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By James Royal, Ph.D., Bankrate.com Cryptocurrencies are enormously volatile, but that volatility can create opportunities for profit if you’re looking to trade these digital assets. Cryptos such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have risen a lot since their debut — but they’ve also experienced tremendous boom-bust cycles along the way. Experienced traders have been speculating on cryptocurrencies for years, but how can you get started if you’re new to the crypto market? Here’s how to start investing in cryptocurrency and the significant risks you need to watch out for. 5 steps for investing in cryptocurrency First things first, if you’re looking to invest in crypto, you need to have all your finances in order. That means having an emergency fund in place, a manageable level of debt and ideally a diversified portfolio of investments . Your crypto investments can become one more part of your portfolio, one that helps raise your total returns, hopefully. Pay attention to these five other things as you’re starting to invest in cryptocurrencies. As you would for any investment, understand exactly what you’re investing in. If you’re buying stocks, it’s important to read the annual report and other SEC filings to analyze the companies thoroughly. Plan to do the same with any cryptocurrencies , since there are literally thousands of them, they all function differently and new ones are being created every day. You need to understand the investment case for each trade. Related Articles In the case of many cryptocurrencies , they’re backed by nothing at all, neither hard assets nor cash flow of an underlying entity. That’s the case for Bitcoin , for example, where investors rely exclusively on someone paying more for the asset than they paid for it. In other words, unlike stock, where a company can grow its profits and drive returns for you that way, many crypto assets must rely on the market becoming more optimistic and bullish for you to profit. Some of the most popular coins include Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana , Dogecoin and Tether (a stablecoin) . So before investing, understand the potential upside and downside. If your financial investment is not backed by an asset or cash flow, it could end up being worth nothing. A mistake that many new investors make is looking at the past and extrapolating that to the future. Yes, Bitcoin used to be worth pennies, but now is worth much more . The key question, however, is “Will that growth continue into the future, even if it’s not at quite that meteoric rate?” Investors look to the future, not to what an asset has done in the past. What will drive future returns? Traders buying a cryptocurrency today need tomorrow’s gains, not yesterday’s. The prices of cryptocurrencies are about as volatile as an asset can get. They could drop quickly in seconds on nothing more than a rumor that ends up proving baseless. That can be great for sophisticated investors who can execute trades rapidly or who have a solid grasp on the market’s fundamentals, how the market is trending and where it could go. For new investors without these skills — or the high-powered algorithms that direct these trades — it’s a minefield. Volatility is a game for high-powered Wall Street traders, each of whom is trying to outgun other deep-pocketed investors. A new investor can easily get crushed by the volatility. That’s because volatility shakes out traders, especially beginners, who get scared. Meanwhile, other traders may step in and buy on the cheap. In short, volatility can help sophisticated traders “buy low and sell high” while inexperienced investors “buy high and sell low.” If you’re trading any asset on a short-term basis, you need to manage your risk , and that can be especially true with volatile assets such as cryptocurrency. So as a newer trader, you’ll need to understand how best to manage risk and develop a process that helps you mitigate losses. And that process can vary from individual to individual: Newer traders should consider setting aside a certain amount of trading money and then using only a portion of it, at least at first. If a position moves against them, they’ll still have money in reserve to trade with later. The ultimate point is that you can’t trade if you don’t have any money. So keeping some cash in reserve means you’ll always have a bankroll to fund your trading. It’s important to manage risk, but that will come at an emotional cost. Selling a losing position hurts, but doing so can help you avoid worse losses later. Finally, it’s important to avoid putting money that you need into speculative assets. If you can’t afford to lose it — all of it — you can’t afford to put it into risky assets such as cryptocurrency, or other speculative assets, for that matter. Whether it’s a down payment for a house or an important upcoming purchase, money that you need in the next few years should be kept in safe accounts so that it’s there when you need it. And if you’re looking for an absolutely sure return, your best option is to pay off high-interest debt. You’re guaranteed to earn (or save) whatever interest rate you’re paying on the debt. You can’t lose there. Finally, don’t overlook the security of any exchange or broker you’re using. You may own the assets legally, but someone still has to secure them, and their security needs to be tight. If they don’t think their cryptocurrency is properly secured, some traders choose to invest in a crypto wallet to hold their coins offline so they’re inaccessible to hackers or others. Remember that investing in cryptocurrency can be part of a broader investment strategy, but shouldn’t be your only one. Other ways to invest in cryptocurrency While investing directly in cryptocurrency is popular, traders have other ways to get into the crypto game, some more directly than others. These include: Each of these methods varies in its riskiness and exposure to cryptocurrency, so you’ll want to understand exactly what you’re buying and whether it fits your needs. Cryptocurrency investing FAQs In theory it takes only a few dollars to invest in cryptocurrency. Most crypto exchanges, for example, have a minimum trade that might be $5 or $10. Other crypto trading apps might have a minimum that’s even lower. However, it’s important to understand that some trading platforms will take a huge chunk of your investment as a fee if you’re trading small amounts of cryptocurrency. So it’s important to look for a broker or exchange that minimizes your fees. In fact, many so-called “free” brokers embed fees — called spread mark-ups — in the price you pay for your cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is based on blockchain technology . Blockchain is a kind of database that records and timestamps every entry into it. The best way to think of a blockchain is like a running receipt of transactions. When a blockchain database powers cryptocurrency, it records and verifies transactions in the currency, verifying the currency’s movements and who owns it. Many crypto blockchain databases are run with decentralized computer networks. That is, many redundant computers operate the database, checking and rechecking the transactions to ensure that they’re accurate. If there’s a discrepancy, the networked computers have to resolve it. Some cryptocurrencies reward those who verify the transactions on the blockchain database in a process called mining. For example, miners involved with Bitcoin solve very complex mathematical problems as part of the verification process. If they’re successful, miners receive a predetermined award of Bitcoins. To mine Bitcoins , miners need powerful processing units that consume huge amounts of energy. Many miners operate gigantic rooms full of such mining rigs in order to extract these rewards. As of October 2024, running the Bitcoin system burned as much energy per year as the country of Poland. If you’re looking to invest in Bitcoin, you have a variety of ways to do so, and you can work with a number of companies, including: If you’re looking to buy Bitcoin, pay particular attention to the fees that you’re paying. Here are other key things to watch out for as you’re buying Bitcoin . What are altcoins? An altcoin is an alternative to Bitcoin. Many years ago, traders would use the term pejoratively. Since Bitcoin was the largest and most popular cryptocurrency, everything else was defined in relation to it. So, whatever was not Bitcoin was lumped into a catch-all category called altcoins . While Bitcoin is still the largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization by far, it’s no longer the only game in town. Other altcoins such as Ethereum and Solana have grown in popularity, making the term altcoin somewhat outmoded. Now with a reported 15,000 or more cryptocurrencies in existence, it makes less sense than ever to define the industry as “Bitcoin and then everything else.” Bottom line Cryptocurrency is a highly speculative area of the market, and many smart investors have decided to put their money elsewhere. For beginners who want to get started trading crypto, however, the best advice is to start small and only use money that you can afford to lose. Bankrate’s Brian Baker contributed to an update of this story. ©2024 Bankrate.com. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.superph bet

The sight was a common one for Andrew Kolpacki. For many a Sunday, he would watch NFL games on TV and see quarterbacks putting their hands on their helmets, desperately trying to hear the play call from the sideline or booth as tens of thousands of fans screamed at the tops of their lungs. When the NCAA’s playing rules oversight committee this past spring approved the use of coach-to-player helmet communications in games for the 2024 season, Kolpacki, Michigan State’s head football equipment manager, knew the Spartans’ QBs and linebackers were going to have a problem. “There had to be some sort of solution,” he said. As it turns out, there was. And it was right across the street. Kolpacki reached out to Tamara Reid Bush, a mechanical engineering professor who not only heads the school’s Biomechanical Design Research Laboratory but also is a football season ticket-holder. Kolpacki “showed me some photos and said that other teams had just put duct tape inside the (earhole), and he asked me, ‘Do you think we can do anything better than duct tape,?” Bush said. “And I said, ‘Oh, absolutely.’” Bush and Rylie DuBois, a sophomore biosystems engineering major and undergraduate research assistant at the lab, set out to produce earhole inserts made from polylactic acid, a bio-based plastic, using a 3D printer. Part of the challenge was accounting for the earhole sizes and shapes that vary depending on helmet style. Once the season got underway with a Friday night home game against Florida Atlantic on Aug. 30, the helmets of starting quarterback Aidan Chiles and linebacker Jordan Turner were outfitted with the inserts, which helped mitigate crowd noise. DuBois attended the game, sitting in the student section. “I felt such a strong sense of accomplishment and pride,” DuBois said. “And I told all my friends around me about how I designed what they were wearing on the field.” All told, Bush and DuBois have produced around 180 sets of the inserts, a number that grew in part due to the variety of helmet designs and colors that are available to be worn by Spartan players any given Saturday. Plus, the engineering folks have been fine-tuning their design throughout the season. Dozens of Bowl Subdivision programs are doing something similar. In many cases, they’re getting 3D-printed earhole covers from XO Armor Technologies, which provides on-site, on-demand 3D printing of athletic wearables. The Auburn, Alabama-based company has donated its version of the earhole covers to the equipment managers of programs ranging from Georgia and Clemson to Boise State and Arizona State in the hope the schools would consider doing business with XO Armor in the future, said Jeff Klosterman, vice president of business development. XO Armor first was approached by the Houston Texans at the end of last season about creating something to assist quarterback C.J. Stroud in better hearing play calls delivered to his helmet during road games. XO Armor worked on a solution and had completed one when it received another inquiry: Ohio State, which had heard Michigan State was moving forward with helmet inserts, wondered if XO Armor had anything in the works. “We kind of just did this as a one-off favor to the Texans and honestly didn’t forecast it becoming our viral moment in college football,” Klosterman said. “We’ve now got about 60 teams across college football and the NFL wearing our sound-deadening earhole covers every weekend.” The rules state that only one player for each team is permitted to be in communication with coaches while on the field. For the Spartans, it’s typically Chiles on offense and Turner on defense. Turner prefers to have an insert in both earholes, but Chiles has asked that the insert be used in only one on his helmet. Chiles “likes to be able to feel like he has some sort of outward exposure,” Kolpacki said. Exposure is something the sophomore signal-caller from Long Beach, California, had in away games against Michigan and Oregon this season. Michigan Stadium welcomed 110,000-plus fans for the Oct. 26 matchup between the in-state rivals. And while just under 60,000 packed Autzen Stadium in Eugene, Oregon, for the Ducks' 31-10 win over Michigan State three weeks earlier, it was plenty loud. “The Big Ten has some pretty impressive venues,” Kolpacki said. “It can be just deafening,” he said. “That's what those fans are there for is to create havoc and make it difficult for coaches to get a play call off.” Something that is a bit easier to handle, thanks to Bush and her team. She called the inserts a “win-win-win" for everyone. “It’s exciting for me to work with athletics and the football team," she said. "I think it’s really exciting for our students as well to take what they’ve learned and develop and design something and see it being used and executed.”AMGEN TO PRESENT AT CITI'S 2024 GLOBAL HEALTHCARE CONFERENCE

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For decades, women have been fighting the good fight, striving for equality in society, calling for a change to rigid stereotypes and exclusionary practices. So is it all over now? Now that the Tasmanian Club has graciously allowed women to enter the venue – on the condition they are by a ? You can probably guess the answer there. The intention is sweet, really. A group of more than 100 men, who are members of the all-male club, gathered at the annual general meeting in late November to determine the fate of women at the club. The question was asked: should we grant women access to this club, a club that was founded as a “traditional gathering place for friends” (read: men), where “decorum, decency and good manners are still very much in style”? The meeting was described as “one of the longest”, and “one of the largest”. A huge turnout, a rigorous debate. This decision was not made lightly. This is a Serious Issue. And in a true sign of the times, the motion passed! Yes, at long last, women be allowed in the gentlemen’s club—so long as their male partner accompanies them to the bar. What progression, what reform! The announcement of the “potentially contentious” motion was made in the club’s newsletter, , by Tasmanian Club President John Macleod. “We live in a time of change and the club is not immune to the change and challenges of today’s brave new world,” Macleod said. To be clear, the Club believes they are aligning to this “brave new world” by allowing women to go to the bar in the all-male Tasmanian Club. If this is the club’s way of contributing to the feminist cause, it is completely misguided. Because it has never been about this. Truth be told: women don’t want to come to your gentlemen’s club. The idea of equality, from the perspective of privileged groups, is as simple and one-dimensional as equal access. Let come to gentlemen’s clubs. Let see the art in the . Do we really need women-only gyms? What is a woman? And so on. It’s true, however, that equal access does play a part in the feminist cause. Every shared space is one that privileges white, cishet men: pubs, parks, public transport, sports games, social media. The patriarchy made sure of this. Equality is about giving spaces back, making these spaces safe for everyone – women, people of colour, queer folk, gender-diverse people and people with disabilities. I truly believe in having designated spaces for like-minded people to share experiences and ideas with one another. And it’s not discriminatory to do so. Anti-discrimination legislation in Australia provides carve-outs for , whereby discrimination on the basis of age, sex, race or disability takes place in order to improve access and opportunity for that particular group. Yes, men need designated spaces too, to connect with one another, share experiences and ideas. Unfortunately, it’s the culture of the designated spaces that exist – these elite all-male clubs – that perpetuate inequality, not the idea itself of all-male spaces. In other words, don’t change the rules at all-male clubs, change the . How can we be better humans? How can we support the women in our lives? How can we be part of the solution to gender equality? Granting women this conditional access to the Tasmanian Club is a distraction from bigger issues at play – like gender-based violence, the gender pay gap, women experiencing homelessness, and more. This decision is an illusion that they are progressing with the times, but peek behind the curtain, and you’ll find it’s the same old, same old. So keep your gentlemen’s club – we don’t want it.

A voting machine firm suing Fox News now wants to probe Murdoch family trust fight

The Las Vegas Raiders are at a crossroads. Do they stick with head coach Antonio Pierce or do they Lane Kiffin him before the playoffs? With future Hall of Fame quarterback Tom Brady, a part owner, most insiders speculate that Brady will bring his winning attitude and football expertise to do a little spring cleaning with the Raiders. Rumors are swirling about which coaches might be a good fit for the Raiders in the next season. Here are the top 5 names that have been floated around. Mike Vrabel Former Tennessee Titans coach Mike Vrabel is at the top of the list to possibly replace Pierce. Sports Illustrated’s Hondo Carpenter thinks that Vrabel will get the nod from the Raiders to be the next head coach. Carpenter said on The Las Vegas Raiders Insiders podcast, “I am in no way advocating for moving on from Antonio, at all, and I want to make that clear. But I believe that if they move on from him, it will be Mike Vrabel. He has a great relationship with [Tom] Brady. They are very close.” Bill Belichick Bill Belichick is in the mix for obvious reasons, the Tom Brady connection. He would be someone that the organization could trust to get the job done of restoring the Raiders back to their winning ways. Also, Belichick has a winning reputation and has a no-nonsense approach to football. He understands the x’s and o’s. The drawback to a Belichick is that the man is 72 years old. The question with Belichick is would he have the stamina for a 18-week season? Probably not. Jon Gruden Another familiar choice for nostalgic reasons. Under Gruden, his record with the Raiders overall was 64-38. If you remember back in 2021, Jon Gruden stepped down from the organization after making racist, homophobic, and misogynist remarks about various people in the NFL. It is reported by The New York Times that Jon Gruden was not happy with the direction that NFL was going in before he stepped down. In an in-depth investigation by the league, it found that Gruden made disparaging comments about the LGTBQIA+ community, specifically the acceptance and drafting of gay players, the introduction of women referees, and the protesting of the National Anthem by certain players. If Gruden were to be given another chance at the helm, he would completely alienate most of the Raiders’ fanbase (i.e. Women, LGTBQIA+ community, & Minorites). That would be a disastrous hire and a public relations nightmare for the Raiders organization. Kliff Kingsbury Kingsbury sounds like a great fit for the Raiders. Sure, he’s a great offensive-minded coach with the ability to score consistently but his problem lies in not finishing out the games. The Raiders could benefit from a coach with the complete package and Kliff Kingsbury is not there yet. Also, although he is an offensive genius, Kingsbury’s defenses were sub-par when he was a head coach, but he still may be worth the hire if he finds a decent defensive coordinator. Joe Brady A sleeper choice for the job would be Buffalo Bills offensive coordinator Joe Brady. In the past, Brady has been glanced over for head coaching jobs. The con for the Raiders hiring Joe Brady would be his youth. It would be hard to hire a young coach who players might not respect or take seriously. Plus, they’ve already made that mistake when they hired a young Lane Kiffin, so they may not want to go that route again. Whoever the Raiders choose to pick in the off-season (if they decide to fire Pierce as many think) he needs to make an impact early. The Raiders’ goal is to rebuild the franchise with their draft picks, add some veteran players, have a steady defense, and build an offensive machine that will guarantee them wins consistently week in and week out. This article first appeared on Dice City Sports and was syndicated with permission.Red Bull ready to swing the axe after nightmare yearNone

AMD shares dip 2% amid AWS AI chip demand concernsCHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec 2, 2024-- XAI Octagon Floating Rate & Alternative Income Trust (the “Trust”) has declared its regular monthly distribution of $0.077 per share on the Trust’s common shares (NYSE: XFLT), payable on December 30, 2024, to common shareholders of record as of December 16, 2024, as noted below. The amount of the distribution represents a 9.41% decrease from the previous month's distribution of $0.085 per share. The Trust’s investment objective is to seek attractive total return with an emphasis on income generation across multiple stages of the credit cycle. The Trust’s investment portfolio is comprised largely of floating-rate credit instruments and other structured credit investments. In the past three months, the Federal Reserve has cut the base rate twice resulting in a 0.75% decline in interest rates, impacting floating rate securities’ income generation. As a result, the Trust’s net investment income has declined. With the new distribution amount of $0.077 per share, the Trust’s annualized distribution rate on market price is 13.28% and the annualized distribution rate on NAV is 13.85% as of market close on November 26, 2024. The following dates apply to the declaration: Ex-Dividend Date December 16, 2024 Record Date December 16, 2024 Payable Date December 30, 2024 Amount $0.077 per common share Change from Previous Month 9.41% decrease Common share distributions may be paid from net investment income (regular interest and dividends), capital gains and/or a return of capital. The specific tax characteristics of the distributions will be reported to the Trust’s common shareholders on Form 1099 after the end of the 2024 calendar year. Shareholders should not assume that the source of a distribution from the Trust is net income or profit. For further information regarding the Trust’s distributions, please visit www.xainvestments.com . * * * XFLT Q3 Webinar The Trust plans to host its Quarterly Webinar on December 6, 2024, at 11:00 am (Eastern Time). Kevin Davis, Managing Director at XA Investments will moderate the Q&A style webinar with Kimberly Flynn, President at XA Investments, and Lauren Law, Senior Portfolio Manager at Octagon Credit Investors. TO JOIN VIA WEB: Please go to the Knowledge Bank section of xainvestments.com or click here to find the online registration link. TO USE YOUR TELEPHONE : After joining via web, if you prefer to use your phone for audio, you must select that option and call in using a number below, based on your current location. Dial : (720) 928-9299 or (213) 338-8477 or (267) 831-0333 or (312) 626-6799 or (646) 558-8656 Webinar ID : 845 9508 2601 REPLAY: A replay of the webinar will be available in the Knowledge Bank section of xainvestments.com * * * The Trust’s net investment income and capital gain can vary significantly over time; however, the Trust seeks to maintain more stable common share monthly distributions over time. The Trust’s investments in CLOs are subject to complex tax rules and the calculation of taxable income attributed to an investment in CLO subordinated notes can be dramatically different from the calculation of income for financial reporting purposes under accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (“U.S. GAAP”), and, as a result, there may be significant differences between the Trust’s GAAP income and its taxable income. The Trust’s final taxable income for the current fiscal year will not be known until the Trust’s tax returns are filed. As a registered investment company, the Trust is subject to a 4% excise tax that is imposed if the Trust does not distribute to common shareholders by the end of any calendar year at least the sum of (i) 98% of its ordinary income (not taking into account any capital gain or loss) for the calendar year and (ii) 98.2% of its capital gain in excess of its capital loss (adjusted for certain ordinary losses) for a one-year period generally ending on October 31 of the calendar year (unless an election is made to use the Trust’s fiscal year). In certain circumstances, the Trust may elect to retain income or capital gain to the extent that the Board of Trustees, in consultation with Trust management, determines it to be in the interest of shareholders to do so. The common share distributions paid by the Trust for any particular period may be more than the amount of net investment income from that period. As a result, all or a portion of a distribution may be a return of capital, which is in effect a partial return of the amount a common shareholder invested in the Trust, up to the amount of the common shareholder’s tax basis in their common shares, which would reduce such tax basis. Although a return of capital may not be taxable, it will generally increase the common shareholder’s potential gain, or reduce the common shareholder’s potential loss, on any subsequent sale or other disposition of common shares. The distribution shall be paid on the Payment Date unless the payment of such distribution is deferred by the Board of Trustees upon a determination that such deferral is required in order to comply with applicable law to ensure that the Trust remains solvent and able to pay its debts as they become due and continue as a going concern, or to comply with the applicable terms or financial covenants of the Trust’s senior securities. Future common share distributions will be made if and when declared by the Trust’s Board of Trustees, based on a consideration of number of factors, including the Trust’s continued compliance with terms and financial covenants of its senior securities, the Trust’s net investment income, financial performance and available cash. There can be no assurance that the amount or timing of common share distributions in the future will be equal or similar to that described herein or that the Board of Trustees will not decide to suspend or discontinue the payment of common share distributions in the future. * * * The investment objective of the Trust is to seek attractive total return with an emphasis on income generation across multiple stages of the credit cycle. The Trust seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in a dynamically managed portfolio of opportunities primarily within the private credit markets. Under normal market conditions, the Trust will invest at least 80% of its Managed Assets in floating rate credit instruments and other structured credit investments. There can be no assurance that the Trust will achieve its investment objective. The Trust’s common shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “XFLT,” and the Trust’s 6.50% Series 2026 Term Preferred Shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “XFLTPRA”. About XA Investments XA Investments LLC (“XAI”) serves as the Trust’s investment adviser. XAI is a Chicago-based firm founded by XMS Capital Partners in 2016. XAI serves as the investment adviser for two listed closed-end funds and an interval closed-end fund. The listed closed-end funds, the XAI Octagon Floating Rate & Alternative Income Trust (NYSE: XFLT) and Madison Covered Call & Equity Strategy Fund (NYSE: MCN) both trade on the New York Stock Exchange. The interval closed-end fund, Octagon XAI CLO Income Fund (OCTIX), is newly launched and has been made widely available to investors. In addition to investment advisory services, the firm also provides investment fund structuring and consulting services focused on registered closed-end funds to meet institutional client needs. XAI offers custom product build and consulting services, including development and market research, sales, marketing and fund management. XAI believes that the investing public can benefit from new vehicles to access a broad range of alternative investment strategies and managers. XAI provides individual investors with access to institutional-caliber alternative managers. For more information, please visit www.xainvestments.com . About XMS Capital Partners XMS Capital Partners, LLC, established in 2006, is a global, independent, financial services firm providing M&A, corporate advisory and asset management services to clients. It has offices in Chicago, Boston and London. For more information, please visit www.xmscapital.com . About Octagon Credit Investors Octagon Credit Investors, LLC (“Octagon”) serves as the Trust’s investment sub-adviser. Octagon is a 25+ year old, $33.4B below-investment grade corporate credit investment adviser focused on leveraged loan, high yield bond and structured credit (CLO debt and equity) investments. Through fundamental credit analysis and active portfolio management, Octagon’s investment team identifies attractive relative value opportunities across below-investment grade asset classes, sectors and issuers. Octagon’s investment philosophy and methodology encourage and rely upon dynamic internal communication to manage portfolio risk. Over its history, the firm has applied a disciplined, repeatable and scalable approach in its effort to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns for its investors. For more information, please visit www.octagoncredit.com . * * * XAI does not provide tax advice; please consult a professional tax advisor regarding your specific tax situation. Income may be subject to state and local taxes, as well as the federal alternative minimum tax. Investors should consider the investment objectives and policies, risk considerations, charges and expenses of the Trust carefully before investing. For more information on the Trust, please visit the Trust’s webpage at www.xainvestments.com . This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the laws of such state or jurisdiction. NOT FDIC INSURED NO BANK GUARANTEE MAY LOSE VALUE Paralel Distributors, LLC - Distributor View source version on businesswire.com : https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241202717275/en/ CONTACT: Kimberly Flynn, President XA Investments LLC Phone: 888-903-3358 Email:KFlynn@XAInvestments.com www.xainvestments.com KEYWORD: ILLINOIS UNITED STATES NORTH AMERICA INDUSTRY KEYWORD: ASSET MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FINANCE SOURCE: XA Investments Copyright Business Wire 2024. PUB: 12/02/2024 04:15 PM/DISC: 12/02/2024 04:17 PM http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241202717275/en Copyright Business Wire 2024.HIGHLIGHTS Toronto, Ontario–(Newsfile Corp. – November 22, 2024) – Volta Metals Ltd. ( CSE: VLTA ) ( FSE: D0W ) (“ Volta ” or the “ Company “) is pleased to announce that it has closed its previously announced non-brokered private placement (the “ Offering ”) by issuing 4,820,000 units of the Company (the “ Units ”) at a price of $0.05 per Unit for aggregate gross proceeds of $241,000. Each Unit consists of one common share of the Company (each, a “ Share ”) and one half of one common share purchase warrant of the Company (each whole warrant, a “ Warrant ”), with each Warrant entitling the holder thereof to purchase an additional Share (a “ Warrant Share ”) at an exercise price of $0.10 per Warrant Share for a period of 24 months from the closing of the Offering. The Company intends to use the net proceeds from the Offering to conduct first pass screening on the newly acquired ZigZag Project, an option payment on the Falcon West property, and for general corporate and working capital purposes. Crews are being mobilized to the ZigZag Project to collect chip channel samples, and prospecting as an initial first pass. As in every financing the Company has completed to date, directors and officers of the Company (the “ Insiders ”) have participated in the Offering, thereby continuing to increase Insider holdings. The Insiders acquired an aggregate of 2,520,000 Units under the Offering. The issuance of the Units to the Insiders constitutes a “related party transaction” within the meaning of Multilateral Instrument 61-101 – Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions (“ MI 61-101 ”). The Company is relying on an exemption from the formal valuation and minority shareholder approval requirements provided under MI 61-101 pursuant to section 5.5(a) and section 5.7(1)(a) of MI 61-101, on the basis that the participation in the Offering by the Insider does not exceed 25% of the fair market value of the Company’s market capitalization. The securities issued under the Offerings will be subject to a statutory hold period in Canada of four months and a day from the date of issuance in accordance with applicable securities laws. The closing of the Offering is subject to the receipt of all required regulatory approvals, including the approval of the Canadian Securities Exchange (the “CSE”). Claim Acquisition The Company is also pleased to announce that it has agreed to acquire additional claims contiguous to its Lee Creek claims ( Figure 1 ), and to the north end of the Seymour deposit owned by Green Technology Metals (MRE 10.3Mt at 1.03% Li 2 O), and west of its Falcon-ZigZag claim group, with a total surface area of 1,520 hectares (15.2 km 2 ). The Company will acquire a 100% interest in these newly acquired claims and upon closing, will grant the vendors a 1.5% net smelter returns royalty. The Company paid $7,875 in cash and will issue 150,000 common shares in its capital to the vendors of the newly acquired claims. This will provide the Company with additional ground to explore within the highly prospective greenstone belt. Closing of the acquisition will be on or around five days following the date hereo, as required by the policies of the CSE. The common shares will be subject to a four-month hold period under applicable securities laws in Canada. Figure 1. Newly acquired claims along Lithium trend strike within the greenstone belt To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit: https://images.newsfilecorp.com/files/9598/230961_99402e9cb48a3b37_001full.jpg ABOUT VOLTA METALS LTD. Volta Metals Ltd. (CSE: VLTA) (FSE: D0W) is a mineral exploration company based in Toronto, Ontario, focused on lithium, cesium, and tantalum. It has optioned and is currently exploring a critical minerals portfolio of lithium, cesium, tantalum and gallium projects in northwestern Ontario, considered one of the world’s most prolific, emerging hard-rock lithium districts. To learn more about Volta and its flagship Falcon West Lithium Project, please visit www.voltametals.ca . ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD Neither the CSE nor the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This news release contains forward-looking statements relating to product development, plans, strategies, and other statements that are not historical facts. Forward-looking statements are often identified by terms such as “will”, “may”, “should”, “anticipate”, “expects” and similar expressions. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this news release are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking information in this news release includes, but is not limited to, the anticipated use of the net proceeds from the Offerings and the receipt of all necessary approvals for the Offering. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company’s expectations include: the risks detailed from time to time in the filings made by the Company with securities regulators; the fact that Volta’s interests in its mineral properties are options only and there are no guarantee that such interest, if earned, will be certain; the future prices and demand for lithium; and delays or the inability of the Company to obtain any necessary approvals, permits and authorizations required to carry out its business plans. The reader is cautioned that assumptions used in the preparation of any forward-looking statements may prove to be incorrect. Events or circumstances may cause actual results to differ materially from those predicted, as a result of numerous known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements. Such information, although considered reasonable by management at the time of preparation, may prove to be incorrect and actual results may differ materially from those anticipated. Forward-looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date of this news release, and the Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, other than as required by law. To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/230961 #distro

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Olawale Ajimotokan in Abuja The Moshood Abiola National Stadium, Abuja was beehive of activities at the weekend as a sports delegation from Benue State visited the National Sports Commission (NSC). The delegation included the State’s Commissioner for Youth, Sports Development and Creativity, Mr Terkimbi Ikyange, the Ministry’s Permanent Secretary, Mr John Akume, Chairman Benue State Football Association (BSFA), Chief Paul Edeh among others. They made a rare and symbolic presentation of many agricultural produce that mirrored Benue State as the food basket during the courtesy visit on the NSC Chairman, Mallam Shehu Dikko. Ikyange, a former Speaker of the Benue State House of Assembly, expressed the readiness of the state government to partner the NSC in advancing the cause of sports development in Nigeria. He noted that the current administration of Governor Hyacinth Alia has taken the lead among other states in embarking on unprecedented overhaul of the state’s sporting system. Ikyange urged the NSC to always consider Benue State as a priority when it comes to upliftment of the country’s sporting drive adding, “Benue State is blessed with abundant talents and other resources and is making impact in sports development and other human and economic viable areas.” Responding Dikko assured the delegation that the doors of the Commission “is open for collaboration that will lead to the revival of the nation’s sporting lost glory in line with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s Renewed Hope mandate”. The NSC Chairman commended the state’s delegation as being the first to visit him with remarkable presentation since he assumed office. The newly appointed Director-General of NSC, Mr. Bukola Olopade, had in a remark said the return of the Commission was to lead Nigeria’s sporting revolution in a clear demonstration of the will to professionally make the desired impact. Also BSFA Chairman, Edeh expressed optimism that the new NSC leadership led by Dikko and Olopade would steer Nigeria’s Sports on the path to glorious times.Hollywood's kingmakers are no longer taking Meghan's phone calls as she and her husband Prince Harry continue to flounder in their attempts to make it big in the entertainment world, according to industry speculation. 'Polo' debuts on Netflix next Tuesday at a crucial moment for the Duke and Duchess' post-working royal careers. Harry, 40, and Meghan, 43, produced the five-episode series under their Archewell banner as part of the Sussexes five-year, $100 million deal with the streaming giant, which is set to expire in 2025. Perhaps inspired by the Duke's real life, one of the major plot lines in the series will follow father-son polo players competing against each other. Hollywood rumours are swirling that Netflix executives are underwhelmed with the documentary’s laser focus on the Argentinian player Ignacio 'Nacho' Figueras instead of Harry. It comes amid a desolate year for the Sussexes, with the renegade royals having gone nearly a year without releasing a single book, TV show or podcast. The couple have dealt with high expectations since achieving early success with Netflix's 'Harry & Meghan' documentary, released in December 2022, and the Duke's memoir 'Spare'. Spotify axed the couple’s Archetypes podcast last year, and Harry’s Heart of Invictus documentary never cracked Netflix's top ten. Meghan has yet to release her cooking documentary, which is said to have been finished mid this year. It is expected to be released alongside the first products from her lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard, which has been embroiled in series of trademark setbacks. Speaking to The Times on Sunday, NewsNation entertainment correspondent Paula Froelich cited "rumours" some "power players in Hollywood who were formerly enamoured of the couple will no longer take Meghan’s calls personally". "This is what happens when you haven't actually made money — you fall (down) the totem pole of importance. People in LA roll their eyes at them," Ms Froelich said. She said one silver lining is Harry’s signature Invictus Games Foundation, which will hold its winter edition in Vancouver in February. The Duke helped establish Invictus in 2014 as an Olympic-style international sporting event for injured and wounded service men and women worldwide. Ms Froelich said the Duke knows his popularity is linked to the charity, but more is needed to save the couple's careers. “The only story the world wants to see from them now is if they make nice with their families," she said.Platinum Group Metals Ltd. Reports 2024 Annual Results

DELMONT, S.D. — A historic building on Delmont's Main Street, once home to a bank, a kindergarten, and even a police station, is now serving a new purpose: as a cozy coffee shop. This latest chapter in the building's history began over a decade ago, when Anita and David Mathews saw potential in the long-empty structure. It’s a project they’ve poured their hearts into through years of trial, loss, and recovery. ADVERTISEMENT After David retired from his position as a professor at South Dakota State University in 2010, the couple was looking for a new project to occupy their time. Initially eyeing another building in town, they ended up acquiring the old bank building on Main Street. They transformed it into the Old Bank Mini Mart, breathing new life into the historic structure. "We saw it as an opportunity to bring something new to town," Anita said. "It was a great building with a lot of history, and we thought it could be a perfect spot for a business." The couple were no strangers to running businesses. They had owned and operated convenience stores and restaurants in New Hampshire and Missouri before settling in Delmont, and they were excited to get started. But just five years after opening the Old Bank Mini Mart, disaster struck. A devastating tornado tore through Delmont in 2015, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The storm significantly impacted the town, and the Mathews’ business never recovered. "The tornado took out so much of the town, and half the people left. It was hard to keep things going after that," Mathews said. With the mini mart no longer viable, the Mathews tried their hand at a liquidation store, but their hearts just weren’t in it. "It wasn’t the right fit for us," Mathews said. "We didn’t have the same passion for it as we did with the mini mart. We needed to do something that felt meaningful." After a few years of uncertainty, the couple decided earlier this fall to revitalize the building once more and give residents of Delmont something they've been missing - a place to gather over a good cup of coffee. ADVERTISEMENT "We wanted to offer people a place where they could come together, enjoy a good cup of coffee, and feel like they’re part of something," Mathews said. "The town needs it." The Mathews have kept things simple yet inviting, catering to early risers and those looking for a quick breakfast stop before work. The menu is small, but satisfying, offering coffee, cappuccino, hot chocolate and soda, as well as donuts, muffins and apple fritters. Breakfast and lunch sandwiches, burritos and snacks are available as well. Items are delivered weekly from Farner-Bocken, a midwest distributor. They plan to introduce the South Dakota lottery soon—a move that could attract more foot traffic. “We’re not trying to do anything fancy,” Mathews said. “Just good, strong coffee, the kind that people want when they’re on their way to work or starting their day. Delmont doesn’t need a fancy cafe—it just needs a good, dependable spot for people to gather.” The coffee shop is more than just a place to grab a cup of joe; it serves as a tribute to Delmont's history and resilience. The building’s walls are adorned with photographs showcasing its evolution from its time as a bank through its survival of the 2015 tornado. A unique feature is its original vault—a striking reminder of its storied past—once robbed in 1966 by thieves who cut through it to steal silver dollars. "This building has seen so much. It's part of Delmont's soul," Anita Mathews said. Since opening last week, the coffee shop has quickly become a local gathering spot, especially the regular group of people who stop by each morning for their coffee. "This is a forward-thinking venture and it's great for them to provide for the community," said Delmont resident Sam Grosz. ADVERTISEMENT Coffee shops have long been catalysts for community revitalization. They provide an accessible and welcoming environment that encourages social interaction and economic activity. In small towns like Delmont, such establishments can be pivotal in fostering a sense of belonging and encouraging local engagement. In addition to serving coffee, the Mathews hope the shop will provide a space for social connection. They are planning to host game nights and gatherings for Delmont’s over-50 crowd, many of whom seek social connections. "There’s a real need for places where people can come together," Mathews said. "Some of the older folks are homebound or empty nesters. We want to give them a space where they can socialize and have fun." For the Mathews, this venture is more than just a business—it’s about helping Delmont recover and rebuild after hardship. They hope their coffee shop will inspire further development in town. "Hopefully this is the push others need to follow suit and open a business in town too," Mathews said. "If you put the right thing here and do it right, people will come."Formula 1 expands grid for new American team in 2026

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