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Diane Moss lost her home in the Santa Monica Mountains after power lines ignited the apocalyptic Woolsey Fire in 2018. Since then, she’s pressed for a safer electric grid in California. “It’s so easy to forget the risk that we live in — until it happens to you,” said Moss, a longtime clean energy advocate. “All of us in California have to think about how we better prepare to survive disaster, which is only going to be more of a problem as the climate changes.” In recent years, California’s power companies have been doing just that: insulating power lines and burying lines underground, trimming trees, deploying drones and using risk-detection technology. As wildfires across the U.S. intensify , California is on the leading edge of efforts to prevent more deadly and destructive fires ignited by downed power lines and malfunctioning equipment. Customers have shouldered a hefty price for wildfire safety measures. From 2019 through 2023, the California Public Utilities Commission authorized the three largest utilities to collect $27 billion in wildfire prevention and insurance costs from ratepayers, according to a report to the Legislature. And the costs are projected to keep rising: The three companies — Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric — continue to seek billions more from customers for wildfire prevention spending. Rates are expected to continue outpacing inflation through 2027 . Fire safety projects are a big part of the reason that Californians pay the highest electric rates in the nation, outside of Hawaii. Other reasons include rooftop solar incentives, new transmission systems and upgrades for electric vehicles. High electric bills have helped fuel a statewide affordability crisis alongside soaring housing prices, expensive groceries and costly gasoline. Small businesses are feeling the burden, along with the state’s poorest residents: One in three low-income households served by the three utilities fell behind in paying their power bills this year. California’s three investor-owned utilities are regulated monopolies, so when they spend money on costs related to wildfires, they recover it through customers’ bills. The price of electricity has ignited debate about how much California families should bear for the cost of wildfire prevention, whether utilities are balancing risk and affordability and whether the money is being spent wisely. Loretta Lynch, a former head of the state utilities commission, said lack of oversight is a problem, with the commission “rubber-stamping outrageous costs” and allowing the companies to “address wildfires in the most expensive, least effective way possible.” One of the biggest controversies is whether the utilities should be spending so much on burying power lines, an extremely costly and slow process. Last year, a state audit concluded that the utilities commission and the state’s advocates office must do more to verify whether utilities were completing the work they sought payment for. The three companies say the billions of dollars in spending is necessary as climate change worsens wildfires across the state . Utility equipment has caused less than 10% of the state’s fires but nearly half of its most destructive fires, according to the utilities commission . PG&E, which a few years ago came out of bankruptcy triggered by its liability for several deadly, destructive fires, has adopted the stance that “catastrophic wildfires shall stop.” The company, which serves the most high-risk areas in California, is the state’s largest spender on wildfire prevention. PG&E plans to bury 10,000 miles of power lines in its highest-risk areas — work that is highly contentious because it is costly and slow. The company has buried 800 miles since 2021 , with each mile costing between $3 and $4 million. Last year, the commission approved a $3.7 billion plan for PG&E to bury 1,230 miles of lines through 2026. Sumeet Singh, PG&E’s chief operating officer, told CalMatters that the utility is concerned about rates, too. He said the company is “very committed to stabilizing our customer rates as we go forward without compromising safety. I think that’s clear, that it’s a non-negotiable....There’s a pretty robust process, and oversight, that we are under.” Kevin Geraghty, chief operating officer of SDG&E, called the wildfire spending process “the most highly-scrutinized, regulatory utility process I have ever been involved in, in my life.” Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an executive order in October aimed at tackling the high costs of electricity, asking state agencies to evaluate their oversight of wildfire projects and ensure that the utilities are focused on “cost-effective” measures. He is seeking proposals for changes in rules or laws by Jan. 1. The spark for the increased spending came seven years ago, after California suffered one of its worst droughts and a series of devastating wildfires in 2017 and 2018, many ignited by utility equipment. Sixteen fires were caused by PG&E equipment during a rash of October 2017 fires that decimated Napa, Sonoma and other Northern California counties. That December, the Thomas Fire , sparked by Southern California Edison equipment, engulfed parts of Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. But the devastation of 2017 was only a prelude to an even graver year. On Nov. 8, 2018, the Camp Fire leveled the town of Paradise, killing 85 people, making it the deadliest wildfire in state history. The Camp Fire was caused by the failure of an old metal hook attached to a PG&E transmission tower. An intense wind event pushed the fire at a rate of roughly 80 football fields per minute at its peak. The company in 2020 pleaded guilty to 84 counts of involuntary manslaughter for its role in the disaster. The same day as the destruction in Paradise, another fire ignited some 470 miles south. In the Simi Hills of Ventura County, Southern California Edison wires in two separate locations made contact with others, triggering “arc” flashes that rained hot metal fragments and sparks onto the dry brush below. These triggered two blazes, which soon merged to form the Woolsey Fire. Santa Ana winds spread the conflagration across parched terrain, with swaths of the nationally protected Santa Monica Mountains reduced to ash. Moss, the clean energy advocate, evacuated her home with her son that day. Her husband, clinging to hope, stayed until the blaze threatened to swallow him whole. Their neighborhood near Malibu, with its heavily wooded surroundings, was no match for the inferno. “My husband stayed until the last minute, when it just — it looked like it could cost him his life,” Moss said. “Everybody else left, and just about all of us lost.” Three people died. Moss’ home was gone, reduced to a hollowed out structure and charred rubble, along with about 100,000 acres of parkland and wilderness , more than any other fire in recorded history for that area. In 2019, downed PG&E lines ignited Sonoma County’s Kincade Fire . Then two years later, the Dixie Fire , also caused by PG&E equipment, became the second largest wildfire in California history, burning 963,000 acres north of Chico. The 2021 Dixie Fire, which claimed one life and destroyed 1,311 structures, was the last catastrophic wildfire in California confirmed to be caused by utility equipment. The number of fires triggered by the companies’ equipment fluctuates from year to year, driven by the huge variability in California’s weather. But data from 2014 through 2023 indicate there were substantially fewer fires last year than in other recent years. SDG&E equipment caused 16 fires after its high of 32 fires in 2015, Southern California Edison had 90 fires, compared to a 2021 high of 173, and PG&E reported 374 fires after a high of 510 in 2020. PG&E also reported that fires in its highest-risk areas trended down every month of 2023 compared to the same months in previous years. But that progress reversed this year, with 62 fires reported by August in high-risk areas, compared to 65 in all of 2023. (PG&E would not provide 2024 fire data to CalMatters.) Caroline Thomas Jacobs, inaugural director of the state Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety, established in 2021 to oversee utility safety, said progress can be hard to measure. Nevertheless, she said she has seen a cultural shift at electric companies in recent years, with a more focused approach in high-risk areas and an environment that empowers workers to prioritize safety. “It just takes the wrong ignition ... under the right conditions, to have a catastrophic fire,” Thomas Jacobs said. “But are we in a better place? The numbers seem to indicate we’re moving in the right direction.” PG&E has installed more than 1,500 weather stations and 600 AI-enabled cameras to detect severe weather and ignitions, Singh said. Enhanced safety systems now cut power to lines within a tenth of a second. The utility also has cleared vegetation, ordered power shutoffs during high-risk times, insulated lines and buried some lines underground. “Where do we see the greatest risk?” Singh said the company asks itself, and “what is the most cost-effective way to be able to reduce that risk for every dollar that’s spent?” Southern California Edison said since its investments began in 2019, the risk of catastrophic wildfire in its system has dropped between 85 and 90%. The company plans to bury 600 miles of lines in high-risk areas but it is relying much more on less-expensive insulating technology, which already has been used on more than 6,000 miles of lines. SDG&E began prioritizing wildfire prevention, including underground and insulated lines, a decade ahead of the other two utilities, after its lines sparked three major fires in 2007. The company has avoided a catastrophic fire since 2007, despite operating in one of the nation’s most fire-prone regions. “We continue to double down, and do and do more tomorrow than we did yesterday,” said Brian D’Agostino, the utility’s vice president of wildfire and climate science. “We don’t take a single day without a fire for granted.” Critics say the scramble to address the wildfire crisis has left the state vulnerable to overspending by utilities. About two months before the Camp and Woolsey fires, outgoing Gov. Jerry Brown in 2018 signed a $1 billion plan to thin forests and clear out the tinderbox of California’s dead and dying trees. That measure came too late to prevent the devastation. But it opened the door to increased spending by utilities beyond limits set in the highly deliberative process known as their general rate cases, which determine what Californians pay. Newsom and the Legislature in 2019 created a $21 billion wildfire fund paid for by Wall Street investors and California ratepayers to help PG&E exit bankruptcy and protect utilities from being financially threatened by the wildfires they cause. The utilities cannot access the state’s $21 billion fund unless their wildfire plans are approved by the energy safety office. One problem, critics say, is that the safety plans are approved by one government entity while the spending to carry them out is approved by another. “We now have this very odd system,” said Lynch, who served on the utilities commission from 2000 through 2004. “The Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety reviews the plans, puts out guidelines, but then the (commission) still has to ratify the plans, so that the utilities can take money from their ratepayers.” On a temperate, clear morning in the Sierra Nevada foothills east of Placerville in October, a PG&E construction crew donned yellow jackets and safety helmets and went about the work of burying power lines along a narrow, wooded road. Overhead lines snaked through thick trees in this area — prime fire risk territory. The workers buried the lines in a trench that had been dug using a heavy piece of equipment designed to cut hard concrete and soil. Once those power lines are buried and activated, their risk of fires are all but eliminated. Burying lines in high-risk areas improves reliability amid rising wildfire risks and extreme weather, PG&E’s Singh said. Though it’s pricier up front, it eliminates the yearly expense of trimming trees and vegetation, which makes it a better, long-run value for customers, he said. “Underground is a no-brainer when you look at it from that lens,” Singh said. But the high cost and the time it takes to do the work has left some skeptical. The company has buried 800 miles of wires underground since 2021, and plans to bury more than 1,600 by the end of 2026. It aims to get the cost per mile down to $2.8 million by the end of 2026 from $3 million at the end of 2023. Michael Campbell, assistant deputy director of energy for the public advocates office, a state entity that represents utility customers, said PG&E should consider other means of preventing wildfire, like insulated wires, otherwise known as “covered conductors.” This can be deployed more quickly and at a lower cost, he said, and is effective when combined with operational techniques like fast trip settings and power safety shutoffs. “In some areas, (burying power lines) really is the correct approach to minimize risk. But it’s also very slow and very expensive, and so there’s a need to address safety in as many miles as quickly as possible, to reduce overall risk,” Campbell said. The utilities commission has taken a proof-of-concept approach: The commission scaled back PG&E’s plan to bury 2,000 miles through 2026 to 1,230. The commission approved installing covered conductors, or insulated power lines, over 778 miles. Lynch is skeptical of utilities and their big projects because they can profit from them, and Mark Toney, executive director of The Utility Reform Network, says too much spending is going unchecked. The sense of urgency following fires paved the way for the multi-billion surge in spending. The commission authorized PG&E, for instance, to spend $4.66 billion on wildfire costs from 2020 through 2022, but the company ultimately spent $11.7 billion and is seeking payment through utility bills, according to The Utility Reform Network. Audits of nearly $2.5 billion in 2019 and 2020 wildfire spending found some costs from PG&E , Southern California Edison and SDG&E may already have been covered by previously approved rates, or more documentation was needed to confirm they had not been covered. The utilities challenged many of the findings, saying they didn’t plan to claim some of the costs, and disputed the auditor’s conclusions as well as some of their calculations. In interviews with CalMatters, representatives for all three utilities said the process in place to oversee wildfire spending at the utilities commission was robust and thorough. Geraghty, of SDG&E, said the process is transparent, with public comment periods and hearings. Regarding critics who say wildfire prevention should be cheaper and faster, “every one of them had that voice, had that say, had that transparency through this entire process,” he said. Some expenses, such as operating costs, have an immediate impact on how much people pay in their bills. But other costs, such as long-term investments in insulating or burying power lines, are stretched out over years, meaning they add to bills for decades to come . Over time, these capital costs are growing due to factors like depreciation and the returns utilities are allowed to generate. This creates a compounding effect, meaning wildfire-related capital costs will take up an increasing share of what California customers are charged in the future. The burden of the rising bills is hitting many Californians hard. Roshonda Wilson, of Oakland, couldn’t afford to pay her power bill even though she said she watches television only after sunset, refrains from running unnecessary appliances and is hyper-aware of every energy-consuming action in her household. At one point PG&E turned her power off this year. “I couldn’t catch up,” she said. On the other hand, Moss — who has weathered not just the trauma of losing her home near Malibu but also the difficult process of rebuilding — says the expensive wildfire prevention work is critical to prevent more tragedies. “Even though (burying power lines) is costly and time-consuming, the cost and time of not doing it is starting to seem more devastating to a broader swath of people,” Moss said. Nevertheless, the rate hikes have alarmed climate activists who fear rising power bills in California may trigger a backlash against the state’s effort to switch to renewable energy, and influence other states, too. “The state, we fear, will start to lose the political will to keep pushing on,” said Mohit Chhabra, a senior scientist with the Natural Resources Defense Council. “The problem with that is not that California will be a few years late — we can handle that. But the impact on all the other states who are looking at California.” Natasha Uzcátegui-Liggett and Miguel Gutierrez Jr. contributed to this report.NEW YORK , Dec. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Report on how AI is driving market transformation - The global wasabi market size is estimated to grow by USD 466.1 million from 2024-2028, according to Technavio. The market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 10.68% during the forecast period. Rising awareness about health benefits of wasabi is driving market growth, with a trend towards rising sales of wasabi online. However, side effects on overuse of wasabi poses a challenge. Key market players include Beaverton Foods Inc., Clearspring Ltd., Connors Greens LLC, Eden Foods Inc., Half Moon Bay Wasabi Co., J.R. Kelly Co., Kelchner Food Products, Kikkoman Sales USA Inc., KINJIRUSHI Co. Ltd., McCormick and Co. Inc., Mountain View Wasabi, MUSO Co., Ltd., Oregon Coast Wasabi, Pacific Coast Wasabi Ltd., Real Wasabi LLC, S and B Foods Inc., Shima Wasabi, Tamaruya Honten Co. Ltd., TasFoods Ltd., The Good Bean Inc., The Wasabi Co., and ZHUHAI KINGZEST FOOD CO. LTD.; Yamasa Corporation; Eden Foods; Wingreens Farms; Wasabi Essentials Ltd.; World Wasabi Inc.. AI-Powered Market Evolution Insights. Our comprehensive market report ready with the latest trends, growth opportunities, and strategic analysis- View Free Sample Report PDF Forecast period 2024-2028 Base Year 2023 Historic Data 2018 - 2022 Segment Covered Type (Sauce and Powder), Application (Food and beverages and Medical and nutraceuticals), and Geography (APAC, North America, Europe, South America, and Middle East and Africa), Product Region Covered APAC, North America, Europe, South America, and Middle East and Africa Key companies profiled Beaverton Foods Inc., Clearspring Ltd., Connors Greens LLC, Eden Foods Inc., Half Moon Bay Wasabi Co., J.R. Kelly Co., Kelchner Food Products, Kikkoman Sales USA Inc., KINJIRUSHI Co. Ltd., McCormick and Co. Inc., Mountain View Wasabi, MUSO Co., Ltd., Oregon Coast Wasabi, Pacific Coast Wasabi Ltd., Real Wasabi LLC, S and B Foods Inc., Shima Wasabi, Tamaruya Honten Co. Ltd., TasFoods Ltd., The Good Bean Inc., The Wasabi Co., and ZHUHAI KINGZEST FOOD CO. LTD.; Yamasa Corporation; Eden Foods; Wingreens Farms; Wasabi Essentials Ltd.; World Wasabi Inc. Key Market Trends Fueling Growth Wasabi, the peppery condiment known for its distinctive taste and nasal tingling sensation, is experiencing in popularity due to increased awareness of its health benefits. The consumption of wasabi extracts and food preparations, such as noodles and soups, is on the rise in both the nutraceutical and medical industries. Wasabi's anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects are being studied for their potential in preventing chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. E-commerce businesses and online shopping platforms are making it easier for consumers to access fresh wasabi in various forms, including sauce, powder, bottles, tubes, and pouches and sachets. The food service industries are also embracing this trend, with sustainable agricultural practices and technology development, such as artificial intelligence, enhancing the production and packaging of wasabi. The rhizome, leaf, and petiole of the Wasabia japonica plant contain bioactive compounds like isothiocyanates, which have antioxidant, antimicrobial, and digestive properties. The gastronomy and pharmaceuticals industries are exploring innovative uses for these compounds, including in the treatment of arthritis and improving gut health. Authenticity and high-quality ingredients are essential in the Japanese cuisine, where wasabi is a staple condiment in restaurants. Cultivation methods and cultural significance are also important considerations, with geographical cultivation areas playing a role in the authenticity and flavor profile of the wasabi. The market for imitation products is growing, but consumers are increasingly demanding real, high-quality wasabi. The e-commerce sector presents a significant opportunity for businesses to boost their profits as more consumers opt for online shopping. Convenience and time savings are key drivers, with customers preferring to pay for purchases using credit or debit cards instead of making time-consuming store visits and standing in queues. This trend has led many companies to target internet-savvy customers and enter the expanding online retail market. The global retail e-commerce sales are projected to reach over USD3.5 trillion in 2020. E-commerce offers consumers a wide selection of food products and reduces operating costs for businesses, making it an attractive business model. Insights on how AI is driving innovation, efficiency, and market growth- Request Sample! Market Challenges Insights into how AI is reshaping industries and driving growth- Download a Sample Report Segment Overview This wasabi market report extensively covers market segmentation by 1.1 Sauce- The wasabi sauce segment holds a significant share in the global wasabi market. Key players in this sector include Mountain View Wasabi, MUSO Co., Ltd., and Oregon Coast Wasabi, known for producing conventional wasabi sauces. American consumers favor wasabi sauce for its ability to enhance flavor without compromising food nutrients. The global palate is expanding, with consumers exploring diverse culinary traditions, potentially driving wasabi market growth. Kikkoman Sales USA , Inc. Recently introduced a creamy textured Wasabi Sauce, adding a spicy twist to regular dishes. Wasabi sauce elevates sandwiches, veggies, steaks, burgers, chicken, fish, salad dressings, and dips. Pasteurized and manufactured in the US, Kikkoman Wasabi Sauce adheres to top quality standards. The rise in social gatherings and dining occasions fuels wasabi sauce consumption, particularly with raw fish dishes like sushi and sashimi, as well as zaru soba, yakiniku, and yakitori. Therefore, the wasabi sauce segment is poised to propel the expansion of the global wasabi market. Download complimentary Sample Report to gain insights into AI's impact on market dynamics, emerging trends, and future opportunities- including forecast (2024-2028) and historic data (2018 - 2022) Research Analysis Wasabi, the Japanese horseradish derived from the Wasabia japonica plant, is gaining increased awareness for its numerous health benefits. Its peppery smell and pungent taste, caused by the presence of allyl isothiocyanate and other isothiocyanate compounds, make it a popular condiment in various food preparations such as noodles, soups, sushi, sashimi, and tempura. The nutraceutical and medical industries have recognized the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of wasabi extracts. These properties contribute to preventing cancers, treating arthritis, and preventing the growth of harmful bacteria. Wasabi is also rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and digestive properties, making it a valuable addition to a healthy diet. The consumption of wasabi not only enhances the flavor of dishes but also provides numerous health benefits. Its unique properties make it a valuable ingredient in the food industry and beyond, with potential applications in the medical field as well. Market Research Overview Wasabi, the peppery condiment known for its distinctive pungent flavor and nasal tingling sensation, is experiencing in popularity due to increased awareness of its numerous health benefits. Derived from the Wasabia japonica plant, wasabi is more than just a staple condiment in Japanese cuisine. Its rhizome, leaf, and petiole contain bioactive compounds, primarily isothiocyanates, which offer anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and digestive properties. The consumption of wasabi in various food preparations, such as noodles and soups, is on the rise, fueled by the nutraceutical and medical industries' interest in its potential health benefits. Wasabi extracts are being explored for their ability to prevent chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, as well as improve gut health and treat arthritis. E-commerce businesses and online shopping platforms have made it easier for consumers to access fresh wasabi in various forms, including sauce, powder, bottles, tubes, pouches, and sachets. Sustainable agricultural practices and technology development, including artificial intelligence, are also playing a role in ensuring a consistent supply of high-quality wasabi. Despite its cultural significance and authenticity, the market for wasabi is not without challenges, including the prevalence of imitation products and the need for innovative packaging materials to maintain its freshness and potency. The gastronomy and pharmaceutical industries are at the forefront of exploring the full potential of this versatile and health-promoting ingredient. Table of Contents: 1 Executive Summary 2 Market Landscape 3 Market Sizing 4 Historic Market Size 5 Five Forces Analysis 6 Market Segmentation 7 Customer Landscape 8 Geographic Landscape 9 Drivers, Challenges, and Trends 10 Company Landscape 11 Company Analysis 12 Appendix About Technavio Technavio is a leading global technology research and advisory company. Their research and analysis focuses on emerging market trends and provides actionable insights to help businesses identify market opportunities and develop effective strategies to optimize their market positions. With over 500 specialized analysts, Technavio's report library consists of more than 17,000 reports and counting, covering 800 technologies, spanning across 50 countries. Their client base consists of enterprises of all sizes, including more than 100 Fortune 500 companies. This growing client base relies on Technavio's comprehensive coverage, extensive research, and actionable market insights to identify opportunities in existing and potential markets and assess their competitive positions within changing market scenarios. Technavio Research Jesse Maida Media & Marketing Executive US: +1 844 364 1100 UK: +44 203 893 3200 Email: media@technavio.com Website: www.technavio.com/ View original content to download multimedia: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/wasabi-market-to-grow-by-usd-466-1-million-2024-2028-driven-by-rising-health-awareness-and-ai-powered-insights---technavio-302326129.html SOURCE Technavioslot machine names

The leader of one of Georgia's four main opposition parties has been detained by police after being beaten unconscious in the capital Tbilisi, his party said on Wednesday, amid reports of police raids on other opposition parties. The opposition Coalition for Change party published a video on X showing Nika Gvaramia, the party's leader, being carried by the arms and legs by several men down some steps. The party said that Gvaramia, a 48-year-old lawyer turned politician, had been "thrown into a detention car as he was physically assaulted and unconscious". The police did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment, and there was no immediate response to the assertion by the authorities, who have faced six nights of protests against a government decision to suspend talks on the country joining the European Union. Reuters could not independently verify whether Gvaramia had been beaten or not, but he appeared to not be moving as he was carried down the steps in the video released by his party. The government's decision to suspend EU talks has plunged the South Caucasus country of 3.7 million people into political crisis and the authorities claim to have thwarted an attempted "revolution." A spokeswoman for Coalition for Change said on X that several other party members had been detained alongside Gvaramia. A spokesperson for the United National Movement (UNM), another opposition party, told Reuters police on Wednesday had also raided its Tbilisi offices. The spokesperson said the raid had been carried out without a warrant and that nobody had been detained. Separately, the Interpress news agency said that two members of another opposition party, Strong Georgia, had been detained by the police. Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze has repeatedly praised the police for their response to the protests. Georgia's public ombudsman, a former opposition politician, accused the police on Tuesday of harshly mistreating people detained during demonstrations, something their treatment amounted to torture.

Best Sewing Tools (2024): Madam Sew Recognized as Top Sewing Tools Store by Expert ConsumersAP Takes Heat After Olympic Boxer Who Failed Gender Tests Won Third Place for 'Female Athlete of the Year'VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- American Lithium Corp. (“American Lithium” or the “Company”) (TSX-V:LI | Nasdaq:AMLI | Frankfurt:5LA1) is announcing that its Board of Directors has approved the voluntary delisting of its common shares (“American Lithium Shares”) from the Nasdaq Capital Market (“Nasdaq”) and the deregistration with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). American Lithium has notified Nasdaq of its intention to voluntarily delist the American Lithium Shares. The Company currently anticipates that it will file with the SEC a Form 25, Notification of Removal of Listing and/or Registration under Section 12(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), relating to the delisting and deregistration on or about December 20, 2024, with the delisting of American Lithium Shares taking effect ten calendar days thereafter. As a result, the last trading day of the American Lithium Shares on the Nasdaq Capital Market will be December 27, 2024. The American Lithium Shares will continue their listing on the TSX Venture Exchange and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. In addition, American Lithium has applied for the American Lithium Shares to be quoted on the OTCQX Markets in the United States, operated by OTC Markets Group Inc. The Company anticipates transferring their shares on to the OTCQX Best® Market immediately following the Nasdaq delist. American Lithium will continue to provide information to its shareholders and take such actions to enable a trading market in the American Lithium Shares to exist in the United States. Following satisfaction of the relevant deregistration conditions under the applicable U.S. federal securities laws, the Form 25 will also terminate the Company’s reporting obligations under the Exchange Act. The Company expects that its reporting obligations will be suspended upon filing of the Form 25. The Board of Directors of the Company believes that the decision to delist the American Lithium Shares from Nasdaq and to terminate its reporting obligations under the Exchange Act is in the best interest of the Company and its shareholders. The Board has determined that the burdens associated with operating as a company listed on the Nasdaq outweigh any advantages to the Company and its shareholders at this time. The Board’s decision was based on careful review of numerous factors, including the following: the ongoing direct and indirect costs of Exchange Act compliance and maintaining a continued listing of the American Lithium Shares on Nasdaq, including director and officer insurance premiums, audit fees, legal fees and regulatory fees, and the disproportionate impact of the foregoing costs on the Company’s results of operations; the significant burden on Management involved in the preparation of the Company’s public reports, shorter public reporting deadlines in Canada, and compliance with accounting and other requirements of the Exchange Act; the limited benefits to the Company and its unaffiliated shareholders from the Company’s status as a SEC reporting issuer in light of, among other things, the fact that due to market conditions, the low share price, market capitalization, lack of institutional interest and liquidity in the United States for the American Lithium Shares; the Company is not currently in a position to use its public Company status to issue meaningful amounts of equity securities in the United States or make acquisitions due to market conditions; and the opposition by many large shareholders to a share capital consolidation. American Lithium reserves the right, for any reason, to delay any of the filings described above, to withdraw them prior to effectiveness, and to otherwise change its plans in respect of delisting and deregistration and termination of its reporting obligations under applicable U.S. federal securities laws in any way. Completion of any listing on the OTCQX Markets remains subject to the satisfaction of customary listing conditions and regulatory approval, and there can be no assurance that the American Lithium Shares will be listed for trading on the OTCQX Markets. Ab out American Lithium American Lithium is developing two of the world’s largest, advanced-stage lithium projects, along with the largest undeveloped uranium project in Latin America. They include the TLC claystone lithium project in Nevada, the Falchani hard rock lithium project and the Macusani uranium deposit, both in southern Peru. All three projects have been through robust preliminary economic assessments, exhibit significant expansion potential and enjoy strong community support. For more information, please contact the Company at info@americanlithiumcorp.com or visit our website at www.americanlithiumcorp.com . Follow us on Facebook , Twitter and LinkedIn . On behalf of the Board of Directors of American Lithium Corp. “Alex Tsakumis” Interim CEO Tel: 604 428 6128 Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release. Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward Looking Information This news release contains certain forward-looking information and forward-looking statements (collectively “forward-looking statements”) within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this news release include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the business plans, expectations and objectives of American Lithium ; the voluntary delisting of the American Lithium Shares from the Nasdaq Capital Market; the deregistration with the SEC; the quotation on the OTC Markets in the United States; and continued listing on the TSX Venture Exchange. Forward-looking statements are frequently identified by such words as "may", "will", "plan", "expect", "anticipate", "estimate", "intend", “indicate”, “scheduled”, “target”, “goal”, “potential”, “subject”, “efforts”, “option” and similar words, or the negative connotations thereof, referring to future events and results. Forward-looking statements are based on the current opinions and expectations of management and are not, and cannot be, a guarantee of future results or events. Although American Lithium believes that the current opinions and expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable based on information available at the time, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements since American Lithium can provide no assurance that such opinions and expectations will prove to be correct. All forward-looking statements are inherently uncertain and subject to a variety of assumptions, risks and uncertainties, including risks, uncertainties and assumptions related to: American Lithium’s ability to achieve its stated goals, which could have a material adverse impact on many aspects of American Lithium’s businesses including but not limited to: the ability to access mineral properties for indeterminate amounts of time, the health of the employees or consultants resulting in delays or diminished capacity, social or political instability in Peru which in turn could impact American Lithium’s ability to maintain the continuity of its business operating requirements, may result in the reduced availability or failures of various local administration and critical infrastructure, reduced demand for the American Lithium’s potential products, availability of materials, global travel restrictions, and the availability of insurance and the associated costs; the ongoing ability to work cooperatively with stakeholders, including but not limited to local communities and all levels of government; the potential for delays in exploration or development activities; the interpretation of drill results, the geology, grade and continuity of mineral deposits; the possibility that any future exploration, development or mining results will not be consistent with our expectations; risks that permits will not be obtained as planned or delays in obtaining permits; mining and development risks, including risks related to accidents, equipment breakdowns, labour disputes (including work stoppages, strikes and loss of personnel) or other unanticipated difficulties with or interruptions in exploration and development; risks related to commodity price and foreign exchange rate fluctuations; risks related to foreign operations; the cyclical nature of the industry in which American Lithium operates; risks related to failure to obtain adequate financing on a timely basis and on acceptable terms or delays in obtaining governmental approvals; risks related to environmental regulation and liability; political and regulatory risks associated with mining and exploration; risks related to the uncertain global economic environment and the effects upon the global market generally, any of which could continue to negatively affect global financial markets, including the trading price of American Lithium’s shares and could negatively affect American Lithium’s ability to raise capital and may also result in additional and unknown risks or liabilities to American Lithium. Other risks and uncertainties related to prospects, properties and business strategy of American Lithium are identified in the “Risk Factors” section of American Lithium’s Management’s Discussion and Analysis filed on October 15, 2024, and in recent securities filings available at www.sedarplus.ca. Actual events or results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. American Lithium undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements except as required by applicable securities laws. Investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Cautionary Note Regarding 32 Concessions Thirty-two of the one-hundred-seventy-four concessions comprising the Falchani and Macusani Projects are currently subject to Administrative and Judicial processes in Peru to overturn resolutions issued by INGEMMET and the Mining Council of MINEM in February 2019 and July 2019, respectively, which declared title to thirty-two concessions invalid due to late receipt of the annual validity payments. On November 2, 2021, American Lithium was awarded a favorable ruling in regard to title to the concessions, but on November 26, 2021, appeals of the judicial ruling were lodged by INGEMMET and MINEM. A three-judge tribunal of Peru’s Superior Court unanimously upheld the ruling in a decision reported in November 2023. American Lithium was subsequently notified that INGEMMET and MINEM have filed petitions to the Supreme Court of Peru to assume jurisdiction in the proceedings. Given the precedent of the original ruling it is hoped that the Supreme Court will not assume jurisdiction; however, there is no assurance of the outcome at this time.BOSTON, Dec. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Madam Sew, a leading provider of innovative sewing tools and accessories, has been named the top sewing tools store for 2024 by Expert Consumers, a trusted resource for product reviews and industry insights. Known for its commitment to quality, user-focused designs, and extensive educational resources, Madam Sew has earned high praise from sewing enthusiasts and industry experts alike. Best Sewing Tools Store Innovative Tools Designed with Users in Mind Expert Consumers commended Madam Sew for its focus on usability and functionality. Standout products such as Ultimate Presser Foot Set and Hot Hem Ruler for Sewing , both of which showcase the brand's attention to detail in creating tools that simplify complex tasks and elevate project results. The Ultimate Presser Foot Set consists of 32 essential presser feet for any sewing machine. Meanwhile, the Hot Hem Rule for Sewing is a versatile, heat-resistant tool perfect for accurate hemming, folding, and pleating. Other top-rated sewing tools include the Heat Erasable Fabric Marking Pens , praised for their precision and ease of use, and the Sew Bright LED Strip , which enhances visibility and reduces eye strain during long sewing sessions. These innovative solutions have solidified Madam Sew's reputation as a trusted source for high-quality sewing tools. Education and Community Engagement Beyond its product offerings, Madam Sew was recognized for its significant contributions to the sewing community through educational resources and community engagement. The brand provides a wealth of free tutorials, blog posts , a Youtube Channel , and video guides that make sewing techniques accessible to all. Moreover, Madam Sew's active presence on social media platforms, including a dedicated Facebook group , fosters a supportive community where sewing enthusiasts exchange tips, share projects, and inspire one another. This combination of tools, resources, and community support reflects the company's commitment to enriching the sewing experience. A Customer-Centric Approach Expert Consumers also highlighted Madam Sew's customer-focused approach, which includes detailed instructions with every product to ensure users can maximize their benefits. This dedication to customer satisfaction, coupled with a deep understanding of the needs of sewing enthusiasts, has made Madam Sew a standout choice in the industry. As sewing continues to gain popularity as a creative and practical pursuit, Madam Sew remains at the forefront of providing sewing tools and resources that empower enthusiasts to bring their visions to life. For the full review and detailed insights, visit the Expert Consumers website . About Expert Consumers: Expert Consumers provides news and reviews of consumer products and services. As an affiliate, Expert Consumers may earn commissions from sales generated using links provided. Contact: Drew Thomas ( [email protected] )

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