Having macroeconomic and financial system stability being restored, the focus should shift towards enhancing growth prospects that are both inclusive and sustainable 2024 is a year to be remembered in Sri Lanka’s economic journey since many challenges faced by the country have significantly eased. Sri Lanka is returning to normal after recurring economic shocks since 2019, including the Easter Sunday attack, the pandemic, and the economic crisis. The global economy also exhibited economic resilience amidst multiple challenges, with a soft landing compared to what was feared. Meanwhile, geopolitical conditions became unfavourable. Let’s dive deeper into these. In 2024, Sri Lanka made notable progress in restoring macroeconomic and financial system stability. Following a selective debt-standstill announcement in 2022, external debt restructuring negotiations were concluded in 2024. Subsequently, the country exited the restricted default status it had experienced over two and a half years. Further, the sovereign rating was upgraded by several notches, thus reducing the country’s risk premium substantially. The Extend Fund Facility of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) continued successfully and the Executive Board's approval for the second review and staff-level agreement for the third review were reached in 2024. These developments, along with political stability built on a stronger mandate, helped ease market conditions and enhance bullish market sentiments during the latter part of the year. The key macroeconomic indicators improved compared to alarming levels that prevailed in recent years. Inflationary pressures eased notably, and the country recorded temporary deflation after several years. This allowed the easing of monetary conditions further during the year to support credit expansion and economic activity. Moreover, economic growth recovered at a faster pace, facilitated by low interest rates, improved economic sentiments, reviving domestic and external demand, and a lower statistical base of growth in 2023. Importantly, persistent imbalances in the fiscal sector were largely adjusted through fiscal consolidation measures and improved fiscal discipline. Buffers of foreign reserves to withstand external shocks were improved, supported by continuous forex purchases by the Central Bank. Meanwhile, reflecting the external current account surplus supported by increased net inflows of forex and positive market sentiments, exchange rate appreciation continued in 2024 as well. These improvements on the external front alongside the need to increase fiscal revenue prompted the Government to consider the relaxation of remaining import restrictions by the end of the year. In addition to the improvements on the macroeconomic front, the financial sector resilience also improved, and any financial sector catastrophe was avoided decisively. Key financial soundness indicators, including capital adequacy, credit quality, liquidity, and profitability, have shown improvement in the year. Completion of the restructuring of foreign currency debt held by the banks reduced the uncertainties and risks to the banks. Prominently, the legal framework governing the banking system was further strengthened to enhance the soundness of the banking sector, including the areas of governance, related party transactions, large exposure, and ownership. Money market and financial market performances were enhanced, and the stock market reached new heights. Nevertheless, the scarring effect of the prolonged economic hardships on the people and businesses remains. Targeted policy measures to support the most vulnerable segment of the population and businesses would offer temporary relief for survival. Nevertheless, improving inclusive economic growth prospects would be a lasting solution to this problem. Global economic prospects revived, even amidst tighter disinflationary policies of central banks and continued stiff financial conditions. However, global growth over the medium term is projected to hover below the averages recorded before the pandemic. Inflation in many countries returned closer to the targeted levels, after spikes observed during 2022-2023. This disinflation record without leading to global recession is commendable, thanks to the synchronised monetary policy measures and eased global supply. Subsequently, consistent reduction in inflation and anchored inflation expectations facilitated transition towards broad-based monetary policy easing. In 2024, major advanced countries, including the USA, UK, and European Union, began to reduce policy interest rates, after maintaining tighter monetary stance in 2022 and 2023. Meanwhile, prices of key commodities, such as crude oil, LP gas, coal, and agricultural products, exhibited less volatility and stabilised at a lower level, due to an improvement in demand-supply mismatches. The US dollar strengthened against its major rivals, as measured by the US dollar index. Several political developments unfolded this year with many countries electing new political administrations. Shifting major policy priorities in global superpowers, particularly the USA, could shape the global geoeconomic and social dynamics in the period ahead. In general, fiscal performance worsened globally in 2024 and fiscal sustainability concerns have resurfaced. Global public debt widened in 2024 and is set to increase further in the coming years. Even though it is mainly driven by the USA and China, increasing public debt is becoming a widespread issue. Moreover, fiscal vulnerabilities are emerging further, prompting warnings from multilateral agencies on the high likelihood of sovereign distress in many countries. From a medium-term perspective, pursuing fiscal adjustment through fiscal consolidation, building fiscal buffers along with enhancing fiscal governance would help mitigate the lingering effects of debt unsustainability and the need for painful one-time fiscal adjustments. The time is conducive now, as easing global monetary conditions creates space for countries to absorb the impact of fiscal tightening. On the financial front, the near-term risks to global financial stability remain muted, supported by stable macroeconomic conditions and easing monetary conditions. However, the possible spillovers of growing economic and geopolitical uncertainties on economic sectors and financial system cannot be ruled out. Meanwhile, social indicators, including poverty reduction, gender equality, and female labour force participation, did not show any significant progress during the year, and thus requiring continuous global attention. Sri Lanka has once again demonstrated its resilience by emerging from the deepest economic crisis in record time. This was possible through decisive policy measures involving multiple stakeholders and international partners. However, it is essential not to become complacent and to continue prioritising structural reforms. Sri Lankans have now fully understood the cost and implications of persistent economic imbalances and macroeconomic instability. Any step forward should be taken cautiously to circumvent backtracking from the strong reform agenda. Having macroeconomic and financial system stability being restored, the focus should shift towards enhancing growth prospects that are both inclusive and sustainable. Reforms aimed at addressing remaining structural economic issues and vulnerabilities should continue in the same spirit. Since the global environment is becoming ever more unpredictable, Sri Lanka should build buffers in its external, fiscal, financial, and monetary sectors to withstand externally driven shocks with minimal adjustment cost. Additionally, Sri Lanka needs to adapt to global megatrends, such as climate change, geoeconomic fragmentation, the adoption of artificial intelligence, and the aging population. Such preparation will empower Sri Lanka to navigate the evolving global landscape effectively in the years to come.
Recap of 2024 on economic perspectiveOn the other hand, supporters of LeBron's heavy playing time argue that he knows his body best and has a proven track record of maintaining peak performance throughout a grueling season. As a leader on and off the court, James sets the tone for the Lakers and sets an example for younger players with his relentless work ethic and dedication to the game.
The construction industry plays a vital role in driving economic growth and development, but this should not come at the expense of the safety and dignity of workers. It is imperative for all stakeholders, including government agencies, employers, and workers themselves, to work together to create a more just and sustainable working environment.WASHINGTON — Jimmy Carter, the earnest Georgia peanut farmer who as U.S. president struggled with a bad economy and the Iran hostage crisis but brokered peace between Israel and Egypt and later received the Nobel Peace Prize for his humanitarian work, has died, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported on Sunday. He was 100. A Democrat, he served as president from January 1977 to January 1981 after defeating incumbent Republican President Gerald Ford in the 1976 U.S. election. Carter was swept from office four years later in an electoral landslide as voters embraced Republican challenger Ronald Reagan, the former actor and California governor. ADVERTISEMENT Carter lived longer after his term in office than any other U.S. president. Along the way, he earned a reputation as a better former president than he was a president -- a status he readily acknowledged. His one-term presidency was marked by the highs of the 1978 Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt, bringing some stability to the Middle East. But it was dogged by an economy in recession, persistent unpopularity and the embarrassment of the Iran hostage crisis that consumed his final 444 days in office. In recent years, Carter had experienced several health issues including melanoma that spread to his liver and brain. Carter decided to receive hospice care in February 2023 instead of undergoing additional medical intervention. His wife, Rosalynn Carter, died on Nov. 19, 2023, at age 96. He looked frail when he attended her memorial service and funeral in a wheelchair. Carter left office profoundly unpopular but worked energetically for decades on humanitarian causes. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 in recognition of his "untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development." Carter had been a centrist as governor of Georgia with populist tendencies when he moved into the White House as the 39th U.S. president. He was a Washington outsider at a time when America was still reeling from the Watergate scandal that led Republican Richard Nixon to resign as president in 1974 and elevated Ford from vice president. "I'm Jimmy Carter and I'm running for president. I will never lie to you," Carter promised with an ear-to-ear smile. Asked to assess his presidency, Carter said in a 1991 documentary: "The biggest failure we had was a political failure. I never was able to convince the American people that I was a forceful and strong leader." ADVERTISEMENT Despite his difficulties in office, Carter had few rivals for accomplishments as a former president. He gained global acclaim as a tireless human rights advocate, a voice for the disenfranchised and a leader in the fight against hunger and poverty, winning the respect that eluded him in the White House. Carter won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for his efforts to promote human rights and resolve conflicts around the world, from Ethiopia and Eritrea to Bosnia and Haiti. His Carter Center in Atlanta sent international election-monitoring delegations to polls around the world. A Southern Baptist Sunday school teacher since his teens, Carter brought a strong sense of morality to the presidency, speaking openly about his religious faith. He also sought to take some pomp out of an increasingly imperial presidency - walking, rather than riding in a limousine, in his 1977 inauguration parade. The Middle East was the focus of Carter's foreign policy. The 1979 Egypt-Israel peace treaty, based on the 1978 Camp David Accords, ended a state of war between the two neighbors. Carter brought Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin to the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland for talks. Later, as the accords seemed to be unraveling, Carter saved the day by flying to Cairo and Jerusalem for personal shuttle diplomacy. The treaty provided for Israeli withdrawal from Egypt's Sinai Peninsula and the establishment of diplomatic relations. Begin and Sadat each won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1978. By the 1980 election, the overriding issues were double-digit inflation, interest rates that exceeded 20% and soaring gas prices, as well as the Iran hostage crisis that brought humiliation to America. These issues marred Carter's presidency and undermined his chances of winning a second term. ADVERTISEMENT HOSTAGE CRISIS On Nov. 4, 1979, revolutionaries devoted to Iran's Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini had stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, seized the Americans present and demanded the return of the ousted shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, who was backed by the United States and was being treated in a U.S. hospital. The American public initially rallied behind Carter. But his support faded in April 1980 when a commando raid failed to rescue the hostages, with eight U.S. soldiers killed in an aircraft accident in the Iranian desert. Carter's final ignominy was that Iran held the 52 hostages until minutes after Reagan took his oath of office on Jan. 20, 1981, to replace Carter, then released the planes carrying them to freedom. In another crisis, Carter protested the former Soviet Union's 1979 invasion of Afghanistan by boycotting the 1980 Olympics in Moscow. He also asked the U.S. Senate to defer consideration of a major nuclear arms accord with Moscow. Unswayed, the Soviets remained in Afghanistan for a decade. Carter won narrow Senate approval in 1978 of a treaty to transfer the Panama Canal to the control of Panama despite critics who argued the waterway was vital to American security. He also completed negotiations on full U.S. ties with China. Carter created two new U.S. Cabinet departments -- education and energy. Amid high gas prices, he said America's "energy crisis" was "the moral equivalent of war" and urged the country to embrace conservation. "Ours is the most wasteful nation on earth," he told Americans in 1977. ADVERTISEMENT In 1979, Carter delivered what became known as his "malaise" speech to the nation, although he never used that word. "After listening to the American people I have been reminded again that all the legislation in the world can't fix what's wrong with America," he said in his televised address. "The threat is nearly invisible in ordinary ways. It is a crisis of confidence. It is a crisis that strikes at the very heart and soul and spirit of our national will. The erosion of our confidence in the future is threatening to destroy the social and the political fabric of America." As president, the strait-laced Carter was embarrassed by the behavior of his hard-drinking younger brother, Billy Carter, who had boasted: "I got a red neck, white socks, and Blue Ribbon beer." 'THERE YOU GO AGAIN' Jimmy Carter withstood a challenge from Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy for the 1980 Democratic presidential nomination but was politically diminished heading into his general election battle against a vigorous Republican adversary. Reagan, the conservative who projected an image of strength, kept Carter off balance during their debates before the November 1980 election. Reagan dismissively told Carter, "There you go again," when the Republican challenger felt the president had misrepresented Reagan's views during one debate. ADVERTISEMENT Carter lost the 1980 election to Reagan, who won 44 of the 50 states and amassed an Electoral College landslide. James Earl Carter Jr. was born on Oct. 1, 1924, in Plains, Georgia, one of four children of a farmer and shopkeeper. He graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1946, served in the nuclear submarine program and left to manage the family peanut farming business. He married his wife, Rosalynn, in 1946, a union he called "the most important thing in my life." They had three sons and a daughter. Carter became a millionaire, a Georgia state legislator and Georgia's governor from 1971 to 1975. He mounted an underdog bid for the 1976 Democratic presidential nomination, and out-hustled his rivals for the right to face Ford in the general election. With Walter Mondale as his vice presidential running mate, Carter was given a boost by a major Ford gaffe during one of their debates. Ford said that "there is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe and there never will be under a Ford administration," despite decades of just such domination. Carter edged Ford in the election, even though Ford actually won more states -- 27 to Carter's 23. Not all of Carter's post-presidential work was appreciated. Former President George W. Bush and his father, former President George H.W. Bush, both Republicans, were said to have been displeased by Carter's freelance diplomacy in Iraq and elsewhere. ADVERTISEMENT In 2004, Carter called the Iraq war launched in 2003 by the younger Bush one of the most "gross and damaging mistakes our nation ever made." He called George W. Bush's administration "the worst in history" and said Vice President Dick Cheney was "a disaster for our country." In 2019, Carter questioned Republican Donald Trump's legitimacy as president, saying "he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf." Trump responded by calling Carter "a terrible president." Carter also made trips to communist North Korea. A 1994 visit defused a nuclear crisis, as President Kim Il Sung agreed to freeze his nuclear program in exchange for resumed dialog with the United States. That led to a deal in which North Korea, in return for aid, promised not to restart its nuclear reactor or reprocess the plant's spent fuel. But Carter irked Democratic President Bill Clinton's administration by announcing the deal with North Korea's leader without first checking with Washington. In 2010, Carter won the release of an American sentenced to eight years hard labor for illegally entering North Korea. Carter wrote more than two dozen books, ranging from a presidential memoir to a children's book and poetry, as well as works about religious faith and diplomacy. His book "Faith: A Journey for All," was published in 2018. ______________________________________________________ This story was written by one of our partner news agencies. Forum Communications Company uses content from agencies such as Reuters, Kaiser Health News, Tribune News Service and others to provide a wider range of news to our readers. Learn more about the news services FCC uses here .Vivo X200 series will be launched in India very soon and the company has teased about it now. In India we will get X200, X200 Pro devices and not the X200 mini. The Vivo X200 mini is exclusive to China. Another important thing about the devices is that the colour options will be limited. The premium variant is likely to get a black color while the vanilla models are likely to get multiple colours. We have mentioned the specifications of the Vivo X200 and Vivo X200 Pro devices below. Vivo X200 features quad-curved 6.67” 10-bit LTPS display and HDR10+ support. The display can go up to 4500 nits and offers high-frequency PWM dimming for a flicker-free experience. The X200 gets a 50MP 1/1.56′′ Sony IMX921 sensor along with a 50MP IMX882 1/1.95′′ sensor. The third camera on the smartphone is a 50MP 15mm ultra-wide camera. The cameras are present on the round camera island along with an LED flash. The device offers a 5,800mAh BlueVolt battery with 90W wired charging support. On the other hand, the Vivo X200 Pro gets quad-curved 6.78” 10-bit LTPO AMOLED display with HDR10+ support. When it comes to camera specs, the X200 gets a 50MP primary camera with 1/1.28′′ sensor. The telephoto camera is a 200MP camera with 1/1.4′′ sensor. The third camera on the smartphone is a 50MP 15mm ultra-wide camera. The cameras are present on the round camera island along with an LED flash. In terms of battery, the device gets 6000mAh capacity battery with 90W wired charging support.
As the investigation into this troubling incident continues, it is hoped that the perpetrators will be brought to justice and that measures will be put in place to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. The safety and well-being of all members of society should be a top priority, and it is imperative that authorities take swift and decisive action to protect those who are most vulnerable.
Liana Leota. Photo: Michael Bradley Photography The franchise made the announcement this morning. Leota takes over the role from Jo Morrison, who was recently appointed head coach of the New Zealand Secondary Schools team. Based in the UK since 2016, Leota has spent the past three and a-half years working as technical coach with the England Roses. In 2022, she was appointed director of Super League franchise the Leeds Rhinos. She said the opportunity to bring her knowledge back to the Steel alongside head coach Wendy Frew cemented the decision to return to New Zealand. “I have been waiting for the right time for a while now. Our children have been asking to return home to be closer to our families. When there was an opening at Steel and with Wendy it was a no-brainer,” she said. A former Commonwealth Games gold medallist, Leota, 40, was a midcourt maestro for the Steel and its predecessor the Sting from 2007 to 2011 and was eager to link with Frew. Frew said she was “beyond excited” to connect with Leota in a new capacity. “She was an exceptional player, known for her X-factor and flair on the court, and I’ve had the privilege of watching her coaching journey in the UK with great interest,” she said. “Not only is she a close friend, but we also shared the experience of being teammates and co-captains. Now, as we take on this new challenge of leading a team together, it feels like an exciting new chapter for both of us. I can’t wait for La to bring her wealth of coaching experience into the Southern Steel environment and see the impact she will make.” Morrison, meanwhile, said she was "so grateful to have had the opportunity to work alongside an amazing management team for the past four years". "I have learnt so much and will be able to apply all of this rich learning to my next challenge."After Tesla CEO Elon Musk praised the AfD in an article published by a German daily, the leading candidate for chancellor, Friedrich Merz, hit back, decrying Musk's interference as "intrusive and pretentious." A senior German politician dismissed Elon Musk's public support for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) as unprecedented interference, labeling it "intrusive and pretentious." Friedrich Merz , the center-right candidate for chancellor in Germany's February 23 legislative election , lashed out at the Tesla CEO on Sunday, a day after Musk used an op-ed to describe the populist party as the "last spark of hope for this country." In the article published in German, Musk also praised the AfD's approach to regulation, taxes and market deregulation. The remarks have been fiercely criticized and a senior editor at Welt am Sonntag , the newspaper that published Musk's commentary, resigned in protest. The AFD is currently polling second behind Merz' conservative alliance — the same group that Angela Merkel led until 2021. German president announces early election in February 2025 To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video What did Merz say? "I cannot recall, in the history of Western democracies, that there has been a comparable case of interference in the electoral campaign of a friendly country," Merz, the head of the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party, told the Funke media group. Merz said: "Imagine for a brief moment, the — justified — reaction of Americans to a comparable article by a prominent German businessman in the New York Times backing an outsider in the US presidential election campaign." He added that Tesla's first gigafactory in Europe — built east of Berlin — would not have been approved if the far-right party was in power, "because it was the AfD that put up the most fierce resistance to this plant." Musk has insisted he has a legitimate interest in German politics because of the investments the electric carmaker has made. German democracy 'cannot be bought' Saskia Esken, co-leader of Chancellor Olaf Scholz's Social Democrats (SPD), also called out interference in the German election by the world's richest man. "In Elon Musk's world, democracy and workers' rights are obstacles to more profit," Esken told the Reuters news agency. "We say quite clearly: Our democracy is defensible and it cannot be bought." Another SPD lawmaker, Matthias Miersch, told the Handelsblatt business daily that it was "shameful and dangerous" that the Springer publishing house — which owns Welt am Sonntag — gave Musk "an official platform to promote the AfD." German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach on Saturday wrote on X: "The fact that political power is now increasingly easy to buy will cause great damage to democracy. If newspapers join in, they are digging their own graves." mm/dj (dpa, EPD, Reuters)Fresh FIR against PPS officer accused of sexual exploitationThe battle for positioning in the College Football Playoff race is nearing its homestretch as the Oregon Ducks maintain a firm grip on the No. 1 spot in the CFP rankings heading into Week 13. In advance of Saturday's games, college football analyst and former Heisman-winning quarterback Robert Griffin III unveiled his list of the top five "teams on the rise" in the country. Holding down the top two spots in Griffin's weekly rankings, which he again revealed via X on Friday, were two teams currently making moves in the Big 12 conference. However, Coach Deion Sanders and the Colorado Buffaloes ultimately netted top honors. Top 5 teams on the Rise 1. @CUBuffsFootball 2. @ASUFootball 3. @GamecockFB 4. @ArmyWP_Football 5. @SMUFB pic.twitter.com/dr3AptBsLm The Buffaloes (8-2, 6-1 in Big 12 play) have notched four consecutive wins and are fresh off a 49-24 victory over the Utah Utes (4-6, 1-6) at Folsom Field. In terms of points scored, it was Colorado's best output of the Sanders era. Quarterback Shedeur Sanders threw for 340 yards and three touchdowns with an interception in the contest. Meanwhile, the Heisman frontrunner, wide receiver/cornerback Travis Hunter, caught five balls for 55 yards and added three tackles and an interception. Ron Chenoy-Imagn Images Next up for the Buffaloes is a road bout with the Kansas Jayhawks (4-6, 3-4). Although Kansas has underperformed this season, the team is coming off an upset win over the BYU Cougars (9-1, 6-1) in Provo. Coming in at No. 2 on Griffin's list were the Arizona State Sun Devils (8-2, 5-2), winners of back-to-back games with last Saturday's 24-14 win over the Kansas State Wildcats (7-3, 4-3) at Bill Snyder Family Stadium. Sun Devils quarterback Sam Leavitt threw for 275 yards and three touchdowns in the victory, while wideout Jordyn Tyson racked up 176 yards on 12 catches, two of which went for a touchdown. Arizona State will host BYU at Mountain America Stadium on Saturday. Rounding out Griffin's top-five trending teams were the South Carolina Gamecocks (7-3, 5-3 SEC) at No. 3, Army Black Knights (9-0, 7-0 AAC) at No. 4 and SMU Mustangs (9-1, 6-0 ACC) at No. 5. Related: Shedeur Sanders Issues Apology After Colorado-Utah
GREENSBORO — The Greensboro Police Department, along with members of federal, state and other local policing agencies will help in escorting the body of fallen Greensboro Police Officer Michael T. Horan from Raleigh to Greensboro on Friday. The procession will begin at approximately 4:30 p.m., and police and other authorities will be stationed in tribute to Horan on overpasses along the route on Interstate 40 West into Guilford County. The cavalcade will then proceed to Hanes-Lineberry Funeral Home at 6000 W. Gate City Blvd. The public is asked not to park along the interstate or other highways along the route, stop traffic or put themselves in danger near traffic routes. Police officials also ask that the public not gather at Hanes-Lineberry, as the family has requested privacy on Friday. Funeral arrangements for Horan had not been completed late Thursday. People are also reading... Horan, a sworn officer with Greensboro Police since 2018 and an 18-year member of the U.S. Coast Guard, was shot and killed on Monday at the Food Lion at 4709 Lawndale Drive. He had responded to a report of an armed suspicious man inside the store. According to the police and investigators with the State Bureau of Investigation, Horan, 44, and suspect Tarell Isaac McMillian, 34, of Greensboro, struggled inside the store before Horan was shot about 11 a.m. Food Lion employees hand a bouquet of flowers to a driver passing through the parking lot of the store on Lawndale Avenue in Greensboro on Tuesday. Police officer Michael Horan was shot and killed inside the store on Monday. McMillian was arrested about 1 p.m. Monday near the border of Sampson and Duplin counties after a multi-county chase east from Greensboro and is charged with first-degree murder. Horan's death marks the second death of a Greensboro officer in less than one year. Sgt. Dale Nix, who was off-duty at the time, was shot and killed on Dec. 30 while attempting to stop a theft at Sheetz on Sandy Ridge Road in Greensboro. Donations to the family of Horan have streamed in steadily since Monday on the Help for Heroes fundraising site. With a goal of $120,000, the site had already garnered more than $110,000 by 3 p.m. Thursday. To contribute link to: https://helpahero.com/campaign/greensboro-police-officer-michael-t-horan ?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0kVOvx6WVpDkhgL8Pub0Ny-E8Mlc9gHPKh0TM2uV3H-eiT98r5nr6IDGw_aem_vJMgUHYdLmlNBjeZLLMnMw McMillian made a video court appearance on Thursday morning as rows of uniformed officers sat in a Guilford County District Courtroom in solidarity with Horan's family. Judge Michelle Fletcher presided and read McMillian's charges to him and appointed him a defense attorney from the state Capital Defender's Office. McMillian will remain in the Guilford County Detention Center without bond and will next appear in the court on March 20, court officials said. If convicted, he could face the death penalty or life in prison without parole. According to a social media post by a customer of Instacart, the online grocery service, McMillian was an InstaCart worker who had signed up to handle her order at the Food Lion less than a half-hour before the shooting. She said she recognized McMillian's mugshot the next day when she read about his arrest. It is still unknown why McMillian allegedly had a weapon, what type of gun it was, and who saw it and first reported it. Witness Ramona Miller, 63, of Browns Summit, who was at the Food Lion with her 6-year-old granddaughter, said that before she heard five or six shots fired, she noticed a man who looked like McMillian rushing through grocery aisles as she shopped. She said he pushed other carts aside and kept his hoodie pulled close to his face. Miller, her grandchild, and about 45 other shoppers rushed from the store to safety just after 11 a.m. after hearing gunfire. Once she reached her car at about 11:04 a.m., Miller noticed two parked police cars in the Food Lion lot — one on each side. She said the cars must have already been in place before the shooting. Questions remain about whether Horan had assistance from other officers on the call. sspear@rockinghamnow.com (336) 349-4331, ext. 6140 @SpearSusie_RCN Subscribe to our Daily Headlines newsletter. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items.In conclusion, while the downgrade of Tencent Video's VIP membership benefits may be met with mixed reactions, it ultimately reflects the platform's commitment to enhancing security, improving user experience, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of their service. By cracking down on password sharing and focusing on quality control, Tencent Video is taking proactive steps to strengthen its position in the competitive streaming market. It will be interesting to see how this change shapes the future of Tencent Video and the wider streaming industry in the coming months.
总之,中国在世界上拥有最多非物质文化遗产项目和将春节列入联合国非遗名录的成功是突显中国文化丰富性和多样性的重要里程碑。通过保护和推广非物质文化遗产,中国强化了自身的文化身份、促进了文化交流,并推动了全球范围内对其传统的赏识。EL SEGUNDO, Calif. (AP) — J.K. Dobbins will miss at least the next four games after the Los Angeles Chargers placed the running back on injured reserve Saturday. The team also placed safety Alohi Gilman on injured reserve and signed safety Tony Jefferson to the active roster. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. Please enable it in your browser settings. Get updates and player profiles ahead of Friday's high school games, plus a recap Saturday with stories, photos, video Frequency: Seasonal Twice a week