Furthermore, the issue of intellectual property rights comes into play when historical figures are depicted in a modified or augmented way through AI. In the case of Cao Cao raising a Gatling gun, one may argue that this modification constitutes a creative transformation of the historical figure, which could potentially infringe upon the rights of the original creators or estate of Cao Cao. Intellectual property laws protect the rights of creators and owners of original works, and unauthorized modifications or adaptations could be seen as a violation of those rights.In light of this tragic event, it is essential for individuals seeking massage therapy to take precautions and be proactive in protecting their health and well-being. Before choosing a massage therapist, it is advisable to research their qualifications, experience, and credentials. Additionally, communicating openly with the therapist about any health conditions, concerns, or preferences can help ensure a safe and effective massage session.Title: Football News: Oscar's Naturalization Materials Submitted to General Administration of Sport, Progressing Smoothly Pending Final Result
MR’s security de-militarised Essential reading on Ranil’s role Sri Lankans have been politically scammed as never before. With AKD and the NPP, there’s been generational, gender and governance change, no structural reform (let alone ‘system-change’), and most crucially no change of economic policy paradigm and corporate/superrich bias. In an inversion of their mandate, there’s stark continuity in the economic policy framework that caused Sri Lanka’s debt crisis and perpetuates mass economic austerity. As presidential candidate Anura emphasised improvement of human resources, upgrading of human capital, as his economic keystone, but his presidential policies have placed the keystone in the opposite direction, and his macroeconomic commitments are and cannot but be ruinous to human resources/human capital. What would it mean if, as Deshal de Mel, (former? intermittent?) advisor to the Finance Ministry exults, three Presidents who were perceived to have been and publicly purported to be very different from each other—Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Ranil Wickremesinghe, Anura Kumara Dissanayake—deployed one and the same team, on core economic policy including the deal with the private creditors (ISB holders)? Is it because the team comprised the best of the best? Then why the ‘stealth’? Surely we should know the names of everyone involved so the nation could be grateful. Logically, three widely disparate presidents should have issued instructions with different emphases to the team, and under AKD they should have concluded with a quite different package than that which Ranil had chalked-out. But if there were three widely different presidents, one team, and the package that was worked on was the same, it means that whatever their public postures the three Presidents were of essentially the same view, shared the same economic policy paradigm. Bluntly, all 3 Presidents, 3 Finance Ministers and their unchanging team, over ‘983 days’ and counting, served the same interests: big private financial corporate interests, local and foreign. Though the threat to him is qualitatively higher than to any other Sri Lankan, former President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s security contingent is being stripped of its military component, reducing it to a purely Police detachment. Dinesh Schaffter’s brutal murder has not been solved. His shadowy, sadistic killers have not been identified let alone apprehended. How difficult would it be for a die-hard pro-Tiger Diaspora billionaire or consortium of contributors to hire foreign mercenaries specialised in Black Ops to infiltrate a team into Colombo and assassinate Mahinda Rajapaksa, in bitter, bloody revenge for their ‘Mahaveera’ Prabhakaran’s demise and the LTTE’s decisive defeat? AKD’s administration is leaving Mahinda wide-open. It has cold-bloodedly jeopardised the security and safety of the leader who restored security and safety for the immense majority of Sri Lanka’s citizens. Disguised as Santa, President AKD gifted social sectors who are among the most vulnerable, a tax on their fixed deposits i.e., their life savings, which will reduce the monthly or annual interest on which they live, buy medicines etc. Undertaken to offset loss of revenue through the slender, spotty VAT reduction, this heartless measure could be avoided by increased direct taxes on the top corporate earners and the superrich. The economic callousness of the Government is manifest when reading data provided by numbers.lk: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1BLSjMSarQ/ The apologia for Anuranomics-- ‘what alternative did Anura have?’-- a pseudo-left echo of Thatcher’s ‘there is no alternative’ (TINA) is masterfully answered in concrete detail by Kusum Wijetilleke last Sunday, in a piece entitled ‘The Curse of Incrementalism: NPP Capitulation to the Status-Quo’. The Government has relaxed foreign exchange regulations for an initial period of six months. (https://www.dailymirror.lk/breaking-news/Government-decides-to-further-ease-capital-controls/108-298515). That’s sugar to a diabetic. Foreign exchange regulations in place through the JR and Premadasa presidencies were relaxed by Ranil Wickremesinghe and Ravi Karunanayake in 2017, causing or contributing to a massive outflow of dollars, which according to figures provided in parliament by then Minister of Justice Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe, is larger than our total foreign debt. Former President Ranil Wickremesinghe (appointed not elected, then electorally trounced) made an appearance on television, addressing the nation in robust support of President Anura Dissanayake’s recent address to parliament and specifically his ISB deal. Ranil kept using the term “we” (“api”), as in “we have now arrived at an agreement with the sovereign bond holders and a new bond will be issued on December 20th”. (https://youtu.be/IUAHz8mmwpk) He faulted the Opposition for its criticism of President Dissanayake’s economics and insisted the Opposition make it clear than any and all criticism was within the existing agreement with the IMF, i.e., without advocating renegotiation/revision, as Sajith does. Is Ranil Wickremesinghe AKD’s Emeritus Economic Advisor or ‘Economics Godfather’? Has his security been slashed as badly as Mahinda’s, or does Ranil (still) have Army Commandos and/or the STF? ‘Ranil Wickremesinghe & The Emasculation of the United National Party’ (Neptune, Colombo 2024) a brand-new book by Prof Rajiva Wijesinha (his cousin), is mandatory reading for any student of Sri Lanka’s politics and contemporary history. A chronicle by an erudite observer-participant in the politics of the last few decades, it is the seedbed of several doctoral dissertations. As I noted in my remarks at Rajiva’s book launch, Ranil Wickremesinghe’s story is one of negative dominance of Sri Lankan affairs. He is a reverse Midas, dooming through corrosion, every party and leader he has touched or has touched him. The long list includes the UNP, SLFP and SLPP, all of which have had their large vote bases fissure, decompose and disintegrate. Ranil’s toxic economic ideas and ideology have now possessed Anura Dissanayake and the JVP-NPP. The JVP was thought of either as (a) the anti-capitalist ‘third force’ or (b) the radical wing of the national liberation struggle, the leftwing vanguard of the anti-UNP bloc. It authentically occupied each role at different periods. During the so-called Yahapalanaya (‘Good governance’) coalition of Ranil’s UNP and dissident Maithripala Sirisena’s SLFP faction, Anura and the JVP were seen in a third way: as the leftwing ally of a centre-right neoliberal coalition. The green elephant being the UNP symbol, the JVPers were nicknamed “rathu ali pataw” or “red baby elephants” with Anura as the ‘Rathu Ali Patiya’. Malik Samarawickrema and Mangala Samaraweera were Ranil’s “AKD Whisperers”. This Christmas season it is even more appropriate than usual to call to mind the circumstances of bloody repression by the authorities that surrounded the birth of Jesus. Netanyahu’s Israel has been perpetrating the modern-day equivalent of King Herod’s Slaughter of the Innocents. One of the most unforgettably heart-rending episodes was of a 6-year-old girl Hind Rajab, who made a plaintive telephone call for help which we all heard on TV around the world before she went missing and was discovered slaughtered by the IDF. According to a Belgium-based NGO dedicated to justice for Hind Rajab, an Israeli soldier who has earned the nickname ‘Terminator’ for self-advertised war-crimes was on holiday in Sri Lanka. Alerted by the IDF he has since skipped the island. (https://www.dailymirror.lk/breaking-news/Belgium-based-NGO-claims-Israel-soldier-terminator-in-Sri-Lanka/108-298377). Sirimavo Bandaranaike or Ranasinghe Premadasa would have deported him and shut down the pipeline bringing IDF soldiers on R&R to Sri Lanka while Israel continues to attack countries and communities in a Nazi-like rampage. Not so, Anura Dissanayake. Recently, there was a two-hour discussion on foreign policy billed ‘Sri Lanka’s Place in a Turbulent World’, on TV1’s Face the Nation. The participants included an old friend and several young ones, including a very bright former student. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LioiN2q69Q&list=PLwBEINflt3JHYOP-1BUn6SjgBpVSHnvd0) Two propositions stated by the very smart younger analysts startled me. The first was that Israel’s war on Gaza and the West Bank was essentially the same as Russia’s invasion of/intervention in Ukraine. That’s a classic ‘category error’; apples and oranges. Israel’s is an Occupation and has been so for decades as acknowledged by numerous UN Security Council resolutions. Israel’s Occupation has structural characteristics of Apartheid, as affirmed both by former US President Jimmy Carter and the ANC leaders who fought apartheid in South Africa. This, and NATO expansion towards the East in the post-Cold war era, make the response to Ukraine far more muted in the global South (notably among the BRICS Plus constituency, containing the global majority) than the response to Gaza. The second, far more dangerous proposition, presented by the young academic in the strategic/security studies sector, issued from what he repeatedly insisted was ‘strategic thinking’: Sri Lanka should not recalibrate and retrench from its present policy on Israel which includes ‘R&R war tourism’, because from a ‘strategic’ point of view, Sri Lanka needs strong relations with Israel, an AI weapons hub. This is bad strategy and bad thinking. Which strategic interests—the strategic interests of what and who— are we or should we be thinking of, when we speak of strategy? Surely, of Sri Lanka as a country or more precisely Sri Lanka as State. The worst crisis and challenge the Sri Lankan state faced since Independence was in the 1980s when it had two civil wars – North and South, secessionist and anti-systemic--and an external military force on Sri Lankan soil. That crisis was caused by the mismanagement of Sri Lanka’s internal relations with one of its constituent communities (Sri Lanka’s Tamils), which had a co-ethnic rear-base, an ethnic kin-state as neighbour. No strategic thinking about Sri Lanka’s foreign policy or pathway can start from or limit itself to bilateral relations – diplomatic, economic or military relations with another state. Strategic thinking must flow from the foundational set of questions, axiomatically geostrategic but also ontological-existential, which I borrow from Mervyn de Silva: ‘who we are, what we are, where we are’. Strategic thinking about the Sri Lankan state must place high priority on grasping Sri Lanka’s composition and the necessity to manage with prudence its internal relationships between its constituent communities, especially when those communities have a larger global/globalised extended family they belong to. The Ranil-Manusha expansion of Sri Lanka’s relations with Israel during and despite its genocidal Gaza war, continued and maintained by Anura-Vijitha, does not take into account: What kind of ‘strategic thinking’ can recommend robust, expansive relations with Israel ignoring these three factors? What kind of ‘strategic thinking’ can ignore the possible outreach to Islamist militancy outside Sri Lanka or the gaze of Islamist militancy falling on Sri Lanka as a place which welcomes IDF war criminals with open arms? How can the expanded equation with Israel under the Ranil-Manusha and Anura-Vijitha dispensations not be seen for the strategic and security threat it poses to the Sri Lankan state by alienating an entire community which has already experienced one round of radicalisation, providing the backcloth of the Easter Massacre 2019, though external infiltrators and provocateurs were very probably involved? Sri Lanka’s passage in a turbulent world must be navigated with awareness of the tempest to come. nWashington is undecided: should Russia be neutralised with a Trump-propelled deal on Ukraine, or should the collective West go for broke on Ukrainian/Russian and Iranian fronts and possibly open a Cuban/Latin American front? Both the Israeli campaign in the Middle East and NATO/Ukraine in Europe, aimed at Iran and Russia respectively, are flanking moves in the West’s grand strategy aimed at the ultimate target, China. If Sri Lanka has a strong strategic bond with Israel, it is taking sides wittingly or unwittingly, and painting a target on its back. Our doctrine must be one of strategic prudence. This holds true of any Defence Cooperation Agreement with India. Just as Sri Lanka should not allow anything hostile to India to emanate from Sri Lanka’s land or sea, we must not allow anything hostile to China to do so either, still less allow ourselves to be enmeshed in a type of defence relationship which may be a subset of an Indian strategic configuration aimed separately or in conjunction with its fellow Quad partners, against China. It is absurd to regard moral-ethical factors and world opinion as unrelated to strategic policy-making, and compartmentalise the two. Prof Joseph Nye’s famous concepts of ‘soft power’ and ‘smart power’ incorporate the moral-ethical ingredient into the all-important ‘story’ or ‘narrative’ which seeks to persuade. Israel’s story is the nastiest in the world today (and in my lifetime since the Vietnam War). We should take our distance from it. Yet, Sri Lanka on the NPP’s watch is turning a blind eye to Zionist genocidaires enjoying themselves on our island. For Sri Lanka, a small state, it is strategically imperative that: (I)We establish a presence (a toehold) and participate in as many spaces in the world system as possible, raising our profile. (II) We share the same broad, autonomous – I call it ‘Neo-Nonaligned’--space and outlook as the majority of the world’s nations and peoples, in support of a multipolar world order which can contribute to global balance, global equilibrium.Netflix signs US broadcast deal with FIFA for the Women's World Cup in 2027 and 2031 GENEVA (AP) — Netflix has secured the U.S. broadcasting rights to the Women’s World Cup in 2027 and 2031 as the streaming giant continues its push into live sports. Graham Dunbar, The Associated Press Dec 20, 2024 10:47 AM Share by Email Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Print Share via Text Message FILE - Spain's Aitana Bonmati celebrates after scoring a goal, during the women's Group C match between Spain and Japan, at La Beaujoire Stadium, during the 2024 Summer Olympics Thursday, July 25, 2024, in Nantes, France. (AP Photo/Jeremias Gonzalez, File) GENEVA (AP) — Netflix has secured the U.S. broadcasting rights to the Women’s World Cup in 2027 and 2031 as the streaming giant continues its push into live sports. The deal announced Friday is the most significant FIFA has signed with a streaming service for a major tournament. The value was not given, though international competitions in women’s soccer have struggled to draw high-value offers. “Bringing this iconic tournament to Netflix isn’t just about streaming matches,” its chief content officer Bela Bajaria said in a statement. “It’s also about celebrating the players, the culture and the passion driving the global rise of women’s sport.” Netflix dipped into live sports last month with more than 60 million households watching a heavily hyped boxing match between retired heavyweight legend Mike Tyson and social media personality Jake Paul. Some viewers reported streaming problems , however. Netflix also will broadcast two NFL games on Christmas Day: the Kansas City Chiefs at the Pittsburgh Steelers and Baltimore Ravens at the Houston Texans. That’s part of a three-year deal announced in May. World Cups are typically broadcast on free-to-air public networks to reach the biggest audiences, and the last women's edition in 2023 earned FIFA less than 10% of the men's 2022 World Cup. FIFA president Gianni Infantino had publicly criticized public broadcasters , especially in Europe, for undervaluing offers to broadcast the 2023 tournament that was played in Australia and New Zealand. That tournament was broadcast by Fox in the U.S. “This agreement sends a strong message about the real value of the FIFA Women’s World Cup and the global women’s game,” Infantino said. The World Cup rights mark another major step in Netflix’s push into live programming. It’s recipe that Netflix has cooked up to help sell more advertising, a top priority for the company since it introduced a low-priced version of its streaming service that includes commercials two years ago. The ad-supported version is now the fastest growing part of Netflix’s service, although most of its 283 million worldwide subscribers till pay for higher-priced options without commercial. But Netflix is still trying to sell more ads to boost its revenue, which is expected to be about $30 billion. Netflix executives have predicted it might take two or three years before its ad sales become a major part of its revenue. Netflix expects to spend about $17 billion on programming this year — a budget that the Los Gatos, California, company once funneled almost entirely into scripted TV series and movies. But Netflix is now allocating a significant chunk of that money to sports and live events, a shift that has made it a formidable competitor to traditional media bidding for the same rights. FIFA will likely use the Netflix deal to drive talks with European broadcasters that likely will be hardball negotiations. Soccer finance expert Kieran Maguire, a co-host of The Price of Football podcast, suggested the deal was “a bit of a gamble" for FIFA and “saber-rattling” by Infantino. “(Netflix) get experience of football broadcasting, FIFA can say, ‘we are now partnering with a blue chip organization, so watch out you nasty Europeans,’” Maguire, an academic at the University of Liverpool, said in a telephone interview. FIFA and Infantino also want to raise the price of broadcast deals to help fund increased prize money and close the gender pay gap on the men’s World Cup. At the men’s 2022 World Cup in Qatar, the 32 team federations shared $440 million in prize money. For the women’s 2023 tournament , FIFA had a $152 million total fund for prize money, contributions to teams’ preparation costs and payments to players’ clubs. In FIFA’s financial accounts for 2023 , the soccer body reported total broadcasting revenue of $244 million. In the year of the men’s 2022 World Cup it was almost $2.9 billion. The next Women's World Cup will be a 32-team, 64-game tournament in 2027, played in Brazil from June 24-July 25. The U.S. originally bid jointly with Mexico. The 2031 host has not been decided, though the U.S. likely will bid for a tournament which FIFA is expected to try to expand to 48 teams. That would match the size of the 104-game format of the men's World Cup that debuts in 2026 in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Spain won the 2023 Women's World Cup after the U.S. won the two previous titles — in France in 2019 and Canada in 2015. More than 25 million viewers in the U.S. watched the 2015 World Cup final, a 5-2 win over Japan, played in Vancouver, Canada, in a time zone similarly favorable to Brazil. FIFA tried to sign Apple+ to an exclusive global deal to broadcast the inaugural 32-team Club World Cup which is being played in 11 U.S. cities next June and July. Broadcast networks showed little interest in the FIFA club event that will now be broadcast for free on streaming service DAZN, which is building closer business ties to Saudi Arabia. Ahead of the next Women's World Cup, Netflix will "produce exclusive documentary series in the lead-up to both tournaments, spotlighting the world’s top players, their journeys and the global growth of women’s football,” FIFA said. ___ AP Technology Writer Michael Liedtke in San Francisco contributed to this report. ___ AP soccer: https://apnews.com/hub/soccer Graham Dunbar, The Associated Press See a typo/mistake? Have a story/tip? This has been shared 0 times 0 Shares Share by Email Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Print Share via Text Message Get your daily Victoria news briefing Email Sign Up More Soccer Expansion San Diego FC takes Ghanaian midfielder Manu Duah first in MLS SuperDraft Dec 20, 2024 11:30 AM Atlanta United brings back Ronny Deila to MLS as new coach Dec 20, 2024 10:44 AM New knockout format for European soccer competitions debuts with Conference League playoffs draw Dec 20, 2024 10:31 AM
Trudeau appears to break silence on Trump ribbingDespite the regime's efforts to maintain control through force and propaganda, the tide began to turn against the Assad family. The resilience and courage of the Syrian people, combined with international pressure and support for the opposition, weakened the regime's grip on power. The loss of key allies and the erosion of the regime's legitimacy on the global stage further isolated the Assad family.
Taipei Net-Zero101 Project Achievement Exhibition: Mobii Green Energy Launches the World's First Hydrogen-Powered Mobile Data Center 12-20-2024 07:42 PM CET | Business, Economy, Finances, Banking & Insurance Press release from: Getnews / PR Agency: SHENZHEN HMEDIUM INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD In May this year, Taipei officially launched the "Net-Zero 101 Project", leveraging cutting-edge technology to pioneer the development of hydrogen-powered data centers. Through a public-private collaboration platform, the project aims to position Taipei as a global hub for green technology and artificial intelligence startups, supporting the city's 2030 goal of achieving a 40% reduction in carbon emissions. As the 14th demonstration site under the "Taipei Net-Zero 101 Three-Year Plan", Mobii Green Energy today (December 19) inaugurated the world's first hydrogen-powered mobile data center, "Mobii D", marking a significant milestone in Taipei's journey toward net zero. Image: https://www.globalnewslines.com/uploads/2024/12/dd4ad031e126bb9713d287bd7406b572.jpg Mobii Green Energy Chairman Kenny Zeng (far right), Taipei City Deputy Mayor Chang Wen Te (second from left), Environmental Protection Department Commissioner Xu Shixun (far left), and Taipei Chamber of Commerce Chairman Wu Hwa Tien (second from right) gathered in front of "Mobii D" to commemorate this milestone, emphasizing international cooperation in hydrogen technology and mobile computing power. "Mobii D" features innovative technologies, including the world's smallest hydrogen generator "Mobii A", a dynamic power control system "Mobii B", a 180kW vanadium redox power generator "Mobii E", and an AI cloud management platform "Mobii C". It also integrates Supermicro's GB200 server, with Tatung System Technologies Inc. providing enterprises with rapid deployment of private computing power and comprehensive AI consulting services. Revolutionizing Hydrogen Production Beyond Electrolysis "Mobii A" is the world's smallest hydrogen generator, independently developed by Mobii Green Energy. It employs a proprietary plasma electromagnetic pyrolysis technology, capable of processing methane and water simultaneously to achieve on-demand hydrogen production. This eliminates the need for storage and transportation, significantly reducing costs and risks. The capital investment for this technology is only one-tenth of traditional hydrogen production methods. Starting next year, Mobii Green Energy will offer green hydrogen and blue-green hydrogen solutions to high-emission industries such as steel, petrochemicals, cement, paper, hydrogen-powered vehicles, and ships. The "Mobii B" dynamic direct current power control system integrates solar energy, hydrogen energy, fuel cells, lithium batteries, and vanadium redox batteries. It enables real-time scheduling and dynamic integration, reducing energy consumption, enhancing power supply efficiency, and ensuring uninterrupted operation. The "Mobii E" vanadium redox power generator combines the technological strengths of "Mobii A" and "Mobii B", offering high safety, a lifespan exceeding 20 years, and the capability to replace traditional diesel generators, further reducing carbon emissions and environmental impact. Taiwan-Hong Kong Partnership for International Hydrogen-Powered Supercomputing As the exclusive distributor of "Mobii D" in Taiwan, Tatung System Technologies Inc. (8099) is responsible for system integration and operational services. It also introduces a new "AI Advisor" service, enabling enterprises to swiftly deploy computing power and adopt AI applications, anticipated to become a key revenue driver next year. Supermicro (NASDAQ: SMCI) contributes high-performance GB200 servers and liquid cooling technology, jointly creating mobile computing products that integrate green energy, computing power, and AI applications. Simultaneously, Mobii Green Energy announced the establishment of the "Chinese Hydrogen-Powered Mobile Supercomputing Research Association" and signed an International Industry-Academia Collaboration Memorandum with Taiwan's Ship and Ocean Industries R&D Center, the Hong Kong Association of Energy Service Companies, and the Energy Research Center of City University of Hong Kong. The partnership aims to advance technical validation and standards formulation. Image: https://www.globalnewslines.com/uploads/2024/12/b42ab7ab339f2048b916515323107901.jpg Mobii Green Energy Chairman Kenny Zeng (fifth from left) joins representatives from City University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and industry experts to inaugurate the Chinese Hydrogen-Powered Mobile Supercomputing Research Association. Image: https://www.globalnewslines.com/uploads/2024/12/933838ed04d97d473ff7591b61fe652c.jpg In his remarks, Wang Yuanchang, Chief Advisor of the association, stated, "The future of sustainable energy combined with mobile and computational power will pave the way for a transformative new paradigm." Image: https://www.globalnewslines.com/uploads/2024/12/819d51dc576bed4957bac3f4eaef9a6d.jpg Mobii Green Energy Chairman Kenny Zeng (center), together with Hong Kong Association of Energy Service Vice Chairman Cheung Kwok-Chuen (far right), City University of Hong Kong Energy Research Center Director Leung Kwok-Hei (second from right), Ship and Ocean Industries R&D Center Marine Industry Division Director Dr. Chung Cheng-Hsien (second from left), and Hydrogen Supercomputing Research Association Chief Advisor Wang Yuanchang (far left), signed the International Industry-Academia Collaboration Memorandum on Hydrogen-Powered Mobile Supercomputing, marking a significant step forward in global cooperation. Global Expansion and Future Prospects The "Mobii A" hydrogen generator is set to deliver on-demand green hydrogen to clients in the first quarter of next year. The first batch of "Mobii D" mobile data centers is planned for deployment in Taipei, Hong Kong, Singapore, and New Zealand by the second quarter of 2025, with an estimated shipment of 200 units by the end of 2025. Media Contact Company Name: Mobii Green Energy Group Contact Person: CC Wang Email: Send Email [ http://www.universalpressrelease.com/?pr=taipei-netzero101-project-achievement-exhibition-mobii-green-energy-launches-the-worlds-first-hydrogenpowered-mobile-data-center ] Country: Taiwan Website: https://www.mobiiesg.com/ This release was published on openPR.One of the key advantages of quantum computing lies in its ability to explore multiple possibilities simultaneously, thanks to the concept of superposition. While classical computers process data in binary bits, which can be either 0 or 1, quantum bits, or qubits, can exist in a state of both 0 and 1 at the same time. This parallel processing capability enables quantum computers to tackle problems that would be infeasible for classical machines.First and foremost, it is crucial to clarify that there has been no official confirmation from any relevant authorities regarding the implementation of the so-called "strictest vehicle inspection in history." This rumor seems to have originated from unverified sources and has quickly gained traction due to the sensational nature of the claim.
Protect Your Business from Cybercrime This Holiday Season As the holiday season approaches, businesses are bustling with activity, and the spirit of giving is in the air. However, this festive time also brings a rise in cybercrime, particularly ransomware attacks. Just as families prepare to celebrate, cybercriminals sharpen their virtual tools, ready to exploit the holiday rush. It's essential to stay vigilant and protect your business from these malicious threats. Understanding Ransomware Ransomware is a type of malicious software that encrypts files on a device or network. Once encrypted, the files become unusable until the victim pays a ransom to the attacker. What began as a simple virus spread through floppy discs in the late 1980s has now evolved into a billion-dollar cybercrime industry. In today’s digital age, ransomware attacks are becoming more frequent, sophisticated, and costly. Despite new security measures, ransomware groups constantly adapt, finding new ways to extort victims. As long as businesses continue to pay, these attacks will only increase. Therefore, it's crucial for organizations to proactively safeguard their data and systems. At Sly Penguin, we are dedicated to helping business owners understand ransomware and its harmful effects so that they can better protect themselves and their data. While many believe that paying the ransom, backing up files, and simple antivirus protection are enough, in today’s modern digital age, cybercrime is growing smarter and constantly evolving, making one-size-fits-all solutions obsolete. Our team will identify gaps in your cybersecurity and tailor a plan that fits your needs. This will ensure full coverage where you need it and that you don’t have to fret about the integrity of your data during the holidays. Best Practices to Protect Your Business The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) recommends several precautions to protect against ransomware: Additional practices include: Our team offers valuable education and training to help your employees learn when to recognize a cybersecurity attack and how to handle it, fortifying your company from the inside out against data-stealing criminals. Partner with Professionals No security measure is foolproof, but proactive steps can significantly reduce the risk of a ransomware attack. Partnering with experienced IT providers can offer peace of mind. Experts can help implement and maintain best practices, tools, and technologies to protect against ransomware and other cybersecurity threats. This holiday season, ensure your business is well-prepared to combat cyber threats. By taking these steps, you’ll safeguard your data and ensure a safe and joyful holiday for your business and employees. For more information, contact Sly Penguin today. Stay secure, and happy holidays!Timely or tardy? Experts weigh in on lead time’s role in class suspensions, as teaching days lost in ‘typhoon country’ Philippines harm efforts to reverse learning decline
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Trump convinced Republicans to overlook his misconduct. But can he do the same for his nominees?None
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday condoled the demise of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh saying that India mourns the loss of one of its most distinguished leaders. PTC News Desk: As entire nation mourns the loss of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, PM Modi along with other dignitaries pour tribute. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday condoled the demise of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh saying that India mourns the loss of one of its most distinguished leaders. In a post on X, the Prime Minister said that his thoughts are with the family of Dr Manmohan Singh, his friends and countless admirers. "India mourns the loss of one of its most distinguished leaders, Dr. Manmohan Singh Ji. Rising from humble origins, he rose to become a respected economist. He served in various government positions as well, including as Finance Minister, leaving a strong imprint on our economic policy over the years. His interventions in Parliament were also insightful. As our Prime Minister, he made extensive efforts to improve people's lives," he wrote on X. "Dr. Manmohan Singh Ji and I interacted regularly when he was PM and I was the CM of Gujarat. We would have extensive deliberations on various subjects relating to governance. His wisdom and humility were always visible. In this hour of grief, my thoughts are with the family of Dr. Manmohan Singh Ji, his friends and countless admirers. Om Shanti," PM Modi added. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh wrote, " Deeply saddened by the demise of India’s former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh ji. He played a key role in rebuilding India’s economy during difficult times. He was widely respected for his service and intellect. His contribution to India’s progress will always be remembered. My heartfelt condolences to his family and admirers. Om Shanti!" Several senior Congress leaders including Salman Khurshid initially confirmed the news of Dr. Manmohan Singh's demise. He said, Deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. Manmohan Singh, former Prime Minister of India. His contributions to the nation and his dedication to public service will always be remembered. My heartfelt condolences to his family and loved ones. Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi in a heartfelt tribute to former PM said, "Few people in politics inspire the kind of respect that Sardar Manmohan Singh ji did. His honesty will always be an inspiration for us and he will forever stand tall among those who truly love this country as someone who remained steadfast in his commitment to serve the nation despite being subjected to unfair and deeply personal attacks by his opponents." "He was genuinely egalitarian, wise, strongwilled and courageous until the end. A uniquely dignified and gentle man in the rough world of politics," she further added. Punjab Congress leader Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa took to her social media and wrote, "I'm deeply saddened to hear about the passing of former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. His demise is an irreparable loss for the country, politics and the nation. As a renowned economist and statesman, Dr. Singh's contributions to India's economic growth and development are unparalleled. His selfless service to the nation will always be remembered by the people of India. I offer my heartfelt prayers to Waheguru Ji for the peace of his soul. His legacy continue to inspire future generations of Indians." SAD leader Shiromani Akali Dal leader Sukhbir Singh Badal paid tribute to former Prime Minister and wrote, "With the passing away of Dr Manmohan Singh ji an era of statesmanship and of civilised values in public life sadly comes to a close. Dr Sahib combined simplicity in personal life with decency, civility and uprightness in politics. A democrat to the core, Dr Sahib transcended the political party to which he belonged and ensured that the office of the Prime Minister remained above and beyond partisan politics." "I recall the close personal relationship and constructive political equation which Dr Sahib shared with my father and Akali stalwart, Sardar Parkash Singh Badal. It was a tribute to Dr Sahib’s approach to the problems facing our country that he remained committed as Prime Minister to India’s religious, cultural, linguistic and regional diversity and regarded the federal structure as the core and defining feature of our constitution and our national polity," he further added. Dr Sahib regarded the safeguarding of the sentiments and interests of the minorities as crucial to strengthening "The unity and integrity of our country and he firmly opposed any governmental interference in their religious affairs. He respected the autonomy in the functioning of the religious institutions of the minorities and firmly opposed governmental interference in the SGPC as he considered such interference as dangerous for the future of the country’s strong federal structure and democratic values," said Sukhbir Singh Badal. I pray to the Almighty to grant peace to the noble departed soul. - PTC NEWS