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Shares of KeyCorp .css-8459s-OverridedLink.css-8459s-OverridedLink:any-link{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;color:var(--color-interactiveLink010, interactiveLink010);border-bottom:1px solid;border-bottom-color:var(--color-interactiveLink010, interactiveLink010);}.css-8459s-OverridedLink.css-8459s-OverridedLink:any-link.css-8459s-OverridedLink.css-8459s-OverridedLink:any-link svg{fill:var(--color-interactiveLink010, interactiveLink010);}.css-8459s-OverridedLink.css-8459s-OverridedLink:any-link:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;color:var(--color-interactiveLink020, interactiveLink020);border-bottom:1px solid;border-bottom-color:var(--color-interactiveLink020, interactiveLink020);}.css-8459s-OverridedLink.css-8459s-OverridedLink:any-link:hover.css-8459s-OverridedLink.css-8459s-OverridedLink:any-link:hover svg{fill:var(--color-interactiveLink020, interactiveLink020);} .css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink{display:inline;color:var(--color-interactiveLink010);-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}@media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference){.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink{transition-property:color,fill;transition-duration:200ms,200ms;transition-timing-function:cubic-bezier(0, 0, .5, 1),cubic-bezier(0, 0, .5, 1);}}@media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce){.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink{transition-property:color,fill;transition-duration:0ms;transition-timing-function:cubic-bezier(0, 0, .5, 1),cubic-bezier(0, 0, .5, 1);}}.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink svg{fill:var(--color-interactiveLink010);}.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink:hover:not(:disabled){color:var(--color-interactiveLink020);-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink:hover:not(:disabled) svg{fill:var(--color-interactiveLink020);}.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink:active:not(:disabled){color:var(--color-interactiveLink030);-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink:active:not(:disabled) svg{fill:var(--color-interactiveLink030);}.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink:visited:not(:disabled){color:var(--color-interactiveVisited010);-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink:visited:not(:disabled) svg{fill:var(--color-interactiveVisited010);}.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink:visited:hover:not(:disabled){color:var(--color-interactiveVisited010);-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink:visited:hover:not(:disabled) svg{fill:var(--color-interactiveVisited010);}.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink:focus-visible:not(:disabled){outline-color:var(--outlineColorDefault);outline-style:var(--outlineStyleDefault);outline-width:var(--outlineWidthDefault);outline-offset:var(--outlineOffsetDefault);}@media not all and (min-resolution: 0.001dpcm){@supports (-webkit-appearance: none) and (stroke-color: transparent){.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink:focus-visible:not(:disabled){outline-style:var(--safariOutlineStyleDefault);}}}.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink:any-link{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;color:var(--color-interactiveLink010, interactiveLink010);border-bottom:1px solid;border-bottom-color:var(--color-interactiveLink010, interactiveLink010);}.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink:any-link.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink:any-link svg{fill:var(--color-interactiveLink010, interactiveLink010);}.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink:any-link:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;color:var(--color-interactiveLink020, interactiveLink020);border-bottom:1px solid;border-bottom-color:var(--color-interactiveLink020, interactiveLink020);}.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink:any-link:hover.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink.css-1y1y9ag-OverridedLink:any-link:hover svg{fill:var(--color-interactiveLink020, interactiveLink020);} KEY inched 0.12% higher to $17.39 Thursday, on what proved to be an all-around mixed trading session for the stock market, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA rising 0.07% to 43,325.80 and the S&P 500 Index SPX falling 0.04% to 6,037.59. This was the stock's fourth consecutive day of gains.
Onity Group Names Valerie Haertel Vice President of Investor RelationsEagles QB Kenny Pickett expects to be ‘ready to go’ vs. CowboysFor more than 30 years, a man known as Roger A. Pearce Jr. worked as a prosperous land-use and zoning attorney in Oregon and Washington. He represented some of the Pacific Northwest’s most prominent people and businesses and took on high-profile projects. He served on planning commissions, nonprofit boards and racked up hours doing pro bono legal work. He and his wife retired to a $1.4 million condo on Seattle’s Lake Washington. By all accounts, the now-77-year-old had made a good name for himself. Except one thing: Roger Pearce wasn’t actually his name. It belonged to a baby who died in Vermont in 1952. Pearce stole the identity when he was in his early 20s and looking to leave his troubles behind — college dropout, check fraud, a failed marriage. The State Department unmasked him only in 2022 during a review of one of his applications for a new passport. Federal workers detected that he had applied for a new Social Security number as an adult — a red flag. But they still couldn’t figure out who he truly was. So prosecutors last year indicted the man in federal court in Oregon as “John Doe,” charging him with making a false statement in an application for a passport, a felony. He was arrested last year on a warrant in Washington. When he pleaded guilty three months ago to an identity fraud misdemeanor, the courtroom deputy, at the judge’s behest, asked him to state his name for the record. “My birth name was Willie Ragan Casper Jr.,” he said, marking the first time since his arrest that he gave his real name under oath. “The name I’ve gone under and been known as for the last over 50 years is Roger Alfred Pearce Jr.” When he stood Wednesday in Portland to receive his sentence, he offered an explanation for his decades of duplicity. “I really wanted to start over,” he said. ‘I felt the failure’ Casper was born in Jackson, Mississippi, in December 1946, the older of two boys. He seized an opportunity to leave his hometown to attend Rice University in Texas but wasn’t prepared for the rigor of the classes and dropped out. An early marriage ended around the same time. Then Casper got involved in fraud, writing checks on a bank account with no money in what he called a “fairly naive” anti-war protest against banks during the Vietnam War era, he said. “I was a young person, confused, depressed. I felt the failure,” he said in court, reading in a steady voice from an open binder resting on the defense table in front of him. Casper, tall, slim and white-haired, sat upright beside his lawyer. He wore a black blazer and gray slacks, a white shirt and a black tie that he adjusted just before the judge arrived on the bench. He looked every bit the experienced lawyer he typically portrayed in court during his three-decade-long career, even engaging in small talk with the prosecutor before the hearing began. “I was ashamed that I had wasted a lot of my parents’ money supporting me in a distant city they couldn’t really afford,” Casper said. “My marriage had fallen apart. I had no real career prospects.” He said he also was worried about getting arrested for his check-kiting. A friend had been caught renting a car with a false ID and police had come to the house they shared. He wasn’t home at the time but feared police would return, looking for him. He spoke for about six minutes as his wife sat in the front row behind him in the public gallery. A psychologist who evaluated Casper and submitted a sealed report to the judge was present by video but didn’t speak. Casper said he stayed another six weeks in Houston and then fled. He also changed his identity. “I wanted to start over with a clean slate,” he said. “I felt like everything was at a dead end for me there in Texas.” In 1971, he stole the name of a dead child using the baby’s birth certificate. It’s unclear who gave him the certificate or if he paid for it, but his lawyer said birth certificates were apparently easy to come by during the anti-Vietnam era as others used them to try to evade the draft. Two years later, when he was in his late 20s, he applied for a Social Security number in the name of Roger Alfred Pearce Jr., using the dead baby’s birth certificate. Casper first went to Montana, then to Oregon, where he had some friends in Eugene. “The decision to change my name at that time was foolish, of course. At the time, I viewed it as a clean break from the past,” he said. I was also naive and in love with grand gestures, like some young people are.” He found work and took classes at Lane Community College in the early 1970s, records show. He made new friends, he said. “I crawled out of being depressed and within a few years, that new name was absolutely normal to me,” he told the judge. “After that, I have never thought of myself as other than Roger Pearce.” He did a stint as a dancer and singer in New York before ending up in Seattle, working for a bakery and then got the idea to go to law school, according to his lawyer. He enrolled in what was then the University of Puget Sound law school in Tacoma without a college degree, graduating in his mid-40s as the first in his class, summa cum laude in May 1991, according to his lawyer. He went on to a successful career with the Seattle-based firm Foster Pepper LLC, representing Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen’s Vulcan development company and serving as a lawyer for the Seattle Monorail Popular Authority. In 2014, he was admitted to the Oregon State Bar, later moved back to Oregon and opened Pearce Law in Ashland. He served as chair of Ashland’s planning commission and as a Jackson County hearings officer. He also was secretary of the Rotary Club of Ashland and secretary of the Ashland New Plays Association. ‘False pretenses’ His façade cracked in 2022 when the State Department discovered an unresolved irregularity in his Social Security number. When Casper had gotten his fraudulent number, technology wasn’t available to track the birth certificate he submitted back to a dead child. But the federal government now has fraud detection that screens passport applications of people who received Social Security numbers as adults. Late-issued Social Security numbers strongly correlate to fraud, Assistant U.S. Attorney Ethan D. Knight wrote in his sentencing memo. The State Department’s screening has caught members of the mafia and other criminals trying to avoid detection. This time, it caught Casper. He had applied for a U.S. passport in 1991 and then renewed it twice more — in 2003 and May 2013 in Ashland. His applications got flagged as suspicious. State Department investigators then confirmed the Pearce name he was using was of someone who had died and had been submitted illegally to get a passport. But they couldn’t figure out his true name — only that the man claiming to be Pearce lived in Oregon and Washington and had been practicing law since 1991. “This is a case, from a criminal perspective, more about who the defendant is not, than who he is,” Knight said. In January 2023, a federal grand jury in Oregon returned a one-count indictment charging “John Doe” with making a false statement on his passport application and he was arrested in Seattle. In a plea deal in August, Casper pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of producing an identification document without lawful authority. The maximum penalty is a year in prison and a $1,000 fine. Prosecutors had weighed his “sustained act of deception” with his “otherwise law-abiding existence” and “fundamental decency,” Knight said. When defense lawyer Janet Lee Hoffman tried to explain at the plea hearing that Casper had pursued an illustrious legal career, the judge hastened to interject. “Under false pretenses,” U.S. District Judge Michael H. Simon pointed out. ‘Choice that few receive’ At the start of sentencing Wednesday, Simon asked, “Do you want me to refer to your client as Mr. Pearce, Mr. Doe or Mr. Casper.” Hoffman said Pearce. She sought a year of probation for her client, but the prosecutor recommended two years. “Every person is responsible for and owns their own history and really the shadow that that casts and the consequences that ultimately may bear out,” Knight said. “The defendant’s choice in this case really is an abdication of that basic principle.” Many people come before the court who would have liked the option Casper took to start anew and leave their past behind, Knight said. “He availed himself of a choice that few receive, and that’s why we’re here today,” he said. Hoffman said the defendant lived a model life under his new identity. “Roger had a stellar career and enhanced each community that he lived in and the lives of everyone he touched,” she said. The judge said he considered Casper’s statement, the psychologist’s evaluation and letters from his wife and from Elisabeth Ann Zinser, a retired Southern Oregon University president who had known him for 10 years. Simon noted that Casper’s wife – Julie Benezet, a Seattle finance lawyer and author – hadn’t said in her letter if she knew of her husband’s long deception. He asked if Casper would say. Casper demurred, replying, “I prefer not to answer,” while acknowledging that he didn’t expect the government to prosecute his wife for fraud. He also said they have a “really wonderful marriage.” Simon said he was troubled that no one had delved into the real Roger Pearce Jr. Based on a photo in the court documents, he noted that the baby’s gravestone indicated he had lived six months and nine days. “It must be tough for a parent to lose a baby after six months, and it would only be worse if they ever knew or learned that someone else falsely took that baby’s name,” Simon said. Knight told the judge that the baby’s parents had both died. Simon then adopted the prosecutor’s recommendation and sentenced Casper to two years of probation. Casper must now relinquish his licenses to practice law in Oregon and Washington and never reapply to practice law. He also faces an Oregon State Bar disciplinary investigation. He is barred from getting a new piece of identification, whether it’s a driver’s license or Social Security number, in any name other than his legal name. But Casper said he intends to legally change his name to Roger Alfred Pearce Jr. soon, making the prohibition moot. “He will always be Roger Pearce,” his lawyer said after court. ‘Still in shock’ The actual Roger Alfred Pearce Jr. was born in Montpellier, Vermont, in September 1951 and died March 11, 1952. A younger sister, Dawn Hyttinen, now 51, said she believes her brother died of meningitis. He was the first born of seven children, she said. Their mother died in 2016 and father died in 2020, she said. “I grew up hearing about him,” she said. She said her father didn’t talk about the baby, but her mother always did. But she said no one in her family was told that someone had stolen her brother’s identity or was living under his name. “This is just absolutely crazy,” she said. “I’m flabbergasted.” Government investigators couldn’t find any living relatives of the boy, prosecutors said in court records, but an Oregonian/OregonLive reporter found Hyttinen in Arizona. She said she’s very curious about Casper and how he ended up using her brother’s identity. “I’m still in shock,’’ she said. The same is true for the family that Casper left behind. “He’s alive?!” a stunned Justin Casper blurted when contacted by The Oregonian/OregonLive. He’s the son of Casper’s younger brother, Dr. Robert Casper, now 72. “This is the first I’ve heard anything about him,” said Justin Casper, who lives in Arkansas. “We didn’t have a good answer as to what really happened to him. He’s my dad’s long lost brother.” He said he had heard his uncle had some problem with credit card fraud. “He just kind of left. He took off and never said where he was going. He never had any contact with his family again,” Justin Casper said. “I thought he was dead.” In a coincidence, Justin Casper had tried about six months ago to track down his uncle for his dad but couldn’t find anything online about him and was thinking of hiring a private investigator. He said his father hasn’t talked much about his older brother through the years. “I think it hurt him too much,” Justin Casper said. Now, the nephew is eager to learn what happened. “Why? What in the world? I’m happy that he’s alive,” he said. “Maybe we can reconnect with him, though it’ll be an awkward conversation.” Another chance In the months since his arrest, Willie Casper said he has had to face his past. He’s had difficult and emotional conversations with colleagues and friends about what he did but said they’ve been supportive. “I didn’t forget my birth name. I didn’t forget my early history,” he said in court. “I think I just literally compartmentalized it because it wasn’t relevant to my day-to-day life.” He added matter of factly: “I was Roger Pearce.” As he’s reflected on his identity, he said he feels good about what he’s accomplished: “I contributed to my community. I think I’ve helped raise a wonderful daughter.” At the same time, he can’t shake his true past. “I’ve also had an opportunity to think about what I’ve walked away from and lost,” he said. At the time he changed his name, he said he was “disengaged and estranged” from his birth family. His parents didn’t understand his anti-war sentiment, his lawyer said. “I really never got back in touch with them,” Casper said. But now, he said, he would be willing to contact his younger brother. He hasn’t seen him in over 50 years. “Perhaps paradoxically,” he said, “this prosecution may give me the chance to recover some of what I’ve lost.”
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The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) announced on November 20, 2024, the release of the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Grand Challenge Roadmap Implementation Framework . Developed by an interagency team led by DOE, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the framework is a supplemental document to the roadmap. Whereas the roadmap identified the actions needed to achieve the goals of the SAF Grand Challenge, the framework provides SAF stakeholders with an understanding of what capabilities and programs federal agencies currently have in place to implement the roadmap actions. The framework also identifies existing gaps where additional effort, public-private partnerships, and support will be needed to meet the goals set forth in the SAF Grand Challenge. According to the fact sheet , the gaps include: Creating certainty in U.S. government policy to support build-out of SAF supply chains; Expanding data and analysis and improving models to perform transparent and credible SAF supply chain analysis to inform business models and policy development; Expanding purpose-grown feedstocks and tapping the potential of waste and residual feedstocks; Optimizing economically viable and sustainable feedstock supply chains; Using existing ethanol and petroleum industry infrastructure to rapidly scale up and deploy; Reducing risk and building coalitions; and Communicating SAF Grand Challenge progress and benefits transparently and effectively. Organized by six roadmap action areas, the framework covers feedstock innovation, conversion technology innovation, building supply chains, policy and valuation analysis, enabling end use, and communicating progress and building support. DOE states in its press release that the SAF Grand Challenge interagency team is committed to supporting achievement of the SAF Grand Challenge goals as demonstrated through: Research and development of sustainable feedstock and fuel production technologies, providing support for technology scale-up and advancing environmental analysis of SAF; Support of U.S. farmers with climate-smart agriculture practices and research; Loan guarantees to commercial-scale SAF projects that utilize innovative technology to convert feedstock to SAF and avoid, reduce, or sequester greenhouse gas emissions; and Provision of capabilities and funding to support SAF qualification, U.S. and international standard-setting, and development of infrastructure and transportation systems.Global Hand Hygiene Monitoring System Market Set For 13.1% Growth, Reaching $9.87 Billion By 2028
Blair defends Canada’s defence spending plan as ‘credible’ amid criticismALBANY – Gov. Kathy Hochul on Thursday signed a bill into law requiring companies that have burned fossil fuels and contributed to atmosphere pollution to help pay for damages caused by climate change. The new “climate change superfund” is expected to contribute a combined $75 billion over the next quarter-century and could send an estimated $71 million to Western New York communities. The Climate Change Superfund Act proposes forcing fossil fuel companies to pay for damages caused by climate change and could bring an estimated $71 million annually to Western New York communities. The legislation – heralded by environmentalists and strongly opposed by fuel companies – will target businesses that have “contributed significantly to the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to bear a proportionate share of the cost of infrastructure investments required to adapt to the impacts of climate change in New York State,” according to a memo for the bill sponsored by Assembly Member Jeffrey Dinowitz, D-Bronx, and Sen. Liz Krueger, D-Manhattan. The bill establishes a Climate Change Adaptation Cost Recovery Program that, according to the bill, will require companies to pay into the fund because their products caused the pollution. The goal of the law is to collect $75 billion over the next 25 years from gas and oil companies most responsible for the pollution, which, in turn, is expected to fund climate change programs across New York. It’s a similar framework to the already-established inactive hazardous waste disposal site program, also known as the state superfund program, and the oil spill fund. New York’s measure follows Vermont, which enacted a similar climate superfund act in May. The top polluters are expected to pay some $3 billion annually over the time period. And the new law will require the State Department of Environmental Conversation to complete a master plan to guide the payments from companies in a timely and equitable manner to all regions of the state. DEC, the State Department of Taxation and Finance and the state’s attorney general will enforce the law. “With nearly every record rainfall, heatwave, and coastal storm, New Yorkers are increasingly burdened with billions of dollars in health, safety, and environmental consequences due to polluters that have historically harmed our environment,” Hochul said in a statement. The governor said the bill would “hold polluters responsible for the damage done to our environment and requiring major investments in infrastructure and other projects critical to protecting our communities and economy.” Projects including coastal wetlands restoration, storm water drainage system upgrades, energy efficiency upgrades and extreme weather response improvements could all be funded under the climate superfund. The bill makes clear that no admission of wrongdoing by the companies is required. It is well established by the scientific community that a buildup of greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere has fueled climate change, leading to more frequent and severe disasters such as hurricanes, flooding, drought and extreme heat. In Western New York, the effects of climate change are seen in worsening winter storms , rising temperatures and coastal flooding . Even climate-change-fueled hurricanes have affected the region after remnants of Hurricane Beryl, which was driven by warm ocean currents, caused destructive tornadoes in Erie, Chautauqua and Genesee counties in early July. Environmentalists and political organizations alike applauded the bill’s passage Thursday. “Our region is already experiencing negative impacts from climate change and as we accelerate our work on building resiliency in our Western New York communities and shorelines, another source of infrastructure investments can only help,” said Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper Executive Director Jill Jedlicka in a statement. “Waterkeeper will continue to help advocate for resources like these for our Great Lakes and Western New York region.” Blair Horner, executive director of the New York Public Interest Research Group, noted that the bill places financial onus on oil and gas companies for damages caused by their pollution. “The governor’s approval of the Climate Change Superfund Act is a welcome holiday gift for New York taxpayers. Until her approval, New York taxpayers were 100% on the financial hook for climate costs,” Horner said in a statement. “Now Big Oil will pay for much of the damages that they helped cause.” The bill was not without heavy opposition, however. The Williamsville-based National Fuel, which fought against the legislation, spent at least $228,194 in 2024 on three lobbying firms and used its own staff to lobby lawmakers and Hochul’s office on the bill and other measures, according to filings with the Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government. Upstate United, a nonpartisan taxpayer organization based in Rochester that lobbied against the legislation, slammed the bill signing as a “misguided move” and a disservice to New Yorkers. Justin Wilcox, the organization’s executive director, is a former Monroe County Democratic legislator who served as a legislative aide in Albany. “New Yorkers will STILL rely on fossil fuels to get to work and heat their homes, and in upstate New York, having the ability to do just that, with heating oil, natural gas, and propane, is the difference between life and death,” Wilcox said in a statement. “This ill-advised decision is guaranteed to be quickly met with a host of lawsuits and legal challenges, further burdening New York taxpayers with the responsibility to foot the bill.” A number of other entities paid firms to lobby on the bill, among other proposals, including the Brooklyn-based Food & Water Watch ($45,000) and Manhattan-based EarthJustice ($38,513). In early June, as the state legislative session was nearing its end, the bill appeared to have little chance of making it into law when Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, D-Bronx, expressed concerns that corporations will pass on their costs to consumers. However, in the final hours of session on June 8, the Assembly passed the bill 92-49. It had passed the Senate 43-27 on May 7. In Western New York, Assembly Majority Leader Crystal Peoples-Stokes, D-Buffalo, had been a vocal supporter of the bill. “How about the people who created the problem pay for it? I think that’s fair,” she said at a news conference where she urged the governor to sign the bill. “If we want to leave this environment, this country, our city, our communities in a condition where the children who we’re educating right now can live healthy, clean, safe lives, then we have to do something now.” Among Western New York’s delegation to Albany, lawmakers voting for the bill included Peoples-Stokes and Assembly Members Patrick Burke, D-Orchard Park; William Conrad, D-Tonawanda; Karen McMahon, D-Williamsville; Jonathan Rivera, D-Buffalo; and Monica Wallace, D-Lancaster, as well as Sen. Sean Ryan, D-Buffalo (now-Rep. Tim Kennedy, D-Buffalo, voted for the bill while in the Senate in 2023). Local lawmakers who voted against the bill included Senate Minority Leader Robert Ortt, R-North Tonawanda and Senators George Borrello, R-Silver Bay; Patrick Gallivan R-Elma; as well as Assembly Members Marjorie Byrnes, R-Caledonia; David DiPietro, R-East Aurora; Joseph Giglio, R-Gowanda; Andrew Goodell, R-Jamestown; Stephen Hawley, R-Batavia; Angelo Morinello, R-Niagara Falls and Michael Norris, R-Lockport. Sen. Thomas O’Mara, R-Big Flats, was excused from the vote. Krueger in a statement said courts have repeatedly dismissed lawsuits against the gas and oil industry by saying that climate culpability should be decided by state legislatures. “I hope we have made ourselves very clear: the world’s largest climate polluters bear a unique responsibility for creating the climate crisis, and they must pay their fair share to help regular New Yorkers deal with the consequences,” she said. “And there’s no question that those consequences are here, and they are serious.” Dinowitz stated: “We refuse to let the entire burden of climate change fall on the backs of our taxpayers while Big Oil reaps record profits at the expense of our future. The Climate Change Superfund Act is a groundbreaking victory for accountability, fairness, and environmental justice.” Get local news delivered to your inbox! Subscribe to our Daily Headlines newsletter. Albany Bureau Chief {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Environment and climate reporter {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items.
Uber Technologies Inc. stock falls Thursday, underperforms marketTransgender activists took over at least one women’s bathroom Thursday on Capitol Hill. Law enforcement arrested approximately 15 demonstrators protesting against Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson’s recent ban on biological men entering bathrooms and facilities of the female sex, according to Axios. Video shows a crowd of protesters clog a hall near a women’s bathroom while holding signs. This took place in the Cannon House Office Building close to Johnson’s office. One sign read, “Congress Stop Pissing on Our Rights!” 🚨BREAKING: Chelsea Manning is using the ladies room in the Capitol complex pic.twitter.com/vp4mz017So — Pablo Manríquez (@PabloReports) December 5, 2024 Johnson’s bathroom ban issued to protect women’s spaces from infiltrating males came after Republican South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace raised the issue by introducing a bill before Democratic Delaware Representative-elect Sarah McBride — the first ever representative to identify as transgender — is sworn in. (RELATED: Nancy Mace Introduces Bill To Block Trans Woman From Capitol Bathrooms) Quick, how many do you think can actually define what a woman is? https://t.co/jj8ymnaX6e — Rep. Nancy Mace (@RepNancyMace) December 5, 2024 The activist group echoed chants of “Speaker Johnson, Nancy Mace,” “our bodies are not debate” and “our genders are not debate.” Chelsea Manning was among the pro-transgender activists occupying the women’s bathroom, according to Axios. It is unknown whether authorities took Manning into custody. Democrats were not off the hook when it came to the issue as protesters chanted, “Democrats, grow a spine! Trans rights are on the line.” Trans rights activists — including Chelsea Manning — are staging a protest in a women’s bathroom in the Cannon building (a House building) next to Speaker Johnson’s office. “Trans rights are under attack! What do we do? Act up! Fight back!” pic.twitter.com/XREbC1OchX — Jennifer Bendery (@jbendery) December 5, 2024 A transgender activist posted a video on social media while appearing to use the women’s bathroom. “Meeting in the ladies room at the US Capital,” TikTok user RealTayChaTLC wrote in the caption to the video. “I’m coming in the ladies room to shake the dew off my lily. I’m gonna shake the dew off my lily. I’m gonna pop a squat. I swear, nothing bad’s gonna happen. I’m just going pee,” the user said on camera, shutting the stall door and sitting down. “So I’m sitting in the toilet, and I’m going pee. I know this is newsworthy. I don’t know why. But I just wanted to let you know that everything’s coming out okay. And I hope you have a really nice day.” Don’t they realize they’re only proving our point? These fetishists need to seek mental help asap. https://t.co/DJUFeDyBYT — Riley Gaines (@Riley_Gaines_) December 5, 2024 The women’s bathroom blockage was organized by the Gender Liberation Movement, which issued a statement saying the protest “sets an example of the righteous defiance and solidarity needed under a second Trump administration.“ “Everyone deserves to use the restroom without fear of discrimination or violence. Trans folks are no different. We deserve dignity and respect and we will fight until we get it,” GLM co-founder Raquel Willis said. Mace delivered a “special message” — megaphone in hand — to demonstrators in a video posted on X after the arrests were made. Protestors came to the Capitol today to protest my bathroom bill. Poor things got arrested. So, I have a special message for them. #HoldTheLine pic.twitter.com/BK88X0BfBa — Nancy Mace (@NancyMace) December 5, 2024 “So, some tranny protesters showed up at the Capitol today to protest my bathroom bill. But they got arrested — poor things. So, I have a message for the protesters who got arrested. You ready?” the congresswoman said, raising her megaphone. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law,” Mace spoke into the megaphone. “You have the right to speak to an attorney [and have an attorney] present during any question. If you cannot afford an attorney — I doubt many of you can — one will be provided to you at the government’s expense.”Visual Analytics Market: $7.58B in 2022, Forecast to Reach $29.29B by 2031 12-05-2024 10:13 PM CET | IT, New Media & Software Press release from: SkyQuest Technology Visual Analytics Market Scope: Key Insights : Visual Analytics Market size was valued at USD 7.58 billion in 2022 and is poised to grow from USD 8.81 billion in 2023 to USD 29.29 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 16.21% during the forecast period (2024-2031). Discover Your Competitive Edge with a Free Sample Report : https://www.skyquestt.com/sample-request/visual-analytics-market Access the full 2024 Market report for a comprehensive understanding @ https://www.skyquestt.com/report/visual-analytics-market In-Depth Exploration of the global Visual Analytics Market: This report offers a thorough exploration of the global Visual Analytics market, presenting a wealth of data that has been meticulously researched and analyzed. It identifies and examines the crucial market drivers, including pricing strategies, competitive landscapes, market dynamics, and regional growth trends. By outlining how these factors impact overall market performance, the report provides invaluable insights for stakeholders looking to navigate this complex terrain. Additionally, it features comprehensive profiles of leading market players, detailing essential metrics such as production capabilities, revenue streams, market value, volume, market share, and anticipated growth rates. This report serves as a vital resource for businesses seeking to make informed decisions in a rapidly evolving market. Trends and Insights Leading to Growth Opportunities The best insights for investment decisions stem from understanding major market trends, which simplify the decision-making process for potential investors. The research strives to discover multiple growth opportunities that readers can evaluate and potentially capitalize on, armed with all relevant data. Through a comprehensive assessment of important growth factors, including pricing, production, profit margins, and the value chain, market growth can be more accurately forecast for the upcoming years. Top Firms Evaluated in the Global Visual Analytics Market Research Report: IBM Oracle SAP SAS Institute Salesforce Inc Microsoft MicroStrategy Cloud Software Group Thoma Bravo (Qlik) Key Aspects of the Report: Market Summary: The report includes an overview of products/services, emphasizing the global Visual Analytics market's overall size. It provides a summary of the segmentation analysis, focusing on product/service types, applications, and regional categories, along with revenue and sales forecasts. Competitive Analysis: This segment presents information on market trends and conditions, analyzing various manufacturers. It includes data regarding average prices, as well as revenue and sales distributions for individual players in the market. Business Profiles: This chapter provides a thorough examination of the financial and strategic data for leading players in the global Visual Analytics market, covering product/service descriptions, portfolios, geographic reach, and revenue divisions. Sales Analysis by Region: This section provides data on market performance, detailing revenue, sales, and market share across regions. It also includes projections for sales growth rates and pricing strategies for each regional market, such as: North America: United States, Canada, and Mexico Europe: Germany, France, UK, Russia, and Italy Asia-Pacific: China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia South America: Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, etc. Middle East and Africa: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa This in-depth research study has the capability to tackle a range of significant questions that are pivotal for understanding the market dynamics, and it specifically aims to answer the following key inquiries: How big could the global Visual Analytics market become by the end of the forecast period? Let's explore the exciting possibilities! Will the current market leader in the global Visual Analytics segment continue to hold its ground, or is change on the horizon? Which regions are poised to experience the most explosive growth in the Visual Analytics market? Discover where the future opportunities lie! Is there a particular player that stands out as the dominant force in the global Visual Analytics market? Let's find out who's leading the charge! What are the key factors driving growth and the challenges holding back the global Visual Analytics market? Join us as we uncover the forces at play! To establish the important thing traits, Ask Our Experts @ https://www.skyquestt.com/speak-with-analyst/visual-analytics-market Table of Contents Chapter 1 Industry Overview 1.1 Definition 1.2 Assumptions 1.3 Research Scope 1.4 Market Analysis by Regions 1.5 Market Size Analysis from 2023 to 2030 11.6 COVID-19 Outbreak: Medical Computer Cart Industry Impact Chapter 2 Competition by Types, Applications, and Top Regions and Countries 2.1 Market (Volume and Value) by Type 2.3 Market (Volume and Value) by Regions Chapter 3 Production Market Analysis 3.1 Worldwide Production Market Analysis 3.2 Regional Production Market Analysis Chapter 4 Medical Computer Cart Sales, Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2023-2023) Chapter 5 North America Market Analysis Chapter 6 East Asia Market Analysis Chapter 7 Europe Market Analysis Chapter 8 South Asia Market Analysis Chapter 9 Southeast Asia Market Analysis Chapter 10 Middle East Market Analysis Chapter 11 Africa Market Analysis Chapter 12 Oceania Market Analysis Chapter 13 Latin America Market Analysis Chapter 14 Company Profiles and Key Figures in Medical Computer Cart Business Chapter 15 Market Forecast (2023-2030) Chapter 16 Conclusions Address: 1 Apache Way, Westford, Massachusetts 01886 Phone: USA (+1) 351-333-4748 Email: sales@skyquestt.com About Us: SkyQuest Technology is leading growth consulting firm providing market intelligence, commercialization and technology services. It has 450+ happy clients globally. This release was published on openPR.
Enterprise High softball player Lee Lott signs with University of West AlabamaWhile the world is advancing with new technologies and gadgets, there are still many parts of India that lack access to basic hygiene facilities, such as public washrooms, especially for women. Highlighting this underlying issue, Fun Entertainment, in association with Purajit Productions, presents a fictional tale where a man attempts to do good for society, especially for women, by innovating a mobile toilet rickshaw to overcome this challenge. Jaaiye Aap Kahan Jaayenge trailer introduces us to the life of Kishan, a rechristened Sadhu, as he embarks on a strenuous journey. His purpose is not only to make society a better place but also to earn the respect of his father and the love of his teenage daughter. The question remains: will he succeed in his mission to contribute to social good and rekindle the lost bonds with his family? The film stars Karan Aanand as Kishan, also known as Sadhu, , Adrija as the daughter, and Monal Gajjar as the wife, alongside Ishtiyaq Khan, Neeraj Sood, Subrat Dutta, and Hrishita Bhatt in pivotal roles. Actress Adrija shared the trailer on her Instagram handle. Presented by Fun Entertainment, in association with Purajit Productions, Jaaiye Aap Kahan Jaayenge is produced by Hanwant Khatri and co-produced by Purajit Productions. Written and directed by Nikhil Raj Singh, the film is available exclusively on Prasar Bharati’s new OTT space, Waves. The film also premiered at the ongoing . Sanjay Mishra was present at the film festival and shared his experience of working on the film. He also described the film as a ride of emotions that sheds light on the father-son relationship. On the occasion of World Television Day, Prasar Bharati, the public broadcaster of India, took a big leap in the digital streaming arena and launched its OTT app Waves with 40+ live channels. Waves is promoted with the tagline Family Entertainment Ki Nayi Lehar. It aims to become the one-stop solution for all digital needs and is designed to cater to a diverse audience with its multilingual content and wide-ranging offerings. It provides features like live channels, movies, interactive games, live events, and even online shopping capabilities. Waves aims to become a comprehensive entertainment solution.
Tottenham star played for 60 minutes with a broken ankle during Man City win
The Miami Hurricanes, who once appeared to be a near-lock for the College Football Playoff, are not playing for a national title. Instead, they will play in the Pop-Tarts Bowl in Orlando. That bowl berth against Iowa State is a let-down for fans with dreams of a sixth national title in their minds, as well as players hoping to compete for a championship. However, Miami’s trip to Orlando and the lead-up to it are still crucial periods for the Hurricanes for multiple reasons. First, it’s a chance for the program to achieve something it has not done in more than two decades: win 11 games. Although the 11th win won’t get them closer to a championship, it is a good sign of the program’s progress over Mario Cristobal’s tenure. It would also end UM’s five-game losing streak in bowls. “We’re not satisfied,” Cristobal said. “We want to win every single game. We won 10. We were close on the other two, but close isn’t good enough. We want progress. We’re hungry and driven to get better, and so that’s what our focus is on: to improving as a football program, to getting better, to moving into the postseason with an opportunity against a great football team like this and putting our best on the field.” There are signs the Hurricanes will show up at close to full strength for the bowl game. Running back Damien Martinez announced he was going to play, and star quarterback Cam Ward said in a video call posted on social media that he intends to play, as well. “We’re trying to win our first bowl game in 20 years,” Ward said in the video, mistaking the length of UM’s long bowl losing streak. “We’re going hard.” Playing in the bowl game also provides the opportunity for the Hurricanes to get in several practices between now and the game. That means Miami can develop its young players and prepare them for next season during both the practices and the bowl game itself. “It’s extremely valuable,” Cristobal said. “You really don’t have many opportunities throughout the course of the year — time is limited more and more each season with your student-athletes. I want to state this and be very clear: it’s very important, it’s ultra-important for the University of Miami to continue to develop and grow and progress by stressing the importance of offseason opportunities ... You learn a lot about your team and learn a lot about your people and your program when you head to the postseason.” Of course, there are potential negatives. Players can get hurt; Mark Fletcher Jr. suffered a foot injury in the Pinstripe Bowl last year that cost him all of spring practice. A poor performance can also potentially set the tone for next season, like how Florida State, fresh off a playoff snub last year, suffered a devastating loss against Georgia in the Orange Bowl and went on to a dismal 2-10 season this year. “This is the ending of ’24 and the beginning of ’25,” Cristobal said. “This is the last opportunity to be on the field and carry some momentum into the offseason. So it is, in essence, it is the most important game because it’s the next game. “There’s a lot of excitement in the form of opportunity for our guys. Our guys love to play football. The chance to play one more time with this special group — this is a special group of guys now. They’ve worked hard to really change the trajectory of the University of Miami, and they want to continue to elevate the status and the culture at the University of Miami. So certainly a ton to play for.” ____ Get local news delivered to your inbox!AMERICAN businesses are eyeing Papua New Guinea as a key investment partner, potentially boosting the nation’s drive towards its Vision 2050 development goals. Speaking at the PNG Investment Conference 2024, US Ambassador Ann Marie Yastishock emphasised this growing interest following an official visit by a US business delegation exploring opportunities in sectors like renewable manufacturing, particularly fish processing. Ambassador Yastishock said discussions also focused on climate financing, renewable energy, and service delivery, signaling a broad range of potential US private sector involvement in PNG’s future. The delegation included representatives from the education, health, energy, resources, and information and communications sectors. The United States private sector has the potential to become a critical partner for Papua New Guinea as the country strives to achieve its Vision 2050 goals. Ms Yastishock also highlighted this potential at the PNG Investment Conference 2024. She referenced a recent visit by a US business delegation to Port Moresby, the first of its kind, aimed at exploring bilateral commercial opportunities. “Prime Minister (James) Marape and his top leadership engaged with our delegation to discuss potential partnerships in renewable manufacturing, particularly fish processing,” Ambassador Yastishock said. “Other areas of interest raised by the delegation included climate financing, renewable energy, and service delivery.” The US delegation comprised representatives from various sectors, including education, health, energy and resources, information and communications technology, and finance. Ambassador Yastishock emphasised her commitment to bringing more such delegations to PNG. With the right support, she believes the US private sector can play a vital role in helping PNG achieve its strategic objectives.
The federal government today introduced into parliament legislation for its social media ban for people under 16 years. Communications Minister Michelle Rowland said: This is about protecting young people, not punishing or isolating them, and letting parents know we’re in their corner when it comes to supporting their children’s health and wellbeing. Up until now details of how the ban would actually work have been scarce. Today’s bill provides a more complete picture. But many ambiguities – and problems – still remain. What’s in the bill? Today’s bill is an amendment of the Online Safety Act . It introduces a new definition for an “age-restricted social media platform” whose sole or significant purpose is to enable users to post material online and interact socially with other users. This includes platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat, but also many more minor platforms and services. It includes an exclusion framework that exempts messaging apps such as WhatsApp, online gaming platforms and services with the “primary purpose of supporting the health and education of end-users” (for example, Google Classroom). The bill will attempt to force owners of newly defined age-restricted platforms to take “reasonable steps” to prevent people under 16 from having a user account. This will include young people who have an existing account. There are no grandfather provisions so it is unclear how platforms will be required to manage the many millions of existing users who are now set to be excluded and deplatformed. The bill is also vague in specifying how social media platforms must comply with their obligation to prevent under 16s from having an account – only that it “will likely involve some form of age assurance”. Oddly, the bill won’t stop people under 16 from watching videos on YouTube or seeing content on Facebook – it is primarily designed to stop them from making an account. This also means that the wider ecology of anonymous web-based forums, including problematic spaces like 4chan, are likely excluded. Age-restricted platforms that fail to prevent children under 16 accessing their platforms will face fines of nearly A$50 million. However, the government acknowledges that it cannot completely stop children under 16 from accessing platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. Australia should be prepared for the reality that some people will break the rules, or slip through the cracks. The legislation will take effect “at least” 12 months after it has passed parliament. How did we get to this point? The government’s move to ban under 16s from social media – an idea other countries such as the United Kingdom are now considering – has been heavily influenced by News Corp’s “Let Them Be Kids” campaign. This campaign included sensitive news reports about young people who have used social media and, tragically, died by suicide. The government has also faced pressure from state governments and the federal opposition to introduce this bill. The New South Wales and South Australian governments last month held a summit to explore the impact of social media on the mental health of young people. However, Crikey today revealed that the event was purposefully set up to create momentum for the ban. Colleagues who attended the event were shocked at the biased and unbalanced nature of the discussion. The announcement and tabling of the bill today also preempts findings from a parliamentary inquiry into the impact of social media on Australian society. The inquiry only tabled its report and recommendations in parliament this week. Notably, it stopped short of recommending a ban on social media for youth. There are evidence-based alternatives to a ban The government claims “a minimum age of 16 allows access to social media after young people are outside the most vulnerable adolescent stage”. However, multiple experts have already expressed concerns about banning young people from social media platforms. In October more than 140 experts, me included, wrote an open letter to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in which we said “a ‘ban’ is too blunt an instrument to address risks effectively”. The Australian Human Rights Commission has now added its voice to the opposition to the ban. In a statement released today it said : Given the potential for these laws to significantly interfere with the rights of children and young people, the Commission has serious reservations about the proposed social media ban. In its report , the parliamentary inquiry into the impact of social media on Australian society made a number of recommendations to reduce online harm. These included introducing a “duty of care” onto digital platforms – a measure the government is also moving ahead with , and one which is more in line with best evidence. The inquiry also recommended the government introduce regulations which ensure users of social media platforms have greater control over what content they see. This would include, for example, users having the ability to change, reset, or turn off their personal algorithms. Another recommendation is for the government to prioritise the creation of the Children’s Online Privacy Code . This code will better protect the personal information of children online. Taken together, the three measures above manage the risks and benefits of children’s digital media. They build from an evidence base, one that critically includes the voices and perspectives of children and parents. The concern then is how a ban undermines these efforts and possibly gives platforms a hall pass to avoid obligations under these stronger media policies. Daniel Angus receives funding from Australian Research Council through Discovery Projects DP200100519 ‘Using machine vision to explore Instagram’s everyday promotional cultures’, DP200101317 ‘Evaluating the Challenge of ‘Fake News’ and Other Malinformation’, and Linkage Project LP190101051 'Young Australians and the Promotion of Alcohol on Social Media'. He is a Chief Investigator with the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision Making & Society, CE200100005.By CHRISTINE FERNANDO CHICAGO (AP) — As Donald Trump’s Cabinet begins to take shape, those on both sides of the abortion debate are watching closely for clues about how his picks might affect reproductive rights policy in the president-elect’s second term . Trump’s cabinet picks offer a preview of how his administration could handle abortion after he repeatedly flip-flopped on the issue on the campaign trail. He attempted to distance himself from anti-abortion allies by deferring to states on abortion policy, even while boasting about nominating three Supreme Court justices who helped strike down the constitutional protections for abortion that had stood for half a century. In an NBC News interview that aired Sunday, Trump said he doesn’t plan to restrict medication abortion but also seemed to leave the door open, saying “things change.” “Things do change, but I don’t think it’s going to change at all,” he said. The early lineup of his new administration , including nominations to lead health agencies, the Justice Department and event the Department of Veterans Affairs, has garnered mixed — but generally positive — reactions from anti-abortion groups. Abortion law experts said Trump’s decision to include fewer candidates with deep ties to the anti-abortion movement could indicate that abortion will not be a priority for Trump’s administration. “It almost seems to suggest that President Trump might be focusing his administration in other directions,” said Greer Donley, an associate law professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. Karen Stone, vice president of public policy at Planned Parenthood Action Fund , said while many of the nominees have “extensive records against reproductive health care,” some do not. She cautioned against making assumptions based on Trump’s initial cabinet selections. Still, many abortion rights groups are wary, in part because many of the nominees hold strong anti-abortion views even if they do not have direct ties to anti-abortion activists. They’re concerned that an administration filled with top-level officials who are personally opposed to abortion could take steps to restrict access to the procedure and funding. After Trump’s ambiguity about abortion during his campaign, “there’s still a lot we don’t know about what policy is going to look like,” said Mary Ruth Ziegler, a law professor at the University of California, Davis School of Law. That approach may be revealed as the staffs within key departments are announced. Trump announced he would nominate anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to lead the Health and Human Services Department, which anti-abortion forces have long targeted as central to curtailing abortion rights nationwide. Yet Kennedy shifted on the issue during his own presidential campaign. In campaign videos, Kennedy said he supports abortion access until viability , which doctors say is sometime after 21 weeks, although there is no defined timeframe. But he also said “every abortion is a tragedy” and argued for a national ban after 15 weeks of pregnancy, a stance he quickly walked back. The head of Health and Human Services oversees Title X funding for a host of family planning services and has sweeping authority over agencies that directly affect abortion access, including the Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The role is especially vital amid legal battles over a federal law known as EMTALA, which President Joe Biden’s administration has argued requires emergency abortion access nationwide, and FDA approval of the abortion pill mifepristone. Mini Timmaraju, president of the national abortion rights organization Reproductive Freedom for All, called Kennedy an “unfit, unqualified extremist who cannot be trusted to protect the health, safety and reproductive freedom of American families.” His potential nomination also has caused waves in the anti-abortion movement. Former Vice President Mike Pence , a staunch abortion opponent, urged the Senate to reject Kennedy’s nomination. Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the national anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, said the group had its own concerns about Kennedy. “There’s no question that we need a pro-life HHS secretary,” she said. Fox News correspondent Marty Makary is Trump’s pick to lead the FDA, which plays a critical role in access to medication abortion and contraception. Abortion rights groups have accused him of sharing misinformation about abortion on air. Russell Vought , a staunch anti-abortion conservative, has been nominated for director of the Office of Management and Budget. Vought was a key architect of Project 2025 , a right-wing blueprint for running the federal government. Among other actions to limit reproductive rights, it calls for eliminating access to medication abortion nationwide, cutting Medicaid funding for abortion and restricting access to contraceptive care, especially long-acting reversible contraceptives such as IUD’s. Despite distancing himself from the conservative manifesto on the campaign trail, Trump is stocking his administration with people who played central roles in developing Project 2025. Trump acknowledged that drafters of the report would be part of his incoming administration during the Sunday interview with NBC News, saying “Many of those things I happen to agree with.” “These cabinet appointments all confirm that Project 2025 was in fact the blueprint all along, and the alarm we saw about it was warranted,” said Amy Williams Navarro, director of government relations for Reproductive Freedom for All. Dr. Mehmet Oz , Trump’s choice to lead the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, is a former television talk show host who has been accused of hawking dubious medical treatments and products. He voiced contradictory abortion views during his failed Senate run in 2022. Oz has described himself as “strongly pro-life, praised the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade , claimed “life starts at conception” and referred to abortion as “murder.” But he also has echoed Trump’s states-rights approach, arguing the federal government should not be involved in abortion decisions. “I want women, doctors, local political leaders, letting the democracy that’s always allowed our nation to thrive to put the best ideas forward so states can decide for themselves,” he said during a Senate debate two years ago. An array of reproductive rights groups opposed his Senate run. As CMS administrator, Oz would be in a key position to determine Medicaid coverage for family planning services and investigate potential EMTALA violations. Related Articles National Politics | In promising to shake up Washington, Trump is in a class of his own National Politics | Election Day has long passed. In some states, legislatures are working to undermine the results National Politics | Trump taps his attorney Alina Habba to serve as counselor to the president National Politics | US commits to $988 million in new Ukraine military assistance National Politics | Fear over Trump tariffs sending Americans into debt, study shows As Florida’s attorney general, Pam Bondi defended abortion restrictions, including a 24-hour waiting period. Now she’s Trump’s choice for attorney general . Her nomination is being celebrated by abortion opponents but denounced by abortion rights groups concerned she may revive the Comstock Act , an anti-vice law passed by Congress in 1873 that, among other things, bans mailing of medication or instruments used in abortion. An anti-abortion and anti-vaccine former Florida congressman, David Weldon, has been chosen to lead the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which collects and monitors abortion data across the country. Former Republican congressman Doug Collins is Trump’s choice to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs amid a political battle over abortion access and funding for troops and veterans. Collins voted consistently to restrict funding and access to abortion and celebrated the overturning of Roe v. Wade. “This is a team that the pro-life movement can work with,” said Kristin Hawkins, president of the national anti-abortion organization Students for Life.
Eagles QB Kenny Pickett expects to be ‘ready to go’ vs. CowboysMembership of Britain's upstart anti-immigration Reform UK party has overtaken that of the centre-right Conservative Party for the first time, the party said Thursday, as Tories disputed the numbers. Party leader and Brexit figurehead Nigel Farage hailed the figure as a "historic moment". Immigration was a major issue at the ballot box at the UK's July general election which saw the Conservatives ousted after 14 years in power. The digital counter on the Reform website showed a membership tally ticking past the 131,680 figure declared by the main opposition Conservatives during its leadership election earlier this year. "The youngest political party in British politics has just overtaken the oldest political party in the world," wrote Farage on X. "Reform UK are now the real opposition." Party chairman Zia Yusuf said the milestone showed the long "stranglehold on the centre-right of British politics by the Tories has finally been broken". The last declared Conservative Party tally was the lowest on record and a drop on 2022, when there were around 172,000 members. New Conservative Party leader Kemi Badenoch, however, questioned the figures, accusing Farage of "fakery". She said Reform's counter was "coded to tick up automatically". Farage responded by saying he would "gladly invite" a firm to "audit our membership numbers" if the Tories did the same. Reform won five seats in the 650-seat UK parliament in July, though it received roughly 14 percent of total votes cast. Reform maximised the damage to the Conservatives by splitting the right-wing vote and picking up former Tory supporters in key constituencies. The Labour Party won by a landslide although Prime Minister Keir Starmer has had a bumpy first five months in power. An Ipsos opinion poll this month found that 53 percent of Britons said they were "disappointed" in what the Labour government had achieved so far. British politics has been dominated by the two main parties -- Labour and the Conservatives -- for decades but commentators have warned that major parties have seen irreversible downturns in their popularity in the past. In the years after World War I, a divided Liberal Party found itself supplanted by the Labour Party as the main opposition. The party of 19th-century political giant William Gladstone and World War I leader David Lloyd George never again regained its status as a party of government. Farage, a supporter of US President-elect Donald Trump, said earlier this month that he was in talks with tech billionaire Elon Musk about donating to his hard-right party. har/jsIndiana encouraged by 'total team effort' with Miami (OH) up next
AP Sports SummaryBrief at 5:44 p.m. ESTMedexus Pharmaceuticals Inc. ( TSE:MDP – Get Free Report )’s share price reached a new 52-week high on Friday . The stock traded as high as C$3.41 and last traded at C$3.28, with a volume of 19378 shares. The stock had previously closed at C$3.25. Analysts Set New Price Targets Several equities research analysts recently issued reports on MDP shares. Raymond James upgraded shares of Medexus Pharmaceuticals from a “market perform” rating to an “outperform” rating and raised their target price for the company from C$3.00 to C$4.00 in a research note on Wednesday, November 20th. Leede Financial set a C$8.25 price objective on Medexus Pharmaceuticals and gave the company a “speculative buy” rating in a research report on Monday, September 30th. Finally, Alliance Global Partners raised Medexus Pharmaceuticals to a “strong-buy” rating in a report on Monday, December 23rd. Three equities research analysts have rated the stock with a buy rating and three have given a strong buy rating to the company’s stock. According to data from MarketBeat, the stock has an average rating of “Strong Buy” and an average target price of C$5.25. Check Out Our Latest Report on MDP Medexus Pharmaceuticals Price Performance Medexus Pharmaceuticals Company Profile ( Get Free Report ) Medexus Pharmaceuticals Inc operates as a specialty pharmaceutical company in Canada and the United States. The company focuses on the therapeutic areas comprising oncology, hematology, rheumatology, auto-immune diseases, allergy, and dermatology. Its primary products are IXINITY, an intravenous recombinant factor IX therapeutic for use in patients 12 years of age or older with hemophilia B; Rasuvo and Metoject, a formulation of methotrexate designed to treat rheumatoid arthritis and other auto-immune diseases; Rupall, a prescription allergy medication; and Gleolan, an optical imaging agent indicated in patients with glioma as an adjunct for the visualization of malignant tissue during surgery. Further Reading Receive News & Ratings for Medexus Pharmaceuticals Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Medexus Pharmaceuticals and related companies with MarketBeat.com's FREE daily email newsletter .Victoria’s Secret & Co. Reports Third Quarter 2024 Results
The NFC North takes center stage on " Thursday Night Football " to kick off Week 14, showcasing two teams from what has undoubtedly been the most competitive division in the league in 2024. The Packers (9-3) will head southeast to visit the Lions (11-1) in a matchup that could determine the division champion and owner of a first-round playoff bye, though the 10-2 Vikings remain in the hunt as well. It's hard to argue against the NFC North as the best division in football right now. With a combined 34-14 record through 13 weeks, even considering the Bears' 4-8 mark, the NFC North is only rivaled by the AFC West. Home to Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs, that foursome is a combined 29-20 so far. STREAM: Watch Packers vs. Lions live with Amazon Prime Video NFC East teams Philadelphia (10-2) and Washington (8-5) remain the only serious threats to Detroit, Green Bay and Minnesota for the top NFC postseason seed. The Vikings face their former starting QB Kirk Cousins and the Falcons Sunday, while the Eagles host the lowly Panthers and the Commanders take their bye. That leaves the Packers and Lions as arguably the most exciting matchup of Week 14. Jordan Love & Co. look to gain one back on Detroit, which bested Green Bay on the road in Week 9. Dan Campbell and Jared Goff, on the other hand, are in the hunt to clinch a playoff spot with a win. The Sporting News has you covered with everything you need to know about Packers vs. Lions on NFL "Thursday Night Football." NFL POWER RANKINGS: Eagles jump Chiefs, Bills; Cowboys rise and Ravens drop for Week 14 Packers vs. Lions score 1 2 3 4 F Packers Lions SN's NFL HQ: Live NFL scores | Updated NFL standings | Full NFL schedule Packers vs. Lions live updates, results, highlights from Thursday Night Football (All times ET) Updates will begin prior to Thursday's 8:15 p.m. ET kickoff for Packers vs. Lions. Packers vs. Lions start time Date: Thursday, Dec. 5 Time: 8:15 p.m. ET Thursday's game between the Packers and Lions is set to kick off at 8:15 p.m. ET from Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan. What channel is Packers vs. Lions on today? TV channel: N/A Live stream: Amazon Prime Video (U.S.) | DAZN NFL (Canada) Thursday Night Football will not air on national television. Instead, viewers can stream the game exclusively on Amazon Prime Video . Viewers in Canada can stream the game on DAZN . Packers vs. Lions radio station Radio channel: SiriusXM Listen live to Packers vs. Lions on "Thursday Night Football" on SiriusXM channel 88, NFL Radio. Get 3 months of SiriusXM for just $1 . Listen to live NBA, NFL, MLB and NHL games, plus NASCAR, college sports and more. Stay updated with all the news and get all the analysis on multiple sport-specific channels. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. Learn more >F1 expands grid, adds Cadillac brand and new American team for '26