Trump’s Cabinet And Key Jobs: Kevin Hassett Expected For Key Economic Council Job
First asthma treatment in 50 years found to tackle deadly attacks could be 'game changer'How do you explain the lack of street protests and the silence of political groups as one of the most controversial books published in independent India -Salman Rushdie’s 1988 novel 'The Satanic Verses' – returns to the country's bookshops after being banned for 36 years? The book, which is based on the life of Islam's prophet Muhammad, was banned by the Rajiv Gandhi government immediately after it was published. An international fatwa and a bounty were placed on the head of the author by the Iranian government, forcing him to go into hiding.The book, considered blasphemous by believers, still evokes extreme reactions. Rushdie, who had come out of hiding, was stabbed two years ago in New York, losing an eye in the attack. The book's release in India had triggered riots. However, reaction to news about the book's reappearance on the bookshelves has been muted.Dr Zeenat Shaukat Ali, former head of the Department of Islamic Studies at Mumbai's St Xavier's College, explained it: "The Muslim community has matured. Many things have happened in the last few years. There was a mindset that Muslims did not react (to events) logically. The reaction (to the book's reappearance) has been muted, which is the correct reaction. We are hurt, but we cannot react violently." Others who had seen the protests that led to the book's ban said that the Muslim community is now facing so many challenges, both politically and socially, that the book is another irritant. Farid Khan, president of the literary group Urdu Caravan, said that he had watched the protests in Mumbai and the police reaction to it. "At that time people felt that they had a friendly government that would listen to them. There have been so many events since then - the 1993 riots, the demolition of the Babri Masjid. People have seen worse things. A book looks irrelevant after all these," said Khan. Another reason for the tepid response to the book's return could be the four decades that separate the ban and the book's reappearance. The majority of the community have been born after the controversy. Nazim Ansari, 36, a human resource consultant, said he did not know about the book till he read recent news reports. "Young people are not familiar with the book," said Ansari. The government has not officially lifted the ban on the book but the order is now in legally untenable territory, the notification banning the book having been lost. Noting that no document exists to enforce the ban, the Delhi High Court said: “We have no other option except to presume that no such notification exists.”The book's publishers in India - Penguin Random House - have not commented about republishing a new edition. Manasi Subramaniam, the editor-in-chief at Penguin Random House India, the book’s publisher, quoted Rushdie on X, and posted: “‘Language is courage: the ability to conceive a thought, to speak it, and by doing so to make it true.’ At long last, @SalmanRushdie’s The Satanic Verses is allowed to be sold in India.”The book is not yet available on major e-retail sites. One online site has the book on sale for Rs 1714. Amazon's international portal sells the book but it is not available for shipment to India. The site, however, sells the Kindle edition. In Delhi, major book retailer Bahrisons said in a social media post that it is in stock, though the imported edition cost around Rs 2000. In Mumbai, the book is not available at major retailers.However, it may be too early to decipher the response to the book's sale. Maulana Yasub Abbas, general secretary of the All India Shia Personal Law Board, said he wrote to the Prime Minister on Thursday demanding a fresh ban on the book. "The book insults prophet Muhammad and his companions. Allowing its sale poses a threat to peace. The Prime Minister has to stop the sale," said Abbas Maulana Rashidi, legal advisor for the UP unit of Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind (AM) reported as saying: "Religious sentiments cannot be hurt under the garb of freedom of expression guaranteed by the Constitution." Saeed Noori, president of Raza Academy, said it is regrettable that such orders are being issued by the court. "The government should take decisive action, but it seems that those in power influence court decisions based on their inclinations."
Car industry struggles to scale autonomous heightsUkrainian girls’ team finds hockey haven at Wickenheiser festivalJEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — After taking over as governor amid a scandal in 2018, Republican Mike Parson hoped to bring stability to a state that had just watched the unsettling resignation of his predecessor. But, in an expansive interview as he prepares to leave office, Missouri’s 57th chief executive said he remains in awe of how multiple crises unfolded during his tenure as chief executive. Within weeks of taking over for scandal-plagued Republican Eric Greitens, the former state lawmaker and county sheriff raced to Branson in the aftermath of the sinking of a duck boat ride at Table Rock Lake that killed 17 tourists. There was a flood, a drought , a crisis in the St. Louis prosecutor’s office and the COVID-19 pandemic. “There was so much turmoil when I first walked in these doors. The first big challenge was, ‘How do you stabilize that?’” Parson said. “I think at the end of the day, we did.” Parson will leave the warren of offices overlooking the Missouri River on the Capitol’s second floor on Jan. 13, handing the keys to Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe, a fellow Republican who has signaled he too wants relative continuity in 2025 by retaining a number of Parson holdovers to serve in his Cabinet. In a wide-ranging conversation with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Parson said there were many incidents that no governor could have been prepared to face, including a respiratory virus that infected a third of all residents and killed 22,000 Missourians. Like other governors, Parson faced evolving and often conflicting health advice, as well as members of the public split on masks, vaccines and school and business closures. “It was one of the most difficult times I had,” Parson said. “It was just unprecedented.” The governmental response to the virus wasn’t just a fight between a more relaxed approach in rural Missouri versus heightened health concerns in more populous urban areas, Parson said. “Some people wanted mandates, some people didn’t and that was all over the state,” said Parson, pointing to examples that came from friends in his hometown of Bolivar. “I remember people down home talking about churches, for example. I remember people calling me and saying you need to shut the churches down,” Parson said. “And that was people back home. You had that kind of pressure every day.” The COVID-19 shutdowns sent Missouri’s unemployment rate skyrocketing, pushing beyond the 12% level in April 2020. But, through a combination of vaccines and businesses opening, the rate was down to 6.8% by July 2020 and 4.2% a year later. “The whole time you’re fighting the virus you’re trying to keep the economy going,” he said. Parson said his decision to not shut down the state was based largely on his experience of owning a Polk County gas station in his younger days. Small business owners need to pay loans, mortgages and employees. “We made it possible for people to stay open,” Parson said. “I think looking back on it we did the right thing.” It wasn’t smooth sailing. In July 2020, Parson downplayed the risk of children contracting the coronavirus during school reopenings, insisting “they’re going to get over it.” “These kids have got to get back to school,” he said at the time. “They’re at the lowest risk possible. And if they do get COVID-19, which they will — and they will when they go to school — they’re not going to the hospitals. They’re not going to have to sit in doctor’s offices. They’re going to go home and they’re going to get over it.” “We gotta move on,” he continued. “We can’t just let this thing stop us in our tracks.” The blowback was harsh. Some health officials expressed concern about returning to schools because students could carry the virus home to older relatives. “I probably didn’t do it as tactfully as I should have,” Parson now acknowledges. “It was pretty brutal. People came after me with both barrels.” The governor’s approach to COVID-19 was similar to how he addressed other issues. Often out of sync Parson governed as a staunch Republican, eagerly taking up GOP talking points on guns, immigration and cultural issues. He signed a strict abortion ban in 2019 that went into effect in 2022 when the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. He won legislative support to give the nation’s lowest-paid state workers raises topping 25% to address an ongoing labor shortage in his administration, but he refused to sign any state worker employee union contracts during his entire tenure. Long waiting times for residents seeking state benefits were a frustrating feature of the Parson era. Missouri voters also sent Parson and his fellow Republicans multiple reminders that Missouri is not a wholly red state when it comes to social service issues. In 2020, for example, Missouri voters approved an expansion of Medicaid coverage after years of Republican opposition to President Barack Obama’s signature achievement of trying to fix the nation’s health care system. Parson opposed the expansion as a dangerous drain on tax revenues. The administration slow-walked the voter-approved rollout until the Supreme Court of Missouri held the expansion amendment to be constitutional. People began enrolling in October 2021, nearly a year after the matter was approved at the ballot box. Expansion has proven popular. As of Dec. 6, more than 316,000 adults were enrolled to get health coverage. In all, there are nearly 1.3 million Missourians receiving health insurance through Obamacare. In response to the Medicaid vote and other citizen-led petition drives, Parson says lawmakers must make it harder for residents to amend the state’s constitution. Republicans who control the Legislature were unable to raise the threshold for passage during a contentious spring legislative session and, by the fall, voters overturned the ban on abortion through an initiative petition. Although Parson favors toughening the standards for passage of amendments, he also urged the Legislature to resolve problems before residents feel the need to make changes themselves at the ballot box. “If you don’t take action ... people are going to go to the initiative petition process because they get frustrated because nothing ever happens here and nobody is willing to come to a compromise,” Parson said. The state budget also grew exponentially during his tenure, some of that due to an influx of billions of dollars in federal funds. As he leaves office, Parson contends that a series of income tax cuts also helped boost the bottom line. “Yes, the budget has ballooned during this administration. There’s no doubt about it,” he said. “It’s because revenues went up. If you put money back in people’s pockets, the general revenue and the economy grows.” Picking the ‘right people’ Parson’s relationship with the Democrat-controlled St. Louis region was sometimes testy over Republican opposition to tightening the state’s loose gun laws and ongoing threats to put the city’s police department under state control. “I set out early on to make sure the people of St. Louis realize I just wasn’t some old country boy from southwest Missouri and I was just going to take care of things back home,” Parson said. “For the state of Missouri to do well, St. Louis must do well.” “You’ve got to be part of finding solutions. Sometimes when you get involved it becomes controversial,” he said. Parson said he never imagined he would be in the middle of a fight over the St. Louis city prosecutor’s office when he was first sworn in. “I didn’t even know it was my job to pick the circuit attorney of St. Louis,” Parson said. In 2023, Parson appointed Gabe Gore , a civil attorney, to rebuild the city prosecutor’s office following the abrupt resignation of beleaguered Circuit Attorney Kimberly M. Gardner. Gore, then a partner at the high-powered and politically connected Dowd Bennett law firm, served on the Ferguson Commission following protests over the 2014 death of Michael Brown and worked as an assistant U.S. attorney prosecutor in the 1990s. “That was a big selection. You could tell he cared about the city,” Parson said of Gore. Parson also had the unprecedented opportunity to appoint four people to statewide office to fill vacancies when the officeholder ran for higher office and left the post open. He elevated state treasurer Eric Schmitt to attorney general to succeed Josh Hawley. Hawley and Schmitt are now both U.S. senators. Parson named Scott Fitzpatrick, a state representative, to succeed Schmitt as treasurer. Fitzpatrick is now state auditor. The governor named his general counsel Andrew Bailey to succeed Schmitt as attorney general and lawyer Vivek Malek to succeed Fitzpatrick as treasurer. “I really tried to pick people who were good for the jobs,” he said. All four ran for election after their appointments and voters gave them easy wins on Election Day — a result Parson says means that he chose the right people. “I think the people of the state said, ‘You did a pretty good job,’” Parson said. There also were controversies inside the Capitol and outside. At the height of the pandemic, amid concerns about the ongoing spread of the virus, former House Speaker Rob Vescovo informed Parson’s office that he would have to deliver the annual State of the State speech to an empty House chamber. An enraged Parson received permission to give his speech in the Senate chamber. Two days later, a fuming Parson fired off a letter accusing Vescovo of engaging in a “purposeful and disgusting scheme to embarrass” him. “Instead, Wednesday became an insider stunt and petty show of arrogance and political power,” Parson wrote. Dealing with the media In 2021, Parson accused the Post-Dispatch of hacking into a state website despite evidence that his own administration’s computer shortcomings had left personal information about Missouri teachers available within a few mouse clicks on a state-run website. He never apologized for the accusation after prosecutors declined to press charges. Parson also raised eyebrows for pardoning Central West End attorney Mark McCloskey and his wife, Patricia, in 2021 for brandishing guns at protesters who were moving through the neighborhood. He also was criticized in 2024 for pardoning Britt Reid, the son of Kansas City Chiefs Coach Andy Reid, who had been in prison for a drunken driving crash that seriously injured a 5-year-old girl. His decision this month to commute the prison sentence of former police detective Eric DeValkenaere , the first Kansas City officer ever convicted of killing a Black man, was, as expected, highly controversial. But Parson also was widely praised for granting clemency to Patty Prewitt , who had spent 40 years behind bars for her husband’s 1984 murder. “It wasn’t like we liked all the stories anyone wrote, but you’re not in the business of writing everything I like,” Parson said. “You have to learn to deal with the media. From Day One, we tried to establish a role with the media. And for the most part we were able to do that,” he said. Parson said Kehoe will hit the ground running next month. He hopes the former senator and Jefferson City businessman will address the state’s child care industry, which has not recovered from the pandemic. A key to solving the problems lies with Kehoe navigating divisiveness among Republicans, who have been unable to overcome differences in the state Senate, leading to a record-low number of non-budget bills going to Parson’s desk. “I think he’s got a really good foundation to build on,” Parson said. “If there is one thing on the table that I didn’t get done ... you’ve got to do something about the day care situation in the state.” “It is a huge issue for everyday people out there. There’s just a lack of it,” Parson said. As he heads back to Bolivar, a city of 11,300 people, his small cattle operation and home to Southwest Baptist University, Parson said the last six years were more intense than many can imagine. “The worst part of the job is time. You just have very little time,” Parson said. “I missed my family. I missed a lot of ball games. It is a pressure cooker every day and it just never stops.” But, he said, “We got about everything done that we started out to do. I’m looking forward to going home.” ©2024 . Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
AP Trending SummaryBrief at 6:06 p.m. EST
B.C. Premier Eby says U.S. tariffs would be 'devastating' for forest industryLudhiana: The BJP has intensified its ward-level campaigns. Despite receiving 495 applications from hopeful candidates for 95 wards, uncertainty looms over whether the polls will proceed based on old or new ward delimitations. The BJP failed to secure a single seat in the recent four byelections. District BJP president Rajnesh Dhiman expressed confidence in the party’s readiness, saying: “Public support will depend on the face value of our candidates, and we’ll select them carefully.” A ticket hopeful also acknowledged the challenges and advised focusing on core civic issues. IPL 2025 mega auction IPL Auction 2025: Who got whom IPL 2025 Auction: Updated Full Team Squads Adding to the uncertainty is a pending court decision on the legality of new ward delimitations. Senior advocate Harish Rai Dhanda of the SAD filed a petition challenging the updated boundaries, arguing that delimitation should occur only with double-digit percentage growth in populatiton, with an expansion in the number of wards. The court has reserved its judgment, and Dhanda remains optimistic that the elections will proceed under the 2017 delimitations. We also published the following articles recently Delimitation: Draft of new wards in local bodies published Kerala's local bodies are set for a major restructuring with the publication of a draft delimitation adding 1,510 new wards. The changes, based on the 2011 census and utilizing digital mapping technology, aim to reflect the current population distribution. The public can submit objections and suggestions until December 30th, after which the delimitation commission will finalize the ward boundaries. Delimitation of ward: Election wing receives three plaints so far Following the release of the draft notification on ward delimitation in Kochi's local self-governments, only three formal complaints have been lodged with the district collectorate. Despite some residents expressing concerns via email, they have been urged to submit their grievances officially. Delimitation exercise in north-eastern states cant be deferred indefinitely: SC The Supreme Court has questioned the Indian government's delay in redrawing electoral maps for Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, and Nagaland. The court emphasized that the Constitution mandates this process after each census, expressing concern over the indefinite postponement. While acknowledging the unrest in Manipur, the court pressed for explanations regarding the other two states.Aston Villa denied last-gasp winner in Juventus stalemate
THERE used to be a division between the energy company’s information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) networks. However, the digitalisation of generation-transmission-distribution-retail systems has seen the convergence of these ecosystems. While making the organisation more efficient and responsive to stakeholder expectations, it has a downside. The integration of the ecosystems presents a significantly enlarged playground for cyberthreat actors to play hit-and-run games that are nefarious in intent and outcomes. What is alarming is the rise in the frequency and intensity of such cyberthreats and attacks in recent years. This has required the energy sector to scrutinise its readiness in the face of potential cyberattacks, or in some unfortunate cases, in the wake of one. While every part of the value chain is vulnerable, what is of concern is the OT space, which is not as secure as IT. This has now become the focus of energy companies. Energy Malaysia spoke to Rahayu Ramli, Head of Cyber Strategy & Architecture, Petroliam Nasional Bhd (PETRONAS), who provided insights on how PETRONAS and the energy sector as a whole are securing themselves against existing and oncoming cyberthreats. “The energy industry has been a geo- and socio-political tool for decades, highlighting the influence of the industry on the economy, society and way of life. “The rise of cyberwarfare as a component of national and private arsenals has only amplified the issue, moving from field wars such as in the Gulf States in the nineties to guerrilla tactics in cyberspace today due to pervasive industry digitalisation,” said Rahayu. In the complex energy sector, technology can be divided primarily into IT (for example, laptops, mobile devices, servers, cloud and similar) and OT (for example, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), Remote Terminal Units (RTUs), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA), Industrial Control Systems (ICS), Distributed Control Systems (DCS), Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs) and similar. Historically, these environments were kept mostly separate. However, the industry is seeing the lines blurring between IT and OT with the increased reliance on digital tools, the cloud, and the growing use of remote operations. There is a definitive increase in the use of Internet of Things (IoT) and robotics, the sharing of OT data, the implementation of ruggedised mobile devices and personal wearables – all extending beyond what used to be a relatively static OT security perimeter. Unfortunately, the convergence of IT and OT ecosystems is also potentially a wonderland of attack vectors and entry points into systems of varying criticality and importance. Cyberthreat actors can range from nation-state adversaries, who seek to disrupt the critical infrastructure of their foes (and allies), to hacktivists who seek to make political statements about the environment, economics or society in general. OT space vulnerability In many energy companies, there is a re-examination of the segregated approach by which OT landscapes have been previously designed and protected. “IT security has been an aspect of technology operations for decades. On the other hand, OT cybersecurity as a specific practice is a relatively new focus,” said Rahayu. “As such, there is renewed interest to ramp up security in the OT space, with new startups, products and investment channelled towards mitigating existing and oncoming cyberthreats. It is an exciting but also an unpredictable space to be in at the moment.” Besides external factors, internal ways of working may also contribute to the vulnerabilities within the connected IT and OT ecosystem, where system availability is critical and downtime avoidance is paramount. While digital transformations have spurred innovation and accelerated technological advances, the speed of application and pressure of delivery has often caused system security to take a back seat. “Eventually, it is addressed but often after a system is live and operational, and in some unfortunate cases, only after a breach or incident has occurred,” pointed out Rahayu. Additionally, increased digitalisation across a supply chain of vendors and partners is creating flexibility and options in products and services. The flip side is that it expands the exposure to unfortunate breaches or incidents, starting at one supplier and cascading down the network of companies and users. Polycrisis scenario The “Global Risks Report 2023” published by the World Economic Forum introduced the term “polycrisis”, which translates to “a cluster of related global risks with compounding effects, with an overall impact that exceeds the sum of each part”. The energy industry is no stranger to this scenario, given its volatility and uncertainty in recent years resulting from the energy transition and rapid digitalisation. The global risk scenario also includes cyber risks that are borderless. The industry as a whole expects cyberthreats to continue to increase against IT and OT assets and operations, as energy companies become more reliant on connected digital technologies to operate. Individual companies have embarked on their own journey to reevaluate and improve their security posture, acknowledging that the support required to do so is not purely driven by technology, but more importantly, must also be supported by education of the entire organisation, and a continuous review and revamp of its security capability and requirements. The work cannot be done in silo either. It requires support and collaboration across the industry to minimise blind spots that may affect everyone in the industry and the communities that interact with them. Rahayu said, “At PETRONAS, we have various cybersecurity memoranda of understanding (MoUs) with vendors to help us better focus our efforts in designing a more secure OT technology. “We also engage with other industry players for knowledge exchange and upskilling. In addition, we work closely with non-profits and academia to raise awareness on the importance of cybersecurity, of how it applies to our daily lives and to also scout for potential talent. “The general aim of these types of collaboration is that the integration of the IT and OT ecosystem across people, processes and technology will eventually lead to an equilibrium of a hybrid-skilled cybersecurity workforce (within and beyond PETRONAS), creating a more sustainable loop to manage and respond to any cyberthreat that may appear on the immediate horizon,” she added. Securing the cyberspace environment From the onset of its digital transformation journey in 2017, PETRONAS recognised the importance of establishing a cyber secure environment across the entire organisation. “It was the prerequisite for PETRONAS going digital,” said Rahayu. “As the organisation became more data-driven in decision making and needed to incorporate new and different technologies more rapidly into various portfolios, it made sure that every move was made securely. This approach became one of the cornerstones of the PETRONAS digital transformation strategy. “It saw the establishment of the PETRONAS cybersecurity function as a single point of accountability to oversee IT and OT – to govern, steer and shape the minimum requirements to sustain the targeted level of cybersecurity maturity,” she added. PETRONAS embraces OT security through the secure-by-design approach, with cybersecurity-related requirements as part of the PETRONAS Technical Standards (PTS). It began with a focused project known as the real-time OT (RTOT) programme, to design and implement a new standard, architecture and roadmap to manage its IT and OT patch management and OT asset management in near real-time. “Our OT footprint is large, thus we focused on assets considered to be the crown jewels of the organisation and continue to deploy this programme across our local and international sites,” said Rahayu. When PETRONAS completes the initial RTOT programme, it will continue to expand secure capability into other aspects of OT. “Identity is a complex area within OT,” added Rahayu. “It is an area of particular concern given the distributed nature of our OT systems. “While IT has always had the advantage in establishing more robust identity and access management, we are exploring ways to do the same for our OT environment and are working towards eliminating the use of shared accounts, establishing proper identity governance and ensuring secure remote access.” There is also emphasis on having a robust all-encompassing cybersecuritygovernance structure. The launch of the organisation-wide Enterprise Cyber Security Governance Framework (ECSGF) was followed by a customised OT programme in early 2023, underscoring its importance as well as its vulnerability. As a result, cybersecurity risk assessments are now part of the Management of Change (MOC) process for both greenfield and brownfield projects to guide design in the OT environment. These initial steps have laid the foundation for the real-time visibility of PETRONAS’s assets and cyber vulnerabilities in order to remediate based on the business criticality. Meanwhile, employees and other stakeholders are continuously kept up to date on secure behaviours through the Human Firewall programme, which emphasises the need for staying alert at work, home and play. This programme is run through a combination of training, communication and community engagements, and supported by an extensive network of cybersecurity change agents who champion the message and awareness across our business and sites. There is also continuous staff training to ensure they have the appropriate cybersecurity knowledge to support their day-to-day work. For example, business system owners are required to attend training on cyber risk management for the systems they oversee; lead OT focals at site are assigned training on OT cybersecurity upon joining and refreshed every two years to ensure they have the latest cybersecurity knowledge with respect to the systems that they work with. Protecting hotspots PETRONAS uses a risk-based approach to cybersecurity that allows it to identify critical systems effectively, thus enabling “hotspots” to be more rigorously protected, while ensuring that there are safeguards in place at every level of the company’s technological (defence-in-depth) and organisational landscape. This involves organisation-wide governance and policies as well as continuous education and awareness across the employee population. A primary concern is the OT environment, where complex systems have a much longer lifespan and maintenance/ updates require meticulously scheduled downtimes in very specific parts of the year. This is one of the main reasons why PETRONAS has deployed the RTOT programme as a priority to enhance security practices, address potential vulnerabilities and minimise the impact of cyberthreats. At the other end of the spectrum, it has been consistently shown that people remain one of the biggest weak points in any organisation. Social engineering through methods such as phishing remains a primary way into a company’s systems. According to the Cofense Phishing Report 2022, 67% of all phishing attempts are meant to steal login and password details from their victims. This is so prevalent that it is estimated that more than 90% of company networks around the world can be penetrated by cybercriminals. Breaches can occur in IT or OT in this manner, and while threat actors may not gain immediate access to a given critical system, gaining a foot in the door through an employee’s login credentials may be sufficient to drop malware, trigger a ransomware attack, or stage a long-term reconnaissance programme by lurking in their victim’s environment, an example of what’s known as Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), which can lead to even more malicious activity like data theft. Rahayu added, “I can tell you that phishing attempts remain a constant. ‘Think before you click’ is one of PETRONAS’ main cybersecurity taglines, and we also regularly see threats through potentially exploitable vulnerabilities in both new applications and older systems. “Part of being secure is accepting that threat actors have a lot of patience and creativity when it comes to planning attacks, which now is even simpler with the use of AI-augmented tools. “They also have no shame in sharing their methods, for example, entire businesses have been set up around ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS). So, one type of safeguard is never enough, and it is crucial that security is designed and applied through an enterprise lens and as an integrated part of the organisation’s strategy and operations.” Reality checks by government and industry In Malaysia, the National Critical Information Infrastructure (NCII) has been a codified priority since 2006, when the National Cyber Security Policy (NCSP) was initially developed. The energy sector features prominently among the 11 sectors identified in the NCSP. In recent years, there have been specific events that have triggered more immediate actions to re-examine the security posture of complex cyber-physical systems. These are wake-up calls, urging both proactive and defensive actions against the evolving threat landscape. While attacks such as Stuxnet on Iran’s nuclear centrifuges and the NotPetya ransomware attack may no longer be considered part of recent memory, Governments and businesses around the world are constantly kept alert by the continuous wave of cyber incidents. Among the recent newsmakers are the Solarwinds supply chain breach in 2020; the Colonial Pipeline ransomware incident and Kaseya supply chain breaches in 2021; and the MOVEit data breach in 2023 that affected hundreds of organisations and millions of individuals. The energy sector has moved towards deeper conversations regarding cybersecurity to better understand the threats that the community may face collectively. Organisations have become more open to collaboration and knowledge sharing, contributing experiences and lessons learnt to conversations across critical infrastructure forums such as those led by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and the US National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE). In 2022, the World Economic Forum launched the initiative “Cyber Resilience in the Oil and Gas Industry” as a collaboration with more than 50 companies and Government Agencies, with the goal of establishing a blueprint for governing and managing cyber risk and unifying its approach to safeguard digital infrastructure and assets. The Energy Benchmarking Group (previously known as Oil & Gas Benchmarking Group, or OGBG), provides an avenue for energy companies to review their operational benchmarks against others in the industry, while hosting strategic conversations around key topics such as safety and security. In Malaysia, there are ongoing discussions and planning to protect the country’s National Cybersecurity Information Infrastructure (NCII). There is also close collaboration with the ASEAN-Singapore Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence for upskilling and knowledge sharing of regional talent and capabilities. Operationally, NCII stakeholders work closely with the relevant Government Agencies to ensure accurate and timely incident reporting, and to establish and maintain organisational certifications such as the ISMS ISO 27001. Malaysian energy companies are also known to collaborate with the Department of Standards Malaysia to adopt the IEC 62443 Standards to be part of the Malaysian Standards (MS). The aim of this initiative is to ensure that the standards are more accessible and affordable to local industry players, not just the end users but system integrators and vendors as well. “In the event of a cyberattack, the ability to respond and recover quickly is heavily dependent on the strong fundamental capability to identify, detect and protect the target,” adds Rahayu. The Energy Commission’s Perspective “Our regulator to ensure a secure, uninterrupted, and reliable power supply ecosystem as stipulated by the Electricity Supply (Amendment) Act 2015 that governs the Malaysian electricity supply industry,” says Khairol Fahami, Senior Deputy Director of the Information Management and Technology Unitof the Energy Commission. “The Commission expects industry players to follow proper guidelines where cybersecurity is concerned but on the whole it is up to the them to decide what works best. Companies are strongly encouraged to follow global best practices for cybersecurity,” says Khairol. “Unfortunately, the rapid convergence of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) networks have given rise to unprecedented challenges,” he points out. “Many in the energy sector feels that cyberattacks can just strike upon them without any prior warning. What can energy companies do to protect themselves from cybersecurity attacks? The mostcrucial step is to identify areas that are vulnerable to attack and strengthen them. “From the Commission’s perspective, organisations must make the right investments to strengthen theirsecurity ecosystems. They should also have in place the correct policy and strategy to ensure the agility and flexibility to recover quickly in the event of an attack. Among their priorities should be institutional cyber hygiene. Poor cyber hygiene includes weak passwords or the lack of passwords, outdated software or poor physical security,” says Khairol. Institutional cyber hygiene is a priority at the Commission, which undergoing its digitalisation programme. As a standard practice, the Information Management and Technology Unit has a strict schedule to remind staff to change passwords and to monitor and check their emails for the slightest aberration. Regular education and engagement sessions are also held to ensure everyone plays a role in cybersecurity and befully aware of the threats that are lurking in cyberspace. “As a policy, the Commission adopts a ‘Zero Trust’ approach where cybersecurity is concerned. Anyone, willing or unwilling – or, in some cases, unknowing – could be the weak link in the cybersecurity chain,” he says. Rahayu Ramli, Head of Cyber Strategy & Architecture, Petroliam Nasional Bhd (PETRONAS),
JERUSALEM — The ceasefire between Israel and Lebanon’s Hezbollah militants began early Wednesday as a region on edge wondered whether it will hold. The ceasefire announced Tuesday is a major step toward ending nearly 14 months of fighting sparked by the ongoing war in Gaza between Israel and Hamas. Israel said it will attack if Hezbollah breaks the ceasefire agreement. The ceasefire calls for an initial two-month halt to fighting and requires Hezbollah to end its armed presence in southern Lebanon, while Israeli troops are to return to their side of the border. An international panel led by the United States will monitor compliance. The ceasefire began at 4 a.m. Wednesday, a day after Israel carried out its most intense wave of airstrikes in Beirut since the start of the conflict that in recent weeks turned into all-out war. At least 42 people were killed in strikes across the country, according to local authorities. Smoke rises following an Israeli airstrike on Dahiyeh, in Beirut, Lebanon, Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2024. The ceasefire does not address the devastating war in Gaza , where Hamas is still holding dozens of hostages and the conflict is more intractable. There appeared to be lingering disagreement over whether Israel would have the right to strike Hezbollah if it believed the militants had violated the agreement, something Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted was part of the deal but which Lebanese and Hezbollah officials have rejected. Israel's security Cabinet approved the U.S.-France-brokered ceasefire agreement after Netanyahu presented it, his office said. U.S. President Joe Biden, speaking in Washington, called the agreement “good news” and said his administration would make a renewed push for a ceasefire in Gaza. The Biden administration spent much of this year trying to broker a ceasefire and hostage release in Gaza but the talks repeatedly sputtered to a halt . President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to bring peace to the Middle East without saying how. Still, any halt to the fighting in Lebanon is expected to reduce the likelihood of war between Israel and Iran, which backs both Hezbollah and Hamas and exchanged direct fire with Israel on two occasions earlier this year. In this screen grab image from video provide by the Israeli Government Press Office, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu makes a televised statement Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2024, in Jerusalem, Israel. Israel says it will ‘attack with might’ if Hezbollah breaks truce Netanyahu presented the ceasefire proposal to Cabinet ministers after a televised address in which he listed accomplishments against Israel’s enemies across the region. He said a ceasefire with Hezbollah would further isolate Hamas in Gaza and allow Israel to focus on its main enemy, Iran. “If Hezbollah breaks the agreement and tries to rearm, we will attack,” he said. “For every violation, we will attack with might.” The ceasefire deal calls for a two-month initial halt in fighting and would require Hezbollah to end its armed presence in a broad swath of southern Lebanon, while Israeli troops would return to their side of the border. Thousands of additional Lebanese troops and U.N. peacekeepers would deploy in the south, and an international panel headed by the United States would monitor compliance. Biden said Israel reserved the right to quickly resume operations in Lebanon if Hezbollah breaks the terms of the truce, but that the deal "was designed to be a permanent cessation of hostilities.” A police bomb squad officer inspects the site where a rocket fired from Lebanon landed in a backyard in Kiryat Shmona, northern Israel, Tuesday Nov. 26, 2024. Netanyahu’s office said Israel appreciated the U.S. efforts in securing the deal but “reserves the right to act against every threat to its security.” Lebanon’s caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati welcomed the ceasefire and described it as a crucial step toward stability and the return of displaced people. Hezbollah has said it accepts the proposal, but a senior official with the group said Tuesday it had not seen the agreement in its final form. “After reviewing the agreement signed by the enemy government, we will see if there is a match between what we stated and what was agreed upon by the Lebanese officials,” Mahmoud Qamati, deputy chair of Hezbollah’s political council, told the Al Jazeera news network. “We want an end to the aggression, of course, but not at the expense of the sovereignty of the state," he said, referring to Israel's demand for freedom of action. “Any violation of sovereignty is refused.” Rescuers and residents search for victims Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2024, at the site of an Israeli airstrike that targeted a building in Beirut, Lebanon. Warplanes bombard Beirut and its southern suburbs Even as ceasefire efforts gained momentum in recent days, Israel continued to strike what it called Hezbollah targets across Lebanon while the militants fired rockets, missiles and drones across the border. An Israeli strike on Tuesday leveled a residential building in central Beirut — the second time in recent days warplanes have hit the crowded area near downtown. At least seven people were killed and 37 wounded, according to Lebanon's Health Ministry. Israel also struck a building in Beirut's bustling commercial district of Hamra for the first time, hitting a site around 400 meters (yards) from Lebanon’s Central Bank. There were no reports of casualties. The Israeli military said it struck targets linked to Hezbollah's financial arm. The evacuation warnings covered many areas, including parts of Beirut that previously were not targeted. Residents fled. Traffic was gridlocked, with mattresses tied to some cars. Dozens of people, some wearing pajamas, gathered in a central square, huddling under blankets or standing around fires as Israeli drones buzzed overhead. Israeli military spokesman Avichay Adraee issued evacuation warnings for 20 buildings in Beirut's southern suburbs, where Hezbollah has a major presence, as well as a warning for the southern town of Naqoura where the U.N. peacekeeping mission, UNIFIL, is headquartered. UNIFIL spokesperson Andrea Tenenti said peacekeepers will not evacuate. Israeli soldiers inspect the site Tuesday Nov. 26, 2024, where a rocket fired from Lebanon landed in a backyard in Kiryat Shmona, northern Israel. Israeli forces reach Litani River in southern Lebanon The Israeli military also said its ground troops clashed with Hezbollah forces and destroyed rocket launchers in the Slouqi area on the eastern end of the Litani River, a few kilometers (miles) from the Israeli border. Under the ceasefire deal, Hezbollah is required to move its forces north of the Litani, which in some places is about 30 kilometers (20 miles) north of the border. Hezbollah began firing into northern Israel on Oct. 8, 2023, saying it was showing support for the Palestinians, a day after Hamas carried out its attack on southern Israel, triggering the Gaza war. Israel returned fire on Hezbollah, and the two sides have exchanged barrages ever since. Israel escalated its bombardment in mid-September and later sent troops into Lebanon, vowing to put an end to Hezbollah fire so tens of thousands of evacuated Israelis could return to their homes. Israeli security officers and army soldiers inspect the site Tuesday Nov. 26, 2024, where a rocket fired from Lebanon landed in a backyard in Kiryat Shmona, northern Israel. More than 3,760 people have been killed by Israeli fire in Lebanon the past 13 months, many of them civilians, according to Lebanese health officials. The bombardment has driven 1.2 million people from their homes. Israel says it has killed more than 2,000 Hezbollah members. Hezbollah fire has forced some 50,000 Israelis to evacuate in the country’s north, and its rockets have reached as far south in Israel as Tel Aviv. At least 75 people have been killed, more than half of them civilians. More than 50 Israeli soldiers have died in the ground offensive in Lebanon. Chehayeb and Mroue reported from Beirut and Federman from Jerusalem. Associated Press reporters Lujain Jo and Sally Abou AlJoud in Beirut and Aamer Madhani in Washington contributed. Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Get Government & Politics updates in your inbox!MORGANTOWN, W.Va — It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Charles Dickens had it right 148 years earlier in "A Tale of Two Cities." It was 2007, West Virginia football was at its best; West Virginia football was at its worst. And in the middle of it all was Rich Rodriguez, Pat White and Steve Slaton. It was the year when West Virginia was ready to take home the national championship, but it didn't happen. Now Rodriguez, the coach, is back. Seventeen years have gone by, and Rodriguez is trying to put it together again. His failure at that moment shows how difficult it is but, at the same time, it shows that it can be done. Key in the middle of it all were three things Rodriguez did. He judged talent. He coached talent. And he let talent take over on the field. It came through in Slaton, his running back, and White, his quarterback.---Steve Slaton was going to Maryland done deal...then Maryland undid it. They yanked his scholarship. As the recruitment was reestablished, other schools were after Slaton, but there was a fatal flaw in their approach ... they wanted him as a defensive back. Rodriguez and his head recruiter in the effort to sign Slaton, longtime assistant Bill Kirelawich, wanted him to play running back. "They were constant on me playing running back," Slaton said the other day. "I felt that was going to be best for my career, and they stood tall on wanting me to play running back while the other schools wanted me to move to defensive back." Slaton was adamant and he was willing to do what it took to win the job even though the competition was tough, headed by Jason Colson, who had gained more than 700 yards in 2004, and even though the star running back recruit in 2005 was a heralded 240-pound running back out of North Babylon, N.Y., Jason Gwaltney. That was Amos Zereoue territory, and Gwaltney's statistics were as good or better than his. He had offers from Ohio State, USC and Michigan State, but Rodriguez landed him in Morgantown. He couldn't, however, keep him on the field or out of trouble. Gwaltney gained 186 yards with three touchdowns before academic problems and a bad knee led to him leaving school. He returned in 2007, after having played back home in New York and running into legal problems, but the second chance Rodriguez was giving him never worked out as he was arrested and never played. Slaton, meanwhile, was exactly what Rodriguez wanted and Rodriguez was exactly what Slaton wanted. "They told me the truth," Slaton said. "They told me who was coming in and that there would be nothing guaranteed and I'd have to work for it. I wasn't scared of hard work but the honesty of these are the guys coming in, this is what you are going to face and you are still going to get the opportunity to be a running back." Rodriguez coached Slaton hard. He coached all his players hard but the ones who could handle it were the ones who made it. "It's like Rich Rod said...good players want to be coached. That was the main thing. I wasn't scared of coaching. I wasn't scared of competition. Any sport you play you can't be scared of competition. Nothing's a guarantee," Slaton said. "My NFL coach, Gary Kubiak, would tell me, opportunity comes through injury. Friendly competition is healthy. You have to earn your stripes every day. "That's what Coach Rod's system was. You have to earn your stripes." "At that time, we had a great pedigree of running backs ... Avon Cobourne, Amos Zereoue, Quincy Wilson, KJ Harris. We liked to run the ball. That enticed me to come there." In the first three games of 2005, Slaton carried 8 times for 42 yards, all against Wofford, before being inserted into a key role against Virginia Tech, the No. 3 team in the nation. While WVU lost to the Hokies, 34-17, Slaton carried 11 times for 90 yards and caught a couple of passes. Rodriguez knew what he had. "Rich Rod is good at finding a diamond in the rough," Slaton said. "I feel like me and Pat were diamonds in the rough. That first year with him was probably one of the toughest years I've been through, not just coaching wise but training wise. These guys that come into this program will be in great shape and be able to compete for four quarters." Rutgers was next, and in a 27-13 road victory, Slaton had his first 100-yard game with 135 yards on 25 carries with a touchdown and that set the stage for magic to occur. --- Sophomore Adam Bednarik was the starting quarterback, but a 2005 freshman was splitting time with him. That, of course, was Pat White as the Louisville game dawned at Mountaineer Field. Louisville was No. 19 in the country and opened a 24-7 lead with 6 minutes left in the third quarter, and with Bednarik having to be taken from the game with an ankle injury: White entered, and the rest was history. Slaton ran wild. In the fourth quarter, he scored on a 4-yard TD, Pat McAfee kicked a 29-yard field goal and then with one minute to play, Slaton scored on another 4-yard run and McAfee kicked the extra point to send the game into overtime. Back and forth they went, Slaton scoring three times to give him five touchdowns on the ground, where he gained 188 yards, and one TD receiving for six. When White hit Dorrell Jalloh with a two-point conversion on the final score and the defense stopped Brian Brohm trying to do the same, the game belonged to WVU. White and Slaton were joined at the hip from then on. White had 69 rushing yards and 49 passing yards on 5-of-11 passing in the game, and Rodriguez's march toward a chance at a national championship was underway. In truth, White and Slaton had become friends and roommates from the beginning. "I always said, Pat and his family were the down south version of what my family was," Slaton explained. "They were close. He had his brothers. It got to going out onto the field where we were competing every day. We had blood, sweat and tears together. "We had a comradery that spilled over off the field." WVU would finish that season at 11-1 with the Virginia Tech loss as the season's only black mark. They played the Sugar Bowl against No. 8 Georgia in Atlanta, New Orleans devasted by a hurricane, and won a thriller that involved all three men ... Slaton, White and Rodriguez. Georgia never really had a chance since Slaton took the football 52 yards three minutes into the game for a touchdown, followed quickly by White throwing 3 yards to Darius Reynaud for a TD and then three minutes later Reynaud taking a reverse in for a 13-yard score. But Georgia battled back into the game, and Rodriguez's daring wound up saving the day as with a fourth down near midfield and needing a first down to run out the clock, the coach called a fake punt if the look was right and Phil Brady, who was neither Steve Slaton nor Pat White, ran 10 yards for the first down to clinch the victory. Slaton finished his greatest day with three touchdowns, two of them on 52-yard runs, while rushing for 204 yards while White ran for 77 yards on 24 carries and completed 11 of 14 passes for 140 yards and a touchdown. --- In 2006 Rodriguez refined his offense, White playing a completely equal role with Slaton and the Mountaineers went 11-2 and beat Georgia Tech, 38-35, in the Gator Bowl. Slaton was injured in that game and had only 11 yards on three carries while White rushed for 145 yards and a touchdown and passed for 131 yards and two touchdowns. Owen Schmitt carried 13 times for 102 yards and two touchdowns. Down 35-17 in the third quarter, White threw for two scores and ran for another in the third to pull the game out. That brought WVU into the 2007 season expecting to contend for the national championship, but after winning four straight games to open the season by lopsided scores, No. 18 South Florida stunned the Mountaineers in Tampa, 21-13, on a Friday night when White was injured midgame. They put things together to win six in a row and go into the Pitt game at 10-1, ranked No. 2 in the nation. They were 28.5 point-favorites, and there wasn't anyone outside the Panthers locker room who believed they would lose. But the Pitt defense was magnificent, holding WVU to just 104 rushing yards with Slaton and Noel Devine gaining only 11 each and White being injured and finishing the day with less than 100 total yards. It was a crushing blow to the Mountaineers with Rodriguez leaving the next day to take the Michigan coaching job after failing to reach a contract extension with WVU and Slaton announcing after WVU bounced back to defeat Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl that he was going to turn pro in the next draft. "It was a tough decision," Slaton admitted. "West Virginia was my second home, but at the end of the day it becomes a business. To me, it was a business decision. How realistic was it to win any other awards, to get any other stats? What would that have done for me? "You know, the NFL stands for 'Not For Long'. The average time for an NFL running back is four years, and that's how long I played. I had to seize the opportunity I had." He sat down with Bill Stewart after the Oklahoma Bowl game, in which he was injured on his first carry for -2 yards, and broke the news to him that he was not coming back. "I talked to Coach Stewart — God Bless the dead. We had a meeting. I was being honest, telling him there was nothing left for me to achieve at that level. I'd finished fourth in the Heisman voting. There were no more accolades for me to accumulate." By that time, he already had told White of his decision. "We always had conversations. We were roommates. We'd had that conversation before I told the team about it. He was the first person who I told the decision to," he said. White stayed for his senior season, 2008, WVU won 9 games against 4 losses with Noel Devine as the starting running back and squeaked out a one-point bowl victory over North Carolina to give White four bowl triumphs, but Slaton and Rodriguez were gone and so was the luster.Even with Netflix’s recommendation algorithm serving you new movies, new TV shows, and original programming tailored to your viewing habits, the streaming service’s fire hose of content makes what’s coming difficult to parse. The second season of Squid Game hits Netflix at the end of the month, along with the final season of Beastars and the new Dragon Prince season. There’s also Great British Bakeoff holiday episodes, a Sabrina Carpenter Christmas special, and a whole lot of Netflix sports specials. And from the back catalogue, what better way to ring in the than Mad Max: Fury Road ! Editor’s Pick: Jentry Chau vs. the Underworld Showrunner : Echo Wu Cast: Ali Wong, Bowen Yang, Lori Tann Chinn This new animated series combines supernatural Chinese mythology and teen drama — with colorful animation, hilarious voice acting, and really interesting characters. Ali Wong voices Jentry Chau, a teenage girl who’s spent her whole life hiding her fire powers. But when she learns that she’s being pursued by a demonic mogui , Jentry must harness the powers she’s tried to hide and move back to her tiny hometown in Texas. 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When King Herod ignites a murderous pursuit for her newborn baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph go on the run – bound by faith and driven by courage – to save his life at all costs. Available Dec. 9 The Great British Baking Show: Holidays: Season 7 (Netflix Series) From Netflix: Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith welcome former hopefuls back to the tent to whip up seasonal sweet treats for a chance to win the coveted Star Baker title. Rubble and Crew: Season 1 Available Dec. 10 Jamie Foxx: What Had Happened Was... (Netflix Comedy Event) From Netflix: Oscar and Grammy-winner and beloved comedy icon, Jamie Foxx, returns to the stage to set the record straight in a comedy event that celebrates resilience, humor, and the power of community; if he can stay funny, he can stay alive. Polo (Netflix Sports Series) From Netflix: From executive producers Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, comes an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the fast-paced and glamorous world of Polo. Over five episodes, the documentary series follows elite global players on and off the field as they compete in the high-stakes U.S. Open Polo Championship in Wellington, Florida. Through fierce rivalries and intense training, viewers will get an unprecedented glimpse into the dedication and skill required to compete at the sport’s highest level. From a young player pushed to his limits by his demanding father, to a former golfer who’s made significant sacrifices for the love of the sport, to the father-son duo widely regarded as the greatest players of all time – they all face intense personal and professional challenges as they vie for the coveted title. Polo is an Archewell and Boardwalk Pictures Production. Rugged Rugby: Conquer or Die (Netflix Series) From Netflix: In the shadows of Korea’s rugby world, seven teams engage in a fierce battle of strength, strategy, and teamwork — all vying to be crowned champion. Available Dec. 11 The Kings of Tupelo: A Southern Crime Saga (Netflix Documentary) From Netflix: A small-town feud, an internet conspiracy, an Elvis impersonator, mysterious severed body parts, and an assassination attempt on the President. Welcome to Mississippi where this jaw-dropping story spirals from local drama to a national scandal. Buckle up for a wild ride. This isn’t fiction — it’s Tupelo. Makayla’s Voice: A Letter to the World (Netflix Documentary) From Netflix: Makayla, a teenage girl, who has spent her life grappling with a rare form of autism that rendered her essentially nonverbal. However, her parents, filled with unwavering belief in their daughter’s potential, embarked on a transformative journey to discover the true depth of Makayla’s inner world. Maria (Netflix Film) From Netflix: Academy Award®-winner Angelina Jolie is Maria Callas, one of the most iconic performers of the 20th century in acclaimed director Pablo Larrain’s operatic MARIA. The film follows the American-Greek soprano as she retreats to Paris after a glamorous and tumultuous life in the public eye. MARIA reimagines the legendary soprano in her final days as the diva reckons with her identity and life. One Hundred Years of Solitude : Part 1 (Netflix Series) From Netflix: In the timeless town of Macondo, seven generations of the Buendía family navigate love, oblivion and the inescapability of their past — and their fate Queer Eye : Season 9 (Netflix Series) From Netflix: The Fab Five welcome a new member as they head to Vegas to transform more inspiring heroes with makeovers that dazzle like the neon-lit Strip. Available Dec. 12 La Palma (Netflix Series) From Netflix: A Norwegian family vacationing on La Palma faces disaster when a young researcher discovers alarming signs of an imminent volcanic eruption. No Good Deed (Netflix Series) From Netflix: The sale of Paul and Lydia’s picture-perfect LA home forces them to face painful family secrets — and hide them from prying eyes and cutthroat buyers. Available Dec. 13 1992 (Netflix Series) From Netflix: An enraged serial killer with mysterious links to the Seville Expo ‘92 scorches his victims to death in this crime series directed by Álex de la Iglesia Carry-On (Netflix Film) From Netflix: A young TSA agent fights to outsmart a mysterious traveler who blackmails him into letting a dangerous package slip onto a Christmas Eve flight. Disaster Holiday (Netflix Film) From Netflix: A workaholic dad, trying to win over his kids, heads to the coast of Durban for a big work meeting — under the guise of a family road trip vacation. Available Dec. 16 The Dead Don’t Die The Equalizer: Seasons 1-3 Available Dec. 17 Aaron Rodgers: Enigma (Netflix Sports Series) From Netflix: Follow NFL legend Aaron Rodgers as he bounces back from an Achilles injury in this sports series chronicling the defining moments of his life and career. Ronny Chieng: Love To Hate It (Netflix Comedy Special) From Netflix: Emmy-winning actor and comedian Ronny Chieng has announced his highly anticipated third Netflix stand-up special, Love To Hate It, which will premiere globally on December 17th. Filmed over a five night sold-out run in Honolulu at the historic Hawai’i Theatre, this extremely personal special hilariously unpacks the indignities of the IVF process, the pitfalls of being a man on the internet, American politics and the place of the older generation in today’s world. Available Dec. 18 Julia’s Stepping Stones (Netflix Documentary) From Netflix: Throughout her career, pioneering filmmaker, the late Julia Reichert, gave voice to the voiceless. In a final collaboration with her husband, Steven Bognar, Julia shares the intimate story of her own journey, from her youth as a working-class girl who dreamt of a larger life for herself to her discovery of documentary filmmaking and her own voice along the way. The Manny: Season 2 (Netflix Series) From Netflix: Gabriel and Jimena’s paths cross once again, with more passion and intrigue than they could imagine. Will they get another shot at love or lose it all? Available Dec. 19 The Dragon Prince : Season 7 (Netflix Family) From Netflix: With the world still reeling from destruction and heartbreak, Callum, Ezran and friends face their toughest challenge yet: stopping Aaravos for good. Project Runway: Seasons 18-19 Virgin River : Season 6 (Netflix Series) From Netflix: New beginnings, uncovered secrets and second thoughts: As Mel and Jack prepare for the wedding, they learn more about each other — and their loved ones. Available Dec. 20 Ferry 2 (Netflix Film) From Netflix: After losing his drug empire, Ferry Bouman has found a measure of peace away from Brabant’s criminal underworld — until his past catches up to him. The Six Triple Eight (Netflix Film) From Netflix: During World War II, the only Women’s Army Corps unit of color to serve overseas takes on a seemingly impossible mission in Tyler Perry’s drama inspired by a true story. Umjolo: Day Ones (Netflix Film) From Netflix: Zanele and Andile have been best friends since day one. But now that Andile is married with kids, is Zanele destined to be in the friend zone forever? UniverXO Dabiz (Netflix Documentary) From Netflix: Chef Dabiz Muñoz faces a life-changing decision in this docuseries: to keep his most renowned restaurant at the top — or close its kitchen for good. Available Dec. 21 Flipping Out : Seasons 6-8 Available Dec. 24 Your Friend Nate Bargatze (Netflix Comedy Special) From Netflix: Back for his third Netflix comedy special, Nate Bargatze brings his humor to discuss wanting a second dog, how much pizza to order for guys’ night, his wife being the responsible one, and more. Available Dec. 25 NFL on Christmas: Baltimore Ravens vs. Houston Texans (Netflix Live Event) From Netflix: The Baltimore Ravens face the Houston Texans in the second of two NFL matchups, after the Kansas City Chiefs play the Pittsburgh Steelers. NFL on Christmas: Kansas City Chiefs vs. Pittsburgh Steelers (Netflix Live Event) From Netflix: In the first of two NFL matchups, the Kansas City Chiefs visit the Pittsburgh Steelers. Then, the Baltimore Ravens face the Houston Texans. Available Dec. 26 Squid Game : Season 2 (Netflix Series) From Netflix: Heralding the return of the worldwide hit, a new chapter unfolds as Gi-hun comes back with an agenda, having given up on leaving for the US. Available Dec. 28 Maestro in Blue : Season 3 (Netflix Series) From Netflix: As Orestis and Klelia try to sort out their feelings, the investigation intensifies on the island of Paxos and the murder case approaches an end. Available Dec. 30 Mad Max: Fury Road Available Dec. 31 Avicii - I’m Tim (Netflix Documentary) From Netflix: Before Avicii, there was Tim. Through his own words, witness how a prodigious musical talent became one of the defining artists of his generation. Avicii - My Last Show (Netflix Film) From Netflix: On Aug. 28, 2016, Tim Bergling, better known as Avicii, graced the stage of the Ushuaïa nightclub in Ibiza for what would be his final performance. Evil: Season 3 Michelle Buteau: A Buteau-ful Mind at Radio City Music Hall (Netflix Comedy Special) From Netflix: Michelle Buteau is making HERstory y’all. As the first female comic to record a special at the iconic Radio City Music Hall, the comedian returns for her second Netflix comedy special: Michelle Buteau: A Buteau-ful Mind at Radio City Music Hall. Celebrate the New Year right as Buteau reflects on motherhood, marriage, and more. The Millionaire Matchmaker: Seasons 5-7 Entertainment Movies TV
Maricopa County animal shelter hosts third annual 'Turkey Tasters' eventThe U.K.’s The Guardian newspaper announced earlier this month that it will no longer be posting on X, claiming that it is “a toxic media platform” and that its owner, Elon Musk, “has been able to use its influence to shape political discourse.” Is social media a useful tool or is it becoming a threat to democratic societies? Here we discuss the question Guests : Alan Rusbridger, Editor of Prospect Magazine , former editor-in-chief of The Guardian and a member of Meta’s Oversight Board, which makes content and policy recommendations for Facebook, Instagram, and Threads; Pratik Sinha, co-founder and editor of AltNews, a fact-checking website Host: Priscilla Jebaraj Read the parley article here . You can now find The Hindu’s podcasts on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Stitcher. Search for Parley by The Hindu . Write to us with comments and feedback at Published - November 22, 2024 01:32 am IST Copy link Email Facebook Twitter Telegram LinkedIn WhatsApp Reddit The Hindu Podcasts / The Hindu Parley Podcast
UNCASVILLE, Conn. (AP) — Peyton Smith's 12 points helped Fairfield hold off Vermont 67-66 on Sunday. Read this article for free: Already have an account? To continue reading, please subscribe: * UNCASVILLE, Conn. (AP) — Peyton Smith's 12 points helped Fairfield hold off Vermont 67-66 on Sunday. Read unlimited articles for free today: Already have an account? UNCASVILLE, Conn. (AP) — Peyton Smith’s 12 points helped Fairfield hold off Vermont 67-66 on Sunday. Smith shot 4 of 7 from the field and 4 of 4 from the free-throw line for the Stags (3-4). Prophet Johnson scored 10 points, finishing 4 of 6 from the floor. Makuei Riek had 10 points and shot 4 for 9, including 2 for 4 from beyond the arc. TJ Long led the Catamounts (3-4) in scoring, finishing with 18 points. TJ Hurley added 17 points for Vermont. Jace Roquemore finished with 13 points and two steals. NEXT UP Fairfield takes on Fairleigh Dickinson at home on Sunday, and Vermont hosts SUNY-Plattsburgh on Wednesday. ___ The Associated Press created this story using technology provided by Data Skrive and data from Sportradar. AdvertisementBring Strive Masiyiwa To Head Zim Govt DOGE
JERUSALEM — The ceasefire between Israel and Lebanon’s Hezbollah militants began early Wednesday as a region on edge wondered whether it will hold. The ceasefire announced Tuesday is a major step toward ending nearly 14 months of fighting sparked by the ongoing war in Gaza between Israel and Hamas. Israel said it will attack if Hezbollah breaks the ceasefire agreement. The ceasefire calls for an initial two-month halt to fighting and requires Hezbollah to end its armed presence in southern Lebanon, while Israeli troops are to return to their side of the border. An international panel led by the United States will monitor compliance. People are also reading... The ceasefire began at 4 a.m. Wednesday, a day after Israel carried out its most intense wave of airstrikes in Beirut since the start of the conflict that in recent weeks turned into all-out war. At least 42 people were killed in strikes across the country, according to local authorities. Smoke rises following an Israeli airstrike on Dahiyeh, in Beirut, Lebanon, Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2024. The ceasefire does not address the devastating war in Gaza , where Hamas is still holding dozens of hostages and the conflict is more intractable. There appeared to be lingering disagreement over whether Israel would have the right to strike Hezbollah if it believed the militants had violated the agreement, something Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted was part of the deal but which Lebanese and Hezbollah officials have rejected. Israel's security Cabinet approved the U.S.-France-brokered ceasefire agreement after Netanyahu presented it, his office said. U.S. President Joe Biden, speaking in Washington, called the agreement “good news” and said his administration would make a renewed push for a ceasefire in Gaza. The Biden administration spent much of this year trying to broker a ceasefire and hostage release in Gaza but the talks repeatedly sputtered to a halt . President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to bring peace to the Middle East without saying how. Still, any halt to the fighting in Lebanon is expected to reduce the likelihood of war between Israel and Iran, which backs both Hezbollah and Hamas and exchanged direct fire with Israel on two occasions earlier this year. In this screen grab image from video provide by the Israeli Government Press Office, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu makes a televised statement Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2024, in Jerusalem, Israel. Israel says it will ‘attack with might’ if Hezbollah breaks truce Netanyahu presented the ceasefire proposal to Cabinet ministers after a televised address in which he listed accomplishments against Israel’s enemies across the region. He said a ceasefire with Hezbollah would further isolate Hamas in Gaza and allow Israel to focus on its main enemy, Iran. “If Hezbollah breaks the agreement and tries to rearm, we will attack,” he said. “For every violation, we will attack with might.” The ceasefire deal calls for a two-month initial halt in fighting and would require Hezbollah to end its armed presence in a broad swath of southern Lebanon, while Israeli troops would return to their side of the border. Thousands of additional Lebanese troops and U.N. peacekeepers would deploy in the south, and an international panel headed by the United States would monitor compliance. Biden said Israel reserved the right to quickly resume operations in Lebanon if Hezbollah breaks the terms of the truce, but that the deal "was designed to be a permanent cessation of hostilities.” A police bomb squad officer inspects the site where a rocket fired from Lebanon landed in a backyard in Kiryat Shmona, northern Israel, Tuesday Nov. 26, 2024. Netanyahu’s office said Israel appreciated the U.S. efforts in securing the deal but “reserves the right to act against every threat to its security.” Lebanon’s caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati welcomed the ceasefire and described it as a crucial step toward stability and the return of displaced people. Hezbollah has said it accepts the proposal, but a senior official with the group said Tuesday it had not seen the agreement in its final form. “After reviewing the agreement signed by the enemy government, we will see if there is a match between what we stated and what was agreed upon by the Lebanese officials,” Mahmoud Qamati, deputy chair of Hezbollah’s political council, told the Al Jazeera news network. “We want an end to the aggression, of course, but not at the expense of the sovereignty of the state," he said, referring to Israel's demand for freedom of action. “Any violation of sovereignty is refused.” Rescuers and residents search for victims Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2024, at the site of an Israeli airstrike that targeted a building in Beirut, Lebanon. Warplanes bombard Beirut and its southern suburbs Even as ceasefire efforts gained momentum in recent days, Israel continued to strike what it called Hezbollah targets across Lebanon while the militants fired rockets, missiles and drones across the border. An Israeli strike on Tuesday leveled a residential building in central Beirut — the second time in recent days warplanes have hit the crowded area near downtown. At least seven people were killed and 37 wounded, according to Lebanon's Health Ministry. Israel also struck a building in Beirut's bustling commercial district of Hamra for the first time, hitting a site around 400 meters (yards) from Lebanon’s Central Bank. There were no reports of casualties. The Israeli military said it struck targets linked to Hezbollah's financial arm. The evacuation warnings covered many areas, including parts of Beirut that previously were not targeted. Residents fled. Traffic was gridlocked, with mattresses tied to some cars. Dozens of people, some wearing pajamas, gathered in a central square, huddling under blankets or standing around fires as Israeli drones buzzed overhead. Israeli military spokesman Avichay Adraee issued evacuation warnings for 20 buildings in Beirut's southern suburbs, where Hezbollah has a major presence, as well as a warning for the southern town of Naqoura where the U.N. peacekeeping mission, UNIFIL, is headquartered. UNIFIL spokesperson Andrea Tenenti said peacekeepers will not evacuate. Israeli soldiers inspect the site Tuesday Nov. 26, 2024, where a rocket fired from Lebanon landed in a backyard in Kiryat Shmona, northern Israel. Israeli forces reach Litani River in southern Lebanon The Israeli military also said its ground troops clashed with Hezbollah forces and destroyed rocket launchers in the Slouqi area on the eastern end of the Litani River, a few kilometers (miles) from the Israeli border. Under the ceasefire deal, Hezbollah is required to move its forces north of the Litani, which in some places is about 30 kilometers (20 miles) north of the border. Hezbollah began firing into northern Israel on Oct. 8, 2023, saying it was showing support for the Palestinians, a day after Hamas carried out its attack on southern Israel, triggering the Gaza war. Israel returned fire on Hezbollah, and the two sides have exchanged barrages ever since. Israel escalated its bombardment in mid-September and later sent troops into Lebanon, vowing to put an end to Hezbollah fire so tens of thousands of evacuated Israelis could return to their homes. Israeli security officers and army soldiers inspect the site Tuesday Nov. 26, 2024, where a rocket fired from Lebanon landed in a backyard in Kiryat Shmona, northern Israel. More than 3,760 people have been killed by Israeli fire in Lebanon the past 13 months, many of them civilians, according to Lebanese health officials. The bombardment has driven 1.2 million people from their homes. Israel says it has killed more than 2,000 Hezbollah members. Hezbollah fire has forced some 50,000 Israelis to evacuate in the country’s north, and its rockets have reached as far south in Israel as Tel Aviv. At least 75 people have been killed, more than half of them civilians. More than 50 Israeli soldiers have died in the ground offensive in Lebanon. Chehayeb and Mroue reported from Beirut and Federman from Jerusalem. Associated Press reporters Lujain Jo and Sally Abou AlJoud in Beirut and Aamer Madhani in Washington contributed. Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Get Government & Politics updates in your inbox! Stay up-to-date on the latest in local and national government and political topics with our newsletter.None
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Blanket tariffs will hurt workers on both sides of the border: USWJury are deliberating in the long-running YSL gang and racketeering trialEven with Netflix’s recommendation algorithm serving you new movies, new TV shows, and original programming tailored to your viewing habits, the streaming service’s fire hose of content makes what’s coming difficult to parse. The second season of Squid Game hits Netflix at the end of the month, along with the final season of Beastars and the new Dragon Prince season. There’s also Great British Bakeoff holiday episodes, a Sabrina Carpenter Christmas special, and a whole lot of Netflix sports specials. And from the back catalogue, what better way to ring in the than Mad Max: Fury Road ! Editor’s Pick: Jentry Chau vs. the Underworld Showrunner : Echo Wu Cast: Ali Wong, Bowen Yang, Lori Tann Chinn This new animated series combines supernatural Chinese mythology and teen drama — with colorful animation, hilarious voice acting, and really interesting characters. Ali Wong voices Jentry Chau, a teenage girl who’s spent her whole life hiding her fire powers. But when she learns that she’s being pursued by a demonic mogui , Jentry must harness the powers she’s tried to hide and move back to her tiny hometown in Texas. Available now Netflix Stories: A Virgin River Christmas (Netflix Games) From Netflix: Spend the holidays in Virgin River, the perfect spot to finish your novel with hot cocoa in hand. But watch out! Fate has plans involving a cute, irresistible local... The Rise of the Golden Idol (Netflix Games) From Netflix: The Idol was lost — but not forgotten. Collect crime-scene clues to piece together shocking truths in this sequel to an award-winning mystery game. TED Tumblewords (Netflix Games) From Netflix: Play against your friends in the ultimate collection of mind-bending word puzzles and unlock vast wisdom from TED as you soar through the leaderboards. Available Dec. 1 Bunk’d: Season 7 Burlesque Daddy Day Care The Happytime Murders Little Midway Project X We’re the Millers Zero Dark Thirty Available Dec. 2 30 for 30: Bad Boys 30 for 30: Celtics/Lakers: The Best of Enemies 30 for 30: Sole Man 30 for 30: This Magic Moment 30 for 30: This Was the XFL 30 for 30: Winning Time: Reggie Miller vs. The New York Knicks Available Dec. 3 Fortune Feimster: Crushing It (Netflix Comedy Special) From Netflix: Fortune Feimster, the beloved comedian and actress, returns with her third Netflix comedy special, Fortune Feimster: Crushing It, premiering globally on Netflix on December 3, 2024. Following the success of her previous specials, Good Fortune (2022) and Sweet & Salty (2020), both of which received Critics Choice nominations, Fortune continues to deliver her signature blend of humor and heart. In Crushing It, Fortune shares hilarious stories from her life, including her “romantic” honeymoon with her wife and her reflections on no longer being her mom’s surrogate husband. With her unique comedic perspective and infectious energy, Fortune invites audiences into her world where laughter and love reign supreme. Available Dec. 4 The Children’s Train (Netflix Film) From Netflix: In late 1940s Italy, a mother makes the difficult decision to send her son to the north, where he catches glimpses of a new life away from poverty. Churchill at War (Netflix Documentary) From Netflix: This captivating docuseries examines Winston Churchill’s pivotal role in World War II and the formative events that made him an ideal leader for the era. 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Available Dec. 5 BEASTARS : Final Season: Part 1 (Netflix Anime) From Netflix: While Louis and Haru navigate their new lives at university, Legoshi catches the eye of a BEASTAR who needs his help in capturing a heinous criminal. Black Doves (Netflix Series) From Netflix: When a spy posing as a politician’s wife learns her lover has been murdered, an old assassin friend joins her on a quest for truth — and vengeance. Compliance Jentry Chau vs the Underworld (Netflix Family) From Netflix: As her 16th birthday approaches, a not-so-average teen rediscovers the fiery powers she’s long suppressed and is forced to face her demons — literally. Subservience Top Chef: Boston Top Chef: Kentucky Top Chef: Seattle Available Dec. 6 A Nonsense Christmas with Sabrina Carpenter (Netflix Special) From Netflix: Pop icon Sabrina Carpenter jingles all the bells in her first-ever variety music special full of Christmas hits, unexpected duets and comedic cameos. Biggest Heist Ever (Netflix Documentary) From Netflix: She rapped. He hacked. How did Ilya “Dutch” Lichtenstein and his wife Heather “Razzlekhan” Morgan pull off one of the biggest crypto crimes ever? From Emmy winner Chris Smith, the director of “Bad Vegan” and “Fyre,” comes this stranger-than-fiction documentary about a couple dubbed Bitcoin Bonnie and Clyde. Camp Crasher (Netflix Film) From Netflix: In a bid to save her son’s end-of-school camping trip, a single mom steps in as the bus driver while trying to show him she really can be a cool mom. Echoes of the Past (Netflix Series) From Netflix: Accused of his sister’s murder, Yehia is fiercely determined to seek vengeance and unmask the true perpetrator. Mary (Netflix Film) From Netflix: Mary is a coming-of-age biblical epic in which Mary is shunned following a miraculous conception and forced into hiding. When King Herod ignites a murderous pursuit for her newborn baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph go on the run – bound by faith and driven by courage – to save his life at all costs. Available Dec. 9 The Great British Baking Show: Holidays: Season 7 (Netflix Series) From Netflix: Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith welcome former hopefuls back to the tent to whip up seasonal sweet treats for a chance to win the coveted Star Baker title. Rubble and Crew: Season 1 Available Dec. 10 Jamie Foxx: What Had Happened Was... (Netflix Comedy Event) From Netflix: Oscar and Grammy-winner and beloved comedy icon, Jamie Foxx, returns to the stage to set the record straight in a comedy event that celebrates resilience, humor, and the power of community; if he can stay funny, he can stay alive. Polo (Netflix Sports Series) From Netflix: From executive producers Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, comes an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the fast-paced and glamorous world of Polo. Over five episodes, the documentary series follows elite global players on and off the field as they compete in the high-stakes U.S. Open Polo Championship in Wellington, Florida. Through fierce rivalries and intense training, viewers will get an unprecedented glimpse into the dedication and skill required to compete at the sport’s highest level. From a young player pushed to his limits by his demanding father, to a former golfer who’s made significant sacrifices for the love of the sport, to the father-son duo widely regarded as the greatest players of all time – they all face intense personal and professional challenges as they vie for the coveted title. Polo is an Archewell and Boardwalk Pictures Production. Rugged Rugby: Conquer or Die (Netflix Series) From Netflix: In the shadows of Korea’s rugby world, seven teams engage in a fierce battle of strength, strategy, and teamwork — all vying to be crowned champion. Available Dec. 11 The Kings of Tupelo: A Southern Crime Saga (Netflix Documentary) From Netflix: A small-town feud, an internet conspiracy, an Elvis impersonator, mysterious severed body parts, and an assassination attempt on the President. Welcome to Mississippi where this jaw-dropping story spirals from local drama to a national scandal. Buckle up for a wild ride. This isn’t fiction — it’s Tupelo. Makayla’s Voice: A Letter to the World (Netflix Documentary) From Netflix: Makayla, a teenage girl, who has spent her life grappling with a rare form of autism that rendered her essentially nonverbal. However, her parents, filled with unwavering belief in their daughter’s potential, embarked on a transformative journey to discover the true depth of Makayla’s inner world. Maria (Netflix Film) From Netflix: Academy Award®-winner Angelina Jolie is Maria Callas, one of the most iconic performers of the 20th century in acclaimed director Pablo Larrain’s operatic MARIA. The film follows the American-Greek soprano as she retreats to Paris after a glamorous and tumultuous life in the public eye. MARIA reimagines the legendary soprano in her final days as the diva reckons with her identity and life. One Hundred Years of Solitude : Part 1 (Netflix Series) From Netflix: In the timeless town of Macondo, seven generations of the Buendía family navigate love, oblivion and the inescapability of their past — and their fate Queer Eye : Season 9 (Netflix Series) From Netflix: The Fab Five welcome a new member as they head to Vegas to transform more inspiring heroes with makeovers that dazzle like the neon-lit Strip. Available Dec. 12 La Palma (Netflix Series) From Netflix: A Norwegian family vacationing on La Palma faces disaster when a young researcher discovers alarming signs of an imminent volcanic eruption. No Good Deed (Netflix Series) From Netflix: The sale of Paul and Lydia’s picture-perfect LA home forces them to face painful family secrets — and hide them from prying eyes and cutthroat buyers. Available Dec. 13 1992 (Netflix Series) From Netflix: An enraged serial killer with mysterious links to the Seville Expo ‘92 scorches his victims to death in this crime series directed by Álex de la Iglesia Carry-On (Netflix Film) From Netflix: A young TSA agent fights to outsmart a mysterious traveler who blackmails him into letting a dangerous package slip onto a Christmas Eve flight. Disaster Holiday (Netflix Film) From Netflix: A workaholic dad, trying to win over his kids, heads to the coast of Durban for a big work meeting — under the guise of a family road trip vacation. Available Dec. 16 The Dead Don’t Die The Equalizer: Seasons 1-3 Available Dec. 17 Aaron Rodgers: Enigma (Netflix Sports Series) From Netflix: Follow NFL legend Aaron Rodgers as he bounces back from an Achilles injury in this sports series chronicling the defining moments of his life and career. Ronny Chieng: Love To Hate It (Netflix Comedy Special) From Netflix: Emmy-winning actor and comedian Ronny Chieng has announced his highly anticipated third Netflix stand-up special, Love To Hate It, which will premiere globally on December 17th. Filmed over a five night sold-out run in Honolulu at the historic Hawai’i Theatre, this extremely personal special hilariously unpacks the indignities of the IVF process, the pitfalls of being a man on the internet, American politics and the place of the older generation in today’s world. Available Dec. 18 Julia’s Stepping Stones (Netflix Documentary) From Netflix: Throughout her career, pioneering filmmaker, the late Julia Reichert, gave voice to the voiceless. In a final collaboration with her husband, Steven Bognar, Julia shares the intimate story of her own journey, from her youth as a working-class girl who dreamt of a larger life for herself to her discovery of documentary filmmaking and her own voice along the way. The Manny: Season 2 (Netflix Series) From Netflix: Gabriel and Jimena’s paths cross once again, with more passion and intrigue than they could imagine. Will they get another shot at love or lose it all? Available Dec. 19 The Dragon Prince : Season 7 (Netflix Family) From Netflix: With the world still reeling from destruction and heartbreak, Callum, Ezran and friends face their toughest challenge yet: stopping Aaravos for good. Project Runway: Seasons 18-19 Virgin River : Season 6 (Netflix Series) From Netflix: New beginnings, uncovered secrets and second thoughts: As Mel and Jack prepare for the wedding, they learn more about each other — and their loved ones. Available Dec. 20 Ferry 2 (Netflix Film) From Netflix: After losing his drug empire, Ferry Bouman has found a measure of peace away from Brabant’s criminal underworld — until his past catches up to him. The Six Triple Eight (Netflix Film) From Netflix: During World War II, the only Women’s Army Corps unit of color to serve overseas takes on a seemingly impossible mission in Tyler Perry’s drama inspired by a true story. Umjolo: Day Ones (Netflix Film) From Netflix: Zanele and Andile have been best friends since day one. But now that Andile is married with kids, is Zanele destined to be in the friend zone forever? UniverXO Dabiz (Netflix Documentary) From Netflix: Chef Dabiz Muñoz faces a life-changing decision in this docuseries: to keep his most renowned restaurant at the top — or close its kitchen for good. Available Dec. 21 Flipping Out : Seasons 6-8 Available Dec. 24 Your Friend Nate Bargatze (Netflix Comedy Special) From Netflix: Back for his third Netflix comedy special, Nate Bargatze brings his humor to discuss wanting a second dog, how much pizza to order for guys’ night, his wife being the responsible one, and more. Available Dec. 25 NFL on Christmas: Baltimore Ravens vs. Houston Texans (Netflix Live Event) From Netflix: The Baltimore Ravens face the Houston Texans in the second of two NFL matchups, after the Kansas City Chiefs play the Pittsburgh Steelers. NFL on Christmas: Kansas City Chiefs vs. Pittsburgh Steelers (Netflix Live Event) From Netflix: In the first of two NFL matchups, the Kansas City Chiefs visit the Pittsburgh Steelers. Then, the Baltimore Ravens face the Houston Texans. Available Dec. 26 Squid Game : Season 2 (Netflix Series) From Netflix: Heralding the return of the worldwide hit, a new chapter unfolds as Gi-hun comes back with an agenda, having given up on leaving for the US. Available Dec. 28 Maestro in Blue : Season 3 (Netflix Series) From Netflix: As Orestis and Klelia try to sort out their feelings, the investigation intensifies on the island of Paxos and the murder case approaches an end. Available Dec. 30 Mad Max: Fury Road Available Dec. 31 Avicii - I’m Tim (Netflix Documentary) From Netflix: Before Avicii, there was Tim. Through his own words, witness how a prodigious musical talent became one of the defining artists of his generation. Avicii - My Last Show (Netflix Film) From Netflix: On Aug. 28, 2016, Tim Bergling, better known as Avicii, graced the stage of the Ushuaïa nightclub in Ibiza for what would be his final performance. Evil: Season 3 Michelle Buteau: A Buteau-ful Mind at Radio City Music Hall (Netflix Comedy Special) From Netflix: Michelle Buteau is making HERstory y’all. As the first female comic to record a special at the iconic Radio City Music Hall, the comedian returns for her second Netflix comedy special: Michelle Buteau: A Buteau-ful Mind at Radio City Music Hall. Celebrate the New Year right as Buteau reflects on motherhood, marriage, and more. The Millionaire Matchmaker: Seasons 5-7 Entertainment Movies TV
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