVH antennas, AgilePlans® Connectivity as a Service (CaaS), and the KVH Link crew wellbeing content service. KVH Industries, Inc., has used, registered, or applied to register its trademarks in the USA and other countries around the world, including but not limited to the following marks: KVH, KVH ONE, TracVision, TracPhone, TracNet, and AgilePlans. Other trademarks are the property of their respective companies. View original content to download multimedia: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/seaspan-corporation-signs-agreement-with-kvh-to-equip-fleet-with-oneweb-low-earth-orbit-solution-302326768.html SOURCE Seaspan CorporationSAN ANTONIO , Nov. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The 2025 Hyundai Santa Cruz XRT has been named the Compact Truck of Texas at the Texas Auto Writers Association (TAWA) annual Truck Rodeo held Sept. 26-27, 2024 . The TAWA Texas Truck Rodeo is a prominent annual event where top automotive media evaluate new vehicles based on performance, value, and overall appeal. Competing against strong contenders, the updated 2025 Santa Cruz XRT impressed judges with its rugged design, advanced technology, and enhanced off-road capability. "We are thrilled to see the 2025 Hyundai Santa Cruz XRT recognized as the 'Compact Truck of Texas .' This award reflects our commitment to offering customers a versatile, fun-to-drive vehicle that is not only capable off-road but also packed with cutting-edge technology and design," said Ricky Lao , director of product planning, Hyundai Motor North America. "The Santa Cruz XRT brings together rugged capability with advanced safety features, making it the perfect choice for adventure-minded consumers seeking the best of both worlds." "The Texas Truck Rodeo is a premier event where vehicles are put to the test by seasoned automotive journalists, and the competition this year was fierce. The 2025 Hyundai Santa Cruz XRT stood out for its impressive blend of rugged off-road capability, cutting-edge technology, and unique design," said Cory Fourniquet , president, Texas Auto Writers Association. "This recognition as the 'Compact Truck of Texas' is well-deserved and highlights Hyundai's commitment to delivering versatile and innovative vehicles that meet the needs of Texas drivers." The 2025 Santa Cruz XRT, featuring a new aggressive front design, XRT-exclusive enhancements including front tow hooks, all-terrain tires, and wrench-inspired wheels, sets a new standard. The model's updated interior boasts a panoramic curved display with an available 12.3-inch driver information cluster and infotainment touchscreen display, alongside standard wireless Apple CarPlay® and Android AutoTM, providing an intuitivedriving experience. Hyundai Motor America Hyundai Motor America offers U.S. consumers a technology-rich lineup of cars, SUVs, and electrified vehicles, while supporting Hyundai Motor Company's Progress for Humanity vision. Hyundai has significant operations in the U.S., including its North American headquarters in California , the Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama assembly plant, the all-new Hyundai Motor Group Metaplant America, and several cutting-edge R&D facilities. These operations, combined with those of Hyundai's 835 independent dealers, contribute $20.1 billion annually and 190,000 jobs to the U.S. economy, according to a recent economic impact report . For more information, visit www.hyundainews.com . Hyundai Motor America on Twitter | YouTube | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | TikTok View original content to download multimedia: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/2025-hyundai-santa-cruz-xrt-named-compact-truck-of-texas-at-texas-auto-writers-associations-truck-rodeo-302314024.html SOURCE Hyundai

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BEIRUT (AP) — Insurgents' stunning march across Syria accelerated Saturday with news that they had reached the gates of the capital and that government forces had abandoned the central city of Homs. The government was forced to deny rumors that President Bashar Assad had fled the country. The loss of Homs is a potentially crippling blow for Assad. It stands at an important intersection between Damascus, the capital, and Syria’s coastal provinces of Latakia and Tartus — the Syrian leader’s base of support and home to a Russian strategic naval base. The pro-government Sham FM news outlet reported that government forces took positions outside Syria’s third-largest city, without elaborating. Rami Abdurrahman who heads the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said Syrian troops and members of different security agencies have withdrawn from the city, adding that rebels have entered parts of it. The insurgency announced later Saturday that it had taken over Homs. The city's capture is a major victory for the rebels, who have already seized the cities of Aleppo and Hama , as well as large parts of the south, in a lightning offensive that began Nov. 27. Analysts said rebel control of Homs would be a game-changer. The rebels' moves around Damascus, reported by the monitor and a rebel commander, came after the Syrian army withdrew from much of southern part of the country, leaving more areas, including several provincial capitals, under the control of opposition fighters. For the first time in the country’s long-running civil war, the government now has control of only three of 14 provincial capitals: Damascus, Latakia and Tartus. The advances in the past week were among the largest in recent years by opposition factions, led by a group that has its origins in al-Qaida and is considered a terrorist organization by the U.S. and the United Nations. In their push to overthrow Assad's government, the insurgents, led by the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham group, or HTS, have met little resistance from the Syrian army. The rapid rebel gains, coupled with the lack of support from Assad's erstwhile allies, posed the most serious threat to his rule since the start of the war. The U.N.’s special envoy for Syria, Geir Pedersen, on Saturday called for urgent talks in Geneva to ensure an “orderly political transition.” Speaking to reporters at the annual Doha Forum in Qatar, he said the situation in Syria was changing by the minute. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, whose country is Assad's chief international backer, said he feels “sorry for the Syrian people.” In Damascus, people rushed to stock up on supplies. Thousands went to Syria's border with Lebanon, trying to leave the country. Many shops in the capital were shuttered, a resident told The Associated Press, and those still open ran out of staples such as sugar. Some were selling items at three times the normal price. “The situation is very strange. We are not used to that,” the resident said, insisting on anonymity, fearing retributions. “People are worried whether there will be a battle (in Damascus) or not.” It was the first time that opposition forces reached the outskirts of Damascus since 2018, when Syrian troops recaptured the area following a yearslong siege. The U.N. said it was moving noncritical staff outside the country as a precaution. Syria’s state media denied social media rumors that Assad left the country, saying he is performing his duties in Damascus. He has had little, if any, help from his allies. Russia, is busy with its war in Ukraine . Lebanon’s Hezbollah, which at one point sent thousands of fighters to shore up Assad's forces, has been weakened by a yearlong conflict with Israel. Iran has seen its proxies across the region degraded by regular Israeli airstrikes. U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday posted on social media that that the United States should avoid engaging militarily in Syria. Pedersen said a date for talks in Geneva on the implementation a U.N. resolution, adopted in 2015, and calling for a Syrian-led political process, would be announced later. The resolution calls for the establishment of a transitional governing body, followed by the drafting of a new constitution and ending with U.N.-supervised elections. Later Saturday, foreign ministers and senior diplomats from eight key countries, including Saudi Arabia, Russia, Egypt, Turkey and Iran, along with Pederson, gathered on the sidelines of the Doha Summit to discuss the situation in Syria. In a statement issued late Saturday, the participants affirmed their support for a political solution to the Syrian crisis “that would lead to the end of military activity and protect civilians.” They also agreed on the importance of strengthening international efforts to increase aid to the Syrian people. Rami Abdurrahman, who heads the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition war monitor, said insurgents were in the Damascus suburbs of Maadamiyah, Jaramana and Daraya. Opposition fighters were marching toward the Damascus suburb of Harasta, he added. A commander with the insurgents, Hassan Abdul-Ghani, posted on the Telegram messaging app that opposition forces had begun the “final stage” of their offensive by encircling Damascus. HTS controls much of northwest Syria and in 2017 set up a “salvation government” to run day-to-day affairs in the region. In recent years, HTS leader Abu Mohammed al-Golani has sought to remake the group’s image, cutting ties with al-Qaida, ditching hard-line officials and vowing to embrace pluralism and religious tolerance. The shock offensive began Nov. 27, during which gunmen captured the northern city of Aleppo, Syria’s largest, and the central city of Hama , the country’s fourth largest city. Opposition activists said Saturday that a day earlier, insurgents entered Palmyra, which is home to invaluable archaeological sites had been in government hands since being taken from the Islamic State group in 2017. To the south, Syrian troops left much of the province of Quneitra including the main Baath City, activists said. Syrian Observatory said government troops have withdrawn from much of the two southern provinces. The Syrian army said in a statement that it carried out redeployment and repositioning in Sweida and Daraa after its checkpoints came under attack by “terrorists." The army said it was setting up a “strong and coherent defensive and security belt in the area,” apparently to defend Damascus from the south. The Syrian government has referred to opposition gunmen as terrorists since conflict broke out in March 2011. The foreign ministers of Iran, Russia and Turkey, meeting in Qatar, called for an end to the hostilities. Turkey is a main backer of the rebels. Qatar's top diplomat, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, criticized Assad for failing to take advantage of the lull in fighting in recent years to address the country’s underlying problems. “Assad didn’t seize this opportunity to start engaging and restoring his relationship with his people,” he said. Sheikh Mohammed said he was surprised by how quickly the rebels have advanced and said there is a real threat to Syria’s “territorial integrity.” He said the war could “damage and destroy what is left if there is no sense of urgency” to start a political process. Karam reported from London. Associated Press writers Albert Aji in Damascus, Syria; Qassim Abdul-Zahra in Baghdad; Josef Federman and Victoria Eastwood in Doha, Qatar; and Ellen Knickmeyer in Washington contributed to this report.FIFA vice-president says Canada’s drone-spying at Olympics was ‘completely stupid’OAKLAND — The race to be Oakland’s next mayor may have officially kicked off Monday, but the starting line is eerily quiet — and may continue to be until Rep. Barbara Lee about whether to run. Lee, the longtime East Bay congresswoman and stalwart of progressive politics, said late last week in a social media post that she will announce her decision in early January, noting the decision was “not one I take lightly.” In the meantime, Lee has held numerous private meetings with city officials about the issues affecting Oakland, from the ongoing budget crisis to homelessness to policing, two sources with direct knowledge of those conversations told this news organization. The policy “deep dive,” as a source not authorized to speak publicly put it, might offer reassurance to skeptics who worry that the retiring legislator, who has represented Oakland, Alameda, Berkeley and San Leandro in Congress since 1998, would struggle to adapt to running a city full-time. But the larger consequence of Lee’s decision-making timeline is that the run-up to the April 15 special election to has largely stalled. Most candidates are holding off until Lee makes a move. Hours after the formal start on Monday of the candidate filing period, which lasts until Jan. 17, only two people had scheduled appointments to pull papers for the office — and , a pair of fringe prospects who are unlikely to make a dent in the race. Loren Taylor, the runner-up in the 2022 mayoral election, said Monday he plans to pull papers in the coming days, noting in an interview that his desire to help Oakland grow as a city won’t be affected by whom he’s running against. But others, such as former Councilmember Ignacio De La Fuente and lobbyist Isaac Kos-Read, have said they’re holding off. “To be candid, I’m getting a little restless — but out of respect I have to wait,” De La Fuente said Monday in an interview. “Hopefully, she’ll make a decision soon.” An by numerous Oakland leaders urging Lee to run included sign-offs from City Council members Nikki Fortunato Bas, Treva Reid and Dan Kalb, as well as prospective candidate Kos-Read. The letter included signatures from both labor leaders and local political figures who otherwise have often clashed on issues like crime and public spending. “We need someone who can bring the new ideas, policies, resources and opportunities that the people of Oakland deserve,” the letter read. “That person is Barbara Lee.” There are other examples of weighty political races symbolically put on hold amid “will they, won’t they” tension involving potential candidates, including late in 1998. But the upcoming special election in Oakland is unique in how strongly some local leaders seem to be thinking past the election entirely in their overtures to Lee, said political expert Dan Schnur. “These communities and business and labor leaders aren’t begging her to run because they think she’s the only one who can win,” Schnur said. “They think she’s the only one who can govern.” The clearest sign of how many in the city view Lee — who has often weighed in on local affairs to or or — might be a billboard that popped up in recent weeks along Interstate 880 in East Oakland. “Thank You, Barbara Lee,” it reads, “for bringing over half a billion dollars of federal funds into Oakland in 2024!” The billboard, hoisted near the highway’s High Street exit, also links to a website, thankyoubarbaralee.com, which lists some of Lee’s accomplishments and includes a sign-up form “to add your name to our letter of gratitude!” Both the physical and digital ads were created by the East Oakland Youth Development Center. Selena Wilson, the nonprofit’s CEO, said the gesture had nothing to do with the upcoming special election and was solely intended to honor the congresswoman for her longtime support of the center. Nationally, Lee is perhaps best known for being the only member of Congress to oppose the use of military force following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Her entry into the race would bring a layer of gravitas to the top political office in Oakland, a city whose reputation took a hit after crime rose and the economy declined during the pandemic. But it may also bring back memories of the mayoral tenure of the late Rep. Ron Delllums, whose decorated legacy was hurt by the perception that he was an absentee leader during the Great Recession, or former Gov. Jerry Brown, whose time as mayor coincided with the infamous Riders police brutality scandal. Taylor, meanwhile, is steadfast about wanting to lead, an ambition that has not diminished in the two years by fewer than 700 ranked-choice votes. “I think the fact that the others are playing a game of political calculus,” he said, “is indicative of where their leadership commitment is and how confident they are in what they’re bringing to the table.”OkaVate Inc. & Global Organization for Economic Development Fund Association (GOEDFA)

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