Brainy, 'normal guy': the suspect in US insurance CEO's slaying
Several major universities have warned their international students who went to their home countries for winter break to return to the U.S. before President-elect Donald Trump regains office in January. At least 10 universities, including the University of Southern California (USC), Brown University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), have urged their international students to be back stateside before January 20, Axios reported. In an email obtained by the outlet sent to pupils on student visas, USC officials said that being back in the U.S. when the semester begins on January 13 “is especially important given that a new presidential administration will take office on January 20, 2025, and — as is common — may issue one or more Executive Orders impacting travel to the U.S. and visa processing.” “While there’s no certainty such orders will be issued, the safest way to avoid any challenges is to be physically present in the U.S. before the Spring semester,” USC officials added. Harvard and Cornell universities also sent warning emails to international students, the New York Times reported. An email from Arizona State University’s International Students and Scholars Center, obtained by ABC15’s Rachel Louise Just, revealed a similar message: “We are making this advisory out of an abundance of caution to hopefully prevent any possible travel disruption,” the email reads. Spencer Lindquist of the Daily Wire revealed that Claremont McKenna College, a small liberal arts school in California, even offered to get students without “legal status” free consultations with immigration lawyers ahead of Inauguration Day: During a campaign rally earlier this year, Trump said he would “immediately deport” foreign students who participate in “jihadism, or anti-Americanism or antisemitism” after anti-Israel protests took over multiple U.S. campuses:Better Fintech Stock: PayPal vs. SoFi TechnologiesAJ Brown has priceless reaction after mistakenly throwing Eagles touchdown catch into the stands
NEWARK, Del, Dec. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The automotive battery management system market is projected to experience a remarkable CAGR of 25.6% during the forecast period, with its valuation expected to grow from USD 3.8 billion in 2023 to USD 37.4 billion by 2033. One of the primary factors contributing to this market's robust growth is the surging global demand for electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), driven by heightened environmental awareness. Additionally, the increasing deployment of battery-powered vehicles in public transportation systems is significantly boosting market expansion. Automotive battery management systems are critical for managing lithium-ion batteries in EVs, HEVs, and electric bikes. These batteries offer superior energy density and extended operational life compared to conventional alternatives. The growing installation and modernization of off-grid renewable energy generation facilities are also fueling demand for battery management systems. These systems facilitate power flow measurement, controlled electricity supply, distribution, and provide essential monitoring data for energy usage. The rising use of rechargeable batteries in consumer electronics and advancements in innovative cloud-based battery management systems are further propelling the market's growth. The integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) is set to revolutionize EV charging processes by seamlessly connecting grids, networks, renewable energy sources, batteries, and vehicles to optimize resource utilization and enhance the charging experience. The rapid expansion of the electric vehicle market is expected to create significant opportunities for EV component manufacturers, particularly in the automotive battery management system sector, throughout the forecast period. An automotive battery thermal management system or BTMS is a device that controls the temperature of a vehicle's battery to ensure the best performance, safety, and longevity. Its applications like keeping the battery within a specific temperature range to avoid overheating or freezing, increasing energy efficiency, extended battery life, and assuring the safe operation of electric and hybrid cars in a variety of environments. "The rapid growth of EVs and renewable energy systems is propelling the demand for advanced battery management solutions, making them indispensable for efficient energy utilization." - says Nikhil Kaitwade , Associate Vice President at Future Market Insights (FMI). Key Takeaways for the Automotive Battery Management System Market In-Depth Market Analysis: A Complete Report What is the Most Preferred Topology in the Battery Management System Market? The battery management system market's centralized topology segment is expected to witness a strong growth of over 24.7%. Due to the scarcity of large wire harnesses, most manufacturers opted for a modular structure, which provides tremendous computational power while remaining safe. Modular topology is appropriate for applications such as energy storage systems, industrial UPS, medical mobility vehicles, electric car parts, and drones. Furthermore, the rising demand for modular topology in these applications is expected to propel the market forward at a rapid pace. Why EV Segment is Showing a High Growth Trajectory? The electric vehicle segment is anticipated to show a substantial growth rate of 26.5% from 2023 to 2033, owing to an increase in the several vehicles that require rechargeable batteries, such as EVs, Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) , and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles (PHEVs). In the aforementioned vehicles, BMS plays an important role in supervising and ensuring reliable and safe battery operations. Regional Analysis of Automotive Battery Management System Market What is the Market Outlook for Europe Automotive Battery Management Systems? The United Kingdom is the leading market in Europe, with a revenue share of nearly USD 2.7 billion. Government measures to build charging infrastructure across the region are contributing to the strong growth of this region. Furthermore, the development of EV charging stations in the region is being sparked by several other European nations' targets to lower carbon emissions and expand the use of electric vehicles by the year 2023. How the USA is Performing in the Global Market? The USA dominates the North American automotive battery management system and shows a significant growth of 22.8%. According to the International Council on Clean Transportation, the USA was ranked third for electric vehicles, with over 320,000 new electric vehicle sales in 2019. According to the International Energy Agency, there were more than three times as many electric cars registered in the USA in 2020, compared to 2016, which was 1.8 million. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of the USA provides funds to private and public entities to develop HEVs, which is expected to boost market growth in the near future. Why is China being the Most Lucrative Region in the Global Automotive Battery Management System Industry? China's enthusiasm for electric transportation, also known as electro-mobility, is unrivaled by any other country. Shenzhen has converted all of its city buses from ICE vehicles to electric buses. It also continues to introduce a large number of e-buses on a regular basis. Government regulations and policies encouraging the use of electric vehicles are also increasing the market share of automotive battery management systems. According to the China Passenger Car Association (CPCA) and the Ministry of Finance, in September 2022, China planned to extend the exemption of a 5% purchase tax on new-energy vehicles (NEVs) for another year until the end of 2023 to support the sector's development and boost consumption of electric vehicles. Growth Drivers for the Automotive Battery Management System Market Key Players Operating in Automotive Battery Management System Market Include Key Segments Covered in the Automotive Battery Management System Market Report By Vehicle Type: By Connection Topology: By Sales Channel: By Region: Old Report Source: German Translation Für den Markt für Batteriemanagementsysteme für Kraftfahrzeuge wird für den Prognosezeitraum ein bemerkenswertes durchschnittliches jährliches Wachstum (CAGR) von 25,6 % erwartet. Sein Wert dürfte von 3,8 Milliarden US-Dollar im Jahr 2023 auf 37,4 Milliarden US-Dollar im Jahr 2033 wachsen. Einer der Hauptfaktoren, die zum robusten Wachstum dieses Marktes beitragen, ist die steigende weltweite Nachfrage nach Elektrofahrzeugen (EVs) und Hybridelektrofahrzeugen (HEVs), die durch ein gestiegenes Umweltbewusstsein getrieben wird. Darüber hinaus trägt der zunehmende Einsatz batteriebetriebener Fahrzeuge im öffentlichen Nahverkehr erheblich zum Marktwachstum bei. Batteriemanagementsysteme für Kraftfahrzeuge sind für die Verwaltung von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien in Elektrofahrzeugen, Hybridelektrofahrzeugen und Elektrofahrrädern von entscheidender Bedeutung. Diese Batterien bieten im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Alternativen eine höhere Energiedichte und eine längere Lebensdauer. Die zunehmende Installation und Modernisierung von netzunabhängigen Anlagen zur Erzeugung erneuerbarer Energien treibt auch die Nachfrage nach Batteriemanagementsystemen an. Diese Systeme ermöglichen die Messung des Leistungsflusses, die kontrollierte Stromversorgung und -verteilung und liefern wichtige Überwachungsdaten für den Energieverbrauch. Der zunehmende Einsatz wiederaufladbarer Batterien in der Unterhaltungselektronik und Fortschritte bei innovativen Cloud-basierten Batteriemanagementsystemen treiben das Marktwachstum weiter voran. Die Integration des Internets der Dinge (IoT) wird die Ladevorgänge von Elektrofahrzeugen revolutionieren, indem sie Stromnetze, Netzwerke, erneuerbare Energiequellen, Batterien und Fahrzeuge nahtlos miteinander verbindet, um die Ressourcennutzung zu optimieren und das Ladeerlebnis zu verbessern. Es wird erwartet, dass die schnelle Expansion des Marktes für Elektrofahrzeuge im gesamten Prognosezeitraum erhebliche Chancen für Hersteller von Komponenten für Elektrofahrzeuge schaffen wird, insbesondere im Bereich der Batteriemanagementsysteme für Kraftfahrzeuge. Analyse des Marktes für Batteriemanagementsysteme für Kraftfahrzeuge Der Markt für Batteriemanagementsysteme (BMS) für Kraftfahrzeuge verzeichnet ein deutliches Wachstum, das durch die zunehmende Verbreitung von Elektrofahrzeugen (EVs) und Hybridelektrofahrzeugen (HEVs) auf der ganzen Welt angetrieben wird. Ein BMS ist entscheidend für die Gewährleistung der Sicherheit, Effizienz und Langlebigkeit von Autobatterien, indem es Parameter wie Temperatur, Spannung und Ladezustand überwacht. Der Markt wird von Fortschritten in der Lithium-Ionen-Batterietechnologie und der wachsenden Nachfrage nach nachhaltigen Energielösungen beeinflusst. Darüber hinaus treiben staatliche Initiativen zur Förderung der Verbreitung von Elektrofahrzeugen in Verbindung mit strengen Emissionsvorschriften die Nachfrage nach anspruchsvollen BMS-Lösungen an. Die wichtigsten Akteure auf dem Markt konzentrieren sich auf Innovation und bieten intelligente BMS-Lösungen an, die Echtzeitüberwachung und prädiktive Analysen ermöglichen. Die Integration des Internets der Dinge (IoT) und der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) verbessert die Funktionalität moderner BMS weiter und macht sie für Fahrzeuge der nächsten Generation unverzichtbar. Herausforderungen wie hohe Anschaffungskosten und technologische Komplexität können jedoch das Marktwachstum behindern. Dennoch bietet der zunehmende Fokus auf erneuerbare Energien und Energiespeichersysteme erhebliche Chancen für die Expansion des Automobil-BMS-Marktes. Wichtige Erkenntnisse für den Markt für Batteriemanagementsysteme für Kraftfahrzeuge Welche Topologie wird auf dem Markt für Batteriemanagementsysteme am meisten bevorzugt? Das Segment der zentralisierten Topologie im Markt für Batteriemanagementsysteme wird voraussichtlich ein starkes Wachstum von über 24,7 % verzeichnen. Aufgrund der Knappheit großer Kabelbäume haben sich die meisten Hersteller für eine modulare Struktur entschieden, die enorme Rechenleistung bietet und gleichzeitig sicher bleibt. Die modulare Topologie eignet sich für Anwendungen wie Energiespeichersysteme, industrielle USV, medizinische Mobilitätsfahrzeuge, Teile für Elektroautos und Drohnen. Darüber hinaus wird erwartet, dass die steigende Nachfrage nach modularer Topologie in diesen Anwendungen den Markt schnell vorantreiben wird. Warum weist das EV-Segment eine hohe Wachstumskurve auf? Das Segment der Elektrofahrzeuge wird voraussichtlich von 2023 bis 2033 eine beträchtliche Wachstumsrate von 26,5 % aufweisen, was auf die Zunahme verschiedener Fahrzeuge zurückzuführen ist, die wiederaufladbare Batterien benötigen, wie etwa Elektrofahrzeuge, Hybridelektrofahrzeuge (HEVs) und Plug-in-Hybridfahrzeuge (PHEVs). In den oben genannten Fahrzeugen spielt das BMS eine wichtige Rolle bei der Überwachung und Gewährleistung eines zuverlässigen und sicheren Batteriebetriebs. Regionale Analyse des Marktes für Batteriemanagementsysteme für Kraftfahrzeuge Wie sind die Marktaussichten für Batteriemanagementsysteme für Kraftfahrzeuge in Europa? Mit einem Umsatzanteil von knapp 2,7 Milliarden US-Dollar ist das Vereinigte Königreich der führende Markt in Europa. Staatliche Maßnahmen zum Aufbau der Ladeinfrastruktur in der gesamten Region tragen zum starken Wachstum dieser Region bei. Darüber hinaus wird der Bau von Ladestationen für Elektrofahrzeuge in der Region durch die Ziele mehrerer anderer europäischer Länder vorangetrieben, die bis zum Jahr 2023 ihre Kohlendioxidemissionen senken und die Nutzung von Elektrofahrzeugen ausweiten wollen. Wie schlagen sich die USA auf dem Weltmarkt? Die USA dominieren das nordamerikanische Batteriemanagementsystem für Kraftfahrzeuge und weisen ein deutliches Wachstum von 22,8 % auf. Laut dem International Council on Clean Transportation lagen die USA bei Elektrofahrzeugen mit über 320.000 verkauften Neuwagen im Jahr 2019 auf Platz 3. Laut der Internationalen Energieagentur waren im Jahr 2020 in den USA mehr als dreimal so viele Elektroautos zugelassen wie im Jahr 2016, als es noch 1,8 Millionen waren. Der American Recovery and Reinvestment Act der USA stellt privaten und öffentlichen Einrichtungen Mittel für die Entwicklung von HEVs zur Verfügung, was das Marktwachstum in naher Zukunft ankurbeln dürfte. Warum ist China die lukrativste Region für die globale Branche der Batteriemanagementsysteme für Kraftfahrzeuge? Chinas Begeisterung für den elektrischen Transport, auch Elektromobilität genannt, ist einzigartig in der Welt. Shenzhen hat alle seine Stadtbusse von Verbrennungsmotoren auf Elektrobusse umgestellt. Außerdem führt das Unternehmen regelmäßig eine große Anzahl von Elektrobussen ein. Staatliche Vorschriften und Richtlinien, die den Einsatz von Elektrofahrzeugen fördern, erhöhen ebenfalls den Marktanteil von Batteriemanagementsystemen für Kraftfahrzeuge. Laut der China Passenger Car Association (CPCA) und dem Finanzministerium plant China im September 2022, die Befreiung von einer 5-prozentigen Kaufsteuer auf Fahrzeuge mit neuer Energie (NEVs) um ein weiteres Jahr bis Ende 2023 zu verlängern, um die Entwicklung des Sektors zu unterstützen und den Verbrauch von Elektrofahrzeugen anzukurbeln. Wachstumstreiber für den Markt für Batteriemanagementsysteme für Kraftfahrzeuge Zu den wichtigsten Akteuren auf dem Markt für Batteriemanagementsysteme für Kraftfahrzeuge gehören Wichtige Segmente im Marktbericht zum Batteriemanagementsystem für Kraftfahrzeuge Nach Fahrzeugtyp: Nach Verbindungstopologie: Nach Vertriebskanal: Nach Region: Authored By: Nikhil Kaitwade (Associate Vice President at Future Market Insights, Inc.) has over a decade of experience in market research and business consulting. He has successfully delivered 1500+ client assignments, predominantly in Automotive, Chemicals, Industrial Equipment, Oil & Gas, and Service industries. His core competency circles around developing research methodology, creating a unique analysis framework, statistical data models for pricing analysis, competition mapping, and market feasibility analysis. His expertise also extends wide and beyond analysis, advising clients on identifying growth potential in established and niche market segments, investment/divestment decisions, and market entry decision-making. Nikhil holds an MBA degree in Marketing and IT and a Graduate in Mechanical Engineering. Nikhil has authored several publications and quoted in journals like EMS Now, EPR Magazine, and EE Times. Have a Look at Related Research Reports of Automotive The global automotive lead acid battery market is expected to attain a valuation of USD 28.24 billion in 2023. The market is projected to reach USD 47 billion by 2033, expected to register a CAGR of 5.2% from 2023 to 2033. The global electric vehicle battery market is set to strengthen its market hold at a promising CAGR of 8.5%, while it is forecast to hold a revenue of USD 21,258.4 million by 2033. The electric vehicle insulation market size is likely to be worth USD 43,795.7 Million by 2033, up from USD 6,145.1 Million in 2023. The global hybrid e-scooter market size is estimated to reach USD 2,718.9 million in 2024. It is anticipated to rise at a CAGR of 3.9% during the assessment period and is projected to attain a value of USD 3,986.1 million by 2034. The Electric Scooter Market value is expected to increase significantly, expanding at a CAGR of 9.1% from 2023 to 2033; sales of electric scooters are predicted to increase from USD 10.4 billion in 2023 to USD 24.8 billion by 2033. The global EV Charging Panelboard Market size reached USD 5.2 billion in 2023. Over the forecast period 2024 to 2034. The global sale of EV charging stations is estimated to be worth USD 26,874.4 million in 2024 and is anticipated to reach a value of USD 143,000.0 million by 2034 After a detailed analysis on the EV charging cable market, FMI recently published a new report on the electric vehicle sensor market . The global electric vehicle motor market is set to strengthen its market hold globally at a promising CAGR of 21% from 2024 to 2034. The global off-road all terrain e-scooter market size is projected to reach USD 1,713.4 million in 2024. It is anticipated to rise at a CAGR of 4.8% during the forecast period and attain a value of USD 2,738.1 million by 2034. About Future Market Insights (FMI) Future Market Insights, Inc. (ESOMAR certified, recipient of the Stevie Award, and a member of the Greater New York Chamber of Commerce) offers profound insights into the driving factors that are boosting demand in the market. FMI stands as the leading global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, consulting, and events for the Packaging, Food and Beverage, Consumer Technology, Healthcare, Industrial, and Chemicals markets. With a vast team of 400 analysts worldwide, FMI provides global, regional, and local expertise on diverse domains and industry trends across more than 110 countries. Join us as we commemorate 10 years of delivering trusted market insights. Reflecting on a decade of achievements, we continue to lead with integrity, innovation, and expertise. Contact Us: Future Market Insights Inc. Christiana Corporate, 200 Continental Drive, Suite 401, Newark, Delaware - 19713, USA T: +1-347-918-3531 For Sales Enquiries: ... Website: LinkedIn | Twitter | Blogs | YouTube MENAFN15122024004107003653ID1108995541 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.None
Washington (CNN) — Senate Republicans on Tuesday blocked an effort by Democrats to pass a bipartisan bill that would give journalists greater protections under federal law – a move that comes in the wake of President-elect Donald Trump opposing the measure. Trump called on Republicans to “kill this bill” in a Truth Social post last month. Known as the PRESS Act, the Protect Reporters from Exploitative State Spying Act would prevent the government from forcing journalists to reveal their sources and limit the seizure of their data without their knowledge. The bill passed the GOP-controlled House earlier this year. After Trump’s reelection, press advocacy groups redoubled their efforts to get the legislation signed into law before the end of President Joe Biden’s term. But the bill’s failure to pass on Tuesday comes as time is fast-running out before the Democratic president leaves office. The bill is unlikely to win 60 votes, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has prioritized confirming judges during the lame-duck session. Government funding and a must-pass defense policy bill will also take up valuable floor time before lawmakers leave town for the winter holiday break. On Tuesday evening, Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon went to the Senate floor and asked for unanimous consent to pass the bill. But GOP Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas objected, blocking the attempt. Any single senator has the power to halt a bill put forward by a unanimous consent request. The Freedom of the Press Foundation said on X that Democrats knew the move would fail and called on the chamber to cut the holiday break short if necessary to try to pass the bill. “Speeches aren’t enough. The senate has had all year to pass this bipartisan bill,” the group said. Schumer spoke in support of the bill on the floor and urged passage, calling the provisions “common sense” and “more important now than ever before when we’ve heard so many in the incoming administration talk about going after the press one way or another.” Cotton argued in remarks on the floor that the bill is a threat to US national security and said its passage would turn the Senate “into the active accomplice of deep-state leakers, traitors and criminals, along with the America-hating and fame-hungry journalists who help them out.” Earlier on Tuesday, the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press used the release of a Justice Department’s inspector general report into leak investigations during Trump’s first term to argue for passage of the act. “This investigation highlights the need for a reasonable, common-sense law to protect reporters and their sources,” the group’s executive director, Bruce D. Brown, said. “It’s time for Congress to pass the PRESS Act, which has overwhelming bipartisan support, to prevent government interference with the free flow of information to the public.” The-CNN-Wire TM & © 2024 Cable News Network, Inc., a Warner Bros. Discovery Company. All rights reserved.