In a thrilling and intense matchup that captivated fans around the world, former table tennis world champion Hao Shuai, at the age of 41, pulled off a stunning victory against the 23-year-old rising star in a breathtaking display of skill, determination, and experience.
Reducing air travel climate effects requires more than technological innovation and carbon pricing, say researchers
Professor Steve Hanke and John Dramani Mahama Professor of Applied Economics at Johns Hopkins University in the United States, Steve Hanke, has labelled President-elect John Dramani Mahama’s plans to renegotiate Ghana’s agreements with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as a sign of incompetence. This critique comes as Mahama, fresh from his victory in the 2024 general elections, prepares to review and adjust the nation’s existing development agreements. During a courtesy visit by United Nations Resident Coordinator Charles Abani, Mahama highlighted the need for partnerships that align with Ghana’s current economic realities and his administration’s vision. He stated, “This adjustment is crucial and will help put the new government that will be inaugurated next year on the same springboard with our development partners to begin the rebuilding of the economy and the country.” The President-elect emphasized his intention to engage with international institutions like the IMF and World Bank promptly. “Looking at the existing programmes, we need to tweak them to meet the realities of today,” he added. Responding to the developments in a social media post on December 26, 2024, Steve Hanke stated, “#GhanaWatch: President-elect Mahama wants to renegotiate Ghana’s IMF deal for ‘RADICAL CHANGES’ to smooth loan payments. HERE WE GO AGAIN. More Ghanaian INCOMPETENCE.” Ghana is currently under a 36-month, $3 billion Extended Credit Facility with the IMF. Additionally, the country has agreements with the World Bank, including $250 million each for the Ghana Financial Stability Project and the Ghana Energy Sector Recovery Programme. AM/GA Watch the latest edition of BizTech below: Click here to follow the GhanaWeb Business WhatsApp channelThe suspect, a man in his mid-30s with a history of criminal activities, was identified through meticulous investigative work by the authorities. He was apprehended in a daring operation that involved multiple law enforcement agencies working together to bring him to justice. The arrest came after weeks of intensive surveillance and analysis of evidence collected at the crime scene.
MSP offers safety tips for winter driving
Have you ever woken up to find your skin stiff and hard, as if it had been burned by a hot water bottle? It may seem like a rare occurrence, but low-temperature burns can happen when we least expect them. These types of burns are caused by prolonged exposure to low levels of heat and can be just as damaging as traditional burns from high temperatures. In this article, we'll explore the risks of low-temperature burns and how you can protect yourself from them.World reaches $300 bn climate finance deal at COP29
Private schools attended by Kemi Badenoch's top team sitting on £500 million in cash reservesPresident IlhamAliyev signed a law on amendments to the law "On Customs Tariff", reports. According to the information, the amendment stipulates that, onthe basis of an identity document of an authority (institution)determined by the relevant executive authority, the import oftechnological equipment and installations by individualentrepreneurs and legal entities that produce electricitygeneration projects with a public procurement obligation not lowerthan the amount established by the authority (institution)determined by the relevant executive authority, exempt from customsduties for a period of, defined by an electricity purchase and saleagreement concluded in accordance with the law "On the Use ofRenewable Energy Sources in Electricity Generation", but not formore than 30 years (including the construction period). At the same time, import of machinery, technological equipmentand installations, as well as raw materials and materials byindividual entrepreneurs and legal entities that are privatepartners in the framework of public-private partnership projectsshall be exempt from customs duties, but for a period not exceeding30 years (including the construction period) on the basis of asupporting document of the state partner, determined in accordancewith the law “On Public-Private Partnership”, carried out for theperiod established by the contract of public-privatepartnership. Under the law, in order to assess the impact of benefits andexemptions from customs duties on state budget revenues, benefitsand exemptions from customs duties will be classified according tothe procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers. The law comes into force on January 1, 2025. ============================================================= БАКУ /Trend/ - Президент Ильхам Алиев подписал закон о внесенииизменений в закон "О таможенном тарифе". Как сообщает ,изменением предусмотрено, что на основании документа,удостоверяющего личность органа (учреждения), определяемогосоответствующим органом исполнительной власти, импорттехнологического оборудования и установок индивидуальнымипредпринимателями и юридическими лицами, являющимисяпроизводителями по проектам производства электроэнергии собязательством государственного закупа не ниже суммы, установленнойорганом (учреждением), определенным соответствующим органомисполнительной власти, освобожден от таможенных пошлин на срок,определенный договором купли-продажи электроэнергии, заключенным всоответствии с законом "Об использовании возобновляемых источниковэнергии в производстве электроэнергии", но не более чем на 30 лет(включая период строительства). Вместе с тем импорт техники, технологического оборудования иустановок, а также сырья и материалов индивидуальнымипредпринимателями и юридическими лицами, являющимися частнымипартнерами в рамках проектов государственно-частного партнерства,освобождается от таможенных пошлин, но на срок не более 30 лет(включая период строительства) на основании подтверждающегодокумента государственного партнера, определенного в соответствии сзаконом "О государственно-частном партнерстве", осуществляемого насрок, установленный договором государственно-частного партнерства,заключенным в соответствии с законом Азербайджанской Республики "Огосударственно-частном партнерстве". Согласно закону, в целях проведения оценки влияния льгот иосвобождений по таможенным пошлинам на доходы государственногобюджета льготы и освобождения от таможенных пошлин будутклассифицироваться в порядке, установленном Кабинетомминистров. Закон вступает в силу с 1 января 2025 года. Глава государства подписал об исполнении соответствующего закона.
Africa is on the cusp of a profound economic transformation. The population boom in Sub-Saharan countries, which is expected to increase the number of Africans from 1.4bn today to 3.3bn in 2075, holds the potential to trigger rapid GDP growth and raise living standards across the continent. Ghana aims to be at the forefront of these developments. But its ability to capitalise on the demographic dividend hinges on one critical factor: the health of its citizens. For this reason, it is seeking to form strategic international partnerships that help us improve health outcomes, stimulate economic growth, and deliver broadly shared prosperity. This raises a fundamental question: What does an equitable strategic partnership between African countries and the Global North look like? Historically, development aid for vital health projects in the developing world, though well-intentioned, has often been uncoordinated and unsustainable, focusing on short-term crises rather than addressing the systemic problems that cause them. Over the past two decades, African countries have been laying the groundwork to sustain their health systems entirely through domestic resources. Recent trends suggest that partnerships between the public and private sectors are key to expanding access and achieving true health self-sufficiency. Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance is a case in point. Since its founding in 2000, this international partnership has helped African countries immunise nearly a half-billion children, halve mortality rates among children under five, and generate tens of billions of dollars in economic benefits by improving educational outcomes, boosting productivity, and dramatically reducing healthcare costs. These positive effects on African countries’ health and economic performance are just the starting point. Sustainable, inclusive income growth could enable countries like Ghana to diversify their economies and foster more stable societies. It could also help us retain talent, as more people choose to build their futures here instead of searching for economic opportunities abroad. Moreover, a thriving Africa would benefit our trading partners, thereby contributing to a stronger, more resilient global economy. The immediate benefits of strategic health partnerships are obvious. The rapid purchase and deployment of mpox vaccines over the past two months show that key lessons of the Covid-19 pandemic have been learned, as new emergency financing mechanisms – established through continent-wide efforts and supported by international partners – have boosted vaccine equity and bolstered health security. Looking ahead, new initiatives to expand domestic vaccine manufacturing create an invaluable opportunity to meet Africa’s growing demand and achieve vaccine sovereignty. While international partnerships are essential for fostering long-term growth, our ultimate objective remains self-reliance. In 2023, African governments contributed more than $200mn to Gavi’s immunisation programmes – a historic milestone. With the Global South now providing 40% of the funding for Gavi’s routine activities, many countries, including Ghana, are on track to fund their immunisation efforts independently by the end of this decade. But if Africa is to achieve full vaccine sovereignty, Gavi must secure at least $9bn for the next five years. The importance of this support is evident in Ghana, where our partnership with Gavi has reinvigorated the fight against malaria – a longstanding scourge – and will soon help protect young women from cervical cancer for the first time by expanding access to the HPV vaccine. One of the strengths of Gavi’s model is its capacity to harness and scale private-sector innovations, enabling governments in the Global South to vaccinate more children, provide quality health care, and cut costs. In Ghana, Gavi’s financial and logistical support has helped us integrate technological advances such as digital record-keeping, solar power, drone delivery, and infant biometric identification into our health system. The message to Gavi’s donors is simple: as partners, achieved remarkable progress together has. Stepping back now would jeopardise our hard-won gains. A healthier, safer, more prosperous, and more equitable future for all is within reach. By deepening our collaboration, we can achieve it. — Project SyndicateIn conclusion, Eric Trump's advocacy for embracing the cryptocurrency revolution and charting a clear regulatory roadmap reflects the growing recognition of the need to adapt to the changing landscape of finance in the digital age. While challenges and uncertainties remain, the potential benefits of transitioning towards decentralized finance are compelling enough to warrant serious consideration and careful planning. As the United States navigates this transformative shift, the role of visionary leaders like Eric Trump in shaping the future of banking and finance will be crucial in driving innovation, fostering economic growth, and ensuring financial stability in the years to come.