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project 4 park By BILL BARROW, Associated Press PLAINS, Ga. (AP) — Newly married and sworn as a Naval officer, Jimmy Carter left his tiny hometown in 1946 hoping to climb the ranks and see the world. Less than a decade later, the death of his father and namesake, a merchant farmer and local politician who went by “Mr. Earl,” prompted the submariner and his wife, Rosalynn, to return to the rural life of Plains, Georgia, they thought they’d escaped. The lieutenant never would be an admiral. Instead, he became commander in chief. Years after his presidency ended in humbling defeat, he would add a Nobel Peace Prize, awarded not for his White House accomplishments but “for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development.” The life of James Earl Carter Jr., the 39th and longest-lived U.S. president, ended Sunday at the age of 100 where it began: Plains, the town of 600 that fueled his political rise, welcomed him after his fall and sustained him during 40 years of service that redefined what it means to be a former president. With the stubborn confidence of an engineer and an optimism rooted in his Baptist faith, Carter described his motivations in politics and beyond in the same way: an almost missionary zeal to solve problems and improve lives. Carter was raised amid racism, abject poverty and hard rural living — realities that shaped both his deliberate politics and emphasis on human rights. “He always felt a responsibility to help people,” said Jill Stuckey, a longtime friend of Carter’s in Plains. “And when he couldn’t make change wherever he was, he decided he had to go higher.” Carter’s path, a mix of happenstance and calculation , pitted moral imperatives against political pragmatism; and it defied typical labels of American politics, especially caricatures of one-term presidents as failures. “We shouldn’t judge presidents by how popular they are in their day. That’s a very narrow way of assessing them,” Carter biographer Jonathan Alter told the Associated Press. “We should judge them by how they changed the country and the world for the better. On that score, Jimmy Carter is not in the first rank of American presidents, but he stands up quite well.” Later in life, Carter conceded that many Americans, even those too young to remember his tenure, judged him ineffective for failing to contain inflation or interest rates, end the energy crisis or quickly bring home American hostages in Iran. He gained admirers instead for his work at The Carter Center — advocating globally for public health, human rights and democracy since 1982 — and the decades he and Rosalynn wore hardhats and swung hammers with Habitat for Humanity. Yet the common view that he was better after the Oval Office than in it annoyed Carter, and his allies relished him living long enough to see historians reassess his presidency. “He doesn’t quite fit in today’s terms” of a left-right, red-blue scoreboard, said U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who visited the former president multiple times during his own White House bid. At various points in his political career, Carter labeled himself “progressive” or “conservative” — sometimes both at once. His most ambitious health care bill failed — perhaps one of his biggest legislative disappointments — because it didn’t go far enough to suit liberals. Republicans, especially after his 1980 defeat, cast him as a left-wing cartoon. It would be easiest to classify Carter as a centrist, Buttigieg said, “but there’s also something radical about the depth of his commitment to looking after those who are left out of society and out of the economy.” Indeed, Carter’s legacy is stitched with complexities, contradictions and evolutions — personal and political. The self-styled peacemaker was a war-trained Naval Academy graduate who promised Democratic challenger Ted Kennedy that he’d “kick his ass.” But he campaigned with a call to treat everyone with “respect and compassion and with love.” Carter vowed to restore America’s virtue after the shame of Vietnam and Watergate, and his technocratic, good-government approach didn’t suit Republicans who tagged government itself as the problem. It also sometimes put Carter at odds with fellow Democrats. The result still was a notable legislative record, with wins on the environment, education, and mental health care. He dramatically expanded federally protected lands, began deregulating air travel, railroads and trucking, and he put human rights at the center of U.S. foreign policy. As a fiscal hawk, Carter added a relative pittance to the national debt, unlike successors from both parties. Carter nonetheless struggled to make his achievements resonate with the electorate he charmed in 1976. Quoting Bob Dylan and grinning enthusiastically, he had promised voters he would “never tell a lie.” Once in Washington, though, he led like a joyless engineer, insisting his ideas would become reality and he’d be rewarded politically if only he could convince enough people with facts and logic. This served him well at Camp David, where he brokered peace between Israel’s Menachem Begin and Epypt’s Anwar Sadat, an experience that later sparked the idea of The Carter Center in Atlanta. Carter’s tenacity helped the center grow to a global force that monitored elections across five continents, enabled his freelance diplomacy and sent public health experts across the developing world. The center’s wins were personal for Carter, who hoped to outlive the last Guinea worm parasite, and nearly did. As president, though, the approach fell short when he urged consumers beleaguered by energy costs to turn down their thermostats. Or when he tried to be the nation’s cheerleader, beseeching Americans to overcome a collective “crisis of confidence.” Republican Ronald Reagan exploited Carter’s lecturing tone with a belittling quip in their lone 1980 debate. “There you go again,” the former Hollywood actor said in response to a wonky answer from the sitting president. “The Great Communicator” outpaced Carter in all but six states. Carter later suggested he “tried to do too much, too soon” and mused that he was incompatible with Washington culture: media figures, lobbyists and Georgetown social elites who looked down on the Georgians and their inner circle as “country come to town.” Carter carefully navigated divides on race and class on his way to the Oval Office. Born Oct. 1, 1924 , Carter was raised in the mostly Black community of Archery, just outside Plains, by a progressive mother and white supremacist father. Their home had no running water or electricity but the future president still grew up with the relative advantages of a locally prominent, land-owning family in a system of Jim Crow segregation. He wrote of President Franklin Roosevelt’s towering presence and his family’s Democratic Party roots, but his father soured on FDR, and Jimmy Carter never campaigned or governed as a New Deal liberal. He offered himself as a small-town peanut farmer with an understated style, carrying his own luggage, bunking with supporters during his first presidential campaign and always using his nickname. And he began his political career in a whites-only Democratic Party. As private citizens, he and Rosalynn supported integration as early as the 1950s and believed it inevitable. Carter refused to join the White Citizens Council in Plains and spoke out in his Baptist church against denying Black people access to worship services. “This is not my house; this is not your house,” he said in a churchwide meeting, reminding fellow parishioners their sanctuary belonged to God. Yet as the appointed chairman of Sumter County schools he never pushed to desegregate, thinking it impractical after the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v. Board decision. And while presidential candidate Carter would hail the 1965 Voting Rights Act, signed by fellow Democrat Lyndon Johnson when Carter was a state senator, there is no record of Carter publicly supporting it at the time. Carter overcame a ballot-stuffing opponent to win his legislative seat, then lost the 1966 governor’s race to an arch-segregationist. He won four years later by avoiding explicit mentions of race and campaigning to the right of his rival, who he mocked as “Cufflinks Carl” — the insult of an ascendant politician who never saw himself as part the establishment. Carter’s rural and small-town coalition in 1970 would match any victorious Republican electoral map in 2024. Once elected, though, Carter shocked his white conservative supporters — and landed on the cover of Time magazine — by declaring that “the time for racial discrimination is over.” Before making the jump to Washington, Carter befriended the family of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., whom he’d never sought out as he eyed the governor’s office. Carter lamented his foot-dragging on school integration as a “mistake.” But he also met, conspicuously, with Alabama’s segregationist Gov. George Wallace to accept his primary rival’s endorsement ahead of the 1976 Democratic convention. “He very shrewdly took advantage of his own Southerness,” said Amber Roessner, a University of Tennessee professor and expert on Carter’s campaigns. A coalition of Black voters and white moderate Democrats ultimately made Carter the last Democratic presidential nominee to sweep the Deep South. Then, just as he did in Georgia, he used his power in office to appoint more non-whites than all his predecessors had, combined. He once acknowledged “the secret shame” of white Americans who didn’t fight segregation. But he also told Alter that doing more would have sacrificed his political viability – and thus everything he accomplished in office and after. King’s daughter, Bernice King, described Carter as wisely “strategic” in winning higher offices to enact change. “He was a leader of conscience,” she said in an interview. Rosalynn Carter, who died on Nov. 19 at the age of 96, was identified by both husband and wife as the “more political” of the pair; she sat in on Cabinet meetings and urged him to postpone certain priorities, like pressing the Senate to relinquish control of the Panama Canal. “Let that go until the second term,” she would sometimes say. The president, recalled her former aide Kathy Cade, retorted that he was “going to do what’s right” even if “it might cut short the time I have.” Rosalynn held firm, Cade said: “She’d remind him you have to win to govern.” Carter also was the first president to appoint multiple women as Cabinet officers. Yet by his own telling, his career sprouted from chauvinism in the Carters’ early marriage: He did not consult Rosalynn when deciding to move back to Plains in 1953 or before launching his state Senate bid a decade later. Many years later, he called it “inconceivable” that he didn’t confer with the woman he described as his “full partner,” at home, in government and at The Carter Center. “We developed a partnership when we were working in the farm supply business, and it continued when Jimmy got involved in politics,” Rosalynn Carter told AP in 2021. So deep was their trust that when Carter remained tethered to the White House in 1980 as 52 Americans were held hostage in Tehran, it was Rosalynn who campaigned on her husband’s behalf. “I just loved it,” she said, despite the bitterness of defeat. Fair or not, the label of a disastrous presidency had leading Democrats keep their distance, at least publicly, for many years, but Carter managed to remain relevant, writing books and weighing in on societal challenges. He lamented widening wealth gaps and the influence of money in politics. He voted for democratic socialist Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton in 2016, and later declared that America had devolved from fully functioning democracy to “oligarchy.” Yet looking ahead to 2020, with Sanders running again, Carter warned Democrats not to “move to a very liberal program,” lest they help re-elect President Donald Trump. Carter scolded the Republican for his serial lies and threats to democracy, and chided the U.S. establishment for misunderstanding Trump’s populist appeal. He delighted in yearly convocations with Emory University freshmen, often asking them to guess how much he’d raised in his two general election campaigns. “Zero,” he’d gesture with a smile, explaining the public financing system candidates now avoid so they can raise billions. Carter still remained quite practical in partnering with wealthy corporations and foundations to advance Carter Center programs. Carter recognized that economic woes and the Iran crisis doomed his presidency, but offered no apologies for appointing Paul Volcker as the Federal Reserve chairman whose interest rate hikes would not curb inflation until Reagan’s presidency. He was proud of getting all the hostages home without starting a shooting war, even though Tehran would not free them until Reagan’s Inauguration Day. “Carter didn’t look at it” as a failure, Alter emphasized. “He said, ‘They came home safely.’ And that’s what he wanted.” Well into their 90s, the Carters greeted visitors at Plains’ Maranatha Baptist Church, where he taught Sunday School and where he will have his last funeral before being buried on family property alongside Rosalynn . Carter, who made the congregation’s collection plates in his woodworking shop, still garnered headlines there, calling for women’s rights within religious institutions, many of which, he said, “subjugate” women in church and society. Carter was not one to dwell on regrets. “I am at peace with the accomplishments, regret the unrealized goals and utilize my former political position to enhance everything we do,” he wrote around his 90th birthday. The politician who had supposedly hated Washington politics also enjoyed hosting Democratic presidential contenders as public pilgrimages to Plains became advantageous again. Carter sat with Buttigieg for the final time March 1, 2020, hours before the Indiana mayor ended his campaign and endorsed eventual winner Joe Biden. “He asked me how I thought the campaign was going,” Buttigieg said, recalling that Carter flashed his signature grin and nodded along as the young candidate, born a year after Carter left office, “put the best face” on the walloping he endured the day before in South Carolina. Never breaking his smile, the 95-year-old host fired back, “I think you ought to drop out.” “So matter of fact,” Buttigieg said with a laugh. “It was somehow encouraging.” Carter had lived enough, won plenty and lost enough to take the long view. “He talked a lot about coming from nowhere,” Buttigieg said, not just to attain the presidency but to leverage “all of the instruments you have in life” and “make the world more peaceful.” In his farewell address as president, Carter said as much to the country that had embraced and rejected him. “The struggle for human rights overrides all differences of color, nation or language,” he declared. “Those who hunger for freedom, who thirst for human dignity and who suffer for the sake of justice — they are the patriots of this cause.” Carter pledged to remain engaged with and for them as he returned “home to the South where I was born and raised,” home to Plains, where that young lieutenant had indeed become “a fellow citizen of the world.” —- Bill Barrow, based in Atlanta, has covered national politics including multiple presidential campaigns for the AP since 2012.

Cheers and more for Bolgrad Winery in Odesa, Ukraine, whose bottles of fruity red and elegant white are proving mega Christmas hits captivating customers of Lidl GB. In a first for the UK and part of the supermarket giant’s championing of lesser known wine regions, Bolgrad’s Select Duo White 20 (£7.99) and Select Saperavi (£7.99) are flying off the shelves in stores, signalling the limited stock is set for a festive sell-out. The bottles’ eye-catching blue and yellow labels feature the colours of the Ukrainian national flag and the dual pull of place and taste is proving a powerful one for wine lovers. Bolgrad’s founder and chief executive Vitali Shmulevych, deeply heartened by the response, declared: “We are absolutely delighted to fly the flag for Ukrainian wines in the UK. Our wines bring unique styles and exciting grape varieties to the drinks aisle. Having Lidl’s support is very important.” While wines from Eastern Europe are more common now in the UK, Ukrainian wines and their fascinating histories have been largely undiscovered so far. Bolgrad, a leading brand for the country’s still wines, grows its vines on 400 hectares of land in country’s south west near to the port city of Odesa. An area known for its unique terroir here air masses from the Black Sea mingle with those from the Yalpuh freshwater lake creating diverse growing conditions and a microclimate with low rainfall and hot summers. The region is renowned for its ancient winemaking traditions that date back to Greek settlements at Borysthenis and Tyras. Still wine makes up 29 per cent of Ukraine ’s alcoholic beverages market, and in the 1950s the country imported and planted French grape varieties including Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc. The Tairov and Magarach institutes of viticulture and winemaking then experimented in crossbreeding the varieties to adapt them to the local climate, resulting in the successful cultivation of now-indigenous grapes. Bolgrad Select Duo White 2023 75cl (12.5% ABV) - £7.99 is a blend of Chardonnay and native Ukrainian Sukholimansky grapes creating a well-balanced dry white wine. The indigenous grape is highly aromatic and to the palate adds white meadow blossom and dried apricot to the ripe citrus notes of the Chardonnay. Chill for a refreshing drink or enjoy as an accompaniment to salads, lightly crumbed fish or zesty lime-spiked tacos. Bolgrad Select Saperavi 2023 75cl (14% ABV) 75cl - £7.99 is a medium-bodied fruity red, that’s softer and lightly perfumed with plentiful red fruits. A must-try for Malbec lovers, Saperavi pairs well with red meats or rich sauces during winter’s long nights, and is particularly good with seasoned spiced lamb, hard sheep’s cheese, and rich bean stews. The work of employee-owned drinks specialist Kingsland Drinks is playing a crucial role in bringing Bolgrad to the UK, overcoming trade challenges such as logistics to create vital opportunities for the winery. The Lidl GB listing comes following a major drive by Kingsland to inspire retailers into expanding selections. “We are incredibly excited and proud to see Bolgrad wines on Lidl GB’s shelves – these two first listings are both high quality,” said Kingsland buying manager Kathryn Glass. “We have long been a champion of producers of new and interesting varietals from up-and-coming wine regions and this latest listing for Bolgrad marks a major achievement in placing Ukrainian wines into the mainstream. We urge retailers to follow suit and bring a wider selection of Bolgrad wines on to shelves to offer consumers the chance to experiment and explore the potential of Ukrainian wines.” But wine lovers now need to move quickly, with a spokesperson for the store chain warning: “Both Bolgrad Saperavi and Bolgrad Duo were incredible additions to the Lidl GB November Wine Tour range. Proving to be extremely popular with our customers, there’s now only a limited amount left in select stores.” https://www.lidl.co.uk https://www.lidl.co.uk/ https://www.kingsland-drinks.com

President-elect Donald Trump is trying to get the Georgia election interference case against him dismissed, asserting that the state's courts will not have jurisdiction over him once he returns to the White House next month. The Georgia case against Trump and others is mostly on hold pending a pretrial appeal of an order allowing prosecutor Fani Willis to remain on the case despite what defense attorneys say is a conflict of interest. Trump's attorneys on Wednesday filed a notice with the Georgia Court of Appeals saying a sitting president is “completely immune from indictment or any criminal process, state or federal.” The filing asks the appeals court to consider before he becomes president next month whether it has jurisdiction to continue to hear the case. It says the court should conclude that it and the trial court lack jurisdiction “as the continued indictment and prosecution of President Trump by the State of Georgia are unconstitutional.” Trump's lawyers ask that the appeals court dismiss his appeal for lack of jurisdiction and instruct the trial court to immediately dismiss the indictment against him. RELATED STORY | American foreign policy is flowing through Mar-a-Lago as Trump prepares for White House return Also Wednesday, former Trump campaign lawyer Kenneth Chesebro, who pleaded guilty to a conspiracy charge in the case, asked the trial court judge to invalidate that plea. Chesebro was one of four people to plead guilty in the case in the months following the indictment. Representatives for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis declined to comment on Trump's and Chesebro's requests. The Georgia case, which originally included 19 defendants and dozens of charges, was the most sprawling of four criminal cases against the once-and-future president. U.S. Department of Justice special counsel Jack Smith last week told judges he was withdrawing both federal cases against Trump, citing longstanding Justice Department policy that shields a president from indictment while in office. One of those cases charged him with hoarding classified documents at his Florida estate. The other accused him of scheming to overturn the 2020 presidential election he lost. Trump on Monday asked a Manhattan judge to throw out his conviction in his hush money case , saying that continuing to pursue it would present unconstitutional “disruptions to the institution of the Presidency.“ The New York case was the only one of Trump’s four criminal indictments to go to trial, resulting in a historic verdict that made him the first former president to be convicted of a crime. In the Georgia case, Trump and some of the other remaining defendants, who have pleaded not guilty, were already seeking to have Willis removed from the prosecution or to have the indictment dismissed. They cited a romantic relationship she had with Nathan Wade , a special prosecutor she appointed to lead the case. Willis and Wade have acknowledged that they had a relationship but have said it began after he was hired and ended before the indictment against Trump was filed. Trump and other defendants argued that the relationship created a conflict of interest that should disqualify Willis and her office from continuing with her prosecution of the case. Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee ruled in March that Willis’ actions showed a “tremendous lapse in judgment,” but he did not find a conflict of interest that would disqualify Willis. He said she could continue her prosecution as long as Wade stepped aside, which he did. The appeal of that ruling remains pending but must be decided by March. Chesebro was charged in August 2023, alongside Trump and 17 others , in the sprawling indictment accusing them of participating in a wide-ranging scheme to overturn Trump's loss in the 2020 presidential election in Georgia. He pleaded guilty to a single conspiracy count a few months later after reaching a deal with prosecutors just before he was to go to trial. His lawyer on Wednesday asked Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee to invalidate the plea after McAfee in September tossed out the charge to which he had pleaded guilty. “In Georgia, a defendant cannot plead guilty to a charge that does not constitute a crime,” defense attorney Manny Arora wrote, adding that a failure to invalidate his plea would violate Chesebro's constitutional right to due process. Prosecutors have said Chesebro was part of a plot to have a group of 16 Georgia Republicans sign a certificate falsely saying that Trump had won Georgia and declaring themselves the state’s “duly elected and qualified” electors. He pleaded guilty in October 2023 to one felony charge of conspiracy to commit filing false documents related to the the filing of that document with the federal court in Atlanta. In a September ruling, McAfee wrote that punishing someone for filing certain documents with a federal court would “enable a state to constrict the scope of materials assessed by a federal court and impair the administration of justice in that tribunal to police its own proceedings.” He concluded that the count must be quashed “as beyond the jurisdiction of this State.”

Ashton Jeanty is leaving defenses - and college records - in his wake. The Boise State running back took over the Mountain West Championship Game on Friday night. He rushed for 209 yards and a touchdown in a 21-7 victory over UNLV. Jeanty's 75-yard score in the second quarter was his fifth of the season from 70-plus yards - matching LaDainian Tomlinson ’s single-season FBS record. The phenom has 2,497 yards on the ground this campaign and needs just 131 more to surpass Barry Sanders’ all-time mark of 2,628 from 1988. Going into last night, two-way Colorado Buffaloes star Travis Hunter was an overwhelming favorite to win the Heisman. But the drumbeat for Jeanty is growing louder and he passed his final audition with flying colors. Jonathan Stewart ran for over 7,000 yards in an 11-year career and has seen enough. The 2015 Pro Bowler with the Carolina Panthers suggested that Hunter's overall impact doesn't come close despite his solid play on both sides of the ball. "Ashton Jeanty is the Heisman winner. If you swap him to Colorado they are a top 10 team!" Stewart posted on X alongside Jeanty comparing him to Sanders. "If you take Travis Hunter and swap him to Boise state they are not a ranked team! Case closed." Fans jumped into the replies to defend Sanders and Hunter. "They didn't count Sanders bowl game back then. He would have had 2850 yards if they did," commented one. "Stew you my guy but this take aint it.. what Travis is doing at a better level conference wise is HISTORIC. Your running back bias definitely taking over on this," a second posted. "Nothin but facts from J-Stew," wrote one fan in support of Stewart. "Bro, if he’s running the ball for CU they are undefeated and a top 3 team, even without Hunter," another argued. Jeanty confirmed he is entering the NFL Draft next year before laying out his credentials. "I feel like I'm the best player in the country," the 21-year-old said before the dominant performance against UNLV. "I've put that on notice every single week, and it's just the same thing. "I take it week by week. If I'm picked to win [the Heisman], I win. But my focus right now is going out and playing my best football for my teammates and coaches and winning a championship." The Broncos are heading for the college playoffs with a 12-1 record, giving Jeanty more chance to enhance his stock. As for potential destinations, the struggling Dallas Cowboys are being tipped to use what looks like a potential high pick to fix an ailing RB room. talkSPORT is your home of the NFL on UK radio, and you can stay up to date with all the latest from around the league via our dedicated 'EndZone' YouTube channel.

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December magic ... the brain’s wonder ... and how to defeat emotional investing December has settled in, and it seems like the world has transformed. Everyday sights are now lined with twinkling lights. The scent of pine trees fills homes, shopping malls and even office buildings. Kitchens are stocked with cookies – maybe one of your favorites that you look forward to every year. It’s amazing how the sights, sounds and smells of a season can transport you backwards in time. You probably remember just what your house looked like when you were young, the excitement of putting up the decorations, and the comforting aroma of your favorite treats baking in the kitchen. The brain stores all this information and the related emotions and calls it up again easily. Suddenly, you’re thrown back into a different (hopefully happy) mood. The brilliance of the human brain can’t be overstated. With it, we turn ordinary homes and shops into places of wonder. Human beings write symphonies, create mechanical marvels, and now we have even created real artificial intelligence. An adult brain only weighs about three pounds and is 75% water, but it contains about 100 billion neurons – roughly the same number of stars in the Milky Way galaxy. Despite its compact size, its capacity to create music, art and inventions seems limitless. Yet for all its marvelous gifts, the human brain is not always the best tool for stock picking and managing your portfolio. As we all know, we’re too often ruled by our biases and emotions. All our analytical capabilities are worthless if we let those things sway our decision-making. But there are ways to mitigate those impulses and make the most of your investing dollars. Overcoming irrational investing You don’t have to be a psychologist, sociologist or economist to understand that humans are emotional creatures. The field of behavioral finance examines the irrational behaviors that hurt our money management. If you look back over your investing history, you can probably see, in retrospect, how your biases affected your decision-making. Some of the more familiar biases include: Overconfidence: In investing circles this is often referred to as “confusing a bull market with brains.” Overconfident investors refuse to believe their thinking is wrong, even when the market changes direction. Loss Aversion: People fear losses more than anything else. This causes them to sell winners too soon or hold on to losers for too long, hoping they will rebound. Crowd-seeking: The fear of missing out leads folks to pile into popular trades, creating bubbles and eventual crashes. Everyone who lived through the dot-com bubble and crash can relate. And as trading stocks has become easier – you can trade stocks in seconds on your phone – the potential for an emotional decision to wreak havoc on portfolios has only increased. Senior tech investing analyst Luke Lango knows this challenge well. Luke is well-known for his ability to see the technology trends that are going to drive societal progress. His specialty is investing early in the companies that will thrive from that change. Whether the technological advancement is self-driving cars, AI, quantum computing or the rise of cryptocurrencies, Luke has helped his subscribers grow their wealth as the tide of progress continues to surge forward. And though technology is unemotional, technology investors are still just human beings with all the same emotional tendencies. Here’s Luke explaining how that reality affects the markets. This observation resonates with buy-and-hold investors. One day everything seems to be going well in the market, and the next day chaos reigns. You likely remember 2018, when on Christmas Eve, the S&P hit its low point on a 20% correction that had begun just months prior. 2018 S&P Market Plunge Luke believes fear- and greed-driven “flash crashes” are only going to become more common. That’s why he decided to develop a solution to help keep himself, and his subscribers, from having to endure these stomach-churning rides. Luke’s new stock screening system Luke hasn’t abandoned buy-and-hold investing. He specializes in finding the innovative companies that are developing the technology of tomorrow. Those are often smaller companies that need time to grow and mature. And in his various investment services, he still provides related buy-and-hold recommendations. Over the shorter term, however, Luke wants to help his readers thrive in volatile market environments. But that requires overcoming those investment biases we highlighted a moment ago. This is why Luke created a new, exclusive stock screener called Auspex that identifies the best fundamentally strong stocks with the technical indicators and positive sentiment needed to drive short-term gains. It’s a systems-based market approach that removes emotion, allowing impartial data to inform buy and sell decisions. At its core, Auspex identifies the strongest stocks in the market. Each month, Luke runs it again, thereby continually making sure that investors are aligning their wealth with the current “best of the best,” not yesterday’s leaders who are now slipping (which too many investors would hold onto thanks to our biases). After a year of development and rigorous back testing, Luke is ready to make the results widely available. Luke has shared the system’s picks with his Inner Circle subscribers for the last five months, and it has beaten the market every month – even in November, as you can see in the chart below. Given these results, you owe it to yourself to sign up for Luke’s free Auspex Anomaly Event, next Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 1 p.m. ET. Luke will explain why the markets are going to be more volatile than ever next year, how he developed his new Auspex screener, and how his subscribers can achieve market-beating gains while only spending about 10 minutes a month on their portfolios, and only trading five to 20 stocks at a time. The event is free, and the results are impressive. You can sign up for the event by clicking right here. The holidays can be a time of great joy and happy memories. With Luke’s powerful Auspex tool, you can create some financial joy and happy memories year-round! Enjoy your weekend, Luis Hernandez Editor in Chief, InvestorPlaceRugby supporters, former players and the media in this country have all woken up this morning pondering one question: Where do Wales go from here? Warren Gatland has overseen a winless 2024 after succumbing to their 12th Test defeat in a row, the most recent of which came at the mighty hands of the Springboks in Cardiff on Saturday. The post-mortem will now be carried out and difficult conversations will have to be made. The one at the centre of most conversations in living rooms around Wales this morning will likely surround the future of head coach Gatland. Ex-Wales captain Gwyn Jones wrote in his WalesOnline column prior to the match that he thought Gatland's "race is run" in the hot-seat and his calls for a shake-up have only been strengthened following the latest defeat. He even suggested promoting Rob Howley, Gatland's assistant, to the role of head coach for the Six Nations, affording the Union time to make a considered decision on a permanent successor. Speaking on Scrum V, he said: "I can't see anything new or different he is going to offer. He's got a certain style of play that he's played for 20 years. You need big, strong players to play it and we haven't got them. We are going to have to play differently. "The same messages he can't give to these players and expect them to do something different. "Maybe a different set of eyes might do something different. But this can't continue. It's awful. Personally, yeah, I would make a change. I'd say 'You are no longer head coach'. And then if you want to promote Rob Howley for a Six Nations and give yourself time to get a coach in over the summer, that's one option." Gatland said he is likely to know more about his future in the coming days, with the WRU, who area having their AGM today, set to hold talks with the New Zealander. In another strident message, Jones said of CEO Abi Tierney, chair Richard Collier-Keywood and executive director of rugby Nigel Walker: "They need to make decisions and move forward. They are going to be unpopular, clearly, and people are going to lose out. We've been here before, they will be political fighting and back-fighting because that's Welsh rugby. We are regional and we don't want our team to lose out. "But the status quo cannot go on with a fear of making an unpopular decision. People are going to lose out and it's going to be painful. But the status quo cannot continue." Get the latest breaking news sent directly to your phone with our free WhatsApp service here. Another former captain, Ken Owens, was also on the podcast. He was there when former head coach Wayne Pivac's position as head coach became untenable. Clearly, the former hooker still has close ties with many players still in this current Wales setup and, revealing conversations he has held with some in camp, he believes they are still behind Gatland. "I'm sure they will speak to the players," Owens said. "Back with Wayne, conversations were had after the results, we lost to Italy and then Georgia at home, pretty much the decision was made. But conversations were had with players. "It wouldn't have made a difference if we all backed Pivac. I'm sure conversations will be had with players to see if they all back Gatland, but from the comments I've heard, speaking to a couple of the boys, I think they do. "But if you look at that squad, there's not enough of a big senior leadership group to have that honest conversations. Back with Wayne there was. We have got a handful of quality, experienced guys, but not enough of them across the board." Another esteemed voice in Welsh rugby, former fly-half and centre James Hook, added his weight to the discourse, too. Hook believes that Wales find themselves at a similar crossroads to where they were in 2007 after Gareth Jenkins' tenure. Hook things that while Gatland is struggling to find his best team, he also thinks this group of players might benefit from a fresh voice, just like when he came in first of all in 2008. "It's difficult to know where we go. You look at Gatland and his first reign. You could pick the one to 15, or one to 23, almost," Hook said. "But we haven't seen any shoots of green since Gatland took over his second reign, really. We haven't seen any improvement, our combinations - is Ben Thomas and Max Llewellyn the combination to take us forward? We've got (Gareth) Anscombe back as an experienced 10. (Aaron) Wainwright was dropped. "We don't know what the best team is. You ask three million Welsh people what the best team is and you'll get three million different answers. "It seems a very similar situation to 2007, when we needed fresh ideas and a new coach to come in and Gatland was perfect. We were in dire straits at the end of 2007 and didn't see a way forward. We win a game at Twickenham and all of a sudden we are winning Grand Slams. From fresh ideas and a new coach. "Has it come to that point now, where we do need a freshen up and someone who is right on it in terms of the modern game? I don't know."Tyler Seguin needs hip surgery, jeopardizing his season with the Dallas Stars(Reuters) - Intel will have a CEO with manufacturing expertise as well as experience in the product side of the business, interim co-CEO David Zinsner said at the UBS technology conference on Wednesday. Reuters reported on Tuesday that Intel has started evaluating a handful of outsiders including former board member Lip-Bu Tan to take the reins of the struggling chipmaker. Intel's "core strategy remains intact", Zinsner said at the conference, two days after the struggling U.S. chipmaker announced the resignation of CEO Pat Gelsinger following impatience with the pace of a costly turnaround. The company also requires a "significant cultural change" to become a successful foundry player as well as in the semiconductor business, Intel's head of foundry manufacturing and supply chain Naga Chandrasekaran said. (Reporting by Zaheer Kachwala in Bengaluru; Editing by Shounak Dasgupta)

After another close loss, No. 14 Gonzaga opens WCC play at Pepperdine

While they might not be producing a wealth of offense, the Kings have been penurious defensively of late and will take that stinginess northward to San Jose for a matchup with the Sharks on Monday. They surrendered just one goal in each contest during their three-game homestand and no five-on-five markers, most recently restraining the Seattle Kraken in a 2-1 win. Seattle had won five of its past six games, whereas San Jose has dropped six of its past seven. David Rittich, who has made three straight starts since Darcy Kuemper sustained his second lower-body injury of the young campaign during a loss in Colorado, has posted six one-goal-allowed efforts in 11 starts, with five of those performances being wins. The sixth was a 1-0 loss to Buffalo on Wednesday, which coach Jim Hiller said he thought gave the Kings additional motivation against Seattle. “I think we played really well the last couple (games), but (against Seattle) we did something extra with obviously scoring goals, which gives us the opportunity to win,” Rittich said. Individual Kings had plenty of motivation, too. Their second-period power-play goal represented the first point in seven games for Kevin Fiala and the first goal in six for Quinton Byfield, as well as the first power-play goal by any King against a goalie in the past seven games. Byfield’s scoring woes have been longer-standing. Byfield said he’d like to better integrate the physical side of his game into his offense, but for now was pleased to have broken through, and with an authoritative snipe, no less. “It’s obviously tough. You do think about it, but you’ve got to stay positive. I’ve learned from the best, Kopi, all the time he’s just even keel,” said Byfield, referring to Kings captain Anze Kopitar. “I try to be happy, that’s just my personality. I don’t want to bring anyone else down around me. It always comes eventually, and hopefully it’ll pile up.” Saturday also marked Byfield’s 200th career game, and he joined seven other players who have crossed that threshold from his 2020 draft class. He accumulated those games across parts of five seasons, some of which saw him bounce between the NHL and AHL while he also battled serious injuries and illnesses. “It was tough. There was a lot of adversity and a lot of challenging moments in those 200 games,” Byfield said. There might not be a ton of adversity ahead for the Kings in San Jose, given that the Sharks remain in a half-decade-long rebuild still waiting to take off and have been mired in a funk lately, too. But the Kings managed to lose to them and another bottom-dweller, the Chicago Blackhawks, in the same week, and their 4-2 loss in San Jose on Oct. 29 featured an 0-for-6 display on the power play. Five days earlier, the Kings had beaten the Sharks, 3-2, in L.A. The No. 1 overall pick in the 2024 draft, Macklin Celebrini, did not compete in either meeting for San Jose. He’ll be healthy Monday and has scored seven points in 10 games, production spearheaded by three multi-point outings. Veteran Mikael Granlund’s 24 points are eight more than any other Shark has contributed this season.Cam Carter scored LSU's first eight points and finished with a game-high 23 and LSU raced to a 37-8 lead on its way to a 110-45 victory against outmanned Mississippi Valley State on Sunday in Baton Rouge, La. Vyctorius Miller added 20 points and Jordan Sears and Daimion Collins scored 15 each for the Tigers (11-2), who led 55-13 at halftime. It was their final game before opening Southeastern Conference play against visiting Vanderbilt on Saturday. LSU, which defeated Mississippi Valley 106-60 last season, shot 65.7 percent (46 of 70) from the floor. The Delta Devils (2-11) had no player score in double figures. The closest was Alvin Stredic with eight points. Mississippi Valley State remained winless against Division I opponents and have an average margin of defeat of 44.2 points heading into their Southwestern Athletic Conference opener at Alabama State on Jan. 4. Stredic's field goal tied the score at two before Carter made a tie-breaking 3-pointer to give LSU the lead for good. Carter made another 3-pointer during a 7-0 run that increased the lead to 12-4. Another field goal by Stredic ended that run before Carter and Sears each made a 3-pointer and the Tigers pushed the lead to 20-6. Stredic made another field goal, giving him six of his team's first eight points, before Carter made a 3-pointer and another basket to help fuel a 17-0 run that enabled LSU to build the 37-8 bulge. Johnathan Pace made a field goal to stop the run, but Sears and Curtis Givens III each made a 3-pointer to complete a 10-0 run that expanded the lead to 47-10. Jair Horton answered with the Delta Devils' only 3-pointer of the half before Miller and Sears each scored four points and the Tigers led by 42 at the break. Carter (16 points) and Sears (10) combined to score twice as many points as Mississippi Valley State in the half. Carter made 6-of-10 3-pointers and Sears made 4 of 8. --Field Level MediaAdvisors Asset Management Inc. Sells 622 Shares of Genmab A/S (NASDAQ:GMAB)

Watch Tennessee Titans running back Tony Pollard's best plays from 129-yard game vs. the Houston Texans from Week 12 of the 2024 NFL season.Hours until new tool connects Americans with $1.6t in lost money – you may not even know it’s missing from your accountWhile they might not be producing a wealth of offense, the Kings have been penurious defensively of late and will take that stinginess northward to San Jose for a matchup with the Sharks on Monday. They surrendered just one goal in each contest during their three-game homestand and no five-on-five markers, most recently restraining the Seattle Kraken in a 2-1 win. Seattle had won five of its past six games, whereas San Jose has dropped six of its past seven. David Rittich, who has made three straight starts since Darcy Kuemper sustained his second lower-body injury of the young campaign during a loss in Colorado, has posted six one-goal-allowed efforts in 11 starts, with five of those performances being wins. The sixth was a 1-0 loss to Buffalo on Wednesday, which coach Jim Hiller said he thought gave the Kings additional motivation against Seattle. “I think we played really well the last couple (games), but (against Seattle) we did something extra with obviously scoring goals, which gives us the opportunity to win,” Rittich said. Individual Kings had plenty of motivation, too. Their second-period power-play goal represented the first point in seven games for Kevin Fiala and the first goal in six for Quinton Byfield, as well as the first power-play goal by any King against a goalie in the past seven games. Byfield’s scoring woes have been longer-standing. Byfield said he’d like to better integrate the physical side of his game into his offense, but for now was pleased to have broken through, and with an authoritative snipe, no less. “It’s obviously tough. You do think about it, but you’ve got to stay positive. I’ve learned from the best, Kopi, all the time he’s just even keel,” said Byfield, referring to Kings captain Anze Kopitar. “I try to be happy, that’s just my personality. I don’t want to bring anyone else down around me. It always comes eventually, and hopefully it’ll pile up.” Saturday also marked Byfield’s 200th career game, and he joined seven other players who have crossed that threshold from his 2020 draft class. He accumulated those games across parts of five seasons, some of which saw him bounce between the NHL and AHL while he also battled serious injuries and illnesses. “It was tough. There was a lot of adversity and a lot of challenging moments in those 200 games,” Byfield said. There might not be a ton of adversity ahead for the Kings in San Jose, given that the Sharks remain in a half-decade-long rebuild still waiting to take off and have been mired in a funk lately, too. But the Kings managed to lose to them and another bottom-dweller, the Chicago Blackhawks, in the same week, and their 4-2 loss in San Jose on Oct. 29 featured an 0-for-6 display on the power play. Five days earlier, the Kings had beaten the Sharks, 3-2, in L.A. The No. 1 overall pick in the 2024 draft, Macklin Celebrini, did not compete in either meeting for San Jose. He’ll be healthy Monday and has scored seven points in 10 games, production spearheaded by three multi-point outings. Veteran Mikael Granlund’s 24 points are eight more than any other Shark has contributed this season.

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