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Findlay's Vacuum and Sewing shutters for good after more than 40 years, Lee's Music to take over location (Kamloops)REDMOND, Wash., Dec. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pattern Computer®, Inc. (“Pattern” or “the Company”) today announced that it has entered into a multi-target partnership with Phenome Health, a Seattle-based nonprofit research organization led by CEO Lee Hood, MD, PhD. Delivering value through health innovation. Phenome Health employs a data-driven approach to wellness and disease that integrates diverse types of health data. “Pattern is a pioneer in finding novel patterns in complex data that cannot be discovered using other techniques or tools. The speed of AI innovation is accelerating and is rapidly emerging as a strategic imperative. Pattern is optimally positioned to leverage the expertise of our Pattern Discovery EngineTM (PDE) into the next worlds of trustworthy, transparent computing. Since its founding, Pattern has been on a strategic path with a roadmap largely focused on building our PDE and using it to generate world-class, high-value assets. These include and are not limited to seven combination cancer drugs, and new diagnostic advances, against the world’s top five cancers. We seek to partner with firms to bring these therapeutic and diagnostic technologies – such as our ProSpectral TM device, a game-changing medical diagnostic tool and research instrument – into clinical trials,” said Mark Anderson, Chair and CEO. The Partnership will integrate Pattern’s technologies with multi-omics time-course data on individuals with the goal of discovering new drivers of human health and longevity – seeding novel strategies to make these discoveries actionable as part of the standard of care. “By measuring how lifestyle choices impact our short, medium, and long-term health, we will identify genes, pathways, and microbes that can be targeted at a molecular level to improve health, rather than merely treat disease. Our goal in this project is to be instrumental in Phenome Health’s mission to develop the tools and insights that power data-driven personalized health,” Anderson added. Further, the ProSpectral platform will be used to develop surrogate measurements for expensive multi-omics. ProSpectral makes rapid measurements on two drops of saliva that capture rich biochemical information about the individual and their oral microbiome. An early goal will be to determine the extent to which patterns of gene expression, metabolism, and changes in the microbiome can be reconstructed from ProSpectral’s non-invasive, reagent-free assay. Anderson noted, “Success in the integration of ProSpectral with existing multi-omic technologies would reduce the cost of collecting longitudinal molecular data by orders of magnitude – opening precision medicine to regions and economies that are currently priced out of state-of-the-art care. The lightweight, portable nature of our platform ensures that data can be collected anywhere, anytime, without supply chain or economic constraints The rapidity of measurements – seconds instead of hours or days – stands to enable real-time decision support for medical professionals in a way that has never been possible before.” “We are enthusiastic about a partnership with Pattern and the possibilities of identifying non-invasive, rapid, and cost-effective approaches to data-driven personalized health,” added Lee Hood, CEO of Phenome Health. “We envision a world where everyone is empowered by their own data to improve wellness and prevent disease. We see technologies like those developed by Pattern as facilitating this reality.” About Phenome Health Phenome Health was established by internationally acclaimed scientist and entrepreneurial visionary, Lee Hood, to contribute solutions to major challenges causing a crisis in healthcare. The aging population and other factors are driving an explosion of chronic disease that largely contribute to increasing costs at an unsustainable rate in a healthcare system not equipped to solve these problems without a radical paradigm change - namely shifting from a reactive system that focuses on treating disease to a proactive system focused on optimizing health. Economic analysis predicts such a paradigm change would drive trillions of dollars in resources upstream, creating massive opportunity in the health and wellness marketplace. We strive to accelerate this shift through a systematic approach to define health, develop a disease-agnostic discovery framework to understand how and why people transition to disease, and identify new approaches to prevent and reverse disease development. Our ambitious strategy leverages advancements in biotechnologies and computer science to capture and interpret high dimensional health data in order to invent the solutions needed to solve the healthcare crisis. https://phenomehealth.org/ About Pattern Pattern Computer, Inc. uses its Pattern Discovery EngineTM to solve the most important and intractable problems in industry, business and medicine. These proprietary mathematical techniques in advanced AI can find complex patterns in very-high-order data that have eluded detection by much larger systems. As the Company applies its computational platform to the challenging fields of drug discovery and diagnostics in cancer, it is also making major Pattern Discoveries for partners in other sectors, including extended biotech, materials science, aerospace manufacturing quality control, veterinary medicine, air traffic operations, and energy services. See www.patterncomputer.com. CONTACT: Laura Guerrant-Oiye (808) 960-2642 – laura@patterncomputer.com The foregoing contains statements about Pattern Computer’s future that are not statements of historical fact. These statements are “forward looking statements” for purposes of applicable securities laws and are based on current information and/or management’s good faith belief as to future events. The words “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “project,” “should,” “could,” “will,” and similar expressions signify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements should not be read as a guarantee of future performance. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve inherent risk and uncertainties, which change over time, and actual performance could differ materially from that anticipated by any forward-looking statements. Pattern Computer undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement. Copyright © 2024 Pattern Computer Inc. All Rights Reserved. Pattern Computer, Inc., Pattern Discovery Engine, PatternBio, TrueXAI, and ProSpectral are trademarks of Pattern Computer Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.winph99

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Creative Biolabs Event Review: Scientist Solution Vendor Event on Cancer Therapy 12-09-2024 09:34 PM CET | Business, Economy, Finances, Banking & Insurance Press release from: Getnews / PR Agency: PRChoices At NIH 37, Bethesda, December 3, 2024, stands out as a day that made achievements because it was the day that Creative Biolabs had a booth at the Scientist Solution Vendor Event dedicated to cancer therapies. New York, USA - December 9, 2024 - This joint effort with NIH, one of the US Department of Health and Human Services, was once in a lifetime chance for the company to introduce new drug solutions. At the show, the representatives of Creative Biolabs were demonstrating how advanced cancer therapeutics are achieved through use of engineered cells. Image: https://www.getnews.info/uploads/a07221aa3f1297dd027f4c1d14b856c5.jpg Event Highlights The launch of CAR-T cell therapy [ https://www.creative-biolabs.com/car-t/one-stop-car-t-therapy-development-services.htm ] was one of the major topics that participants were acquainted with during the course of the symposium. The expert team at Creative Biolabs was able to use T cells more efficiently by designing complex modifications to their structures and thereby expanding their application in the treatment of cancer. * Through the Smart Trademark CAR platform, Creative Biolabs ensures that innovative CAR constructs are developed in order to enhance the quality of the targeted CAR therapies. * The mRNA-based CAR cell platform is based on a transient expression technology which is low risk and suitable for short-term immune modulation. * CRISPR-edited CAR-T cell engineering offers a useful and efficacious approach to modification which allows scientists to create an even more affordable and specific CAR-T treatment or product. Building upon its robust cell engineering capabilities, Creative Biolabs has been able to successfully introduce its CellRapeutics Trademark in vivo cell engineering medical solutions and its comprehensive off-the-shelf allogeneic immune cell therapy medical solutions: * The CellRapeutics Trademark platform uses potent vectorized CRISPR/Cas9 systems to facilitate the integration of vectors in vivo using delivery systems for local delivery of immune cells. This service offered includes round and individualized enhancement where vector graphic design and functional assays are embedded. The cell therapy initiative supports the transfer of allogeneic therapies and the transfer of primary border flanked by a matrix of a project life cycle from initiation to granting the clinical trial authorization in a cost effective way, time effective with high quality. Additionally, the organization showcased results it has achieved in the sector of single domain antibody (SdAb) cloning. An expert from Creative Biolabs elaborated, "Single-domain antibodies increase the effectiveness of targeted drug generation for complex targets, and they are most beneficial in such situations." Applications of phage display, yeast display, and single B cell sorting [ https://www.creative-biolabs.com/Native-TM-Antibody-Discovery-Service.html ] techniques allow Creative Biolabs to offer clients the efficient and effective single-domain antibody discovery services. Furthermore, pre-made library screening for peptides, proteins, and cells is provided by Creative Biolabs, and thus, effective binders of various challenging targets can be rapidly isolated. These binders are important in drug discovery, vaccine development, and immunotherapy. * The antibody library screening services cover human functional antibody discovery, bispecific antibody discovery, cell-targeting antibody discovery, and peptide/protein antibody discovery. * The peptide library screening [ https://www.creative-biolabs.com/premade-library-based-binder-discovery-services.html ] services include screening for particulate-binding peptides, soft material-binding peptides, cell-selective peptides, and disease-specific peptides. Creative Biolabs demonstrated its profound knowledge and vast experience in the design and development of cancer therapies in several areas. For more information, please visit https://www.creative-biolabs.com . Company Overview Creative Biolabs, being an innovative leader in the field of biotechnology, assists international cancer researchers by providing efficient and effective solutions for the discovery of drug substances and targets. In the month of December, Creative Biolabs will also attend the European Macrophage and Dendritic Cell Biology and Antibody Engineering & Therapeutics (US), respectively, to forge new paths in therapeutic development with existing partners. Media Contact Company Name: Creative Biolabs Contact Person: Candy Swift Email: Send Email [ http://www.universalpressrelease.com/?pr=creative-biolabs-event-review-scientist-solution-vendor-event-on-cancer-therapy ] Phone: 1-631-830-6441 Country: United States Website: https://www.creative-biolabs.com This release was published on openPR.

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