Wall Street's Volatility Sparks Year-End Profit Taking FrenzyI’m not a hoarder. I am a collector and an archivist. There’s a difference. I collect and archive reel-to-reel tapes, cassettes, vinyl. I have a huge collection of books and own many instruments. I need them for my work and have since 1964. Like you, I have a collection of T-shirts with band names and political candidates, slogans and sayings. I have a favorite pair of grey cargo pants that I bought duplicates of. And then, there’s this book bag. Or knapsack, or backpack, whatever the kids are calling theirs now. It’s very ordinary. It’s the same Jansport basic black book bag you see hanging on the hangers in either the side or back aisles at Staples or in the “Back To School” section at Target or TJ Maxx. It has lots of pockets and, at one time, it had wheels. That was when I knew the end might be near. The wheels literally fell off. I would find little chunks of black plastic around the house and wonder “What is this from?” When I finally made the connection, I realized what it meant: my traveling companion was headed down another road. Understand, I am sentimental about many, many things. But, this backpack literally carried my life during two very important stages: one as a teacher, the other as a sound designer. I really feel for kids who have to cart an entire library of school books on their backs every day and wonder if they’ll develop osteoporosis later on in life. Some school districts have switched to iPads, but you can’t dog ear an iPad, or make notes in the margins. You can highlight it, but not with a marker. So many kinesthetic touches vanish with new technology. Anyway, for the last five years of my teaching career, this backpack traveled with me every day. Its contents would change depending on the lessons for that week. Sometimes a book on musical notation, or a photo album of foreign places, sometimes a VHS tape, always my lesson plan book and a bottle of water, plus a three point snack. I carried my lunch in a separate thermal container. It got me through my last three years which were horrible not because of the kids (my last class excluded), but because of the pressure placed on me to resign. That backpack came back when I started to design sound for Seaview Theatre about two years ago. A trusted and already tested companion, I could fit my laptop and all the accompanying wires and adapters into its cavernous folds. Then, I started noticing the missing wheels and all bets were off. I also had to start carrying it or slinging it across my back because i couldn’t wheel it anymore. It’s funny how we hold onto certain things: some things you understand like a musical instrument, a cherished book or a family photo. But, a book bag? A backpack? A whatchamacallit? Why? Convenience. Familiarity. Stinginess. Why buy a new one when the old one works just fine? Until it doesn’t. Joan bought me a new one last December for my birthday/Christmas present. It was more expensive than any other backpack I ever had. It was sleeker, sexier, better insulated. But, it doesn’t have wheels. Which is good, because there’s nothing to fall off, but bad because now, I definitely have to carry it or sling it over my back. Ouch! Call the chiropractor! I’ve had a few trial runs with the new book bag and it seems to do just fine. But, when I placed the older one in a separate garbage bag and put it out for disposal last Monday night, I gave it one last hug and thanked it for its service. And, I suddenly felt a bit relieved. Because, a large part of that book bag’s history had to do with the unhappy final three years of my teaching career. That bag became a symbol for the weight and responsibility I carried to see out my term until I could retire with my pension intact. And now, I was saying goodbye to that memory. And I could breathe again. We hold onto things for a variety of reasons: because they bring joy, because they represent the past or because they are irreplaceable. We hold onto things because the past teaches us how to proceed into the future and as a kind of spiritual mooring to a time when we had more friends to guide us, more mentors to instruct us, more things to learn. RECOMMENDED • silive .com NYPD: Individual sought in connection to alleged robbery at Brooklyn pharmacy Nov. 21, 2024, 10:25 p.m. E. coli in contaminated carrots sicken 5 in New York; 1 dead in U.S. Nov. 17, 2024, 6:00 p.m. It’s not a bad thing to hold onto the past. It’s the reason we love art and food and music from centuries ago. But, it’s also good to, when they have served their purpose, be able to let go and walk away, without remorse or regret. Hang on friends. The best is yet to be. Hold those magnificent grey heads high! Comments may be submitted to “Talk To The Old Guy” on Facebook.Cabinet Spokesman, Chief Government Whip, Minister of Health and Media Dr. Nalinda Jayatissa in an interview with the Sunday Observer outlined the Government’s strategy to ensure a free media culture without any State interference and how the State and private media should play their legitimate roles to fulfill the aspirations of the people as a significant turnaround in the country’s political landscape had taken place following the November 14 general election. Dr. Jayatissa said if the State media acts with responsibility in accordance with the accepted norms, only then we could set an example to the private media. In future, the media culture of allocating more time for Government politicians to bolster their image or giving instructions to change the headlines of State-owned newspapers will be a thing of the past. Excerpts of the interview Q: What are your thoughts on getting a very important ministry such as the media and also becoming the Cabinet Spokesman? A: If these State media institutions are separated from one another, I hope to work under an integrated plan. If the Media Ministry is a separate institution, it looks like the mouthpiece of the Government and the Department of Government Information is an integral part of it. However, what has happened in the recent past was that the President’s media Division, the Prime Minister’s Media Division and other ministries had acted to expand their scope, undermining the role of the Media Ministry and the Information Department. Our intention is to uplift the Government’s legitimate role to be played by the Information Department and the Media Ministry. After the November 14 general election, the country’s political landscape has changed completely as the people had voted for the NPP. Therefore, the media should also identify the hopes and aspirations of the people. Instead of adopting the hackneyed media strategy, we hope in the future, all State and private media institutions and social media will follow a moderate media strategy to suit the present day needs and fulfill the people’s aspirations. The role of the Media Ministry is to facilitate this process. The Ministry will help enhance training and education programs for journalists and create a conducive environment for them to express their views forthrightly independently. We hope to safeguard the role of journalists and take it to greater heights. In future, we will take every possible measure to fulfill these objectives. The freedom of expression of the people became paramount when the country was brought into this level. Therefore, we would take steps to give a formal outlook to it. Q: During the recent past the State media was subjected to huge pressure from the Governments in power and some Media Ministers arbitrarily abused State media to bolster their image. What is the new NPP Government’s stance on the State media? A: State media institutions will not be used whatsoever to project the image of the Media Minister or any other Minister. State media institutions have a responsibility to educate the public on the Government’s initiatives. If the State media acts with responsibility in accordance with the accepted norms, only then we could set an example to the private media. In future, the media culture of allocating more time for Government politicians to promote their image or giving instructions to change the headlines of State-owned newspapers will not happen. It is more appropriate to call it the people’s media rather than calling it the State media as a people’s Government has been elected. Q: What steps will you take to ensure media freedom? A: Definitely, media freedom should be safeguarded. The Government will fully safeguard the freedom of expression of media personnel. We will further strengthen the Right to Information Act and the Government will provide the requisite facilities to those institutions. We will educate the people regarding their right to information starting from schoolchildren. Our prime responsibility is to ensure the right to information of the people and turn it as a part of their lives. Similarly, we will not only concern ourselves with safeguarding the lives of journalists but also ensure the professional safety of both staff journalists and provincial journalists. Some provincial journalists, especially have become henchmen of politicians as they don’t get an adequate salary to lead a decent life. We have laid emphasis on this issue as well. We believe a journalist should live in the society in a dignified manner. When he becomes a henchman of a particular Minister, he is not in a position to fulfill the role of a journalist properly. We would help the journalists to perform their duties with social responsibility. Q: The previous Government passed some restrictive legislation that could impact the media such as the Online Safety Act which the NPP opposed tooth and nail in Parliament. Will you review such laws or abolish them? A: The Government doesn’t intend to regulate social media. However, we believe those who use social media will act responsibly realising the prevailing situation in the country. It was also the majority of the social media activists and users who contributed to elect this people’s Government to power. There is a very small percentage of people who attempt to obstruct the forward march of the Government. Perhaps they may be connected to various political groups. The outcome of the election result symbolised national unity. There are certain elements who still attempt to create disharmony and religious issues among communities based on various incidents. If the people act properly realising their social role, the Government won’t have to regulate social media. We hope social media would appear for a common social perspective. Q: Investigations into attacks on many journalists have not been probed. Will you revive these probes and take action against those responsible? A: We have already commenced investigations relating to all those incidents. We have handed over those investigations to the CID and appointed competent officers to those top positions. We have also sought the assistance of former SSP Shani Abeysekara who conducted those investigations. We would conduct these investigations in a formal manner and hand them over to the Attorney General’s Department to file legal action. However, we will need sufficient time when these cases are investigated and resort to legal action so that nobody could escape from these cases. Q: Journalism is still not recognised as a profession in Sri Lanka. What are your plans to enhance training and education programs for journalists and give them their professional status? A: As the Media Minister, I hope to discuss with all media organisations. Our future program regarding media will be formulated based on their suggestions and ideas. Otherwise, we have no intention to merely introduce our own program. We will enhance the professional skills of journalists engaged in the field as well as newcomers who are keen to enter the media industry. Q: What are the steps you will take to ensure media freedom? A: We will ensure media freedom at the highest possible level. We will also ensure the freedom of journalists as well. Journalists can discuss any issue with us as they all know us. Q: What are your plans to address the key issues in the health sector? A: Our intention is to transform the health sector into a public service. We should also keep in mind that health is teamwork of all those who have connected to it. We would make the people’s access to health into a fundamental right in the next Constitution to be introduced. At that time, the Government will ensure the people’s access to health. This is what we are doing right now. While we rectify the shortcomings of the hospital network, we hope to empower the primary health services. For example, a primary health centre will be set up for a group of 5,000 selected number of people or covering three Grama Niladhari divisions. These health centres will conduct basic medical tests of the people who are currently receiving treatment from outpatient departments and clinics. If they need any further medical tests or treatment, they will be referred to the tertiary level hospitals. Then we can ease the congestion in Government hospitals and turn them into a healthier environment to treat patients who are physically and mentally ill. Hundreds of thousands of people visit outpatient departments in hospitals per year. There is no use of increasing the the number of wards in Government hospitals to avoid this. We should bring the health service to the village level and turn it to a public service. We should continuously supply quality drugs to the people. We will take steps to rectify the administrative shortcomings in the National Medicine Regulatory Authority (NMRA), Medical Supplies Division and Pharmaceutical Corporation by making relevant appointments to those institutions. During our tenure in office, we hope to set up a sophisticated fully-fledged laboratory to test the quality of drugs and equipment. It would pave the way to restrict imports of substandard drugs and low-quality equipment. In future, we also hope to reduce the prices of drugs of those who receive treatment from the private sector by a considerable amount. Q: The people’s trust in the country’s free health system has declined. What action can be taken to restore the people’s confidence in the free health sector? A: This trust was lost due to an issue of political authority, not because of the staff of the health sector. Comparatively, we could become one of the praiseworthy health services in Asia due to the sacrifices by Health Ministry Secretaries, specialist doctors up to lower level health workers on various occasions. The trust in the health system has declined due to certain decisions taken by the higher-level political authority and we will rectify it. There will be no room for such incidents in the country again. On earlier occasions too, substandard drugs had been imported. However, substandard human immunoglobulin fraud occurred mainly due to the involvement of the then Health Minister and the pressure he exerted on the Health Ministry officials. Steps will be taken to restore the people’s confidence in the free health sector, drugs, vaccines and treatment given by Government hospitals within a very short period. Q: Some say the lack of a vibrant Opposition is not healthy for democracy. Do you think a vibrant Opposition is vital for democracy? A: Whether there is a strong Opposition or not, it won’t be so important for a stable Government like us. Amidst various rumours and disinformation campaigns carried out by the Opposition, the people have placed their utmost confidence in this Government. The people at the recently concluded general election have given more votes to the NPP rather than President Anura Kumara Dissanayake by taking into consideration his six weeks tenure in office. According to the General Election results, the gap between the NPP and the SJB is nearly five million votes. I don’t think Sajith Premadasa could play the role of the Opposition in Parliament in the future. Before the election, they stressed the need to send experienced people to Parliament. Now those experienced people are fighting with one another for the single National List MP post that they had secured. Some people got elected to Parliament from the National List by using their political affiliations. However, we don’t bother about their internal party matters. We would also like it if somebody comes to Parliament and makes some constructive criticism. Q: The general election result was a clear testimony that dividing people based on ethnic lines is no longer valid and that the people in the North, East and upcountry areas had largely voted for the NPP. How do you view this significant political transformation that took place in the country? A: This transformation started two and a half years ago. It was the people’s struggle which opened avenues to drive away corrupt politicians. As we were not able to call an early Parliamentary election at that time, we had to continue this struggle up to now. When the people got the first opportunity at the Presidential election, they brought the positive result. Even some misconceptions the people had were done away during the general election and the people gave a resounding mandate of two-thirds majority to the NPP. The issue was that our activities were rather less in the North and upcountry areas compared to the South. We are a political party of the country. We will make every possible effort that we could to improve those areas as well. After 2009, our partymen worked continuously in those areas. Otherwise, we would not have secured victory in those areas. The people in the North and upcountry areas closely monitored us. The massive transformation that took place in the country was a stimulant for them to vote for us. The Tamil and Muslim community and upcountry Tamil community for the first time had placed their confidence in a single political party in the country. The people in the North, East and upcountry areas as well as the Muslim community had voted for the NPP without looking at whether our candidates were Sinhala, Tamil or Muslims. They voted for the NPP candidate who represented their area. We would also consider all those who voted for us as Sri Lankan citizens without considering their ethnicity. When the Cabinet of Ministers was appointed, we didn’t consider the ethnicity or religion of our elected MPs. The ministerial portfolios were given only to those who are capable of handling that particular subject. Q: The outcome of the election result showed how to respect political opponents without resorting to any violent incident whatsoever. How do you view this new political culture created soon after the General Election? A: Even though we didn’t ask, people voted for us and gave us a two-thirds majority in Parliament. During our election campaign, we never spoke about two-thirds majority and we only called upon the people to give us power to form a stable Government. Moreover, we didn’t resort to any action to hoodwink the people to get such a majority power. In 2020, Gotabaya Rajapaksa achieved that victory after the 2019 Easter Sunday attacks. In 2010, Mahinda Rajapaksa secured victory in gratitude extended by the people to him for ending the war. However, this is a significant victory achieved by the NPP, by telling the truth to the people. That is why the attempts made by the Opposition to capture power resorting to various false propaganda campaigns failed. At present, setbacks, internal conflicts and theweakness in the Opposition leadership had emerged due to their false and misleading politics that they practice. Q: As the Chief Government Whip how do you plan to perform your duties in Parliament with a large number of newly elected MPs? A: There are 143 newly elected MPs but they are not new to politics. They have not entered politics due to their family background or wealth. They have engaged in politics for a long time. Their age may be different from one another but they have political experience. Most of them have the political experience of representing local government institutions. Therefore, it won’t be difficult to handle this group of newly elected MPs. None of them had entered Parliament based on their personal objectives and they collectively campaigned and talked about our policy to the people and were elected to Parliament to take the country forward.
Christmas stories with brands: a barrative taking over social media. We see this trend in the case of a woman who shared her experience of taking the “most Christmassy Uber,” where the driver surprised her with a letter—although many called it “creepy.” According to data from Statista, the mobility app sector reached a historic high in 2023 with $133 billion in revenue. Forecasts indicate that this figure will grow even further, approaching $216 billion by 2028. Uber holds a 25 percent market share, making it the global leader in ride-hailing and taxi services. Lyft, the California-based company, comes in second, albeit far behind, with an 8 percent share. Uber operates in over 70 countries, whereas Lyft is limited to the United States and Canada. A woman shared one of the strangest experiences she had while taking an Uber. She initially thought her Christmas-themed driver was adorable, but things took a turn when he handed her a “creepy” note. The story began after Nama Winston, a mother, went out for dinner on a Friday night and called an Uber to get home safely. However, she couldn’t have predicted what was about to happen. “The Uber that arrived looked like Christmas had exploded all over it. It was incredibly festive,” she said. “I asked the driver if he had kids, and he told me he simply loves Christmas. Being polite and curious, I asked if he was celebrating Christmas with his family this year. He mentioned that his family was in Brazil, so he and his friends would spend Christmas together.” Aside from the decorations—which included colorful lights, Santa hats, and garlands—everything seemed normal. When the ride ended, Nama said she was about to get out of the car when the driver handed her one last surprise. “While driving, I noticed him fiddling with something in the driver’s seat,” she said. “Watching closely, I felt relieved when we arrived at my destination. ‘Merry Christmas,’ he said.” “I noticed it was sealed with a small Christmas sticker. It was also addressed directly to me. ‘How creepy!’ I thought.” Though a little weirded out, Nama said she thanked the driver for the sweet gesture and wished him happy holidays before exiting the car. She rushed upstairs to show her teenage son so they could open the envelope together. Inside, there was a card, a Christmas chocolate, and a candy cane. The card, addressed to Nama, included a simple message: “Thank you for being a valued passenger. I’m glad I was able to get you safely to your destination. “Your trust and kindness make my job a pleasure! Wishing you happiness, health, and love always!” Although Nama’s name was handwritten, the message appeared to be pre-stamped. When she showed it to her son, opinions were divided. “At first, I thought it was a little promotion for him as a driver, but in reality, his message was so sincere that it seemed genuinely heartfelt,” she said. “My son wasn’t as impressed and called it ‘creepy.’ “Yes, I found it a bit too familiar and felt odd about it. But it also made me reflect on how cynical I’ve become, thanks to social media, where acts of kindness are often questioned.” Her friends had mixed reactions too: one agreed the gesture was “creepy” and warned against eating the treats, while another joked, “This could be your next chance at love.” This isn’t the first time an Uber ride story has gone viral. In another instance, a Mexican passenger shared how the driver played Mexican music during an international trip, turning a routine ride into a memorable experience. Cancela en cualquier momento Acceso exclusivo a rankings y radiografías. Análisis profundos y casos de estudio de éxito. Historial de la revista impresa en formato digital. ¡Disfruta de lo mejor del marketing sin costo alguno por unmes!AP Trending SummaryBrief at 6:06 p.m. ESTTrump vows to pursue executions after Biden commutes most of federal death row
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Duvet know it's Christmas? From cozying up near the washing machine to spooning below a human-shaped punching bag - Brits share their temporary sleeping arrangements ahead of family festivitiesBarclays PLC grew its position in shares of Core Laboratories Inc. ( NYSE:CLB – Free Report ) by 288.2% in the third quarter, according to its most recent 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The institutional investor owned 83,570 shares of the oil and gas company’s stock after purchasing an additional 62,042 shares during the period. Barclays PLC owned approximately 0.18% of Core Laboratories worth $1,549,000 at the end of the most recent quarter. Several other institutional investors have also recently made changes to their positions in CLB. Disciplined Growth Investors Inc. MN increased its position in shares of Core Laboratories by 446.8% in the second quarter. Disciplined Growth Investors Inc. MN now owns 4,460,720 shares of the oil and gas company’s stock worth $90,508,000 after purchasing an additional 3,644,963 shares during the last quarter. Earnest Partners LLC grew its stake in Core Laboratories by 6.3% in the 2nd quarter. Earnest Partners LLC now owns 3,286,438 shares of the oil and gas company’s stock worth $66,682,000 after buying an additional 195,756 shares in the last quarter. Eagle Asset Management Inc. bought a new position in shares of Core Laboratories in the 3rd quarter worth $3,531,000. Fisher Asset Management LLC raised its position in shares of Core Laboratories by 19.5% during the 3rd quarter. Fisher Asset Management LLC now owns 990,267 shares of the oil and gas company’s stock valued at $18,350,000 after buying an additional 161,278 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Royce & Associates LP lifted its holdings in shares of Core Laboratories by 9.0% during the 3rd quarter. Royce & Associates LP now owns 1,021,121 shares of the oil and gas company’s stock worth $18,921,000 after acquiring an additional 84,022 shares during the last quarter. Institutional investors own 97.81% of the company’s stock. Analyst Upgrades and Downgrades Several equities analysts have recently commented on the company. Citigroup reduced their price objective on Core Laboratories from $15.00 to $14.00 and set a “sell” rating on the stock in a research report on Thursday, October 31st. StockNews.com raised Core Laboratories from a “sell” rating to a “hold” rating in a research note on Thursday, November 7th. Two equities research analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating and three have assigned a hold rating to the stock. Based on data from MarketBeat.com, the stock has a consensus rating of “Hold” and an average price target of $17.00. Core Laboratories Trading Down 1.9 % Shares of CLB opened at $16.74 on Friday. Core Laboratories Inc. has a 1-year low of $13.82 and a 1-year high of $25.13. The company has a current ratio of 2.48, a quick ratio of 1.79 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.55. The firm’s 50-day moving average price is $19.41 and its 200-day moving average price is $19.63. The firm has a market capitalization of $785.94 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of 25.75, a PEG ratio of 1.36 and a beta of 2.35. Core Laboratories ( NYSE:CLB – Get Free Report ) last posted its quarterly earnings data on Wednesday, October 23rd. The oil and gas company reported $0.25 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $0.21 by $0.04. Core Laboratories had a return on equity of 15.84% and a net margin of 5.83%. The business had revenue of $134.40 million for the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of $134.16 million. During the same period in the previous year, the firm posted $0.22 EPS. The business’s revenue was up 7.2% on a year-over-year basis. Sell-side analysts anticipate that Core Laboratories Inc. will post 0.8 EPS for the current year. Core Laboratories Announces Dividend The company also recently disclosed a quarterly dividend, which was paid on Monday, November 25th. Shareholders of record on Monday, November 4th were issued a $0.01 dividend. The ex-dividend date of this dividend was Monday, November 4th. This represents a $0.04 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 0.24%. Core Laboratories’s dividend payout ratio (DPR) is 6.15%. Core Laboratories Company Profile ( Free Report ) Core Laboratories Inc provides reservoir description and production enhancement services and products to the oil and gas industry in the United States, and internationally. It operates through Reservoir Description and Production Enhancement segments. The Reservoir Description segment includes the characterization of petroleum reservoir rock and reservoir fluid samples to enhance production and improve recovery of crude oil and gas from its clients' reservoirs. Further Reading Five stocks we like better than Core Laboratories Transportation Stocks Investing Buffett Takes the Bait; Berkshire Buys More Oxy in December What is a buyback in stocks? A comprehensive guide for investors Top 3 ETFs to Hedge Against Inflation in 2025 How to Invest in Small Cap Stocks These 3 Chip Stock Kings Are Still Buys for 2025 Want to see what other hedge funds are holding CLB? Visit HoldingsChannel.com to get the latest 13F filings and insider trades for Core Laboratories Inc. ( NYSE:CLB – Free Report ). Receive News & Ratings for Core Laboratories Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Core Laboratories and related companies with MarketBeat.com's FREE daily email newsletter .Who owns the Panama Canal and what does Donald Trump want with it?
AP News Summary at 6:07 p.m. ESTHarte Hanks director Bradley Radoff acquires $241,551 in stock
Pope Francis kicks off a yearlong Jubilee that will test his stamina and Rome's patience VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis has opened the great Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica. The ceremony kicks off the 2025 Holy Year. It's a celebration of the Catholic Church that is expected to draw some 32 million pilgrims to Rome. And it will test the pope’s stamina and the ability of the Eternal City to welcome them. This begins the Christmas Eve Mass. The ceremony inaugurates the once-every-25-year tradition of a Jubilee. Francis has dedicated the 2025 Jubilee to the theme of hope. Bethlehem marks a second subdued Christmas Eve during the war in Gaza BETHLEHEM, West Bank (AP) — Bethlehem is marking another somber Christmas Eve under the shadow of war in Gaza. Manger Square lacked its usual festive lights and crowds of tourists on Tuesday. Instead, the area outside the Nativity Church was quiet. The church was built atop the spot where Jesus is believed to have been born. The war, the violence in the occupied West Bank it has spurred and the lack of festivities has deeply hurt Bethlehem's economy. The town relies heavily on Christmas tourism. The economy in the West Bank was already reeling because of restrictions placed on laborers preventing them from entering Israel during the war. Heavy travel day starts with brief grounding of all American Airlines flights WASHINGTON (AP) — American Airlines briefly grounded flights nationwide due to a technical problem just as the Christmas travel season kicked into overdrive and winter weather threatened more potential problems for those planning to fly or drive. Government regulators cleared American flights to get airborne Tuesday about one hour after the Federal Aviation Administration ordered a national ground stop, which prevented planes from taking off. American said in an email that the problem was caused by an issue with a vendor technology that maintains its flight operating system. Aviation analytics company Cirium said flights were delayed across American’s major hubs, with only 37% leaving on time. Nineteen flights were cancelled. Middle East latest: Israeli raid and airstrikes in West Bank kill at least 8 Palestinians The Palestinian Health Ministry says at least eight people were killed by Israeli military operations in the northern West Bank. The ministry said three of the dead were killed by Israeli airstrikes. The attacks took place around the city of Tulkarem and nearby refugee camps. The Israeli military said it opened fire after militants attacked soldiers, and it was aware of some uninvolved civilians who were harmed in the raid. Elsewhere in the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian city of Bethlehem was marking a somber Christmas Eve under the shadow of the war in Gaza. Most festivities were cancelled and crowds of tourists were absent. 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(AP) — Jake Bates was standing on the turf in his hometown of Houston when asked to reflect on an unlikely journey from learning how to sell bricks to making game-winning kicks for the Detroit Lions. Bates used his platform as an NFL player to spread his love of Jesus. A month later, Bates told The Associated Press it is a duty to share his faith. The NFL is filled with players and coaches who feel the same way, such as Houston's C.J. Stroud, Atlanta's Kirk Cousins, and Lamar Jackson and John Harbaugh of the Baltimore Ravens. Major storm pounds California's central coast, blamed for man's death and partially collapsing pier SANTA CRUZ, Calif. (AP) — A major storm has pounded California’s central coast bringing flooding and high surf that was blamed for fatally trapping a man beneath debris on a beach and later partially collapsing a pier, tossing three people into the Pacific Ocean. The storm was expected to bring hurricane-force winds and waves up to 60 feet Monday as it gained strength from California to the Pacific Northwest. Some California cities have ordered beachfront homes and hotels to evacuate early Monday afternoon. Forecasters have warned that storm swells would continue to increase throughout the day. 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The suspect, identified by police as Sebastian Zapeta, was arraigned in Brooklyn criminal court on Tuesday. He faces murder charges that could put him in prison for life. Federal immigration officials say 33-year-old Zapeta is a Guatemalan citizen who entered the U.S. illegally after being deported in 2018. The apparently random attack occurred Sunday morning on a stationary F train at the Coney Island station in Brooklyn. Amsterdam court sentences 5 men over violence linked to Ajax-Maccabi soccer game THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — An Amsterdam District Court has issued sentences of up to six months in jail against 5 men who were involved in violent disorder after a soccer match between the Dutch club Ajax and Israel’s Maccabi Tel Aviv in November. The riots caused an international outcry and accusations of deliberate anti-Semitic attacks. The violence following a UEFA Europa League match left 5 people in hospital. More than 60 suspects were detained. The court on Tuesday sentenced one man to 6 months in prison, another to 2 1/2 months, two to 1 month and one to 100 hours of community service.WISE, Va., Nov. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Wrap Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: WRAP) (“Wrap” or the “Company”), a global leader in public safety solutions, announced today the relocation of its manufacturing and distribution facility to Virginia, citing Virginia's strategic location and commitment to invest in public safety innovation as key factors in its decision. This move underscores Wrap's commitment to delivering comprehensive tools and training for law enforcement. It also highlights Wrap's dedication to expanding “Made-in-America” partnerships with state and federal policymakers across the United States, with the goal to drive nationwide adoption of its solutions. “This facility is a major step forward in our mission to equip every officer with cutting-edge tools and training that prioritize the safety of both officers and the communities they serve,” said Scot Cohen, Chief Executive Officer of Wrap. “We also believe that critical infrastructure in the United States needs to be made in the United States to promote security and reliability for our public safety partners. Virginia provides an ideal location and environment to advance this mission.” Wrap’s new state-of-the-art 20,000-square-foot facility is the cornerstone of its next-generation strategy for end-to-end public safety solutions , with a dedicated professional services division at its core. This division will focus on training, talent development, and customer support to promote seamless integration, large-scale implementation, and ongoing service excellence for law enforcement agencies nationwide. Strategically located in an emerging global hub for law enforcement talent and expertise, the facility will centralize the production of the BolaWrap®, the first major innovation on the police tool belt in over 30 years, and Wrap RealityTM, an immersive virtual reality training platform that integrates the latest in de-escalation tactics, defensive techniques, and evidence-based law enforcement practices. It will also house advanced research and development (R&D) zones dedicated to creating cutting-edge solutions in augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and integrated public safety devices, reflecting Wrap’s commitment to driving innovation in policing technology. This initiative is supported by Governor Youngkin and the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) as part of a $4.1 million project and underscores the region’s emerging status as a global hub for law enforcement expertise. With over 40 partner agencies in Virginia, including the Virginia Department of Corrections, Fairfax County Police Department, Richmond Police Department, and Virginia Commonwealth University, this initiative allows Wrap to leverage the region’s talent pool and professional services capabilities to enhance public safety outcomes while adding over 120 new jobs to the state and local economy. Expanding Leadership in Public Safety Solutions The new facility marks a pivotal expansion for Wrap as the Company positions itself to be the leading “Made-in-America” supplier for public safety. Wrap is committed to offering end-to-end solutions that include evidence-based tools, hardware, software, cameras, and training programs to meet the evolving needs of law enforcement. “Virginia’s support for public safety innovation aligns perfectly with Wrap’s vision of creating safer communities,” Mr. Cohen continued. “Our enhanced training curriculum focuses on de-escalation tactics, which is supported by evidence-based practices, and enables officers to be better prepared for real-world challenges.” About Wrap Wrap Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq: WRAP) is a leading global provider of advanced public safety solutions, integrating ultramodern technology, cutting-edge tools, and comprehensive services to address the complex, modern day challenges facing public safety organizations around the world. Guided by a no-harm principle, Wrap is dedicated to developing groundbreaking solutions that empower public safety agencies to safeguard the communities they serve in a manner that fosters stronger relationships, driving safer outcomes, empowering public safety and communities to move forward together. Wrap’s BolaWrap ® solution encompasses an innovative and patented hand-held remote restraint device, strategically engineered with Wrap’s no-harm guiding principle to proactively deter escalation by deploying a Kevlar ® tether that safely restrains individuals from a distance. Combined with BolaWrap ® training, certified by the esteemed International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training (IADLEST), Wrap enables officers from over 1000 agencies across the U.S. and 60 countries around the world, with the expertise to effectively use BolaWrap ® as an early intervention measure, mitigating potential risks and injuries, averting tragic outcomes, with the goal to save lives with each wrap. Wrap RealityTM, the Company’s advanced virtual reality training system, is a fully immersive training simulator and comprehensive public safety training platform that equips first responders with the discipline and practice to prevent escalation, de-escalate conflicts, and apply appropriate tactical use-of-force measures to better perform in the field. By offering a growing range of real-life scenarios, Wrap RealityTM addresses the dynamic nature of modern law enforcement situations for positive public safety outcomes, building safer communities one decision at a time. Wrap’s Intrensic solution is a comprehensive, secure and efficient body worn camera and evidence collection and management solution designed with innovative technology to quickly capture, safely handle, securely store, and seamlessly track evidence, all while maintaining full transparency throughout the process. With meticulous consolidation and professional management of evidence, confidence in law enforcement and the justice system soars, fostering trust and reliability in court outcomes. Intrensic’s efficient system streamlines the entire process seamlessly, empowering all public safety providers to focus on what matters, expediting justice with integrity. Connect with Wrap: Wrap on Facebook Wrap on Twitter Wrap on LinkedIn Trademark Information Wrap, the Wrap logo, BolaWrap ® , Wrap RealityTM and Wrap Training Academy are trademarks of Wrap Technologies, Inc., some of which are registered in the U.S. and abroad. All other trade names used herein are either trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective holders. Cautionary Note on Forward-Looking Statements – Safe Harbor Statement This release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as “expect,” “anticipate,” “should”, “believe”, “target”, “project”, “goals”, “estimate”, “potential”, “predict”, “may”, “will”, “could”, “intend”, and variations of these terms or the negative of these terms and similar expressions are intended to identify these forward-looking statements. Moreover, forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which involve factors or circumstances that are beyond the Company’s control. The Company’s actual results could differ materially from those stated or implied in forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including but not limited to: the Company’s ability to maintain compliance with the Nasdaq Capital Market’s listing standards; the Company’s ability to successfully implement training programs for the use of its products; the Company’s ability to manufacture and produce products for its customers; the Company’s ability to develop sales for its products; the market acceptance of existing and future products; the availability of funding to continue to finance operations; the complexity, expense and time associated with sales to law enforcement and government entities; the lengthy evaluation and sales cycle for the Company’s product solutions; product defects; litigation risks from alleged product-related injuries; risks of government regulations; the business impact of health crises or outbreaks of disease, such as epidemics or pandemics; the impact resulting from geopolitical conflicts and any resulting sanctions; the ability to obtain export licenses for counties outside of the United States; the ability to obtain patents and defend intellectual property against competitors; the impact of competitive products and solutions; and the Company’s ability to maintain and enhance its brand, as well as other risk factors mentioned in the Company’s most recent annual report on Form 10-K, subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, and other Securities and Exchange Commission filings. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this release and were based on current expectations, estimates, forecasts, and projections as well as the beliefs and assumptions of management. Except as required by law, the Company undertakes no duty or obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this release as a result of new information, future events or changes in its expectations. Investor Relations Contact: 800.583.2652 ir@wrap.comA flight attendant has been branded "heartless" after allegedly sharing an admission over Liam Payne's body. A member of cabin crew for British Airways , the national flag carrier of Britain is said to have been working the flight which saw Liam's body repatriated from Buenos Aires. The late 31-year tragically fell to his death from the balcony of his third floor hotel room in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on October 16 The star died after suffering multiple traumas leading to an "internal and external haemorrhage". But reports claim that the indvividual breached strict British Airways guidelines by sharing information about the passengers onboard the flight which left the Argentinian capital on November 6. The flight attendant is said to have told her online followers that Liam's body was also onboard after it was released by officials in the Latin American country. "Just been told we're carrying a coffin with us today," they reportedly told her online followers. They are said to have added: "To then find out it's Liam Payne's body and his family are on our flight too, heart-breaking." A source told The Sun that the individual has since been suspended from her duties with the national airline. They claimed: "This stewardess cares more for her online social media following than her job. She has been brought to the attention of bosses due to previous posts. It is a serious data breach, not to mention a callous and heartless move to tell the world of Liam's final journey for the good of her online following." A spokesperson for the airline told the Mirror : "We are investigating this matter so it would be inappropriate to comment further." Wolverhampton-born Liam was laid to rest earlier this week, close to where he once lived in Buckinghamshire. His devastated parents, Karen and Geoff were joined by his sisters Ruth and Nicola, as well as his former girlfriend and mother of his young son, Cheryl Tweedy. Sources claimed that while everybody inside the stunning church in Amersham, Buckinghamshire, were remembering his kind gestures and loveable personality, they felt an "unfathomable loss". Following the funeral, an onlooker told the Mirror : "Liam's former One Direction bandmates stood shoulder to shoulder, their grief clear, as they exchanged quiet words and comforting embraces. Simon Cowell , his face still etched with sorrow, was seen consoling Liam's friends and family, offering no doubt heartfelt words amid the shared pain." Liam's family went to great lengths to ensure the service and arrangements were the perfect tribute to the singer. The service cleverly integrated special touches to honour Liam, alongside the more classic flower displays and candles. One such personal item on display to mourners as they entered the Buckinghamshire church was a floral display showing a series of bowling pins being hit by a ball, arranged out of fresh flowers. The piece lovingly calls back to Liam's famous love of bowling, which spent his 31st birthday doing with his family on the 29th August this year. Many cars bringing guests to the church had Batman stickers on the front windshields, showing the logo of a black bat against a white background. Liam's love of Batman was well-documented, with some fans even saying he was "obsessed" with the mysterious superhero. 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Barclays PLC grew its position in shares of Core Laboratories Inc. ( NYSE:CLB – Free Report ) by 288.2% in the third quarter, according to its most recent 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The institutional investor owned 83,570 shares of the oil and gas company’s stock after purchasing an additional 62,042 shares during the period. Barclays PLC owned approximately 0.18% of Core Laboratories worth $1,549,000 at the end of the most recent quarter. Several other institutional investors have also recently made changes to their positions in CLB. Disciplined Growth Investors Inc. MN increased its position in shares of Core Laboratories by 446.8% in the second quarter. Disciplined Growth Investors Inc. MN now owns 4,460,720 shares of the oil and gas company’s stock worth $90,508,000 after purchasing an additional 3,644,963 shares during the last quarter. Earnest Partners LLC grew its stake in Core Laboratories by 6.3% in the 2nd quarter. Earnest Partners LLC now owns 3,286,438 shares of the oil and gas company’s stock worth $66,682,000 after buying an additional 195,756 shares in the last quarter. Eagle Asset Management Inc. bought a new position in shares of Core Laboratories in the 3rd quarter worth $3,531,000. Fisher Asset Management LLC raised its position in shares of Core Laboratories by 19.5% during the 3rd quarter. Fisher Asset Management LLC now owns 990,267 shares of the oil and gas company’s stock valued at $18,350,000 after buying an additional 161,278 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Royce & Associates LP lifted its holdings in shares of Core Laboratories by 9.0% during the 3rd quarter. Royce & Associates LP now owns 1,021,121 shares of the oil and gas company’s stock worth $18,921,000 after acquiring an additional 84,022 shares during the last quarter. Institutional investors own 97.81% of the company’s stock. Analyst Upgrades and Downgrades Several equities analysts have recently commented on the company. Citigroup reduced their price objective on Core Laboratories from $15.00 to $14.00 and set a “sell” rating on the stock in a research report on Thursday, October 31st. StockNews.com raised Core Laboratories from a “sell” rating to a “hold” rating in a research note on Thursday, November 7th. Two equities research analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating and three have assigned a hold rating to the stock. Based on data from MarketBeat.com, the stock has a consensus rating of “Hold” and an average price target of $17.00. Core Laboratories Trading Down 1.9 % Shares of CLB opened at $16.74 on Friday. Core Laboratories Inc. has a 1-year low of $13.82 and a 1-year high of $25.13. The company has a current ratio of 2.48, a quick ratio of 1.79 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.55. The firm’s 50-day moving average price is $19.41 and its 200-day moving average price is $19.63. The firm has a market capitalization of $785.94 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of 25.75, a PEG ratio of 1.36 and a beta of 2.35. Core Laboratories ( NYSE:CLB – Get Free Report ) last posted its quarterly earnings data on Wednesday, October 23rd. The oil and gas company reported $0.25 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $0.21 by $0.04. Core Laboratories had a return on equity of 15.84% and a net margin of 5.83%. The business had revenue of $134.40 million for the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of $134.16 million. During the same period in the previous year, the firm posted $0.22 EPS. The business’s revenue was up 7.2% on a year-over-year basis. Sell-side analysts anticipate that Core Laboratories Inc. will post 0.8 EPS for the current year. Core Laboratories Announces Dividend The company also recently disclosed a quarterly dividend, which was paid on Monday, November 25th. Shareholders of record on Monday, November 4th were issued a $0.01 dividend. The ex-dividend date of this dividend was Monday, November 4th. This represents a $0.04 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 0.24%. Core Laboratories’s dividend payout ratio (DPR) is 6.15%. Core Laboratories Company Profile ( Free Report ) Core Laboratories Inc provides reservoir description and production enhancement services and products to the oil and gas industry in the United States, and internationally. It operates through Reservoir Description and Production Enhancement segments. The Reservoir Description segment includes the characterization of petroleum reservoir rock and reservoir fluid samples to enhance production and improve recovery of crude oil and gas from its clients' reservoirs. Further Reading Five stocks we like better than Core Laboratories Transportation Stocks Investing Buffett Takes the Bait; Berkshire Buys More Oxy in December What is a buyback in stocks? A comprehensive guide for investors Top 3 ETFs to Hedge Against Inflation in 2025 How to Invest in Small Cap Stocks These 3 Chip Stock Kings Are Still Buys for 2025 Want to see what other hedge funds are holding CLB? Visit HoldingsChannel.com to get the latest 13F filings and insider trades for Core Laboratories Inc. ( NYSE:CLB – Free Report ). Receive News & Ratings for Core Laboratories Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Core Laboratories and related companies with MarketBeat.com's FREE daily email newsletter .
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The House shut down Democrats' efforts Thursday to release the long-awaited ethics report into former Rep. Matt Gaetz, pushing the fate of any resolution to the yearslong investigation of sexual misconduct allegations into further uncertainty. Related video above: Matt Gaetz withdraws attorney general nomination The nearly party-line votes came after Democrats had been pressing for the findings to be published even though the Florida Republican left Congress and withdrew as President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for attorney general. Republicans have argued that any congressional probe into Gaetz ended when he resigned from the House. Speaker Mike Johnson also requested that the committee not publish its report, saying it would be a terrible precedent to set. While ethics reports have previously been released after a member’s resignation, it is extremely rare. Shortly before the votes took place, Rep. Sean Casten, D-Ill., who introduced one of the bills to force the release, said that if Republicans reject the release, they will have “succeeded in sweeping credible allegations of sexual misconduct under the rug.” Gaetz has repeatedly denied the claims. Earlier Thursday, the Ethics panel met to discuss the Gaetz report but made no decision, saying in a short statement that the matter is still being discussed. It's unclear now whether the document will ever see the light of day as lawmakers only have a few weeks left before a new session of Congress begins. It's the culmination of weeks of pressure on the Ethics committee's five Republicans and five Democrats who mostly work in secret as they investigate allegations of misconduct against lawmakers. The status of the Gaetz investigation became an open question last month when he abruptly resigned from Congress after Trump's announcement that he wanted his ally in the Cabinet. It is standard practice for the committee to end investigations when members of Congress depart, but the circumstances surrounding Gaetz were unusual, given his potential role in the new administration. Rep. Michael Guest, R-Miss., the committee chairman, said Wednesday that there is no longer the same urgency to release the report given that Gaetz has left Congress and stepped aside as Trump's choice to head the Justice Department. “I’ve been steadfast about that. He’s no longer a member. He is no longer going to be confirmed by the Senate because he withdrew his nomination to be the attorney general,” Guest said. The Gaetz report has also caused tensions between lawmakers on the bipartisan committee. Pennsylvania Rep. Susan Wild, the top Democrat on the panel, publicly admonished Guest last month for mischaracterizing a previous meeting to the press. Gaetz has denied any wrongdoing and said last year that the Justice Department’s separate investigation against him into sex trafficking allegations involving underage girls ended without federal charges. His onetime political ally Joel Greenberg, a fellow Republican who served as the tax collector in Florida’s Seminole County, admitted as part of a plea deal with prosecutors in 2021 that he paid women and an underage girl to have sex with him and other men. The men were not identified in court documents when he pleaded guilty. Greenberg was sentenced in late 2022 to 11 years in prison.