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“Educated women raise educated families.” In Pakistan, the pervasive nature of such regressive beliefs reduces girls’ education to an optional inconvenience borne by their parents until they possess the bare minimum academic skills necessary to qualify for marriage and help their own children with their homework. Under this absurd logic, educating a daughter is only valued as long as she has marriage and motherhood on the cards in the near future. Therefore, when societal stigmas and reproductive myths surrounding disability diminish the marriage prospects for girls with special mobility needs, many young women on wheelchairs are doomed to spend the rest of their lives in illiteracy. Where female literacy in the country remains low regardless of ability, data obtained from the report titled “The Missing Third of Pakistan” published by the Pak Alliance for Maths and Science (PAMS) indicates that nearly 83 per cent of female children with disability are out of school. Conversely, only 17 per cent of girls with disabilities are in school, which is roughly three quarters of the national literacy rate among girls above the age of 15. Where stereotypes surrounding both girls’ education and disability can partly explain the abysmal trend, the failure of the government to cater to the special infrastructural, mobility, transport, hygiene and safety needs of female children with physical disabilities has only heightened their academic exclusion, relegating them to a life of socio-economic deprivation and isolation. “Although some efforts have been made by the state, such as the opening of special education schools at the district level, they are more or less insufficient. The teachers lack training in special education while the schools are generally inaccessible, especially when it comes to toilets. Either there are no policies ensuring education to differently-abled girls, or the existing ones are not being implemented,” opined Anbreen Ajaib, an Islamabad-based women’s rights activist. Inadequate data, facilities and infrastructure The first step towards improving literacy among differently-abled female children would involve identifying the exact number of girls with disabilities that are out school, which unfortunately, no state organization across the country has been able to gather till date. “UN statistics show that approximately 15 per cent of Pakistan's population consists of individuals with disabilities. However, we have no accurate data on the number of out-of-school children with disabilities,’ confessed Farman Ali, Deputy Director of the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Karachi region. Going by the estimates obtained by the Dawah Academy for Special Children, almost 90 per cent of children with physical disabilities are out of school, primarily due to the scarcity of special education schools in Sindh, which are catering to only 4,500 differently-abled students. Sources claim that out of 66 educational institutions established in Sindh by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, most do not offer education beyond matriculation. According to data, only eight educational institutions are registered for students with disabilities in Karachi, where just 40 female students appeared for the matriculation exams in 2023 followed by 64 in 2024. The ratio of female students dropped further for the intermediate level, where from across six registered colleges, only 27 girls took the exam in 2023 while 33 appeared for the exam in 2024. In Punjab, date obtained from the Department of Special Education, revealed that out of a total of 3000 differently-abled children studying at special schools, only 839 were girls. Unsurprisingly, the department too had no data on the number of out of school girls with disabilities. According to the spokesperson, currently 303 institutions have been established by the Special Education Institute. At present, the on-ground reality is that there are only three functional institutions for disabled children at the middle level with two at the high school level. Apart from these, there are no public institutions to provide basic education to differently-abled children. Miles up north in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and its merged areas, data from the Social Welfare Department K-P revealed that only 364 girls with physical disabilities were enrolled across schools in the province. Imran Takkar, a children’s rights activist from Peshawar, confirmed that the scarcity of trained teachers, accessible learning materials, and basic facilities had complicated education for girls living with disabilities. “Those in the rural and remote areas are particularly disadvantaged since travelling to far-off specialized institutions can be both financially and physically challenging for families,” said Takkar. Concurring with Takkar, Farida Shaheed, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to education, also believed that government schools were not equipped with the teachers and materials necessary for facilitating students with disabilities. “Teachers are not trained on the educational needs of students with disabilities, while educational materials are seldom available in alternative formats, such as Braille, large print, accessible multimedia, Easy Read, plain language, or sign language,” regretted Shaheed. The intersection of gender and ability The concept of intersectionality predicts that the secondary status of a subordinated individual or community is magnified when they happen to be situated at the intersection of two or more marginalized identities. For instance, a differently-abled girl will be dually targeted by both ableism and chauvinism, ending up with a lower societal status and lesser educational opportunities than those afforded to a differently-abled boy or an able-bodied girl. According to Anbreen Ajaib, Executive Director at Bedari, an NGO working on women empowerment, gender stereotypes and societal attitudes significantly contributed to the exclusion of girls with disabilities from education. “Generally, girls are discouraged from pursuing education beyond the primary level, and for those with disabilities, the barriers are even greater. Many families view girls with disabilities as a "curse" or "burden" and see education as irrelevant to their lives, often believing it won’t change their future prospects. This perspective leads to these girls being deprived not only of education but also of social value, with their aspirations and potential ignored,” observed Ajaib. Agreeing with Ajaib, Qari Saad Noor, a disability rights activist from K-P, also felt that societal taboos surrounding disability prevented parents from educating their differently-abled daughters. “While some destitute parents are forced to leave their daughters on the roads to beg, those from well-off households keep them locked up in their homes out of shame,” revealed Noor. Sharing her views on the matter, Shaheed, who is also a feminist human rights activist highlighted the fact that numerous challenges hindered the education of girls with disabilities, starting with the compounding of a general view in our cultural normative framework that girls did not require education. “This belief is intensified when it comes to girls with disabilities since many a times their families are just too ashamed,” claimed Shaheed, who further revealed that during a research she conducted during COVID-19, women living with disabilities underscored the need to educate their own families about their disability. Menstrual hygiene and WASH facilities Given the countless stigmas surrounding menstruation, girls reaching menarche are often rushed through the critical transition into womanhood with minimal guidance and assistance from both mothers and teachers. Yet where able-bodied girls may eventually figure out the peculiarities of placing a sanitary napkin correctly, for those with physical disabilities, avoiding an embarrassing stain at school during that time of the month can become a challenge. According to a report published by the UNICEF, girls with disabilities are often seen as asexual and are rarely given information on their reproductive health and managing their period independently. Furthermore, inaccessible water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) facilities also act as a major barrier hindering girls with disabilities from attending school. “Gender stereotypes label girls with disabilities as asexual, leaving them neglected and excluded from personal and educational growth,” noted Ajaib. Speaking of the specific challenges faced by girl children with disabilities in managing menstrual hygiene at school, Ajaib highlighted the lack of accessible restrooms with WASH facilities. “In Pakistan, girls with disabilities face severe barriers to education, including bullying and stigmatization, which discourages their attendance and hinders their learning. This is aggravated by the fact that menstrual hygiene facilities like toilets are often inaccessible, making it difficult for these girls to manage their hygiene needs with privacy and dignity,” said Ajaib. “Since menstrual management is a taboo subject in Pakistan, schools may also be reluctant or refuse to provide personal assistance with toileting to menstruating girls with disabilities,” added Shaheed, Executive Director at Shirkat Gah, a gender justice organization. Risk of gender-based violence and transportation issues In societies with a high incidence of violence against women (VAW), self-defence programs offer training on a variety of manoeuvres and moves which can help a girl or woman escape a dangerous encounter. However, no punch or kick can come in handy for a victim who is bound to a wheelchair. According to UN Women, women with disabilities face similar forms of gender-based violence to women without disabilities, but at significantly higher rates, more frequently, over a longer period of time and at an increased risk of severe injury. Furthermore, according to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) girls and young women with disabilities may face up to 10 times more violence than those without while the European Parliament found that women with disabilities were four times more likely than other women to suffer sexual violence. “Girls with disabilities are vulnerable to harassment however, due to prevailing misconceptions, their reports are often not believed, leaving them unprotected and unsupported. Fearing harassment, families tend to keep these girls overly protected at home, which further isolates them. Ironically, this protection doesn’t shield them from abuse, as some face harassment and violence from untrained caregivers,” highlighted Ajaib. Ajaib believed that instead of fostering empowerment, the prevalent approach towards girls with disabilities tends to rely on sympathy, offering little in terms of meaningful support. “While most districts have a single school dedicated to special education, these are often geared towards boys and are located far from girls' reach. The lack of accessible transportation further limits these girls' ability to attend school, leaving them excluded from the educational opportunities they deserve,” lamented Ajiab. Expanding on Ajaib’s analysis, Shaheed, also felt that access to safe transport was a major obstacle facing all girl students especially those with disabilities who may need escorts or helpers to accompany them. Prioritizing education for girls with disabilities The law of diminishing marginal utility governs that the value of a thousand-rupee bill depends on the socioeconomic status of the person receiving it. While an employee with a six-figure salary might barely notice the amount credited to their account, for a beggar on the road chasing odd coins throughout the day, a benefactor offering the same amount would signal a day of celebration. Thereby, investing in the education of girls with disabilities as a priority will yield much higher returns to schooling than those expected from the education of girl’s without disabilities, uplifting the dually marginalized group both socially and economically in the coming future. Ajaib believed that denying education to girls with disabilities was a violation of their fundamental rights and signaled a failure of the state to uphold its international commitments to inclusive education. “Education is essential for girls with disabilities to unlock their potential and our experience has shown that when given proper opportunities, girls with disabilities can achieve remarkable outcomes. Educating them enables self-sufficiency, helping them become independent, skilled contributors to their families and communities rather than a perceived "burden." Furthermore, as they gain skills and enter the workforce, they strengthen the country's economy and set examples that challenge stereotypes. Failing to educate them, however, perpetuates a cycle of dependence, marginalization, and missed opportunities for societal growth and economic development,” urged Ajaib. Expanding on the pitfalls of denying education to girls with disabilities, Professor Raheel Karim, former Head of the King Edward Medical College, revealed that neglecting the educational needs of children with disabilities can often lead to the development of mental health issues. “Despite possessing the same potential as other children, children with disabilities are discriminated against by parents and society, discouraging their personal growth and preventing them from becoming productive citizens,” noted Karim, currently serving as a psychiatric consultant in the United Kingdom. In light of the overall stigma associated with children with disabilities, Ajaib was of the opinion that in order to promote education, teachers required targeted training, not only in teaching methods for students with disabilities but also in fostering an inclusive and supportive environment. “This includes breaking down stigmas and ensuring all students understand and respect disability as part of human diversity. Furthermore, providing scholarships to girls with disabilities is essential to help them cover transportation costs, making regular attendance more feasible for families who might otherwise keep them at home,” she added. Ajaib went on to highlight that addressing the intersection of gender and ability in the country’s education system required a commitment to making all schools inclusive and accessible, a process, which in her opinion could start by adapting school infrastructures to support physical disabilities. “Once schools are physically accessible, they should be progressively equipped to support other disabilities, including visual and hearing impairments, with specialized resources and assistive technologies,” implored Ajaib who also believed that with education, girls with disabilities could better manage personal hygiene and protect themselves against harassment, reducing their vulnerability. Role of parents, teachers, media, and the state Battling illiteracy among girls with disabilities is impossible without the combined efforts of parents, teachers, the media, and the government, who all have an essential role in supporting the education of differently-abled girls, by creating and promoting a more inclusive environment. Ajaib expressed her view that parents of differently-abled girls can play a pivotal role by actively advocating for their daughters’ rights to education and pushing against societal stigmas that discourage them from attending school. By providing emotional support, encouraging independence, and seeking educational opportunities, parents can empower their daughters and instill confidence in their abilities. “Secondly, teachers are crucial in creating an enabling environment within schools. With proper training in special education and inclusive teaching practices, teachers can provide tailored support to differently-abled girls, ensure their participation, and foster a positive classroom culture. Teachers can also raise awareness among other students, promoting empathy and understanding,” she claimed. “Furthermore, the government has the responsibility to make inclusive education a priority. This includes implementing policies that make all schools accessible, providing specialized resources, and training teachers to meet diverse needs. The government should also monitor policy implementation to ensure accessibility standards are met across schools,” suggested Ajaib. Ajaib went on to highlight the media’s ability to shift societal attitudes by raising awareness about the potential of differently-abled girls and the importance of their education. In her opinion, media campaigns can highlight success stories, break down misconceptions, and encourage families and communities to support these girls while simultaneously holding institutions accountable for providing inclusive education, sparking broader societal support for this cause. “Another important stakeholder is civil society organizations. These organizations can play an effective role by acting as watchdogs, providing technical assistance to the government in developing and implementing policies, and raising awareness through community outreach programs. By introducing public-private partnerships, the government and civil society organizations can share resources and bridge gaps to ensure inclusive education for all,” noted Ajaib. On a similar note, Farida Shaheed, who is also a sociologist proposed a comprehensive approach to tackling the discrimination facing girls with disabilities and promoting their education. “Orientation sessions must be organized for parents, siblings and other household members of girls with disabilities. Similarly, mass public awareness campaigns must be initiated through social media to promote acceptance of girls with disabilities. Furthermore, the government must support schemes for girls with disabilities so that families consider them as an asset and not a burden,” claimed Shaheed. “By combining these efforts, Pakistan can ensure that differently-abled female children have the chance to thrive in school and to fulfill their potential in society,” concluded Ajaib, who is also an expert on social justice and human rights.Fusion Energy Breakthrough: Virginia to Host Landmark Power Plant

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1. A very appropriate headband if they wish they had an extra hand to keep hair out of their face while slathering their skin with slimes and serums. Now, please tell me, is this a snail, slug, or alien headband? Promising reviews: "Each Christmas, we give our daughters a stocking that contains silly and/or functional stuff that is supposed to surprise them Christmas morning. This was the perfect silly stocking stuffer for our oldest." — Richard Kranz "I love this SO MUCH. I embrace my inner snail every time I wash my face. It's soft but not too fluffy and thick. It has a nice stretch, but it's also not too loose where I feel like it's falling. Buy some for you and your snail friends :)" — sam Get it from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in 15 colors). 2. Some Goldfish-shaped magnets to happily turn their fridge into a sea of everyone's favorite smiling snack crackers. Handy Cute Art is a Miami-based small business. Promising review: "Such a cute little item. Giving this to my friend for her birthday. It's one of those things you didn't know you needed 'til you see it." — Theresa Jenkins Shipping Info: Orders ship from Florida, so delivery time depends on your location. Check the product listing for an estimated arrival date. Get six magnets from Handy Cute Art on Etsy for $12 . 3. A cute telescoping boba pencil case so taking notes and studying for exams is a little less sad and dreary. Promising reviews: "This was the perfect gift for my daughter, who loves anything boba-related. This is a great pencil pouch that easily fits into her backpack and she has gotten many compliments on it. It's handled all of her pencils and pens, plus other smaller supplies she was worried about losing. Would definitely purchase again!" — Shay McDonald "I’m able to fit quite a few pencils, highlighters, pens, and erasers. The material makes it easy to hand wash or machine wash . It’s sturdy, durable, and makes a perfect gift." — Vergeta Jones Get it from Amazon for $6.99+ (available in five colors). 4. A vase with posable arms and legs because their bouquets just don't look as weird as they'd like them to look. Promising review: "What a quirky, unusual, and interesting product. I purchased two for my daughter's Christmas gift. I really enjoy the fact that the posing of this character is changeable and stands on a countertop but also hangs on for dear life on a shelf or bookcase! I am really excited to see their reaction on Christmas day! As a FYI, my daughters are in their 20s and 30s! This is a great deal for the price and something extremely unique!" — Megan108055 Get it from Amazon for $20.90 (available in three colors). 5. A lil' polar bear hydrating eye stick that'll look so darn cute in their medicine cabinet. A very big-brained reviewer recommends sticking it in the freezer before using it so it's extra chilly. Promising review: "This adorable little bear should bring you joy every time you see it! I don't think I've ever used a product with a cuter design! It also delivers on all counts: It slides on effortlessly, it cools the skin, it delivers a calming, clean aroma, and it dries without a hint of stickiness!! The value is excellent as this will last a long time!! Get this for yourself as an act of self-love, and give it as a gift! I plan to include it in a gift basket with all my favorite products! 💕" — nicolelouisejeez Get it from Amazon for $9.90 (available in three formulas). 6. A Grim Steeper silicone tea infuser for the person who feels ~dead~ until they've had their morning tea. Promising review: "My best friend loved this for her birthday. She loves Halloween and tea, and this was such a cute and perfect gift." — Harley Nixon Get it from Amazon for $12.99 . 7. A sad duck night-light if they could use a late-night study buddy, movie-watching companion, or a friend with whom they can commiserate after a rough day. Promising review: "Like a lot of us, this duck is just doing the best they can. They look a bit sad and forlorn but yet they’re a literal bright spot in your day. I work from home, and I don’t typically like a lot of lights on when I’m working, but this little friend gives off just enough light to make my day a little more cheerful, and I haven’t bitten anyone since I started using it as a little desk lamp . It has also come in quite handy when I’ve lost power during a few summer storms. It’s not bright enough to read with but it is good at banishing the creepy things that live under your bed. It seems to hold a charge for a good amount of time, and it charges easily on my laptop while I’m working. I didn’t have many expectations for this little light, but it’s cute and useful, and I am considering buying a few more." — Rebecca Swanson Get it from Amazon for $16.99 . 8. A pair of cat paw oven mitts to protect their hands from any ~cat-tastrophes~ in the kitchen involving hot bakeware. Promising review: "Ordered for my mom and was shocked at the quality! They are sooo thick and the design looks high end and exactly as pictured. Very impressed." — Nicole T Get them from Amazon for $13.99 (available in two styles). 9. A couch cooler shaped like a potato plushie — a ~couch potato~ if you will — so they're always prepared with movie-watching essentials: drinks, snacks, a bottle opener, and a stuffie for cuddling. Get it from Amazon for $23.89 . 10. A This Is Fine talking figurine because it'll make your friend with a seemingly endless amount of existential dread feel seen. Promising review: "This is an awesome talking figure with KC's [the originator of the 'On Fire' comic strip] voice. The flames glow with a crackling fire sound. It comes with a great little book with the original comic strip and an insightful introduction explaining the 'This is Fine' story. This makes a great gift for someone who would appreciate a smile at the push of a button." — Doverduo Get it from Amazon for $12.56 . 11. A ~wooly~ adorable shaved sheep plushie that sheds its coat at the slide of a zipper. (Wish this were me in the summer!!) Promising review: "I love him. He is so cute and so well-made. He is the perfect size and shape. I named him Banana Peel Son since his wool comes off like a banana peel. Adorable. Would recommend to everyone." — Aerebys Stare Get it from Amazon for $11.99 . 12. A set of french fry clips for a ~spud-tacular~ and eco-friendly adhesive tape alternative to the tape. They come in a hilarious little magnetic fry carton! Promising review : "These are very cute, and I love the magnet holder that sticks on my fridge so they are easily accessible. Not sure about the durability, haven't used very long." — Save the Bees Get a set of 12 clips from Amazon for $14.90 . 13. A pair of acrylic earrings if animals in glittery cowboy boots is their vibe. Yeehaw! Promising review: "Bigger than I expected, but I'm definitely pleased! Super cute, and the dinosaur fossil outline painted on the earrings is crisp and clean looking , not smudged, which I was a little worried about. They are extremely lightweight and easy to wear for a long time. Great quality, and I'll probably end up ordering another pair to gift to a friend. LOVE." — Jacqueline Ryan Get them from Amazon for $5.99 (available in 29 styles). 14. A laptop sticker to cheer up your always-stressed, people-pleaser coworker. "I hope this email finds you before I do, Susan!" Seven Virgo Studio is an Illinois-based small business run by Rachel. Promising review: "This sticker is perfection. Anyone who has to deal with corporate email knows this feeling deep in their bones. High-quality and thick vinyl. If you're on the fence, don't hesitate — get it!!" — Natalie P Shipping Info: Orders ship from Illinois, so delivery time depends on your location. Check the product listing for an estimated arrival date. Get it from Seven Virgo Studio on Etsy for $4 . 15. An extra-extra long plushie so stinkin' delightful and absolutely ridiculous you'll start brainstorming reasons why you need one, too. Promising review: "My kids love these long cats. And now we buy them for gifts for all their firiends. It is unique and fun especially if you struggle with gift ideas. It's perfect." — Ali M. Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in 5 lengths and 17 styles). 16. A Jellycat storm cloud plushie because LOOK AT HIM. DO NOT MAKE HIM MORE SAD BY NOT TAKING HIM HOME. PLEASE! Promising review: "So cute, so soft, I love his little frown. Totally worth every penny! I'm 30 years old and bought this for myself, lol." — alee Get it from Amazon for $29 . 17. A Lip Smackers vending machine that dispenses their fave soda-flavored lip balms. They'll truly be ~soda-lighted~ to open this! It comes with four Lip Smackers: Coca-Cola, Sprite, Vanilla Coke, and Cherry Coke Promising review: "They taste just like the real thing." — Juan Get it from Amazon for $7 . 18. An oversized strawberry blanket hoodie for days they want to bring the coziness of their bed with them. There's a jumbo pocket for holding all your snacks — like the handful of pretzels they snarf down during the work day. Reviewers say the "Adult" size fits up to a ~3X and the "Plus" size is designed to fit up to a 6X. Promising review: "Literally so perfect, very soft and comfortable, the colors are very vibrant and beautiful. If I start moving around my house doing chores, it does get a little warm, but I run warm most of the time and keep my house super cold, so it's not an issue at all!! I can't wait for the fall/winter to come because this will be a game changer!!" — Nicole Muse Get it from Amazon for $28.99 (available in dozens of styles and kid sizes). 19. Chicken vs Hotdog if they want a party game that both kids and adults will enjoy. It's easy to learn (like, literally, 10 seconds to learn) and offers 30 challenges of varying levels. Promising review: "In an age where new games are being released at an incredible rate, it's refreshing to find a new game that is not only fun but easy to learn and play . My 7-year-old loves it, as do I. It only took us a couple of turns to figure it out. I highly recommend it. Adults should have fun with it, too. Might I recommend a couple of shot glasses to go along with it?" — Jerry Rice Get it from Amazon for $24.99 . 20. Or Arschmallows , a light strategy card game to make the whole family giggle at the next game night — and maybe even convince the teen that family game night can be cool. Promising review: "This game is fun! Just as fun with two players, which is great. It's a quick, nice quality, minimal setup game. I highly recommend it. Says ages 13+, but I'd say 10 and up." — Jes Miner Get it from Amazon for $9.05 . 21. A canvas tote bag so ~ducking~ cute you really have no choice but to get it for them. And no, that one wasn't a typo. Promising review: "You won’t find a better tote bag anywhere else. I would commit crimes for this tote bag if I had to. Every time I look at the little duck feet hanging off, I feel such immense amounts of joy that it makes me feel sick. The little duck face is akin to what I imagine angels look like: friendly and serene." — Sam Kling Get it from Amazon for $11.99+ (available in five sizes/styles). 22. A magnetic cat AirPod holder because they'll get such a kick out of handing over their earbuds to this little fellow. Who knows? They might actually set a personal record for number of days without losing their earbuds. Promising review: "Stop the annoyance and panic due to misplaced earbuds. The kitties are super cute and stand up well." — Rita A. Coombs Get it from Amazon for $9.99 . 23. A possum T-shirt that is equal parts cute and cursed. Promising review: "I was looking for weird, silly shirts for my 5-year-old son and found this one for myself instead. Love it. It probably brings me more joy than it should. It's soft, has an excellent cut, and the print still holds up after several washes. My 5-year-old loves it. I can tell my preteen loves it because it's one of the few pieces of clothing she doesn't try to get me to change out of—just a fun shirt." — LH Get it from Amazon for $23.95 (available in women's sizes XS–6X/men's sizes S–6XL) 24. An absolutely iconic 3D-printed mini Stanley keychain for Stanley connoisseurs who want a special bottle that no one else will have. Also, there's a style that holds your lip balm. Umm...genius!!! The Feliz Co is a New Jersey-based small business run by a husband and wife. Promising review: "This keychain is so cute! I love it. It is very well made and was shipped quickly. Very happy with my purchase and the seller! :)" — Becky Moore Shipping Info: Orders ship from New Jersey, so delivery time depends on your location. Check the product listing for an estimated arrival date. Get it from The Feliz Co on Etsy for $21.98+ (available in seven colors and two styles). 25. Some fuzzy hand towels shaped like hedgehogs if their bathroom is seriously lacking in ~quill-ity~ decor. Promising review: "We got a set for Christmas this year and my wife thought these were the cutest things ever . So she made me buy two more sets for when they got dirty and had to be washed. These remind me of our dog mats that help with the mud. These work amazingly well and I would recommend them to anyone. " — Anthony B Get a set of two from Amazon for $16.99 (available in four colors). 26. A cutie-patootie mushroom spoon rest to make the mundane task of making Monday dinners a lil' more fun. Promising review: "I love the mushroom theme! I was surprised by how big and sturdy it is! It is big enough that I can actually put two appliances on it while cooking. Matches perfectly with my other mushroom decor." — Leeann D. Get it from Amazon for $13.97 . 27. A set of stacking glasses so cool and quirky their guests will ooh and ahh when they pull them out at the next dinner party. Promising review: "I get so many compliments on this set. I keep it stacked next to my water dispenser, and my guests love it. It's very unique and goes nicely with our beach decor. Durable as well. Perfect housewarming, birthday, or Christmas gift. " — Amazon Customer Get four glasses from Amazon for $32.99+ (available in three colors). 28. A 1,000-piece pooping pooches puzzle because they're not shy about finding poop funny. Promising review: "Got this for a white elephant gift for my dog training club. Got quite a few laughs!!" — Valerie Marino Get it from Amazon for $14.95 . 29. A pair of tardigrade slippers that'll keep your toes warm and also probably earn you a few funny looks. Reviewers say they fit up to a women's size 10. Promising review: "They are absolutely perfect!! They are squishy and comfy. It's like walking on pillows(which I love). If you were looking for firmer support, these aren't good for you. However, if you like the squishy, you'll be a happy camper. They are also super adorable and exactly like the picture. They are made from really soft material. They are definitely very fluffy. The only other thing that might bother some is that they do make a noise when you walk." — Amazon Customer Get them from Amazon for $29.99 . The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.Russia’s newly unveiled Oreshnik missile has quickly become the focus of major international attention. Announced by President Vladimir Putin on Thursday, this medium-range hypersonic weapon is seen as a significant advancement in the country’s missile capabilities. One that could have far-reaching consequences for both the Ukraine conflict and broader international security. With its apparently unmatched speed and precision, and the prospect of mass production on the immediate horizon, this missile could be a game-changer for Moscow’s military operation. Here’s what we know so far about the Oreshnik and its potential impact. A new weapon, not an upgrade Contrary to some claims, the Oreshnik is not an upgrade of Soviet-era missile systems, according to Putin. Instead, it is a completely new development built on modern Russian technology. The president emphasized that the missile represents the culmination of efforts within “New Russia,” referring to developments after the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991. “It was created on the basis of modern, latest developments,” he stated. Hypersonic capabilities and precision The Oreshnik missile is described as a high-precision, medium-range weapon, with hypersonic speed. Putin clarified that while it is not considered a “strategic” weapon, its capabilities are still formidable. “Due to its striking power, especially with massive, collective use, and even in combination with other high-precision long-range systems, the use of Oreshnik will be comparable in power to strategic weapons,” he said. This missile is designed to fly at speeds of up to Mach 10 (around 7,600 miles/12,200km per hour), which is roughly ten times the speed of sound. The high velocity makes it extremely difficult to intercept using current missile defense systems. “There are no means of counteracting Oreshnik-type complexes in the world,” Putin asserted, explaining that Western missile defense systems, including those deployed in Western Europe, cannot intercept such fast-moving projectiles. First combat use and response to Ukraine The Oreshnik missile was first used in combat on November 21, 2024, when it struck a Ukrainian defense facility in the city of Dnepropetrovsk. The target was the Yuzhmash industrial complex, a key Ukrainian defense site inherited from the USSR that produces missile equipment. Putin justified the strike as a response to Kiev’s use of long-range missiles, like the American ATACMS and British Storm Shadow systems, against Russian territory. “The regional conflict in Ukraine has acquired elements of a global character,” Putin said, highlighting the broader implications of Western involvement. Mass production and deployment Following the successful test and first use of the new weapon, Russia has committed to mass-producing the system. “Serial production of Oreshnik is practically organized,” Putin confirmed, with the missiles slated for inclusion in Russia’s Strategic Missile Forces (RSVS). This suggests that they will become a key part of Russia’s long-term military strategy, with the potential for widespread deployment in the coming months. Putin noted that the missile’s development process was swift and efficient, with domestic technologies ensuring that Moscow has “resolved import substitution issues.” This suggests that Russia has managed to develop the Oreshnik entirely with its own resources, minimizing reliance on foreign components. Global impact and strategic significance The Oreshnik missile has the potential to change the dynamics of the Ukraine conflict. According to General Sergei Karakayev, the head of Russia’s Strategic Missile Forces, the Oreshnik “can hit targets throughout Europe.” This makes the missile not only a powerful weapon in the context of Ukraine but also one that could have wider geopolitical implications if tensions escalate further. While Russia has not explicitly described the missile as a weapon of mass destruction, its precision and destructive power mean that it could be used to target critical infrastructure in enemy states. In Putin’s view, it provides Russia with a technological advantage that currently cannot be matched by any other country. International reactions and future developments The Oreshnik missile has raised alarms in the West. The use of this new weapon, combined with the conflict in Ukraine, has spurred calls to strengthen air defenses. Ukrainian officials have already approached the US to discuss receiving advanced systems, which could include modernized Patriots or even Aegis missile defense platforms. However, there is no evidence to suggest they would be effective against the Oreshnik.

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Jimmy Carter, the 39th US president, has died at 100LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Biden administration plans on reducing part of Intel's $8.5 billion in federal funding for computer chip plants around the country, according to three people familiar with the grant who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations. Read this article for free: Already have an account? To continue reading, please subscribe: * LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Biden administration plans on reducing part of Intel's $8.5 billion in federal funding for computer chip plants around the country, according to three people familiar with the grant who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations. Read unlimited articles for free today: Already have an account? LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Biden administration plans on reducing part of Intel’s $8.5 billion in federal funding for computer chip plants around the country, according to three people familiar with the grant who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations. The reduction is largely a byproduct of the $3 billion that Intel is also receiving to provide computer chips to the military. President Joe Biden announced the agreement to provide Intel with up to $8.5 billion in direct funding and $11 billion in loans in March. The changes to Intel’s funding are not related to the company’s financial record or milestones, the people familiar with the grant told The Associated Press. In August, the chipmaker announced that it would cut 15% of its workforce — about 15,000 jobs — in an attempt to turn its business around to compete with more successful rivals like Nvidia and AMD. Unlike some of its rivals, Intel manufactures chips in addition to designing them. Two years ago, President Biden hailed Intel as a job creator with its plans to open a new plant near Columbus, Ohio. The president praised the company for plans to “build a workforce of the future” for the $20 billion project, which he said would generate 7,000 construction jobs and 3,000 full-time jobs set to pay an average of $135,000 a year. The California-based tech giant’s funding is tied to a sweeping 2022 law that President Biden has celebrated and which is designed to revive U.S. semiconductor manufacturing. Known as the CHIPS and Science Act, the $280 billion package is aimed at sharpening the U.S. edge in military technology and manufacturing while minimizing the kinds of supply disruptions that occurred in 2021, after the start of the coronavirus pandemic, when a shortage of chips stalled factory assembly lines and fueled inflation. The Biden administration helped shepherd the legislation following pandemic-era concerns that the loss of access to chips made in Asia could plunge the U.S. economy into recession. When pushing for the investment, lawmakers expressed concern about efforts by China to control Taiwan, which accounts for more than 90% of advanced computer chip production. In August, the administration pledged to provide up to $6.6 billion so that a Taiwanese semiconductor giant could expand the facilities it is already building in Arizona and better ensure that the most advanced microchips are produced domestically for the first time. The Commerce Department said the funding for Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. meant the company could expand on its existing plans for two facilities in Phoenix and add a third, newly announced production hub. The administration has promised tens of billions of dollars to support construction of U.S. chip foundries and reduce reliance on Asian suppliers, which Washington sees as a security weakness. _____ Boak reported from Washington. AdvertisementMusk causes uproar for backing Germany's far-right party ahead of key elections

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