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On Dec. 31, while many people are preparing for their New Years Eve parties, some Roman Catholic Christians will also mark the feast day for St. Silvester . Little is known for certain about Silvester’s life , but he lived during a transformational period in the history of Christianity. From 314-335 C.E., Silvester was the bishop of Rome : what we now call the pope, although the role was not so powerful at the time. “Pope” comes from the Greek word for “father,” and was widely used by bishops until the fifth century, when the bishop of Rome began to monopolize the title. Silvester’s era was one of both turmoil and transition for Christians living in the Roman Empire, as some Christian communities emerged from persecution into a powerful alliance with the Roman state. His story is deeply intertwined with this alliance, which would fundamentally change the trajectory of the movement initiated by the figure of Jesus of Nazareth three centuries earlier. Christianity would now become the faith of kings, states and empires. Trustworthy details of Silvester’s life are hard to come by. The “Liber Pontificalis,” a catalog of papal biographies that began to be compiled in the sixth century, tells us that he was from Rome and the son of an otherwise unknown man named Rufinus. As a young man, Silvester lived through the persecutions initiated under one of the co-emperors at the time, Diocletian, which began in 303 C.E. These persecutions continued for several years after Diocletian stepped down. Though many people picture early Christians being constantly persecuted by the Roman state, historians doubt these claims . The persecutions that began under Diocletian, however, are an exception. During this period, the state expected Christians to sacrifice to the gods for the well-being of the empire, or face consequences – sometimes violent ones. According to the Christian theologian Augustine , some Christians later accused Silvester of having “betrayed” his faith during this period. Silvester was accused of turning over Christian sacred books to the Roman authorities and making offerings to the Roman gods. The persecution came to an end in 313, when the co-emperors Constantine and Licinius signed the Edict of Milan , which granted tolerance to Christianity in the empire. Just a year later, Silvester became the bishop of Rome. Constantine quickly became a major patron of Christians, though the extent to which he practiced Christianity is debated . With imperial support came a massive Christian building campaign in Rome – so much so that most of Silvester’s biography in the “Liber Pontificalis ” consists of lists of all the churches that Constantine gifted to the city. Both before and during Silvester’s time as the bishop of Rome, there were many different Christianities in the empire. This diversity was troubling to Constantine, who wanted to promote unity and order in his domain. As such, he began to convene councils of Christian clergy to sort out contentious issues. In 314, the year that Silvester became bishop, the emperor called the Council of Arles to address a dispute that had arisen among African bishops – what has become known as the Donatist Controversy . At issue was whether a priest who had betrayed his faith during the persecutions retained a valid ordination. Silvester, though the bishop of an important city, did not attend, but sent representatives in his stead. It may be that, even at this early date, there were already rumors about what Silvester might have done during the persecutions. Around 10 years later, shortly after Constantine had become the sole ruler of the Roman world, he called another council in Nicaea, in modern-day Turkey. This time, he wanted Christian leaders to address an emerging rift centered on the ministry of a charismatic cleric named Arius . Silvester did not attend this council either, but again sent representatives. The council eventually adopted what has been called the Nicene Creed , a statement of faith that remains important for many modern Christians. However, the council did not resolve the split around Arius. In fact, Constantine would later be baptized by a supporter of Arius, Eusebius of Nicomedia. These decades when Silvester presided over the church transformed Christianity from a persecuted group into allies of the state. This alliance made theological differences between Christians even more fraught, since the force of the empire might now be wielded against one’s foes. But why, given these huge shifts, was Silvester not seen as a major player in the politics of his day? This was a question that dogged later Christians – in fact, they invented stories about Silvester that put him right in the center of the action. In the fifth century, an anonymous author wrote a biography now known as the “ Acts of Silvester ,” which made Silvester seem central to Constantine’s conversion to Christianity. In the Acts, Constantine starts as a persecutor of Christians, for which God curses him with leprosy. Silvester, who had been in exile on a mountain near Rome amid the persecutions, is recalled to the city after Saints Peter and Paul visit Constantine in a dream. Silvester hears Constantine’s confession of faith, cures him miraculously of his leprosy, and then baptizes the emperor. Just like that, Constantine now had a proper baptism from an orthodox bishop, not an Arian heretic. A century later, the “ Liber Pontificalis ” would claim that it was Silvester, not Constantine, who called the Councils of Arles and Nicaea. The text also credited him with a series of legal rulings. These changes to Silvester’s story elevated him to a major player in the events of his day. They also supported a growing effort to invest the bishop of Rome with the kind of authority that modern popes hold. Legends about Silvester only grew with time – and even include a battle with a demonic dragon . But perhaps the most infamous legacy of Silvester is connected to the so-called “ Donation of Constantine .” This forged document was first drafted in the eighth century C.E. The Donation states that Emperor Constantine had bequeathed to the Roman bishop – at the time Silvester – control of the city of Rome, the western Roman Empire, huge tracts of land under imperial control, and authority over churches in the other centers of the Christian world, Constantinople. For centuries , this document would undergird papal claims to both ecclesial and civil power. In the 15th century, German cardinal Nicholas of Cusa and the Italian scholar Lorenzo Valla showed the Donation to be a forgery, but by that point popes had already amassed the authority and wealth now associated with the office. Though the precise details of Silvester’s life will likely remain a mystery, the times he lived in were pivotal for the history of Christianity and the West. While he was bishop, Christianity took its first steps toward a longstanding alliance with imperial and state power. Over time, Silvester’s story was embellished to not only justify this alliance, but to argue that the church should have political power. Today a powerful block of Christian nationalists in the United States seeks similar power . For some, inspiration for this political project is based on the idea of a natural alliance between church and state – starting with Constantine, but justified by traditions invented around the life of Silvester. Yet this alliance was an accident of history, not foreordained. Over time Christians in the Roman Empire invented reasons for why the church should align with the state – and, eventually, become the state . Cavan W. Concannon is professor of Religion and Classics at USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences . This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article .More and more, according to the data, tax revenue from state-sanctioned gambling — from Keno and scratch tickets to casinos and sports betting — is becoming more valuable to the state’s budget than the other so-called “sin taxes.” For the state fiscal year 2024, all the games and gambling under the auspices of the N.H. Lottery Commission outperformed tobacco and liquor tax revenue ... by a lot. Lottery Commission-generated revenue was $43 million over budget in the fiscal year that ended on June 30. Meanwhile, tax revenue from liquor sales was $9 million under budget and tax revenue from tobacco sales was $24 million under budget. Sin taxes derive revenues from items that society might deem as potentially harmful. In New Hampshire, sin tax revenue comes from tobacco, alcohol and gambling. There’ll be a fourth if policymakers ever come to terms with legalizing marijuana. According to Phil Sletten, research director at the N.H. Fiscal Policy Institute, the Lottery Commission as a percentage is the state’s fastest growing source of tax revenue. “Long term, we’ve seen some really substantial trends in Lottery Commission revenues. Between state fiscal years 2017 and 2023, profits transferred from the Lottery Commission constituted the fastest growing major source of revenue for the general fund and the Education Trust Fund,” said Sletten. “When I say fastest growing, I mean in percentage terms,” he added. “While business tax revenues nearly doubled in this time period and resulted in more growth in total dollars, Lottery Commission profits to the Education Trust Fund were about 161 percent higher in state fiscal year 2023 than they were in state fiscal year 2017, and I’m using 2023 because those are the most recent audited numbers.” According to unaudited fiscal year 2024 numbers, about $3.32 billion in revenue came into the general and education funds. That’s about 4 percent over plan and 3.5 percent more than FY 2023. As a percentage of the whole, business taxes generated about $1.2 billion, or 36.7 percent of all revenue. Sin taxes on tobacco, liquor, beer and gaming generated a total of $516.4 million, or 15.5 percent of the whole. Sin taxes in FY 2024 outperformed state property taxes ($363.8 million, 10.9 percent of the whole) and Meals and Rentals Tax ($328.1 million, 9.9 percent of the whole). Of the sin taxes, only the Lottery Commission reported positive results against the previous fiscal year — up 7.3 percent, while revenue from the tobacco tax was down 12.8 percent, liquor was down 10.9 percent, and beer tax was down 6.2 percent. The Lottery Commission reported a banner revenue year in FY 2024. And, if current trends hold true, another might be in the offing for FY 2025, which comes to a close on June 30, 2025. Gambling a big player State budget writers are keeping a close eye on all revenue sources as they begin to assemble the FY 2026 budget. The new budget year starts on July 1, 2025. Gambling revenue could be a big player in the budget. The revenue report for October, for example, showed Lottery Commission revenue of $19 million, 13.1 percent above what was projected. “Revenue generated through the Lottery Commission was a large contributor to October’s overall surplus relative to the State Revenue Plan,” the Fiscal Policy Institute said in its analysis of the October numbers. While the Lottery Commission was above plan, tobacco was $10.2 million behind and liquor was $4.9 million behind plan, according to the October report. At the close of FY 2024, the New Hampshire Lottery reported in excess of $631 million in total sales, marking a nearly 5 percent or $29 million increase over FY 2023. With a portion of that revenue going toward the state’s public schools, the Lottery Commission generated an all-time high of $200.7 million in revenue supporting education, reflecting a nearly 7 percent or $13 million year-over-year increase. The N.H. Lottery Commission manages all lottery operations in the state, including scratch games, N.H. Powerball, N.H. Mega Millions, Tri-State Megabucks, Tri-State Pick3/Pick4 Daily Numbers games, Gimme 5, Fast Play games, Lucky For Life, KENO 603 and iLottery. The Commission also regulates charitable gaming, including Bingo, Lucky 7 and games of chance (poker, craps, roulette), along with simulcast racing, fantasy sports and sports wagering. “Our goal is always to maximize revenue for New Hampshire schools, while providing our players with fun and entertaining games. We certainly hit the mark this year,” Charlie McIntyre, Lottery Commission executive director, said in August with the release of the FY 2024 revenue data. “With the introduction of exciting new games, record high numbers from Tri-State Megabucks, new sports betting opportunities and more, we are confident 2025 will be even more successful.” With the professional and college football season well underway, Commission officials are putting their money down on an even better year, especially when it comes to sports betting, which became legal in the state in 2019. In the first two weeks of the season, New Hampshire players had wagered more than $13 million on NFL games alone. It marks a $1.7 million increase in total wagering compared to the first two weeks of last year’s NFL season. The state contracted with DraftKings to handle its sportsbook wagering through its app and live at four locations in the Granite State: the Brook in Seabrook, Revo Casino in Dover, Revo Casino in Manchester and Gate City Casino in Nashua. “Each year, football continues to be one of our biggest sports betting drivers. With an ever-expanding lineup of betting options for our players, the N.H. Lottery and DraftKings are confident that momentum will continue throughout this season,” said McIntyre. Betting it all Digging into the Lottery’s FY 2024 numbers (as yet unaudited), the gross revenue was $633,716,687 from the games such as KENO, Powerball, Mega Millions, Megabucks and the rest. There was a total of $413,815,869 in prizes awarded. So, for every dollar spent on Lottery games, the average win was about 65 cents. Separately, sports betting earned the state a total of $33.65 million in FY 2024. The total “handle” bet by players was $753 million, with players wagering more than $661.4 million through the DraftKings online sportsbook and nearly $91.6 million at New Hampshire’s retail sportsbooks. The Granite State’s 12 charitable gaming establishments generated an additional $36.7 million in revenue in support of local charities in FY 2024 and $29.2 million for New Hampshire’s public schools. These casinos are licensed to donate a portion of daily proceeds to local nonprofit organizations. For Sletten, the long-term prognosis for Lottery Commission revenue is better than Liquor Commission revenue in the sale of liquor, wine, beer and tobacco products (including e-cigarettes and vape products). “We at least know that Liquor Commission revenues are not growing to nearly the same degree that Lottery Commission revenues are and with tobacco tax revenues, those are expected to be in long-term decline,” said Sletten. In the last few years, the best year for Liquor Commission revenue was FY 2021 when revenue peaked at $252.8 million; liquor/wine tax revenue was $230.8 and beer tax revenue was $13.7 million. FY 2022 saw Liquor Commission revenue drop to $241.3 million, then drop further to $235.5 in FY 2023. So is it a good bet for New Hampshire to be dependent on the gambling sin tax? Sletten sees both sides. “There could be a different direction or a different trend in lottery revenues that could serve to provide diversity to revenue streams that the state has that may be less tied directly to economic fortunes,” said Sletten. He cited a scenario where economic conditions might not favor the meals and rooms tax or business profits tax but might favor gaming. He also acknowledges the cost of gambling addiction. “Gambling addiction may generate cost to society, including both economic and social costs. Some key research suggests that the negative effects of gambling and gambling addiction may fall disproportionate on people with lower incomes,” said Sletten. “These relationships are likely complex, and causality may be difficult to determine in all cases, but it suggests that negative impacts may be disproportionate on those who can least absorb them, and that can affect the broader economy, as well as individual household budgets.” A Pew Charitable Trust report from 2018 entitled “Are Sin Taxes Healthy for State Budgets?” had two pieces of advice: 1) “Sin taxes are a useful tool for supporting public health objectives and can be effective in raising revenue in the short term,” and “2) States should carefully assess the sustainability of these revenue sources in the long term, especially for funding ongoing budget commitments, to avoid structural budget challenges.” A research paper published in June posits the notion that the growth of sports betting has had a particularly negative effect on economically vulnerable households. “Gambling Away Stability: Sports Betting’s Impact on Vulnerable Households” argues that, “despite being marketed as a form of entertainment, the industry’s profitability suggests that the typical bettor faces negative expected returns.” As a result, it said, the betting behavior displaces more favorable economic habits such as saving money and paying down credit card debt. “These effects concentrate among financially constrained households, as credit card debt increases, available credit decreases and overdraft frequency rises,” it said. What does the Lottery Commission’s executive director think of gambling as a state policy to generate revenue? “I always joke: I don’t make policy; I’m the instrument of policy,” said McIntyre. His job is to make it all work. “One of the reasons to do this is because, like, for example, sports betting, was to bring an illegal activity to be legal, to be well regulated, add the consumer protections,” said McIntyre. “If you have a problem with our platform of DraftKings, you can call me directly, and I’ll follow up and we’ll investigate, whereas you don’t have the luxury of that in the illegal market or your friend’s card game in his basement,” he added. “Yes, I believe it’s being done safely. As for if it’s a good idea, that’s a policy decision that the government, i.e. the Legislature, the governor make that.” The N.H. Council for Responsible Gambling was established through the 2019 legislation legalizing sports betting in the Granite State and is tasked with education, prevention and treatment related to gambling disorders in New Hampshire. It used $290,000 from the state to contract with the Council on Problem Gambling to build training and clinical capacity, and to facilitate outreach and awareness activities. That funding ran out at the end of FY23 and has not been renewed. The growth of gambling addiction issues are growing as opportunities to gamble are growing, according to Ed Talbot. “There’s more calls each year,” said Talbot. The organization mans a 24/7 hotline: 603-724-1605. As advertising for gambling has increased, particularly by DraftKings for sports betting, Talbot is seeing more issues with a younger generation. “One alarming statistic I just saw is the highest percentage of people indicating a potential problem is the 17 to 24 (age group), and I think a lot of that is based on the advertising that’s going on, especially around sports gambling,” said Talbot. “To me, that just says there’s going with the next generation, the problem is going to be more so.” In addition to counseling services and treatment recommendations for gambling addiction, Talbot said he wants the council to advocate for stronger self-exclusion, where gamblers who believe that they have a problem can voluntarily bar themselves from entering one or more gambling venues to prevent them from gambling. In New Hampshire, according to Talbot, that has to be done in person, at each establishment the individual wants to be excluded from. He said other states — Pennsylvania, for example — make it much easier through an online process. Talbot is unsure about future direct state funding for the Council on Problem Gambling. “Fiscal Year 2024 we’ve been on our own, and fiscal year 2025 unless we get some supplemental funding, we’ll be on our own again,” he said. Ironically, Talbot said the council feels it has to participate in casino nights in order to raise operating funds. “We have participated in charity gaming, which is not something we would like to do,” said Talbot, “but we’re a nonprofit, and we have taken advantage of that and gotten anywhere between $25,000 and $30,000 a year out of that.”Gophers junior guard Mara Braun will not travel with the University of Minnesota women’s basketball team to its tournament in New Orleans later this week. Instead, she’ll stay behind and have surgery on the right foot she re-injured last week . “She’ll have the surgery and get back to working on her recovery,” Gophers coach Dawn Plitzuweit said. Plitzuweit said a decision on whether Braun will attempt to return this year is still pending. “It’s way too early to tell,” she said. The team’s leading scorer, Braun originally injured her right foot landing on an opponent in the fourth quarter of the Gophers game at Illinois on Jan. 28. She had surgery then and was lost until the Gophers began play in the WNIT tournament. But, after two games there, she tweaked the injury and missed the final three games . Last season it took about two months for Braun to return. It remains to be seen how her recovery goes this time, but Braun would be eligible for a medical redshirt should she miss the remainder of the 2024-25 season. The Gophers were 5-0 when Braun stepped wrong and re-injured the foot in the morning shootaround prior to the Nov. 20 game against Eastern Illinois. She has watched the last two games from the bench, wearing a walking boot. Since the start of the 2023-24 season the Gophers are 21-6 with Braun in the starting lineup, 6-10 without her. The Gophers have beaten both Eastern Illinois and Montana since Braun’s latest setback. Next up, they’ll play Houston on Friday in New Orleans.8 lotto

The year girl power got a joyous update

Apia, Samoa – 27 November 2024 – The Central Bank of Samoa (CBS) has launched the CBS Regulatory Sandbox as part of a series of development policies issued for the development of Samoa’s financial sector. The Regulatory Sandbox is part of the CBS regulatory regime and will allow legal entities to test certain new, innovative and completed eligible financial products and services in a safe and controlled environment, prior to its deployment to the market. The Regulatory Sandbox is necessary to ensure the legal certainty for financial innovators and financial technology businesses (FinTech) who are willing to provide products and services which might not yet be fully regulated in Samoa but have significant potential to contribute to enhancing financial inclusion efforts for Samoa’s economic development. It will provide CBS with the opportunity to balance innovation and risks, facilitating innovative products and services to be trialed within stipulated terms and conditions while also ensuring the financial system is not exposed to unnecessary risks. However, the Regulatory Sandbox cannot be used as a means to circumvent existing regulatory and legislative requirements. The Regulatory Sandbox will support the CBS in safeguarding Samoa’s financial system stability and the promotion of financial inclusion as set out in the Central Bank of Samoa Act 2015 . Furthermore, it is also a part of the activities to support the objectives of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy 2022/2023 – 2025/2026 . With the official launch of the CBS Regulatory Sandbox, interested applicants can now submit their applications through the process as prescribed in the CBS Regulatory Sandbox Framework . However, early consultation with the CBS prior to the submission of the application is highly encouraged and recommended. The Regulatory Sandbox was developed with In-Country Implementation support from the Alliance for Finance Inclusion (AFI), a policy leadership alliance of financial regulators and policymakers with the common objective of advancing financial inclusion at the country, regional and international levels. “AFI continues to be an important policy partner of the CBS in its financial inclusion journey and we are extremely appreciative of the facility from AFI that has allowed the technical support to develop our regulatory sandbox – this realizes a major achievement for the CBS and a significant milestone to support developments in the financial sector. We look forward to working with eligible entities through the Sandbox program,“ said CBS Governor Maiava Atalina Ainuu-Enari. The CBS Regulatory Sandbox will also link up with regional efforts to establish a Pacific Regional Regulatory Sandbox. AFI continues to provide the assistance for this work to the Pacific. To access the CBS Regulatory Sandbox Framework which provides more information on this special regulatory regime, please click on the link or scan the QR code below: CBS-Regulatory-Sandbox-Framework-v1.0.pdf Scan the QR Code below:

Archaeologists discover 4,000-year-old canals used to fish by predecessors of ancient Maya

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GREAT FALLS - Cold and snowy weather arrived in north-central Montana over the past week, and although the wintery weather has been welcomed by hunters and hunter success rates remain good, it has not resulted in a significant uptick in hunter numbers. Through Sunday Nov. 24, just over 2,100 hunters have been checked through the FWP check station on Main Street in Augusta, which is approximately 13 percent below the 10-year average. Overall harvest of all big game animals is only two percent below average and nearly identical to last year at this time. A total of 574 big game animals have been checked so far this season, of which 96 percent are deer and elk, with nineteen other animals checked, including bighorn sheep, mountain goat, antelope, moose, and wolf. Overall hunter harvest success remains above recent average with 27 percent of hunters reporting harvested big game, which is higher than the ten-year average of 24 percent of hunters with harvested game. So far this season, mule and white-tailed deer harvest continues to dominant the harvest tally, amounting to just over 70 percent of the total big game checked. Mule deer harvest is 28 percent above the 10-year average while white-tailed deer harvest is very near average. Antlered and antlerless deer harvest comprises 62 percent and 38 percent of the total deer harvest, respectively. The deer rut is in full swing, with hunters seeing and harvesting some larger bucks. Several of the largest bucks seen at the check station in the past week were brought in by young hunters in their first year of hunting. A Montana elk hunter punches his tag on an bull in Sept. 2024. Elk harvest lags well behind average however, with 143 elk checked thus far at the station, a decline of 28 percent less than the ten-year average of 199 elk. Bull and antlerless elk harvest comprise 41 percent and 59 percent of the total elk harvest, respectively. Sun River elk (Hunting Districts 424, 425, 442) comprise nearly two thirds of the elk harvest. The HD 442 quota has been met, reverting the season to brow-tined bull only hunting opportunity through the end of the season. The HD 424 elk quota has not been met and remains open for brow-tined bull or antlerless elk hunting opportunity. For quota status information or other local area hunting information, the check station can be reached at 406-562-3467. The general deer and elk seasons run through Sunday, Dec. 1. The check station operated by FWP along Main Street in Augusta is the only biological check station in Region 4 and operates seven days a week from 5:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. on weekdays and 10 p.m. on weekends. Biological check stations like the station in Augusta are intended primarily for biologists to gather trends and statistical information about animals and hunters. Hunters are reminded that they must stop at any check station they pass while hunting, whether or not they have harvested game. Be the first to know Get local news delivered to your inbox!CAMBRIDGE, Mass. , Nov. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Akamai Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: AKAM ), the cybersecurity and cloud computing company that powers and protects business online, announced that the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware has approved its bid to acquire select assets from Edgio, including certain customer contracts from Edgio's businesses in content delivery and security, and non-exclusive license rights to patents in Edgio's portfolio. The transaction does not include the acquisition of Edgio personnel, technology, or assets related to the Edgio network. The court approval follows Akamai submitting the winning bid for the select assets during Edgio's 363 bankruptcy auction on November 13, 2024 , as part of its filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy relief. The court decision provides the necessary approval for the closing of the sale to proceed. When the transaction closes, several hundred net new Akamai customers will have a clear path and the necessary support to smoothly migrate to a best-in-class and reliable provider of the services they need prior to Edgio ceasing operations of its content delivery network. The customers will also have immediate access to the full portfolio of Akamai's cybersecurity and cloud computing services. "Akamai is offering Edgio customers a smooth, secure transition without impacting their business or that of their end users," said Adam Karon , Akamai's Chief Operating Officer and General Manager, Cloud Technology Group. "We have the capacity, capabilities, and experience to help Edgio customers easily migrate to Akamai, and we believe our track record with similar transactions gives us the expertise to help move them to Akamai as seamlessly as possible. We look forward to welcoming these new customers and giving them the opportunity to take advantage of Akamai's full range of security and cloud solutions, which run on the world's most distributed platform." For the fourth quarter of 2024, Akamai expects this transaction to add approximately $9 - $11 million in revenue. As part of its bid, Akamai agreed to pay certain costs for Edgio to operate its network during the transition and wind-down period until such time as Edgio ceases operation of its content delivery network in mid-January 2025 . Akamai expects those transition services costs to be approximately $15 - $17 million in the fourth quarter. Akamai anticipates the transaction to be dilutive to non-GAAP net income per diluted share by approximately $0.03 - $0.05 in the fourth quarter, inclusive of the transition service costs. For the full year 2025, Akamai anticipates this transaction will add approximately $80 - $100 million in revenue, approximately $25 - $30 million of transition service costs, and be accretive to non-GAAP net income per diluted share by approximately $0.15 - $0.20 . "We believe this transaction will create significant value for Akamai and our shareholders," said Ed McGowan , Akamai's Chief Financial Officer. "By integrating these customers onto our platform with its advantageous cost structure, we expect to improve profitability and unlock new growth opportunities. We're excited about the potential to cross-sell and up-sell our advanced security and cloud computing solutions to this expanded customer base." The transaction is expected to close in early December 2024 , subject to customary closing conditions for a transaction of this type. About Akamai Akamai is the cybersecurity and cloud computing company that powers and protects business online. Our market-leading security solutions, superior threat intelligence, and global operations team provide defense-in-depth to safeguard enterprise data and applications everywhere. Akamai's full-stack cloud computing solutions deliver performance and affordability on the world's most distributed platform. Global enterprises trust Akamai to provide the industry-leading reliability, scale, and expertise they need to grow their business with confidence. Learn more at akamai.com and akamai.com/blog , or follow Akamai Technologies on X and LinkedIn . Contacts Akamai Public Relations [email protected] Akamai Investor Relations [email protected] Akamai Statement Under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act This press release contains statements that are not statements of historical fact and constitute forward-looking statements for purposes of the safe harbor provisions under The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including, but not limited to, statements about: management's guidance regarding the expected impact of the transaction on Akamai, including its expected impact on revenue, non-GAAP net income per diluted share, capital expenditures, and new customer additions; the potential benefits of the transaction to Akamai, its customers and its shareholders; expectations regarding customer migration in connection with the transaction; expected transition services costs; the expected duration of Edgio's transition and wind-down period; and the expected closing date of the transaction. Each of the forward-looking statements is subject to change as a result of various important factors, many of which are beyond the company's control, including, but not limited to: the risk that the transaction may not be completed in a timely manner or at all; the parties' ability to satisfy closing conditions; the occurrence of any event, change or other circumstance that could give rise to the termination of the transaction agreements; Akamai being unable to achieve the anticipated benefits of the transaction; the risk that customer migration may be more difficult, time-consuming or costly than expected; the retention of key personnel during the transition period; potential adverse reactions or changes to business relationships resulting from the announcement or completion of the proposed transaction; effects of competition, including pricing pressure and changing business models; impact of macroeconomic trends, including economic uncertainty, turmoil in the financial services industry, the effects of inflation, rising and fluctuating interest rates, foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations, securities market volatility and monetary supply fluctuations; continuing supply chain and logistics costs, constraints, changes or disruptions; defects or disruptions in Akamai's products or IT systems, including cyber-attacks, data breaches or malware; changes to economic, political and regulatory conditions in the United States or internationally; and other factors that are discussed in the company's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and other documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All information provided in this press release is as of the date of this press release, and Akamai does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statement, except as required under applicable law. Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures In addition to providing financial measurements based on generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America (GAAP), Akamai provides additional financial metrics that are not prepared in accordance with GAAP (non-GAAP financial measures). Management uses non-GAAP financial measures, in addition to GAAP financial measures, to understand and compare operating results across accounting periods, for financial and operational decision making, for planning and forecasting purposes, to measure executive compensation and to evaluate Akamai's financial performance. The non-GAAP financial measure used in this release is non-GAAP net income per diluted share. Management believes that these non-GAAP financial measures reflect Akamai's ongoing business in a manner that allows for meaningful comparisons and analysis of trends in the business, as they facilitate comparison of financial results across accounting periods and to those of our peer companies. Management also believes that these non-GAAP financial measures enable investors to evaluate Akamai's operating results and future prospects in the same manner as management. These non-GAAP financial measures may exclude expenses and gains that may be unusual in nature, infrequent or not reflective of Akamai's ongoing operating results. The non-GAAP financial measures do not replace the presentation of Akamai's GAAP financial results and should only be used as a supplement to, not as a substitute for, Akamai's financial results presented in accordance with GAAP. In addition, the financial guidance contained in this press release that is provided on a non-GAAP basis cannot be reconciled to the closest GAAP measures without unreasonable effort because of the unpredictability of the amounts and timing of events affecting the items we exclude from non-GAAP measures. For example, stock-based compensation is unpredictable for Akamai's performance-based awards, which can fluctuate significantly based on current expectations of the future achievement of performance-based targets. Amortization of intangible assets, acquisition-related costs and restructuring costs are all impacted by the timing and size of potential future actions, which are difficult to predict. In addition, from time to time, Akamai excludes certain items that occur infrequently, which are also inherently difficult to predict and estimate. It is also difficult to predict the tax effect of the items we exclude and to estimate certain discrete tax items, such as the resolution of tax audits or changes to tax laws. As such, the costs that are being excluded from non-GAAP guidance are difficult to predict and a reconciliation or a range of results could lead to disclosure that would be imprecise or potentially misleading. Material changes to any one of the exclusions could have a significant effect on our guidance and future GAAP results. Akamai's definition of the non-GAAP measures used in this press release are outlined below: Non-GAAP net income per diluted share – Non-GAAP net income divided by weighted average diluted common shares outstanding. Diluted weighted average common shares outstanding are adjusted in non-GAAP per share calculations for the shares that would be delivered to Akamai pursuant to the note hedge transactions entered into in connection with the issuances of $1,265 million of convertible senior notes due 2029 and the issuances of $1,150 million of convertible senior notes due 2027 and 2025, respectively. Under GAAP, shares delivered under hedge transactions are not considered offsetting shares in the fully-diluted share calculation until they are delivered. However, Akamai would receive a benefit from the note hedge transactions and would not allow the dilution to occur, so management believes that adjusting for this benefit provides a meaningful view of operating performance. With respect to the convertible senior notes due in each of 2029, 2027 and 2025, unless Akamai's weighted average stock price is greater than $126.31 , $116.18 and $95.10 , respectively, the initial conversion prices, there will be no difference between GAAP and non-GAAP diluted weighted average common shares outstanding. Non-GAAP net income – GAAP net income adjusted for the following tax-affected items: amortization of acquired intangible assets; stock-based compensation; amortization of capitalized stock-based compensation; acquisition-related costs; restructuring charges; amortization of debt issuance costs; amortization of capitalized interest expense; certain gains and losses on investments; gains and losses from equity method investment; and other non-recurring or unusual items that may arise from time to time. The non-GAAP adjustments, and Akamai's basis for excluding them from non-GAAP financial measures, are outlined below: Amortization of acquired intangible assets – Akamai has incurred amortization of intangible assets, included in its GAAP financial statements, related to various acquisitions Akamai has made. The amount of an acquisition's purchase price allocated to intangible assets and term of its related amortization can vary significantly and is unique to each acquisition; therefore, Akamai excludes amortization of acquired intangible assets from its non-GAAP financial measures to provide investors with a consistent basis for comparing pre- and post-acquisition operating results. Stock-based compensation and amortization of capitalized stock-based compensation – Stock-based compensation is an important aspect of the compensation paid to Akamai's employees which includes long-term incentive plans to encourage retention, performance-based plans to encourage achievement of specified financial targets and also short-term incentive awards with a one year vest. The grant date fair value of the stock-based compensation awards varies based on the stock price at the time of grant, varying valuation methodologies, subjective assumptions and the variety of award types. This makes the comparison of Akamai's current financial results to previous and future periods difficult to interpret; therefore, Akamai believes it is useful to exclude stock-based compensation and amortization of capitalized stock-based compensation from its non-GAAP financial measures in order to highlight the performance of Akamai's core business and to be consistent with the way many investors evaluate its performance and compare its operating results to peer companies. Acquisition-related costs – Acquisition-related costs include transaction fees, advisory fees, due diligence costs and other direct costs associated with strategic activities, as well as certain additional compensation costs payable to employees acquired from the Linode acquisition if employed for a certain period of time. The additional compensation cost was initiated by and determined by the seller, and is in addition to normal levels of compensation, including retention programs, offered by Akamai. Acquisition-related costs are impacted by the timing and size of the acquisitions, and Akamai excludes acquisition-related costs from its non-GAAP financial measures to provide a useful comparison of operating results to prior periods and to peer companies because such amounts vary significantly based on the magnitude of the acquisition transactions and do not reflect Akamai's core operations. Restructuring charge – Akamai has incurred restructuring charges from programs that have significantly changed either the scope of the business undertaken by the Company or the manner in which that business is conducted. These charges include severance and related expenses for workforce reductions, impairments of long-lived assets that will no longer be used in operations (including acquired intangible assets, right-of-use assets, other facility-related property and equipment and internal-use software) and termination fees for any contracts canceled as part of these programs. Akamai excludes these items from its non-GAAP financial measures when evaluating its continuing business performance as such items vary significantly based on the magnitude of the restructuring action and do not reflect expected future operating expenses. In addition, these charges do not necessarily provide meaningful insight into the fundamentals of current or past operations of its business. Amortization of debt issuance costs and capitalized interest expense – Akamai has convertible senior notes outstanding that mature in 2029, 2027 and 2025. The issuance costs of the convertible senior notes are amortized to interest expense and are excluded from Akamai's non-GAAP results because management believes the non-cash amortization expense is not representative of ongoing operating performance. Gains and losses on investments – Akamai has recorded gains and losses from the disposition, changes to fair value and impairment of certain investments. Akamai believes excluding these amounts from its non-GAAP financial measures is useful to investors as the types of events giving rise to these gains and losses are not representative of Akamai's core business operations and ongoing operating performance. Gains and losses from equity method investment – Akamai records income or losses on its share of earnings and losses from its equity method investment, and any gains from returns of investments or impairments. Akamai excludes such income and losses because it does not have direct control over the operations of the investment and the related income and losses are not representative of its core business operations. Income tax effect of non-GAAP adjustments and certain discrete tax items – The non-GAAP adjustments described above are reported on a pre-tax basis. The income tax effect of non-GAAP adjustments is the difference between GAAP and non-GAAP income tax expense. Non-GAAP income tax expense is computed on non-GAAP pre-tax income (GAAP pre-tax income adjusted for non-GAAP adjustments) and excludes certain discrete tax items (such as the impact of intercompany sales of intellectual property related to acquisitions), if any. Akamai believes that applying the non-GAAP adjustments and their related income tax effect allows Akamai to highlight income attributable to its core operations. SOURCE Akamai Technologies, Inc.

Top holiday food, drink ranked via national poll

Black Friday is almost here, and that means incredible deals on all things PlayStation! Whether you’re looking to snag a PS5 console, stock up on games, or grab an extra controller, this is the perfect time to save big. Retailers like Amazon, Walmart, Best Buy, and GameStop are slashing prices, with discounts of up to 40% on popular titles, bundles, and accessories. Get ready to level up your gaming experience without breaking the bank! What’s the hype about? Black Friday is the biggest shopping event of the year, offering massive discounts and promotions across various product categories. For gamers, it’s a golden opportunity to grab those wishlist items they’ve been eyeing. Why PlayStation? Sony’s PlayStation consistently ranks as a top gaming platform, boasting exclusive titles, immersive gameplay , and cutting-edge technology. With the PS5 still relatively new, Black Friday deals make it more accessible than ever. When is it happening? Black Friday officially falls on November 24th this year, but deals often start rolling out earlier in the week, both online and in stores. Where can I find the deals? Major retailers like Amazon, Walmart, Best Buy, Target, and GameStop, along with the PlayStation Store itself, will be offering enticing discounts. Deals to Watch Out For: Tips for Snagging the Best Deals: My Black Friday Gaming Adventures: I’ve been a Black Friday warrior for years, and scoring amazing deals on games is always a thrill. One year, I managed to snag a PS4 Pro bundled with “Red Dead Redemption 2” for a steal. Another time, I snagged a whole stack of PS4 games for under $20 each! The key is to be prepared, do your research, and act fast. Don’t Miss Out! Black Friday is the ultimate opportunity to elevate your gaming experience without emptying your wallet. With incredible deals on consoles, games, accessories, and more, you’re sure to find something to enhance your PlayStation journey . So, mark your calendars, prepare your shopping strategy, and get ready to score epic savings! Possible Deals at Specific Retailers: Beyond the Deals: Remember, Black Friday is not just about the discounts. It’s about the excitement of the hunt, the thrill of scoring a great deal, and the joy of expanding your gaming horizons. So, embrace the chaos, enjoy the savings, and happy gaming!Pete Hegseth’s lawyer and Sen. Tom Cotton slammed West Point on Wednesday for falsely claiming the defense secretary-designate was never accepted into the nation’s top military academy — in potential violation of federal privacy laws, according to letters exclusively obtained by The Post. Attorney Tim Parlatore and Cotton (R-Ark.) fired off a pair of letters to the US Military Academy’s superintendent, expressing concern that a public affairs officer shared “false information” with a journalist that could have blocked President-elect Donald Trump’s defense pick from confirmation. “Not only did Mr. Hegseth apply, but he was accepted as a prospective member of the class of 2003,” Parlatore said in a letter to West Point Superintendent Lt. Gen. Steven Gilland, disclosing a copy later tweeted by his client of the offer of admission in 1999. “The use of false statements to influence or damage a political nominee’s reputation is particularly concerning, as it may interfere with the democratic process and the fair consideration of candidate for public office,” he added. Cotton claimed that West Point’s civilian press rep, Theresa Brinkerhoff, also showed “egregiously bad judgment to share such information about the nominee to be Secretary of Defense with a known liberal outlet like ProPublica,” claiming that the reporter at the outlet was preparing “a derogatory hit piece.” “Perhaps there’s an honest mistake here, though I can’t imagine what it might be,” the Arkansas Republican said. “But I also can’t imagine this action was authorized or known to the West Point leadership.” A West Point spokesperson later told The Post, “A review of our records indicates Peter Hegseth was offered admission to West Point in 1999 but did not attend. An incorrect statement involving Hegseth’s admission to the U.S. Military Academy was released by an employee on Dec. 10, 2024.” “Upon further review of an archived database, employees realized this statement was in error,” the rep said. “Hegseth was offered acceptance to West Point as a prospective member of the Class of 2003. The academy takes this situation seriously and apologizes for this administrative error.” Investigative nonprofit ProPublica, which bills itself as a “nonpartisan, careful and independent,” was reporting a piece on Hegseth’s links to West Point when it got the erroneous statement from the prestigious academy. The story never ran after the publication eventually received a copy of Hegseth’s admission letter. “So: No, we are not publishing a story,” ProPublica editor Jesse Eisinger posted in a lengthy thread on X Wednesday. “This is how journalism is supposed to work. Hear something. Check something. Repeat steps 1 and 2 as many times as needed. The end.” Both Parlatore and Cotton called for a thorough investigation into the matter and noted that West Point’s actions may have violated the Privacy Act of 1974, which prohibits federal agencies from disclosing personnel records without the individual’s express consent. The only exceptions to the statute involve records that are demanded by law enforcement or asked for via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request — neither of which applied here, according to Parlatore. Technically, all West Point records are under the purview of the Department of the Army in the Pentagon, which Hegseth, an Army combat vet, will oversee if a majority of the Senate confirms him in the 119th Congress. In addition to “reputational harm,” Parlatore added, the potentially criminal fabrication could also “undermine public trust” in the US military. “In light of these concerns, I urge you to investigate this matter thoroughly and take appropriate corrective action to prevent future violations. As a fellow Service Academy graduate, I am sure that we both agree that it is imperative that our Service Academies uphold the highest standards of privacy, accuracy, and integrity in their communications.” Making false statements as an executive branch employee with the intent to mislead is punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine. The attorney’s missive to the US Military Academy shows that Hegseth was accepted for admission to the US Military Academy in January 1999 — but he chose to enroll at Princeton University instead later that year. The future defense nominee served in the Ivy League school’s ROTC program and graduated in 2003, going on to serve in the Minnesota National Guard and Army National Guard for nearly two decades and rising ultimately to the rank of major. He served three deployments — including as a platoon leader during the Iraq war and teacher of counterinsurgency tactics in Afghanistan — and was awarded two Bronze Star Medals. Hegseth, 44, has waded other accusations from anonymous former colleagues about being ousted from veterans groups he helmed between 2007 and 2016 for binge drinking and sexual impropriety — though those who worked alongside him have dismissed the allegations in their entirety as untrue . Parlatore disputed other allegations of sexual assault in 2017 by pointing to police reports contradicting the accuser — who he believes made other false claims of misconduct against another person. Hegseth’s confirmation appeared on the rocks for weeks as Republican senators expressed reservations about the “concerning” allegations against the defense appointee — but Trump, 78, refused to back down . “Pete Hegseth is doing very well. His support is strong and deep, much more so than the Fake News would have you believe,” the once and future president wrote on Truth Social last week, rejecting reports he was reconsidering his pick. “He was a great student – Princeton/Harvard educated – with a Military state of mind. He will be a fantastic, high-energy, Secretary of Defense” he added, predicting the former Fox News personality will be “one who leads with charisma and skill. “Pete is a WINNER, and there is nothing that can be done to change that!!!” he crowed. Sen. Joni Ernst, who is a rape survivor, was the only Republican to indicate she was not ready to vote “yes” on Hegseth’s confirmation but has since warmed up to the Pentagon nom after private discussions. “Following our encouraging conversations, Pete committed to completing a full audit of the Pentagon and selecting a senior official who will uphold the roles and value of our servicemen and women — based on quality and standards, not quotas — and who will prioritize and strengthen my work to prevent sexual assault within the ranks,” Ernst (R-Iowa) said. It would only take four GOP senators voting “no” to torpedo a Trump nominee.

Generative AI-powered ChatBook featuring S. Rajaratnam, one of Singapore’s Founding FathersTORONTO (AP) — The Utah Hockey Club said players were forced to walk to their game against the Maple Leafs after their bus got stuck in Toronto traffic Sunday night. The team posted a video on social media of team members walking to Scotiabank Arena, with player Maveric Lamoureux saying the bus was “not moving at all.” Several city streets had been closed during the day for the annual Santa Claus parade. The Maple Leafs earned their fourth consecutive win by defeating Utah 3-2. The viral incident prompted Ontario Premier Doug Ford to call the congestion “embarrassing” and “unacceptable,” highlighting his government’s plan to address the city’s gridlock through bike lane legislation. It wasn’t the first time a Toronto visitor had to ditch their vehicle to make it to an event on time. In June, former One Direction band member Niall Horan had to walk through traffic to get to his concert at Scotiabank Arena. AP NHL: https://apnews.com/hub/nhl

J.K. Dobbins' knee injury could be tough news for the Chargers offenseRetail Analytics Boom: USD 7.2B in 2022 to USD 29.13B by 2031, with 16.8% CAGR. 11-26-2024 09:05 PM CET | IT, New Media & Software Press release from: SkyQuest Technology Group Retail Analytics Market Scope: Key Insights : Retail Analytics Market size was valued at USD 7.2 billion in 2022 and is poised to grow from USD 8.41 billion in 2023 to USD 29.13 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 16.80% during the forecast period (2024-2031). Discover Your Competitive Edge with a Free Sample Report : https://www.skyquestt.com/sample-request/retail-analytics-market Access the full 2024 Market report for a comprehensive understanding @ https://www.skyquestt.com/report/retail-analytics-market In-Depth Exploration of the global Retail Analytics Market: This report offers a thorough exploration of the global Retail Analytics market, presenting a wealth of data that has been meticulously researched and analyzed. It identifies and examines the crucial market drivers, including pricing strategies, competitive landscapes, market dynamics, and regional growth trends. By outlining how these factors impact overall market performance, the report provides invaluable insights for stakeholders looking to navigate this complex terrain. Additionally, it features comprehensive profiles of leading market players, detailing essential metrics such as production capabilities, revenue streams, market value, volume, market share, and anticipated growth rates. This report serves as a vital resource for businesses seeking to make informed decisions in a rapidly evolving market. Trends and Insights Leading to Growth Opportunities The best insights for investment decisions stem from understanding major market trends, which simplify the decision-making process for potential investors. The research strives to discover multiple growth opportunities that readers can evaluate and potentially capitalize on, armed with all relevant data. Through a comprehensive assessment of important growth factors, including pricing, production, profit margins, and the value chain, market growth can be more accurately forecast for the upcoming years. Top Firms Evaluated in the Global Retail Analytics Market Research Report: Adobe Systems (US) Oracle (US) IBM (US) SAS Institute (US) SAP AG (Germany) Microsoft Corporation (US) Tableau Software (US) QlikTech International (Sweden) MicroStrategy (US) Teradata (US) FICO (US) Key Aspects of the Report: Market Summary: The report includes an overview of products/services, emphasizing the global Retail Analytics market's overall size. It provides a summary of the segmentation analysis, focusing on product/service types, applications, and regional categories, along with revenue and sales forecasts. Competitive Analysis: This segment presents information on market trends and conditions, analyzing various manufacturers. It includes data regarding average prices, as well as revenue and sales distributions for individual players in the market. Business Profiles: This chapter provides a thorough examination of the financial and strategic data for leading players in the global Retail Analytics market, covering product/service descriptions, portfolios, geographic reach, and revenue divisions. Sales Analysis by Region: This section provides data on market performance, detailing revenue, sales, and market share across regions. It also includes projections for sales growth rates and pricing strategies for each regional market, such as: North America: United States, Canada, and Mexico Europe: Germany, France, UK, Russia, and Italy Asia-Pacific: China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia South America: Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, etc. Middle East and Africa: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa This in-depth research study has the capability to tackle a range of significant questions that are pivotal for understanding the market dynamics, and it specifically aims to answer the following key inquiries: How big could the global Retail Analytics market become by the end of the forecast period? Let's explore the exciting possibilities! Will the current market leader in the global Retail Analytics segment continue to hold its ground, or is change on the horizon? Which regions are poised to experience the most explosive growth in the Retail Analytics market? Discover where the future opportunities lie! Is there a particular player that stands out as the dominant force in the global Retail Analytics market? Let's find out who's leading the charge! What are the key factors driving growth and the challenges holding back the global Retail Analytics market? Join us as we uncover the forces at play! To establish the important thing traits, Ask Our Experts @ https://www.skyquestt.com/speak-with-analyst/retail-analytics-market Table of Contents Chapter 1 Industry Overview 1.1 Definition 1.2 Assumptions 1.3 Research Scope 1.4 Market Analysis by Regions 1.5 Market Size Analysis from 2023 to 2030 11.6 COVID-19 Outbreak: Medical Computer Cart Industry Impact Chapter 2 Competition by Types, Applications, and Top Regions and Countries 2.1 Market (Volume and Value) by Type 2.3 Market (Volume and Value) by Regions Chapter 3 Production Market Analysis 3.1 Worldwide Production Market Analysis 3.2 Regional Production Market Analysis Chapter 4 Medical Computer Cart Sales, Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2023-2023) Chapter 5 North America Market Analysis Chapter 6 East Asia Market Analysis Chapter 7 Europe Market Analysis Chapter 8 South Asia Market Analysis Chapter 9 Southeast Asia Market Analysis Chapter 10 Middle East Market Analysis Chapter 11 Africa Market Analysis Chapter 12 Oceania Market Analysis Chapter 13 Latin America Market Analysis Chapter 14 Company Profiles and Key Figures in Medical Computer Cart Business Chapter 15 Market Forecast (2023-2030) Chapter 16 Conclusions Address: 1 Apache Way, Westford, Massachusetts 01886 Phone: USA (+1) 351-333-4748 Email: sales@skyquestt.com About Us: SkyQuest Technology is leading growth consulting firm providing market intelligence, commercialization and technology services. It has 450+ happy clients globally. This release was published on openPR.

GREAT FALLS - Cold and snowy weather arrived in north-central Montana over the past week, and although the wintery weather has been welcomed by hunters and hunter success rates remain good, it has not resulted in a significant uptick in hunter numbers. Through Sunday Nov. 24, just over 2,100 hunters have been checked through the FWP check station on Main Street in Augusta, which is approximately 13 percent below the 10-year average. Overall harvest of all big game animals is only two percent below average and nearly identical to last year at this time. A total of 574 big game animals have been checked so far this season, of which 96 percent are deer and elk, with nineteen other animals checked, including bighorn sheep, mountain goat, antelope, moose, and wolf. Overall hunter harvest success remains above recent average with 27 percent of hunters reporting harvested big game, which is higher than the ten-year average of 24 percent of hunters with harvested game. So far this season, mule and white-tailed deer harvest continues to dominant the harvest tally, amounting to just over 70 percent of the total big game checked. Mule deer harvest is 28 percent above the 10-year average while white-tailed deer harvest is very near average. Antlered and antlerless deer harvest comprises 62 percent and 38 percent of the total deer harvest, respectively. The deer rut is in full swing, with hunters seeing and harvesting some larger bucks. Several of the largest bucks seen at the check station in the past week were brought in by young hunters in their first year of hunting. A Montana elk hunter punches his tag on an bull in Sept. 2024. Elk harvest lags well behind average however, with 143 elk checked thus far at the station, a decline of 28 percent less than the ten-year average of 199 elk. Bull and antlerless elk harvest comprise 41 percent and 59 percent of the total elk harvest, respectively. Sun River elk (Hunting Districts 424, 425, 442) comprise nearly two thirds of the elk harvest. The HD 442 quota has been met, reverting the season to brow-tined bull only hunting opportunity through the end of the season. The HD 424 elk quota has not been met and remains open for brow-tined bull or antlerless elk hunting opportunity. For quota status information or other local area hunting information, the check station can be reached at 406-562-3467. The general deer and elk seasons run through Sunday, Dec. 1. The check station operated by FWP along Main Street in Augusta is the only biological check station in Region 4 and operates seven days a week from 5:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. on weekdays and 10 p.m. on weekends. Biological check stations like the station in Augusta are intended primarily for biologists to gather trends and statistical information about animals and hunters. Hunters are reminded that they must stop at any check station they pass while hunting, whether or not they have harvested game. Get local news delivered to your inbox!


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