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By JOSH BOAK WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden said Tuesday he was “stupid” not to put his own name on pandemic relief checks in 2021, noting that Donald Trump had done so in 2020 and likely got credit for helping people out through this simple, effective act of branding. Biden did the second-guessing as he delivered a speech at the Brookings Institution defending his economic record and challenging Trump to preserve Democratic policy ideas when he returns to the White House next month. Related Articles National Politics | Trump names Andrew Ferguson as head of Federal Trade Commission to replace Lina Khan National Politics | Donald Trump is returning to the world stage. So is his trolling National Politics | Biden issues veto threat on bill expanding federal judiciary as partisan split emerges National Politics | Trump lawyers and aide hit with 10 additional felony charges in Wisconsin over 2020 fake electors National Politics | After withdrawing as attorney general nominee, Matt Gaetz lands a talk show on OANN television As Biden focused on his legacy with his term ending, he suggested Trump should keep the Democrats’ momentum going and ignore the policies of his allies. The president laid out favorable recent economic data but acknowledged his rare public regret that he had not been more self-promotional in advertising the financial support provided by his administration as the country emerged from the pandemic. “I signed the American Rescue Plan, the most significant economic recovery package in our history, and also learned something from Donald Trump,” Biden said at the Washington-based think tank. “He signed checks for people for 7,400 bucks ... and I didn’t. Stupid.” The decision by the former reality TV star and real estate developer to add his name to the checks sent by the U.S. Treasury to millions of Americans struggling during the coronavirus marked the first time a president’s name appeared on any IRS payments. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris , who replaced him as the Democratic nominee , largely failed to convince the American public of the strength of the economy. The addition of 16 million jobs, funding for infrastructure, new factories and investments in renewable energy were not enough to overcome public exhaustion over inflation, which spiked in 2022 and left many households coping with elevated grocery, gasoline and housing costs. More than 6 in 10 voters in November’s election described the economy as “poor” or “not so good,” according to AP VoteCast, an extensive survey of the electorate. Trump won nearly 7 in 10 of the voters who felt the economy was in bad shape, paving the way for a second term as president after his 2020 loss to Biden. Biden used his speech to argue that Trump was inheriting a strong economy that is the envy of the world. The inflation rate fell without a recession that many economists had viewed as inevitable, while the unemployment rate is a healthy 4.2% and applications to start new businesses are at record levels. Biden called the numbers under his watch “a new set of benchmarks to measure against the next four years.” “President-elect Trump is receiving the strongest economy in modern history,” said Biden, who warned that Trump’s planned tax cuts could lead to massive deficits or deep spending cuts. He also said that Trump’s promise of broad tariffs on foreign imports would be a mistake, part of a broader push Tuesday by the administration to warn against Trump’s threatened action. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen also issued a word of caution about them at a summit of The Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council. “I think the imposition of broad based tariffs, at least of the type that have been discussed, almost all economists agree this would raise prices on American consumers,” she said. Biden was also critical of Trump allies who have pushed Project 2025 , a policy blueprint from the Heritage Foundation that calls for a complete overhaul of the federal government. Trump has disavowed participation in it, though parts were written by his allies and overlap with his stated views on economics, immigration, education policy and civil rights. “I pray to God the president-elect throws away Project 2025,” Biden said. “I think it would be an economic disaster.” Associated Press writer Fatima Hussein in Washington contributed to this report.oxbet casino

By JOSH BOAK WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden said Tuesday he was “stupid” not to put his own name on pandemic relief checks in 2021, noting that Donald Trump had done so in 2020 and likely got credit for helping people out through this simple, effective act of branding. Biden did the second-guessing as he delivered a speech at the Brookings Institution defending his economic record and challenging Trump to preserve Democratic policy ideas when he returns to the White House next month. Related Articles National Politics | Trump names Andrew Ferguson as head of Federal Trade Commission to replace Lina Khan National Politics | Biden issues veto threat on bill expanding federal judiciary as partisan split emerges National Politics | Trump lawyers and aide hit with 10 additional felony charges in Wisconsin over 2020 fake electors National Politics | After withdrawing as attorney general nominee, Matt Gaetz lands a talk show on OANN television National Politics | What will happen to Social Security under Trump’s tax plan? As Biden focused on his legacy with his term ending, he suggested Trump should keep the Democrats’ momentum going and ignore the policies of his allies. The president laid out favorable recent economic data but acknowledged his rare public regret that he had not been more self-promotional in advertising the financial support provided by his administration as the country emerged from the pandemic. “I signed the American Rescue Plan, the most significant economic recovery package in our history, and also learned something from Donald Trump,” Biden said at the Washington-based think tank. “He signed checks for people for 7,400 bucks ... and I didn’t. Stupid.” The decision by the former reality TV star and real estate developer to add his name to the checks sent by the U.S. Treasury to millions of Americans struggling during the coronavirus marked the first time a president’s name appeared on any IRS payments. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris , who replaced him as the Democratic nominee , largely failed to convince the American public of the strength of the economy. The addition of 16 million jobs, funding for infrastructure, new factories and investments in renewable energy were not enough to overcome public exhaustion over inflation, which spiked in 2022 and left many households coping with elevated grocery, gasoline and housing costs. More than 6 in 10 voters in November’s election described the economy as “poor” or “not so good,” according to AP VoteCast, an extensive survey of the electorate. Trump won nearly 7 in 10 of the voters who felt the economy was in bad shape, paving the way for a second term as president after his 2020 loss to Biden. Biden used his speech to argue that Trump was inheriting a strong economy that is the envy of the world. The inflation rate fell without a recession that many economists had viewed as inevitable, while the unemployment rate is a healthy 4.2% and applications to start new businesses are at record levels. Biden called the numbers under his watch “a new set of benchmarks to measure against the next four years.” “President-elect Trump is receiving the strongest economy in modern history,” said Biden, who warned that Trump’s planned tax cuts could lead to massive deficits or deep spending cuts. He also said that Trump’s promise of broad tariffs on foreign imports would be a mistake, part of a broader push Tuesday by the administration to warn against Trump’s threatened action. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen also issued a word of caution about them at a summit of The Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council. “I think the imposition of broad based tariffs, at least of the type that have been discussed, almost all economists agree this would raise prices on American consumers,” she said. Biden was also critical of Trump allies who have pushed Project 2025 , a policy blueprint from the Heritage Foundation that calls for a complete overhaul of the federal government. Trump has disavowed participation in it, though parts were written by his allies and overlap with his stated views on economics, immigration, education policy and civil rights. “I pray to God the president-elect throws away Project 2025,” Biden said. “I think it would be an economic disaster.” Associated Press writer Fatima Hussein in Washington contributed to this report.

Kaolack — La Société nationale de commercialisation des oléagineux du Sénégal (SONACOS) compte collecter, dans la région de Kaolack (centre), entre 100 mille 120 mille tonnes de graines d'arachide durant la campagne de commercialisation 2024-2025, qui a démarré jeudi dernier sur l'étendue du territoire national, a indiqué, vendredi, son directeur général, El Hadji Ndane Diagne. "Pour Kaolack seulement, nous espérons collecter entre 100 et 120 mille tonnes de graines d'arachide. Notre objectif global est de 300 mille tonnes et ça découle d'un consensus que nous avons eu avec les services du ministère de l'Agriculture, de la Souveraineté alimentaire et de l'Elevage. Nous sommes assez bien confiants de ce que nous avons vu jusqu'à présent", a-t-il souligné. Le budget de la SONACOS pour cette campagne de commercialisation des graines d'arachide couvrira totalement, aussi bien l'achat des graines que la transformation, a dit M. Diagne lors d'une visite dans les usines de la SONACOS, à Lyndiane, où il a remis respectivement à deux opérateurs un chèque d'un montant de plus de 26 millions de francs CFA et un autre chèque de plus de 8 millions de francs CFA. Ce geste démontre l'excellence opérationnelle" des unités de la SONACOS par la rapidité des opérations de déchargement et de paiement, souligne le directeur général, assurant que l'argent est disponible pour les paiements. Deux jours après le démarrage officiel de la campagne de commercialisation arachidière et de collecte pour la SONACOS, au point de collecte de Lyndiane, plusieurs camions sont déjà stationnés pour décharger des graines d'arachide. "C'est déjà une grande satisfaction au niveau de Kaolack, la cadence va crescendo et nous espérons que ça va passer, très bientôt, à 100 voire 200 camions par jour. Nous pensons pouvoir traiter à Lyndiane jusqu'à 1800 tonnes de graines d'arachide par jour", a estimé M. Diagne. "Sur l'étendue du territoire national, nous sommes satisfaits de ce que nous avons vu", a-t-il salué. "Pour la première, nous avons reçu un stock assez conséquent sur tous les sites que nous avons visités, notamment à Louga, Diourbel et aujourd'hui, à Kaolack. Et demain nous serons à Ziguinchor", a-t-il dit. Le DG de la SONACOS invite les producteurs à "ne pas aller brader leurs stocks dans les marchés hebdomadaires ». "La SONACOS défend la cause des producteurs et des opérateurs. Au moins, avec les opérateurs, le prix d'achat des graines, qui est homologué, les producteurs peuvent avoir plus que ça, parce que c'est un prix plancher", a-t-il soutenu. Kaolack étant le "coeur du bassin arachidier", le DG de la SONACOS, tenant compte du dynamisme agricole de la zone centre du Sénégal, notamment de la filière arachide, se dit "assez satisfait" de ce qu'il a constaté sur place. "Nous avons des objectifs opérationnels de 48 heures pour décharger et maximum 48 heures pour les paiements. Donc, nous sommes dans cette dynamique et nous comptons la garder jusqu'à la fin de la campagne de commercialisation", a-t-il indiqué. Pour le démarrage effectif des activités au niveau de l'usine de Lyndiane qui, jusqu'à présent, ne tourne pas à plein régime, El Hadji Ndane Diagne signale que les travaux de mise à niveau ont commencé. "Nous comptons démarrer dans une semaine ou dix jours. C'est une occasion pour nous d'appeler tous les habitants des localités environnantes à venir chercher du travail dans nos usines, parce que l'un des rôles de la SONACOS, c'est la création d'emplois et nous sommes dans cette lancée", a-t-il insisté. M. Diagne a également appelé tous les opérateurs de la région de Kaolack et des localités environnantes à apporter leurs graines d'arachide dans ses usines, car la SONACOS est là pour continuer à collaborer avec eux. "L'Etat a donné un prix assez compétitif et nous aussi [la SONACOS], dans les thèmes que nous avons discutés la semaine dernière avec les opérateurs, nous leur avons accordé des faveurs qui n'ont jamais été accordées par la SONACOS aux opérateurs auparavant. Tout ça pour faciliter la collaboration et le partenariat et pour faire du gagnant-gagnant avec eux", a-t-il fait valoir. Cette année, le prix d'achat des graines d'arachide est fixé à 305 francs CFA. Lire l'article original sur APS .SAN CARLOS, Ariz. — After missing 40 days of school last year, Tommy Betom, 10, is on track this year for much better attendance. The importance of showing up has been stressed repeatedly at school — and at home. When he went to school last year, he often came home saying the teacher was picking on him and other kids were making fun of his clothes. But Tommy’s grandmother Ethel Marie Betom, who became one of his caregivers after his parents split, said she told him to choose his friends carefully and to behave in class. He needs to go to school for the sake of his future, she told him. “I didn’t have everything,” said Betom, an enrolled member of the San Carlos Apache tribe. Tommy attends school on the tribe’s reservation in southeastern Arizona. “You have everything. You have running water in the house, bathrooms and a running car.” A teacher and a truancy officer also reached out to Tommy’s family to address his attendance. He was one of many. Across the San Carlos Unified School District, 76% of students were chronically absent during the 2022-2023 school year, meaning they missed 10% or more of the school year. Years after COVID-19 disrupted American schools, nearly every state is still struggling with attendance. But attendance has been worse for Native American students — a disparity that existed before the pandemic and has since grown, according to data collected by The Associated Press. Out of 34 states with data available for the 2022-2023 school year, half had absenteeism rates for Native American and Alaska Native students that were at least 9 percentage points higher than the state average. Many schools serving Native students have been working to strengthen connections with families, who often struggle with higher rates of illness and poverty. Schools also must navigate distrust dating back to the U.S. government’s campaign to break up Native American culture, language and identity by forcing children into abusive boarding schools. History “may cause them to not see the investment in a public school education as a good use of their time,” said Dallas Pettigrew, director of Oklahoma University’s Center for Tribal Social Work and a member of the Cherokee Nation. The San Carlos school system recently introduced care centers that partner with hospitals, dentists and food banks to provide services to students at multiple schools. The work is guided by cultural success coaches — school employees who help families address challenges that keep students from coming to school. Nearly 100% of students in the district are Native and more than half of families have incomes below the federal poverty level. Many students come from homes that deal with alcoholism and drug abuse, Superintendent Deborah Dennison said. Students miss school for reasons ranging from anxiety to unstable living conditions, said Jason Jones, a cultural success coach at San Carlos High School and an enrolled member of the San Carlos Apache tribe. Acknowledging their fears, grief and trauma helps him connect with students, he said. “You feel better, you do better,” Jones said. “That’s our job here in the care center is to help the students feel better.” In the 2023-2024 school year, the chronic absenteeism rate in the district fell from 76% to 59% — an improvement Dennison attributes partly to efforts to address their communities’ needs. “All these connections with the community and the tribe are what’s making a difference for us and making the school a system that fits them rather than something that has been forced upon them, like it has been for over a century of education in Indian Country,” said Dennison, a member of the Navajo Nation. In three states — Alaska, Nebraska, and South Dakota — the majority of Native American and Alaska Native students were chronically absent. In some states, it has continued to worsen, even while improving slightly for other students, as in Arizona, where chronic absenteeism for Native students rose from 22% in 2018-2019 to 45% in 2022-2023. AP’s analysis does not include data on schools managed by the U.S. Bureau of Indian Education, which are not run by traditional districts. Less than 10% of Native American students attend BIE schools. At Algodones Elementary School, which serves a handful of Native American pueblos along New Mexico’s Upper Rio Grande, about two-thirds of students are chronically absent. The communities were hit hard by COVID-19, with devastating effects on elders. Since schools reopened, students have been slow to return. Excused absences for sick days are still piling up — in some cases, Principal Rosangela Montoya suspects, students are stressed about falling behind academically. Staff and tribal liaisons have been analyzing every absence and emphasizing connections with parents. By 10 a.m., telephone calls go out to the homes of absent students. Next steps include in-person meetings with those students’ parents. “There’s illness. There’s trauma,” Montoya said. “A lot of our grandparents are the ones raising the children so that the parents can be working.” About 95% of Algodones’ students are Native American, and the school strives to affirm their identity. It doesn’t open on four days set aside for Native American ceremonial gatherings, and students are excused for absences on other cultural days as designated by the nearby pueblos. For Jennifer Tenorio, it makes a difference that the school offers classes in the family’s native language of Keres. She speaks Keres at home, but says that’s not always enough to instill fluency. Tenorio said her two oldest children, now in their 20s, were discouraged from speaking Keres when enrolled in the federal Head Start educational program — a system that now promotes native language preservation — and they struggled academically. “It was sad to see with my own eyes,” said Tenorio, a single parent and administrative assistant who has used the school’s food bank. “In Algodones, I saw a big difference to where the teachers were really there for the students, and for all the kids, to help them learn.” Over a lunch of strawberry milk and enchiladas on a recent school day, her 8-year-old son Cameron Tenorio said he likes math and wants to be a policeman. “He’s inspired,” Tenorio said. “He tells me every day what he learns.” In Arizona, Rice Intermediate School Principal Nicholas Ferro said better communication with families, including Tommy Betom’s, has helped improve attendance. Since many parents are without working phones, he said, that often means home visits. Lillian Curtis said she has been impressed by Rice Intermediate’s student activities on family night. Her granddaughter, Brylee Lupe, 10, missed 10 days of school by mid-October last year but had missed just two days by the same time this year. “The kids always want to go — they are anxious to go to school now. And Brylee is much more excited,” said Curtis, who takes care of her grandchildren. Curtis said she tells Brylee that skipping school is not an option. “I just told her that you need to be in school, because who is going to be supporting you?” Curtis said. “You’ve got to do it on your own. You got to make something of yourself.” The district has made gains because it is changing the perception of school and what it can offer, said Dennison, the superintendent. Its efforts have helped not just with attendance but also morale, especially at the high school, she said. “Education was a weapon for the U.S. government back in the past,” she said. “We work to decolonize our school system.” Get local news delivered to your inbox!The tenacity of hope

For the second straight Major League Baseball offseason, a norm-shattering contract has been the talk of the winter, with Juan Soto agreeing with the New York Mets on a $765 million, 15-year deal that's the richest in baseball history. It comes almost exactly one year after the Los Angeles Dodgers forked out a princely sum of $700 million on a 10-year, heavily deferred deal for two-way Japanese superstar Shohei Ohtani. They are believed to be the two richest contracts in pro sports history. The way it's going, a contract approaching $1 billion doesn't seem out of the question. But several factors are working against it — at least in the near future. There's reason to believe the megadeals for Ohtani and Soto are unicorns in the baseball world. Both players are uniquely talented, surely, but both also had unusual circumstances propelling their value into the stratosphere. Ohtani is the greatest two-way player in baseball history, capable of improving any team on both sides of the ball. He's also the rare baseball player who has true international appeal. His every move ( like his unexpected marriage announcement ) is followed closely in his native Japan, adding another 125 million potential fans who buy merchandise, watch him play and help fill the Dodgers' coffers. Then there's Soto — a four-time All-Star and on-base machine who won a World Series with the Washington Nationals in 2019. The X-factor for him is he became a free agent at the prime age of 26, which is extremely hard to do under current MLB rules. New York Yankees' Juan Soto, right, with the help of his agent Scott Boras, left, agreed to a $765 million, 15-year deal with the New York Mets on Sunday. Players have to be in the big leagues for six years before testing free agency. The precocious Soto debuted at 19 with the Nats, making him part of a rare group of players who reached the highest level of professional baseball as a teenager. That accelerated his free agency timeline. It's rare for players to debut that young, and rarer still for them to develop into stars and test the open market the first chance they get. Two recent examples are Manny Machado and Bryce Harper, who both reached free agency in 2019. Machado signed a free-agent record $300 million contract with San Diego, and Harper overtook him days later with a $330 million contract to join the Phillies. Most players debut in the big leagues from ages 22 to 26, which means free agency comes in their late 20s or early 30s. A typical example is Yankees slugger Aaron Judge, who is one of this generation's great players but didn't hit the market until he was 30. Judge played three seasons of college baseball for Fresno State before getting drafted by the Yankees in 2013 at age 21 — already two years older than Soto was when he made his MLB debut. It took a few years for the budding superstar to reach the majors, and he was 25 when he had his breakout season in 2018, smashing 52 homers to earn AL Rookie of the Year honors. By the time he reached free agency after the 2022 season, he had already passed age 30. It's a major factor that led to him signing a $360 million, nine-year deal with the Yankees, which seems downright reasonable these days after the Ohtani and Soto deals. Two major trends are colliding that will make it harder for guys like Soto to hit free agency in their mid 20s. First, MLB teams have been more likely in recent years to take college players early in the draft, betting on more experienced talents. Just 10 high school players were drafted among the top 30 picks in the 2024 draft. Second, teams are more eager to lock up young, premium talent on long-term deals very early in their careers, well before they hit free agency. Sometimes before they even reach the majors. Juan Soto's deal comes almost exactly one year after the Los Angeles Dodgers forked out a princely sum of $700 million on a 10-year, heavily deferred deal for two-way Japanese superstar Shohei Ohtani. Since Soto, just two players have debuted in MLB before their 20th birthday — Elvis Luciano and Junior Caminero. Luciano hasn't been back to the majors since his 2019 cup of coffee. Caminero is now 21 and has only played in 50 big league games. Among those that debuted at 20: Fernando Tatis Jr. signed a $340 million, 14-year deal with San Diego in 2021, years before reaching the open market. Milwaukee's Jackson Chourio got an $82 million, eight-year deal before even reaching the big leagues. Young stars Corbin Carroll ($111 million, eight years with Arizona), Bobby Witt Jr. ($288 million, 11 years with Kansas City) and Julio Rodriguez ($209.3 million, 12 years with Seattle) also got massive guarantees early in their 20s to forgo an early free agency. The exception and wild card: Blue Jays slugger Vladimir Guerrero Jr. will be a 26-year-old free agent next offseason. Guerrero hasn't been as consistent in his young career as Soto, but a standout 2025 season could position him to threaten Soto's deal. More likely is that the player to pass Soto isn't in the majors yet — and might not even be in pro baseball. When 25-year-old Alex Rodriguez signed his record $252 million, 10-year deal with Texas in 2001, it took over a decade for another player to match that total, when Albert Pujols got $240 million over 10 years from the Angels in 2012. For many players, passing up life-changing money in their early or mid 20s is too enticing, even if it means that they might not maximize their value on the free agent market later in their careers. Soto was determined to test the market. He famously turned down a $440 million, 15-year offer to stay with the Washington Nationals in 2022, betting that he could make even more as a free agent. Not many players would turn down that kind of cash. Then again, that's what makes Soto so unique. And it's also why his $765 million deal could be the industry standard for some time. Stiliana Nikolova, of Bulgaria performs in the rhythmic gymnastics individuals all-round qualification round, at La Chapelle Arena at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Thursday, Aug. 8, 2024, in Paris, France. (AP Photo/Francisco Seco) Cincinnati Reds' Jonathan India reacts as he collides with San Diego Padres catcher Luis Campusano during the second inning of a baseball game Tuesday, May 21, 2024, in Cincinnati. India was safe and Campusano was charged with an error. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster) Kimberley Woods of Britain competes in the women's kayak cross time trial at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Friday, Aug. 2, 2024, in Vaires-sur-Marne, France. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth) Mike Tyson, left, fights Jake Paul during their heavyweight boxing match, Friday, Nov. 15, 2024, in Arlington, Texas. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez) Aryna Sabalenka of Belarus plays a forehand return to Coco Gauff of the U.S. during their semifinal match at the Australian Open tennis championships at Melbourne Park, Melbourne, Australia, Thursday, Jan. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Louise Delmotte) Noah Lyles, of the United States, jumps as he limbers-up ahead of the men's 100-meters final at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Sunday, Aug. 4, 2024, in Nanterre, France. (AP Photo/Petr David Josek) A member of the Seattle Mariners tosses a ball against a wall during drills at spring training baseball workouts, Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024, in Peoria, Ariz. (AP Photo/Lindsey Wasson) Rebecca Sramkova of Slovakia waits to receive serve during her first round match against Marta Kostyuk of Ukraine at the Wimbledon tennis championships in London, Monday, July 1, 2024. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth) Czech Republic's Jiri Beran, left, competes with France's Yannik Borel in the men's team epee bronze final match during the 2024 Summer Olympics at the Grand Palais, Friday, Aug. 2, 2024, in Paris, France. (AP Photo/Abbie Parr) France's Adrien Truffert jumps over Argentina's goalkeeper Geronimo Rulli during a quarterfinal soccer match between France and Argentina, at Bordeaux Stadium, during the 2024 Summer Olympics, Friday, Aug. 2, 2024, in Bordeaux, France. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell) Fans interfere with a foul ball caught by Los Angeles Dodgers right fielder Mookie Betts during the first inning in Game 4 of the baseball World Series against the New York Yankees, Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2024, in New York. (AP Photo/Ashley Landis) Italy's Sara Curtis splashes her face with water before a women's 50-meter freestyle semifinal at the Summer Olympics in Nanterre, France, Saturday, Aug. 3, 2024. (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko) Ivory Coast 's Seko Fofana, top, duels for the ball with Nigeria's Victor Osimhen during the African Cup of Nations final soccer match between Nigeria and Ivory Coast, at the Olympic Stadium of Ebimpe in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, Sunday, Feb. 11, 2024. (AP Photo/Sunday Alamba) Costa Rica midfielder Jefferson Brenes, from left, Alvaro Zamora (21), Francisco Calvo (15) and Joseph Mora (8) are pelted with drinks and trash after celebrating a Brenes goal in the second half of a CONCACAF Nations League Play-In soccer match against Honduras, Saturday, March 23, 2024, in Frisco, Texas. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez) Gabrielle Thomas, of the United States, celebrates winning the gold medal in the women's 200 meters final at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2024, in Saint-Denis, France. (AP Photo/Ashley Landis) Tyrrell Hatton, of England, reacts on the 11th hole during a practice round in preparation for the Masters golf tournament at Augusta National Golf Club Wednesday, April 10, 2024, in Augusta, GA. (AP Photo/Ashley Landis) Quincy Hall, of the United States, celebrates after winning the men's 400-meter final at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024, in Saint-Denis, France. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip) Tim Tszyu, of Australia, hits Sebastian Fundora in a super welterweight title bout Saturday, March 30, 2024, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/John Locher) Baltimore Ravens wide receiver Zay Flowers takes the field prior to an NFL football game against the Buffalo Bills, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024, in Baltimore. (AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough) Workers peep through curtains to watch a match between France's Gael Monfils and Russia's Daniil Medvedev during the China Open tennis tournament held at the National Tennis Center in Beijing, Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan) Amy Yang, of South Korea, is doused after winning the Women's PGA Championship golf tournament at Sahalee Country Club, Sunday, June 23, 2024, in Sammamish, Wash. (AP Photo/Lindsey Wasson) Workers remove snow from Highmark Stadium in Orchard Park, N.Y., Sunday Jan. 14, 2024. (AP Photo/ Jeffrey T. Barnes) United States' Mikaela Shiffrin speeds down the course during an alpine ski, women's World Cup slalom, in Gurgl, Austria, Saturday, Nov. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Gabriele Facciotti) Real Madrid's Vinicius Junior, left, scores his side's second goal during a Spanish La Liga soccer match between Real Madrid and Almeria at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium in Madrid, Spain, Sunday, Jan. 21, 2024. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue ) Czech Republic's Michal Kempny, right, punches United States' Brady Tkachuk during the quarterfinal match between Czech Republic and United States at the Ice Hockey World Championships in Prague, Czech Republic, Thursday, May 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Petr David Josek) Turkey's Taha Akgul, left, competes with Georgia's Geno Petriashvili in a men's freestyle 125 kg category gold medal wrestling match during the European Wrestling Championships, in Bucharest, Romania, Sunday, Feb. 18, 2024. (AP Photo/Andreea Alexandru) Kansas City Chiefs guard Trey Smith cries after winning the NFL Super Bowl 58 football game against the San Francisco 49ers, Sunday, Feb. 11, 2024, in Las Vegas. The Chiefs won 25-22. (AP Photo/Eric Gay) Carles Coll Marti of Spain competes in the men's 200-meter breaststroke heat at the World Aquatics Championships in Doha, Qatar, Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024. (AP Photo/Lee Jin-man) Los Angeles Lakers forward LeBron James (23) shoots between New Orleans Pelicans guard Trey Murphy III and guard CJ McCollum in the second half of an NBA basketball play-in tournament game Tuesday, April 16, 2024, in New Orleans. The Lakers won 110-106. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert) A man in a monk's robe waves the French flag as the peloton passes during the sixth stage of the Tour de France cycling race over 163.5 kilometers (101.6 miles) with start in Macon and finish in Dijon, France, Thursday, July 4, 2024. (AP Photo/Daniel Cole) Belgium's Jeremy Doku, left, challenges for the ball with Romania's Andrei Ratiu during a Group E match between Belgium and Romania at the Euro 2024 soccer tournament in Cologne, Germany, Saturday, June 22, 2024. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino) A spectator walks through a water mist sprayer on her way to Eiffel Tower Stadium to watch a beach volleyball at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Sunday, July 28, 2024, in Paris, France. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty) Gabriel Medina, of Brazil, kicks off of a wave as he warms up prior to the quarterfinals round of the 2024 Summer Olympics surfing competition, Thursday, Aug. 1, 2024, in Teahupo'o, Tahiti. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull) Rebeca Andrade, of Brazil, is reflected on a surface as she performs on the balance beam during the women's artistic gymnastics all-around finals in Bercy Arena at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Thursday, Aug. 1, 2024, in Paris, France. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) Wyndham Clark waits to hit on the 17th hole during the first round at the Masters golf tournament at Augusta National Golf Club Thursday, April 11, 2024, in Augusta, Ga. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum) Kolkata Knight Riders' wicketkeeper Rahmanullah Gurbaz dives to make an unsuccessful attempt to run out Sunrisers Hyderabad's Abhishek Sharma during the Indian Premier League cricket final match between Kolkata Knight Riders and Sunrisers Hyderabad in Chennai, India, Sunday, May 26, 2024.(AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A.) Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton of Britain steers his car during the qualifying session of the Singapore Formula One Grand Prix at the Marina Bay Street Circuit, in Singapore, Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024. (AP Photo/Vincent Thian) Serbia's Novak Djokovic embraces his daughter Tara after defeating Spain's Carlos Alcaraz in the men's singles tennis final at the Roland Garros stadium during the 2024 Summer Olympics, Sunday, Aug. 4, 2024, in Paris, France. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez) Spain's Dani Olmo clears the ball from the goal line during the final match between Spain and England at the Euro 2024 soccer tournament in Berlin, Germany, Sunday, July 14, 2024. (AP Photo/Andreea Alexandru) A fleet of boats compete in the mixed multihull sailing race during the 2024 Summer Olympics, Sunday, Aug. 4, 2024, in Marseille, France. (AP Photo/Daniel Cole) A horse watches from its stable ahead of the 156th running of the Belmont Stakes horse race at Saratoga Race Course, Thursday, June 6, 2024, in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. (AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson) Silver medalist Simone Biles, of the United States, left, and bronze medalist Jordan Chiles, of the United States, right, bow to gold medalist Rebeca Andrade, of Brazil, during the medal ceremony for the women's artistic gymnastics individual floor finals at Bercy Arena at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Monday, Aug. 5, 2024, in Paris, France. (AP Photo/Abbie Parr) Denver celebrates after winning the championship game against Boston College in the Frozen Four NCAA college hockey tournament Saturday, April 13, 2024, in St. Paul, Minn. Denver won 2-0 to win the national championship. (AP Photo/Abbie Parr) Washington safety Kamren Fabiculanan (13) and cornerback Elijah Jackson (25) break up a pass to Eastern Michigan wide receiver Terry Lockett Jr. (3) in the end zone during the second half of an NCAA college football game Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024, in Seattle. Washington won 30-9. (AP Photo/Lindsey Wasson) Milwaukee Bucks' AJ Johnson, right, goes up for a shot against Philadelphia 76ers' Jared McCain, center, and Adem Bona during the second half of an NBA basketball game, Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024, in Philadelphia. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum) Elise Mertens, of Belgium, serves against Naomi Osaka, of Japan, at the BNP Paribas Open tennis tournament, Monday, March 11, 2024, in Indian Wells, Calif. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill) Italy's Giovanni Tocci competes in the men's 3m springboard diving preliminary at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2024, in Saint-Denis, France. (AP Photo/Lee Jin-man) Los Angeles Dodgers designated hitter Shohei Ohtani breaks his bat during the first inning of the team's baseball game against the Washington Nationals at Nationals Park, Tuesday, April 23, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon) Wearing a device that measures his energy consumption, the Israel Amputee Football Team player, Ben Maman, left, fights for the ball with a young soccer player from a local team during a practice session in Ramat Gan, Thursday, April 11, 2024. (AP Photo/Leo Correa) A soccer fan dressed as Spiderman watches Brazil play Uruguay in a Copa America quarterfinal match on a screen set up for fans on Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Sunday, July 7, 2024. Brazil lost in a penalty shootout and Uruguay qualified for the semifinals. (AP Photo/Bruna Prado) Men dressed in traditional clothes try to pull the opponent over the table at the German Championships in Fingerhakeln or finger wrestling, in Bernbeuren, Germany, Sunday, May 12, 2024. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader) Aryna Sabalenka, of Belarus, kicks the ball after double faulting against Jessica Pegula, of the United States, during the women's singles final of the U.S. Open tennis championships, Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024, in New York. (AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson) Water is sprayed on the pitch as the ball boys and girls walk along the center line before the start of the men's Group A field hockey match between South Africa and Germany at the Yves-du-Manoir Stadium during the 2024 Summer Olympics, Tuesday, July 30, 2024, in Colombes, France. (AP Photo/Aijaz Rahi) Cleveland Browns defensive end Isaiah McGuire (57) reaches for Minnesota Vikings quarterback Nick Mullens (12) during the first half of an NFL preseason football game, Saturday, Aug. 17, 2024, in Cleveland. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki) Morocco's Widad Bertal celebrates after defeating Thailand's Jutamas Jitpong in their women's 54kg preliminary boxing match at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Tuesday, July 30, 2024, in Paris, France. (AP Photo/John Locher) Brazil's Priscila eyes the ball during a women's semifinal soccer match between Brazil and Spain at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2024, at Marseille Stadium in Marseille, France. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez) Simone Biles of the United States competes on the balance beam during a women's artistic gymnastics qualification round at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Sunday, July 28, 2024, in Paris, France. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) New Orleans Saints linebacker Willie Gay Jr. signs autographs for a young fan before the start of an NFL football game against the Kansas City Chiefs Monday, Oct. 7, 2024, in Kansas City, Mo. (AP Photo/Ed Zurga) Real Madrid's players celebrate with the trophy after winning the Champions League final soccer match between Borussia Dortmund and Real Madrid at Wembley stadium in London, Saturday, June 1, 2024. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth) Mozambique's Deizy Nhaquile battles rough seas during a women's dinghy race, Saturday, Aug. 3, 2024, during the 2024 Summer Olympics in Marseille, France. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) People watch the cauldron rise at sunset by the Olympic rings during the 2024 Summer Olympics, Monday, Aug. 5, 2024, in Paris, France. (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko) Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce (87) kisses Taylor Swift after the NFL Super Bowl 58 football game against the San Francisco 49ers, Sunday, Feb. 11, 2024, in Las Vegas. The Chiefs won 25-22. (AP Photo/John Locher) A light show is projected from the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, during the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics, Friday, July 26, 2024. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip) Kateryna Tabashnyk, a high jumper, sits for a portrait Sunday, June 9, 2024, at the athletics arena of the "Polytechnic" sports complex, which was destroyed by a Russian rocket attack, in Kharkiv, Ukraine. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka) Sent weekly directly to your inbox!


NoneFirst-ever athlete and fan-owned network boasts 2,200 Fan Owners and 70+ superstar athlete investors and partners by the likes of Chris Paul , Travis Kelce , Dwayne Wade , Chiney Ogwumike, Kyrie Irving, Damian Lillard , Natasha Cloud , Alysha Clark , Carmelo Anthony , and many more LOS ANGELES , Dec. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- PlayersTV , the first athlete and fan-owned media company, today announced the acquisition of Cloud Media Center , an AI-driven sports adtech and media distribution company. This strategic year-end move boosts PlayersTV's reach to a total of 500 million monthly ad impressions, solidifying its position as a trailblazer in athlete-driven lifestyle entertainment while broadening its ability to connect with advertiser and inventory networks. PlayersTV empowers athletes to control their narratives while giving brands access to engagement opportunities with an expansive global audience. It is known for its groundbreaking athlete-fan ownership model, supported by more than 70 high-profile athlete investors and partners across the NFL, NBA, WNBA, and MLB, and a community of more than 2,200 Fan Owners (shareholders in the company). The network features high-profile athletes, including Travis Kelce , Chris Paul , Damian Lillard , Dwyane Wade , Chiney Ogwumike, Carmelo Anthony , Allen Iverson , Natasha Cloud , Kyrie Irving, Ken Griffey, Jr. , Vernon Davis , Austin Ekeler , DeAndre Jordan , CJ McCollum, AJ Andrews, Angel McCoughtry , Alysha Clark , and more. PlayersTV currently reaches more than 300 million households via OTT and CTV via DirecTV, YouTube TV, Sling TV, Amazon Fire TV, and Philo . Its proprietary ad network called Players360 generates an additional 500 million monthly ad impressions. Through the acquisition of Cloud Media Center, PlayersTV now owns technologies responsible for more than 1 billion combined monthly ad impressions. "This is a transformative moment for PlayersTV and the future of sports media," said Deron Guidrey , co-founder of PlayersTV. "The acquisition of Cloud Media Center catapults us into a new era of innovation, expanding our reach to an astounding 500 million monthly ad impressions. With cutting-edge AI technology now at the core of our operations, we are setting the gold standard for athlete-driven media, revolutionizing how athletes connect with fans and how brands engage with audiences worldwide. This is more than an acquisition, it's a declaration of our vision to lead the global sports media industry." PlayersTV Co-founder Collin Castellaw added, "This acquisition is a monumental step forward for our organization. By integrating Cloud Media Center's AI-driven tech we're significantly expanding our reach while revolutionizing how athletes and sports content is created, distributed and consumed. This is an exciting time for our company and the future of athlete media and sports media." Cloud Media Center's innovative platform brings state-of-the-art AI technology to PlayersTV, enabling more precise audience targeting, dynamic content distribution, and scalable adtech. With this acquisition, PlayersTV is poised to deliver highly personalized and impactful content experiences, meeting the growing demand for athlete-centered stories and authentic fan connections. About PlayersTV PlayersTV is the first-ever athlete-owned media network and content provider. As the premier athlete lifestyle content destination, PlayersTV empowers athletes to own their stories while engaging fans with authentic and meaningful connections, bridging the worlds of sports, lifestyle, and entertainment. PlayersTV's 24/7 channel can be found on DirecTV, YouTube TV, Sling TV, Amazon Fire TV, and Philo . See more at https://playerstv.com/ . About Cloud Media Center Cloud Media Center (CMC), based in Ponte Vedra, FL , sells digital advertising inventory through a cloud-based, analytically driven distribution platform that seamlessly connects advertisers with content providers and publishers. The result maximizes collaboration — unleashing next-level ad campaign synergies. CMC's next-gen platform and best-in-class dashboards — built by next-generation premier developers — provide AI-based microtargeting on the frontend, and real-time, easy-to-understand analytics on the back end. Content producers, advertisers, and publishers will have all the tools and data needed to optimize campaigns — and do it with speed and granular accuracy. Visit the CMC website at https://cloudmc.us/ . View original content to download multimedia: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/playerstv-acquires-cloud-media-center-integrates-sports-ai-ad-technology-to-surpass-1b-monthly-impressions-302337699.html SOURCE PlayersTVTom Homan explains how he plans to implement mass deportations for illegal migrants on ‘Hannity.’ San Diego County will soon vote on a resolution to block all county cooperation with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, including letting them know about the release of criminal illegal immigrants -- coming just weeks before the Trump administration is expected to launch a historic deportation campaign. The resolution would go further than the state’s sanctuary law, which generally limits law enforcement's cooperation with ICE, and represents a hardline stance against all cooperation with federal immigration enforcement. The new resolution, which will see a vote on December 10 as part of the county’s "commitment to social justice and inclusion," will say that the county will not provide assistance or cooperation to ICE "including by giving ICE agents access to individuals or allowing them to use County facilities for investigative interviews or other purposes, expending County time or resources responding to ICE inquiries or communicating with ICE regarding individuals’ incarceration status or release dates, or otherwise participating in any civil immigration enforcement activities." ANOTHER MAJOR BLUE CITY DOUBLES DOWN ON VOW TO OBSTRUCT TRUMP'S MASS DEPORTATION PLAN In this undated photo, ICE agents arrest an illegal immigrant. (Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)) "When federal immigration authorities, including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and U.S. Border Patrol, coerce local law enforcement to carry out deportations, family members are separated and community trust in law enforcement and local government is destroyed," an overview of the resolution claims. "Witnesses and victims who are undocumented or who have loved ones who are undocumented are afraid to come to the County for help, which includes calling local law enforcement. This puts the public safety of all San Diegans at risk." San Diego County Board of Supervisors Chair Nora Vargas said that California’s current sanctuary laws restricting ICE deportations don’t go far enough. "While the California Values Act significantly expanded protection from deportation to California residents, it fell short of protecting all residents, because it allowed agencies to still notify ICE of release dates and transfers individuals to ICE without a warrant in some circumstances," she said. Former Acting Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Thomas Homan speaks during the third day of the 2024 Republican National Convention at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on July 17, 2024. (Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images) TOP CONSERVATIVE GROUP REVEALS ROADMAP TO REBUILD NEW US IMMIGRATION SYSTEM 'FROM THE ASHES' She argues that the "loophole" has resulted in some illegal immigrants being transferred to ICE custody or ICE being notified of their release. The resolution is similar to a 2019 policy adopted in Santa Clara County. "By avoiding active cooperation with ICE, including through specific notification to ICE of the release dates of immigrants, the County avoids treating a group of individuals differently solely on the basis of their immigration status," she says. Republican San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond, who opposes the resolution, says he believes the resolution will pass, given the Democratic makeup of the board of supervisors. He said he believed the move was in line with a broader effort by the state to "Trump-proof" the state, and called it a "knee-jerk" reaction. "This is going to really impede different agencies and working together to make sure that everyone's safe, even the immigrants that are here now that have come across the border. This is going to hurt their communities even worse," he told Fox News Digital in an interview. "I think this is going to allow more criminals who are here illegally to stay in San Diego County, and to get away with these kinds of crimes to where law enforcement can't work with immigration or with ICE on a much broader group of crimes. So, it's going to allow more rampant crime here and make our cities and our communities less safe." FIVE THINGS TO WATCH FOR ON IMMIGRATION AND BORDER SECURITY IN 2025 Rodney Scott, former chief of the Border Patrol's San Diego sector, stands for a portrait near the border wall in San Diego, California. ( Carolyn Van Houten/The Washington Post via Getty Images)) Multiple officials at state and local level across the U.S. have said they will not cooperate with the upcoming deportation campaign by the new Trump administration. In Boston this week, the city council unanimously voted for a resolution to protect illegal immigrants from "unjust enforcement actions" and restricting Boston police from cooperating with ICE. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP However, some Republican states have said they will help the administration in its plans, with Texas going a step further and offering land on which to stage the deportation operation. Adam Shaw is a politics reporter for Fox News Digital, primarily covering immigration and border security. He can be reached at adam.shaw2@fox.com or on Twitter .

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." Section 1.10.32 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum", written by Cicero in 45 BC "Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?" 1914 translation by H. Rackham "But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?" 1914 translation by H. Rackham "But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?" Thanks for your interest in Kalkine Media's content! To continue reading, please log in to your account or create your free account with us.INQUIRER FILE PHOTO The number of offshore gambling firms that are still operating in the country has gone down to 17, with the gaming regulator declaring that all licenses in the controversial industry will be cancelled by the end of December. At a forum organized by the Stratbase ADR Institute on Tuesday, Alejandro Tengco, chair and CEO of Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corp. (Pagcor), said that even before he assumed office last August, hundreds of licenses of Philippine offshore gaming operators (Pogos) had been put on “probationary status” for being involved in scams. READ: Post-Pogo office space vacancy rate seen staying at 18% These permits were later deemed illegal, Tengco said, adding that the remaining Pogos would be shut down by the end of the year. From a peak of 298 licensed Pogos in 2019, the Pagcor chief said the number had significantly decreased to 48 in early 2024. “By Jan. 1, 2025, all these operators that will still continue to operate— either elsewhere or in the different provinces—they’re all deemed illegal already,” he said. “I can declare that by the end of December, all of them will have all their licenses cancelled,” he added. At his State of the Nation Address in July, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. ordered gaming regulators to shut down Pogos, which had flourished during the term of his predecessor Rodrigo Duterte. The presidential order was the final nail in the coffin for Pogos after the pandemic and tighter tax rules forced many to relocate at the height of lockdowns. The move heeded loud calls from various sectors to ban the industry that had been linked to various crimes like money laundering and human trafficking. In a formal directive dated Nov. 5, Executive Order (EO) No. 74 officially banned Pogo companies and stopped all applications or renewal of licenses, permits and authorizations, citing national security and public order as the primary concerns. The EO also ordered the creation of a Technical Working Group (TWG) on Anti-illegal Offshore Gaming Operations to further intensify the crackdown, as well as a TWG for employment recovery and reintegration. As it is, the departure of Pogos left a hole in the country’s volatile property market. Colliers Philippines earlier said the crackdown on offshore gambling firms—which mostly employed Chinese nationals catering to punters in mainland China—would affect certain areas in Metro Manila, particularly the sprawling Bay Area entertainment district. While the company estimated the Pogo exodus to result in a 22.2-percent office vacancy by the end of the year, Colliers said vacancy rates may recover to 19 percent by 2025. By 2026, this may further ease to 18 percent. For Pagcor’s Tengco, the country’s Pogo problem is not just a local issue. “While Pogos were initially seen as a potential source of economic growth, they have instead led to a host of problems far beyond financial concerns,” he said. Subscribe to our daily newsletter By providing an email address. I agree to the Terms of Use and acknowledge that I have read the Privacy Policy . “The links between Pogos and these illicit activities are becoming increasingly clear. These operations are not just a threat to our economy—they are a direct threat to the peace and order of our nation, and our national security,” he added. INQ

(CNN) — President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday named Kimberly Guilfoyle as his pick to be the US ambassador to Greece. “For many years, Kimberly has been a close friend and ally. Her extensive experience and leadership in law, media, and politics along with her sharp intellect make her supremely qualified to represent the United States, and safeguard its interests abroad. Kimberly is perfectly suited to foster strong bilateral relations with Greece, advancing our interests on issues ranging from defense cooperation to trade and economic innovation,” Trump said in a Truth Social post . Guilfoyle had been engaged to Donald Trump Jr. and is close to the Trump family. This is a developing story and will be updated. The-CNN-Wire TM & © 2024 Cable News Network, Inc., a Warner Bros. Discovery Company. All rights reserved.Trump names Andrew Ferguson as head of Federal Trade Commission to replace Lina Khan

If a matrimony ad were to be written for Mustafa Zaidi at his peak it would read: Poet, Bureaucrat, Recipient of Tamgha-e-Quaid-e-Azam, Romantic, Suicidal. Shahnaz’s ad would read: Fair, Beautiful, Claim to Fame is Afghan Royalty. It is through this pairing of unlikely personalities that we have Society Girl by Saba Imtiaz and Tooba Masood-Khan, a multilayered, multidimensional story of two starkly different people as an insight into how lives despite socio-economic differences can intertwine to create webs of deceit and disloyalty in the name of romance that ultimately lead to double lives, the cost for which can be too much. What should have been a mere love affair became a sordid scandal, yet Another Pakistani Tragedy that love as an ideal can only ever remain an ideal and rarely, if ever, experienced. Best to stick to the long and narrow. Skilfully swimming through the narrowness of Lahore’s bloodlines to finding liberation in Karachi’s cosmopolitanism and glittering nightlife, this is a jigsaw galaxy made up of thousands of scattered pieces from different planets. Truly, Imtiaz and Masood-Khan have set the bar with their stellar investigative skills and proven to be master storytellers. A masterclass in objectively telling the story without the temptation to judge, there is a kindness with which they reveal the two main characters - Mustafa and Shahnaz - a desperately needed form of reporting that is non-existent in today’s Pakistani media. Solving a mystery in a country that thrives on ‘chaska’ is no easy feat and where politics, conspiracy theories, love affairs, bloodlines, power games, sex, slander and revenge come in with a heavy penchant for moralising, Imtiaz and Masood-Khan limit Sherlock Holmes’ techniques to Baker Street. The trial scene alone is worth using to teach writing on how to navigate a potent but sensitive situation where two people’s lives are not just at stake but also national security, international economic trade and the revelation of the carefully crafted world of high society with all its debauchery and nobility. Ali Amin Gandapur: Proving Critics Wrong Imtiaz and Masood-Khan grant Mustafa, a complex character, the space to be as he is and they view him with a kind lens that perhaps there was a mental health issue that kept cropping up especially during times of distress. Shahnaz is mostly explored through the lens of other women, perhaps in the hope they may empathise with a woman who for all her flaws was essentially mimicking high society in its behaviour but never realising how high the stakes are and not everyone can afford them. A masterclass in objectively telling the story without the temptation to judge, there is a kindness with which they reveal the two main characters - Mustafa and Shahnaz Mustafa for all his brilliance as a poet and intelligence toyed with life to see how far he could push it, till it finally retaliated. It could never tame his need to shatter every limit and so he kept getting away with it. Surviving suicide, lamenting a lost love to the extreme, mocking a Civil Service Academy as an asylum, referring to Jhelum as Jahannum, bringing home a mistress and seducing her in a bedroom with his wife standing outside, nothing was off limits for Mustafa when it came to tempting fate - he kept winning. Masterfully toying with words as poetry and using couplets to manipulate friend’s minds when confronted about his infidelity and behaviour, Mustafa knew he could charm his way to everyone’s heart and anyone’s bed. Yet, for all his identity as a poet, there was a pragmatic side and after a stint at teaching he joined the bureaucracy. From there on did he reach his professional high and low. It was at his lowest, Shahnaz entered, a sort of a lifeboat as he tread a sea of bad luck. Often creatives transcend the mundaneness of life to explore the vastness of their minds. Was she a distraction from his career disgrace? Or just another piece that fed his hunger for sex? The fire in his loins for yet another conquest to counter the disrupted domestic life he enjoyed with his beloved wife Vera? Shahnaz is beautiful, giggly and dazzled by the fancy Karachiites who accept that this ordinary couple, Saleem and Shahnaz, are harmless folk merely adding to the crowd of their appreciators. Uncultured, she is dismissed as being anything but a housewife who makes the most of her life after getting out of purdah in Gujranwala. Let’s Try Love What could possibly have caused Shahnaz, married to stable, secure but old (30 years her senior) husband to fall for Mustafa? Could it also have been she was looking to counter domestic life with a dull husband? Or was she too simple minded to recognise Mustafa for who he was as he swept her off her feet with his silver tongue? Or was she never given the chance to bloom, viewed as a second tier socialite only and keen to move higher up? As Imitiaz and Masood-Khan write: “ Mustafa’s young friends were fairly dismissive of Shahnaz. They thought she was just a pretty woman; charming, sure, but not Mustafa’s intellectual equal. This seemed like a relationship borne out of lust, not literature.” Imtiaz and Masood-Khan critically analyse society’s initial understanding of the situation as “a homemaker who had fallen in love with a romantic, charming poet.” But sadly they were never really free from judgement which played out in the media. As Imtiaz and Masood-Khan note the media circus surrounding the couple: “she had had an affair despite being a mother of two was seen as shocking. It didn’t matter that Mustafa was also a father of two.” As the investigation into Zaidi’s death picks up, a new dimension of crime, a desi favourite - smuggling - opens up. Here again, Zaidi’s manipulation and manoeuvring comes in leaving one horrified, not at the beings that lurk in shadows or the ones that operate in broad daylight but are strong enough to play with people’s lives even in death. As Imitiaz and Tooba write, “ In fact, no one would have connected a trip to London with smuggling in the first place, had it not been for the person who had spread the rumour – Mustafa Zaidi – who was now seemingly directing this investigation from beyond the grave.” But the question is: did Mustafa ever know he had gone too far? As thoughts of Shahnaz moving on swirl in his head, he is reduced to a mere ex. How could she do this to him? Love Is A Many Splendoured Thing Career gone, family gone, no love interest - Mustafa decides to go for revenge. With the printing of Shahnaz’s nude as a flyer, had he finally broken every rule? And did she decide to take matters into her own hands? Did either one of them deserve the tragedies of fate they were dealt? Having sunk to the lowest form of desperation, ultimately Mustafa couldn’t fight his own mind as dark as it became. Shahnaz chasing reflections in the water ventured out too far into the sea, never found the shore that was promised. Sand is never as solid as earth and actions speak louder than words. Tremendously expensive lessons for Shahnaz and Mustafa.Golden Minerals Announces NYSE American Notice to Commence Delisting and Intended Transition to OTCQB MarketWalmart is selling a 'brilliant' $119 Bose Bluetooth speaker for just $69, and shoppers say it's 'one of the best'Nazarbayev University Crisis: Shigeo Katsu Demands Audit Transparency

Pepeto and Pepe Unchained Compete for Dominance in the Next Memecoin EraWithout Moss there to capitalize on opponents shying away from star cornerback Patrick Surtain II, the Broncos (9-6) have had to largely abandon their preferred man coverage in favor of zone strategies and the results haven't been pretty. They allowed 32 points to the Cleveland Browns when former teammate Jerry Jeudy caught nine passes for a career-best 235 yards, including a 70-yard touchdown. Only Jonathan Taylor's fumble at the goal line as he was about to score a 41-yard touchdown and give Indianapolis a 20-3 lead saved the Broncos in Week 15 and allowed Denver to seize momentum and get the victory. They couldn't stop Justin Herbert , who led the Los Angeles Chargers back from a double-digit third-quarter deficit for a 34-27 win last week that prevented the Broncos from ending their eight-year playoff drought. It also put more pressure on the Broncos to win Saturday at Cincinnati, where the Bengals (7-8) cling to hopes of catching the Broncos and deny Denver a wild-card berth. Moss has enjoyed a breakout season in Denver with 71 tackles, eight pass breakups and an interception in 12 starts. He played in 14 games as a rotation player his rookie season after recovering from core muscle surgery that relegated him to special teams and spot duty in 2023. “We were and have been super excited" about the third-round pick out of Iowa, coach Sean Payton said. "Obviously, the guy that plays opposite of Patrick is going to get a lot of business. All throughout training camp, he really rose to the occasion, battled, competed and throughout really a good portion of the season. “He’s a big reason why we were playing so well defensively,” Payton added. "The sooner the better when we can get him back in the lineup. Hopefully it can happen this weekend.” In Moss' dozen starts, the Broncos allowed 16.8 points per game. Without him, they've been allowing 26.3 points a game. Joe Burrow and Ja'Marr Chase pose a bigger challenge to the Broncos than Jeudy and Jameis Wiston did for Cleveland or Herbert and Ladd McConkey did for the Chargers. Moss returned to practice last week and the Broncos will determine this week whether he's ready to return to the field or if it's better to keep him out until their season finale against Kansas City. The medial collateral ligament is on the inside of the knee that connects the thigh bone to the shin bone. It’s one of four major ligaments that stabilize the knee and allow it to rotate. It typically takes a month to recover from an MCL sprain and the Broncos had their bye week earlier this month, meaning Moss might only have to miss three games. If the Broncos reach the playoffs for the first time since winning Super Bowl 50 in Hall of Famer Peyton Manning's last start, they'll likely need to have a healthy Moss opposite Surtain to have any realistic hopes of avoiding a one-and-done appearance. The Broncos got a scare when Surtain injured an ankle against Indianapolis two weeks ago and limped off the field in the closing minutes. However, he was a full-go at practice last week and had no issues against the Chargers. AP NFL: https://apnews.com/hub/nfl

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