Men’s basketball notes: Assane Diop giving productive minutes for CU Buffs
Earth just experienced its second-warmest November on record — second only to 2023 — making it all but certain that 2024 will end as the hottest year ever measured, according to a report Monday by European climate service Copernicus. Last year was the hottest on record due to human-caused climate change coupled with the effects of an El Nino. But after this summer registered as the hottest on record — Phoenix sweltered through 113 consecutive days with a high temperature of at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit — scientists anticipated 2024 would set a new annual record as well. In November, global temperatures averaged 14.10C (57.38F). Last year's global average temperature was 14.98C (59F). FILE - People are silhouetted against the sky at sunset Nov. 12 as they run in a park in Shawnee, Kan. Jennifer Francis, a climate scientist at the Woodwell Climate Research Center in Cape Cod, who wasn't involved in the report, said the big story about November is that "like 2023, it beat out previous Novembers by a large margin." This also likely will be the first calendar year in which the average temperature was more than 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial times, the report said. The 2015 Paris Agreement said human-caused warming should be limited to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit), and ideally below 1.5. In the following years, the world's top scientist said limiting to 1.5 was crucial to stave off the worst impacts of climate change, such as increasing destructive and frequent extreme weather events. Scientists say the main cause of climate change is the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas. That "does not mean that the Paris Agreement has been breached, but it does mean ambitious climate action is more urgent than ever," said Copernicus Deputy Director Samantha Burgess. A young family visiting Washington cools off from the warm weather in a fountain Nov. 6 at the base of the Washington Monument. Francis said the new records are "terrible news for people and ecosystems." "The pace of warming is so fast that plants and animals cannot adapt as they always have during previous changes in the Earth's climate. More species will go extinct, which disrupts natural food webs they're a part of. Agriculture will suffer as pollinators decline and pests flourish," she said, also warning that coastal communities will be vulnerable to sea-level rise. Heat waves over the oceans and a loss of reflective sea ice and snow cover probably contributed to the temperature increase this year, experts said. Copernicus said the extent of Antarctic sea ice in November was 10% below average, a record. Oceans absorb about 90% of the heat trapped by greenhouse gases, later releasing heat and water vapor back into the atmosphere. Last year's record heat was caused partly by an El Nino — a temporary natural warming of parts of the central Pacific that alters weather worldwide. People walk Nov. 27 on an autumn-colored ginkgo tree-lined avenue in Tokyo. But that ended this year and a cooling effect that often follows, called La Nina, failed to materialize, leaving the scientific community "a little perplexed by what's going on here ... why temperatures are staying high," said Jonathan Overpeck, a climate scientist at the University of Michigan. One explanation is that an El Nino releases more heat to the atmosphere because of warmer ocean waters, then "we're not getting the cooling effect that often in decades gone by helps bring the temperature back down," Overpeck said. "So it does look like this could be contributing to the acceleration of global warming. But this year, he said, "is such a big jump following yet another jump, and that's a scary thing." It's no secret that a warming world will drive food prices higher, a phenomenon increasingly known as " heatflation ." What's less known, but a growing area of interest among economists and scientists alike, is the role individual extreme weather events — blistering temperatures in Texas , a destructive tornado in Iowa — may have on what U.S. consumers pay at the supermarket. At first glance, the answer might seem logical: A drought or flood that impacts agricultural production will, eventually, drive up prices. But it's not that simple, because what consumers pay for groceries isn't only reflective of crop yields or herd sizes, but the whole supply chain. As Grist reports, that's where it gets interesting: Economists are beginning to see a growing trend that suggests weather forecasts play a part in sticker shock. Sometimes the mere prediction of an extreme event — like the record-breaking temperatures, hurricanes, and wildfires forecasters are bracing for this summer — can prompt a spike in prices. It isn't the forecast itself to blame, but concerns about what the weather to come might mean for the entire supply chain, as food manufacturers manage their risks and the expected future value of their goods, said Seungki Lee, an agricultural economist at Ohio State University. "When it comes to the climate risk on food prices, people typically look at the production side. But over the last two years, we learned that extreme weather can raise food prices, [cause] transportation disruptions, as well as production disruptions," said Lee. How much we pay for the food we buy is determined by retailers, who consider the producer's price, labor costs, and other factors. Any increases in what producers charge is typically passed on to consumers because grocery stores operate on thin profit margins. And if manufacturers expect to pay more for commodities like beef or specialty crops like avocados in the future, they may boost prices now to cover those anticipated increases. "The whole discussion about the climate risks on the food supply chain is based on probabilities," Lee said. "It is possible that we do not see extreme temperatures this summer, or even later this year. We may realize there was no significant weather shock hitting the supply chain, but unfortunately that will not be the end of the story." Supply chain disruptions and labor shortages are among the reasons food prices have climbed 25 percent since 2020 . Climate change may be contributing as well. A study published earlier this year found " heatflation " could push them up by as much as 3 percentage points per year worldwide in just over a decade and by about 2 percentage points in North America. Simultaneous disasters in major crop and cattle producing regions around the world — known as multi-breadbasket failure — are among the primary forces driving these costs. Crop shortages in these regions may also squeeze prices, which can create volatility in the global market and bump up consumer costs. Historically, a single, localized heat wave or storm typically wouldn't disrupt the supply chain enough to prompt price hikes. But a warming world might be changing that dynamic as extreme weather events intensify and simultaneous occurrences of them become the norm. How much this adds to consumers' grocery bills will vary, and depends upon whether these climate-fueled disasters hit what Lee calls "supply chain chokepoints" like vital shipping channels during harvest seasons. "As the weather is getting more and more volatile because of climate change, we are seeing this issue more frequently," he said. "So what that means is the supply chain is getting more likely to be jeopardized by these types of risks that we have never seen before." An ongoing drought that plagued the Mississippi River system from the fall of 2022 until February provides an excellent example of this. The Mississippi River basin, which covers 31 states, is a linchpin of America's agricultural supply chain. It produces 92 percent of the nation's agricultural exports, 78 percent of the world's feed grains and soybeans , and most of the country's livestock. Vessels navigating its roughly 2,350 miles of channels carry 589 million tons of cargo annually . Transportation barriers created by low water, seen above, hampered the ability of crop-producing states in the Corn Belt to send commodities like corn and soybeans, primarily used for cattle feed, to livestock producers in the South. Thus emerged a high demand, low supply situation as shipping and commodity prices shot up , with economists expecting consumers to absorb those costs . Past research showing that retail prices increase alongside commodity prices suggests that the drought probably contributed to higher overall food costs last year — and because droughts have a lingering impact on production even after they end, it may be fueling stubbornly high grocery prices today. But although it seems clear that the drought contributed to higher prices, particularly for meat and dairy products, just how much remains to be gauged. One reason for that is a lack of research analyzing the relationship between this particular weather event and the consumer market. Another is it's often difficult to tease out which of several possible factors, including global trade, war, and export bans , influence specific examples of sticker shock. While droughts definitely prompt decreases in agricultural production, Metin Çakır, an economist at the University of Minnesota, says whether that is felt by consumers depends on myriad factors. "This would mean higher raw ingredient costs for foods sold in groceries, and part of those higher costs will be passed onto consumers via higher prices. However, will consumer prices actually increase? The answer depends on many other supply and demand factors that might be happening at the same time as the impact of the drought," said Çakır. In a forthcoming analysis previewed by Grist, Çakır examined the relationship between an enduring drought in California, which produces a third of the nation's vegetables and nearly two-thirds of its fruits and nuts , and costs of produce purchased at large grocery retailers nationwide. While the event raised consumer vegetable prices to a statistically significant degree, they didn't increase as much as Çakır expected. This capricious consumer cost effect is due largely to the resiliency of America's food system . Public safety nets like crop insurance and other federal programs have played a large part in mitigating the impacts of adverse weather and bolstering the food supply chain against climate change and other shocks. By ensuring farmers and producers don't bear the brunt of those losses, these programs reduce the costs passed on to consumers. Advanced agricultural technology, modern infrastructure, substantial storage, and efficient transport links also help ensure retail price stability. A 2024 study of the role climate change played on the U.S. wheat market from 1950 to 2018 found that although the impact of weather shocks on price variability has increased with the frequency of extreme weather, adaptive mechanisms, like a well-developed production and distribution infrastructure with sufficient storage capacity, have minimized the impact on consumers. Still, the paper warns that such systems may collapse when faced with "unprecedented levels of weather variability." Last year was the world's warmest on record , creating an onslaught of challenges for crop and livestock producers nationwide. And this year is primed to be even more brutal , with the transition from El Niño — an atmospheric phenomenon that warms ocean temperatures — to La Niña , its counterpart that cools them. This cyclical change in global weather patterns is another potential threat for crop yields and source of supply chain pressures that economists and scientists are keeping an eye on. They will be particularly focused on the Midwest and stretches of the Corn Belt, two regions prone to drought as an El Niño cycle gives way to a La Niña, according to Weston Anderson, an assistant research scientist at the University of Maryland and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Those growing regions for corn and soybeans are what he'll be watching closely as La Niña develops. It's something Jennifer Ifft, an agricultural economist at Kansas State University, is also thinking about. "If you have a very severe drought in the Corn Belt ... that's going to be the biggest deal, because that's gonna raise the cost of production for cattle, hogs, poultry," said Ifft. "So that would probably have the largest inflationary impacts." As of January , U.S. beef herd inventory was at its lowest in 73 years, which multiple reports noted is due to the persisting drought that began in 2020 . Americans, the majority of whom are already spending more on groceries than last year, are poised to soon see "record" beef prices at the supermarket. Food prices are also expected to rise another 2.2 percent in 2024 , according to the USDA's Economic Research Service. In a world enmeshed in extremes, our already-fragile food supply chain could be the next system teetering on the edge of collapse because of human-caused climate change. And costlier groceries linked to impending risk is the first of many warning signs that it is already splintering. This story was produced by Grist and reviewed and distributed by Stacker Media. Get the daily forecast and severe weather alerts in your inbox!A Story of Humanity, Heroism and Forgotten History Opens at Laemmle Monica Center Nov 22-28 to Qualify LOS ANGELES , Nov. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Sinking of The Lisbon Maru , directed by Fang Li, had its North American Premiere at the Asian World Film Festival on November 18, 2024 , where it screened to a packed theatre and received an enthusiastic response from the audience. The feature documentary " The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru" begins its Oscar® qualifying run at the Laemmle Monica Film Center in Santa Monica on Friday, Nov 22 – 28. While filming on Dongji Island, Director Fang Li heard a story of the sinking of the Japanese freighter the Lisbon Maru. Wondering why this story was unknown he set out to find the ship's final resting place. This was a second world war story that had been swept under the carpet, the men who perished mostly forgotten. Fang could not shake the thought that the young men who drowned could have been his children. He knew he had to bring their story and memory to life. "As I learned more about the Lisbon Maru , I realized it was more than a forgotten tragedy—it is a story about courage and how strong we can be even when facing the unimaginable. Bringing this story to life is my way of honoring the young men who died and making sure that their bravery and that of the Chinese fishermen will not be forgotten," Director Fang Li stated. SYNOPSIS : On Oct 2, 1942 , the Japanese freighter Lisbon Maru , carrying 1,816 British POWs, was spotted off the coast of China by a U.S. submarine. Normally avoiding civilian freighters, the submarine crew saw armed Japanese troops on deck and fired a torpedo, unaware of the prisoners locked in the ship's three holds. As the ship began to sink, Japanese troops covered the holds with planks and canvas, trapping the POWs. Some prisoners managed to break free and jumped overboard, but many drowned or were shot by Japanese soldiers. Shortly afterwards, a Japanese Navy vessel arrived and evacuated the soldiers, leaving the remaining POWs as the freighter sunk. Braving gunfire, fishermen from Zhoushan Island launched their boats and rescued 384 survivors, while 828 perished. Later, the Japanese military arrived in Zhoushan to retrieve the POWs and transport them to Japanese camps. ABOUT FANG LI . PRODUCER / DIRECTOR Fang Li, producer/director of The Sinking of Lisbon Mary, has the right background and tools to bring this story to the screen. Fascinated by what goes on beneath the waves and over them, he has worked in geophysical exploration, marine survey and has been in the underwater intervention equipment for more than 30 years. Since 2010 he has been a designer of autonomous surface vehicles and remotely operated vehicles. This is his first film as a director. However, as an independent producer and writer in China he has made 15 films since 2000. He holds a BS degree in applied geophysics from East China University of Technology and an MBA from Wake Forest University . Press Contact: Rick Markovitz Weissman/Markovitz Communications 818-760-8995 [email protected] SOURCE Fang LiCrown CEO Issues Update Letter to Shareholders
In 2024, Russia took over the Brics chairmanship. The central theme of the Russian year in Brics has been "Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security". It reflects the desire of all participants for constructive cooperation based on the principles of international law, the values of equality, mutual respect and the sovereign choice of the path of development. This year we have already worked in a renewed, expanded composition, and Russia, in its capacity as Brics chair, did everything to ensure that the new members would quickly and organically integrate into the Brics family. New participants realised that it is possible to achieve mutually beneficial results while respecting each other's interests. It is not surprising that all of them put forward useful, promising ideas and initiatives. There were tangible results in the spheres of politics and security, economics and finance, humanitarian contacts. During the Russian chairmanship more than 250 events on various levels were held, with the participation of government officials and private sector -- a lot of public events. Among them the Brics International Film Festival, the Brics Academic Forum under the motto "BRICS: New Figures on the World Chessboard", the Brics Theatre Schools, the 8th Brics Creative Business Forum. There was a meeting of foreign ministers of the Brics countries in which the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand Maris Sangiampongsa also took part between June 10-11 in Nizhny Novgorod. More than 80 countries -- including Thailand -- took part in the Brics Sports Games in Kazan. PM Paetongtarn Shinawatra, in her capacity as leader of the Pheu Thai Party, participated in the first International Political Parties Forum attended by around 40 parties from Brics and partner countries. Russia received Meeting of the Heads of the prosecutorial services, Brics Tourism Forum, Brics Twin Cities and Municipalities Forum, Meeting of the Heads of emergency services, 10th Brics Parliamentary Forum, Meeting of the Heads of the Supreme Audit Institutions, meetings of the Brics Ministers of Industry, Ministers of Labour and Employment, Ministers of Culture, Ministers of Justice, Energy Ministers, Communications Ministers, Science, Technology and Innovation Ministers, Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, Health Ministers, Heads of the Customs Services, Heads of tax administrations, Heads of National Standardisation bodies and many more. Russia chaired Brics Media Summit, 1st Brics Women's Forum, Brics Digital Forum, Brics plus Fashion Summit, annual Meeting of the Brics Business Council. Innovations during the Russian chairmanship also focused on local self-governance. A municipal forum was held, featuring engaging discussions about everyday lives of citizens and how chairpersons of city and village councils address their challenges. The key event of the year was the Oct 22-24 summit in Kazan, which marked the opening of a new stage in the development of Brics. Delegations from 35 countries and six international organisations took part in it. Such a broad representation clearly demonstrated the growing interest in interaction between those countries which are actively pursuing a truly independent, sovereign policy. A common desire to strengthen coordination at international platforms was confirmed, including on issues of reforming global governance and the global monetary and financial system, combating modern challenges and threats, including terrorism, corruption, and drug trafficking. The Brics Kazan Declaration actually summarised the discussions that took place. It confirmed the commitment of all participants to building a more democratic, inclusive and multipolar world order based on international law and the UN Charter, recorded common determination to counter the practice of illegitimate sanctions. At the Brics summit the guidelines for institutional strengthening and further consolidation were outlined. The decision was made to create a category of "partner states". It is important to point out that the Kingdom of Thailand received an invitation and became a partner-state of Brics. A commitment was expressed to developing dialogue with countries of the Global Majority in the "Outreach" or "BRICS plus" format. We witnessed the Brics gradual transformation into a leading player on the world stage. Other achievements include the initiative on the creation of a grain exchange, establishment of a technological and investment platform, creation of a group for developments in the field of nuclear medicine. There are good prospects for strengthening industrial cooperation, implementation of new projects in energy, logistics, high technology and many other areas, intensification of interaction in cultural, scientific areas and sports, further promotion of contacts between civil societies and youth. In Kazan, we confirmed that Brics is not a closed format, it is open to all who share the values of Brics. Its members are ready to work on finding joint solutions without external dictates or attempts to impose narrow approaches. Brics cannot fail to respond to the growing demand in the world for precisely this kind of cooperation. Brics plays an important role in the global architecture of international relations. It represents almost 3.64 billion people, that is equivalent to more than 45% of the world population. One of its main tasks now is to maintain peace and stability, prevent the outbreak of a global war. We believe that Brics is capable of completing such tasks and will be able to help the world reach these noble goals. The results of the current year will become a solid foundation for further cooperation. Russia is handing over the Brics chairmanship functions to Brazil. We wish our Brazilian partners success in its Brics endeavours next year. Evgeny Tomikhin is Ambassador of Russia to Thailand.Memphis beats No. 2 UConn 99-97 in overtime to tipoff Maui Invitational
Iowa poll was wildly wrong, insulted voters
WASHINGTON (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump's pick for intelligence chief Tulsi Gabbard faced fresh scrutiny Monday on Capitol Hill about her proximity to Russian-ally Syria amid the sudden collapse of that country's hardline Assad rule. Gabbard ignored shouted questions about her 2017 visit to war-torn Syria as she ducked into one of several private meetings with senators who are being asked to confirm Trump's unusual nominees . But the Democrat-turned-Republican Army National Reserve lieutenant colonel delivered a statement in which she reiterated her support for Trump's America First approach to national security and a more limited U.S. military footprint overseas. “I want to address the issue that’s in the headlines right now: I stand in full support and wholeheartedly agree with the statements that President Trump has made over these last few days with regards to the developments in Syria,” Gabbard said exiting a Senate meeting. The incoming president’s Cabinet and top administrative choices are dividing his Republican allies and drawing concern , if not full opposition, from Democrats and others. Not just Gabbard, but other Trump nominees including Pentagon pick Pete Hegseth, were back at the Capitol ahead of what is expected to be volatile confirmation hearings next year. The incoming president is working to put his team in place for an ambitious agenda of mass immigrant deportations, firing federal workers and rollbacks of U.S. support for Ukraine and NATO allies. “We’re going to sit down and visit, that’s what this is all about,” said Sen. Mike Rounds, R-S.D., as he welcomed Gabbard into his office. Meanwhile, Defense Secretary pick Hegseth appeared to be picking up support from once-skeptical senators, the former Army National Guard major denying sexual misconduct allegations and pledging not to drink alcohol if he is confirmed. The president-elect's choice to lead the FBI, Kash Patel , who has written extensively about locking up Trump's foes and proposed dismantling the Federal Bureau of Investigation, launched his first visits with senators Monday. “I expect our Republican Senate is going to confirm all of President Trump’s nominees,” said Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., on social media. Despite widespread concern about the nominees' qualifications and demeanors for the jobs that are among the highest positions in the U.S. government, Trump's team is portraying the criticism against them as nothing more than political smears and innuendo. Showing that concern, Nearly 100 former senior U.S. diplomats and intelligence and national security officials have urged Senate leaders to schedule closed-door hearings to allow for a full review of the government’s files on Gabbard. Trump's allies have described the criticisms of Hegseth in particular as similar to those lodged against Brett Kavanaugh, the former president's Supreme Court nominee who denied a sexual assault allegation and went on to be confirmed during Trump's first term in office. Said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., about Hegseth: “Anonymous accusations are trying to destroy reputations again. We saw this with Kavanaugh. I won’t stand for it.” One widely watched Republican, Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa, herself a former Army National Guard lieutenant colonel and sexual assault survivor who had been criticized by Trump allies for her cool reception to Hegseth, appeared more open to him after their follow-up meeting Monday. “I appreciate Pete Hegseth’s responsiveness and respect for the process,” Ernst said in a statement. Ernst said that following “encouraging conversations,” he had committed to selecting a senior official who will "prioritize and strengthen my work to prevent sexual assault within the ranks. As I support Pete through this process, I look forward to a fair hearing based on truth, not anonymous sources.” Ernst also had praise for Patel — “He shares my passion for shaking up federal agencies" — and for Gabbard. Once a rising Democratic star, Gabbard, who represented Hawaii in Congress, arrived a decade ago in Washington, her surfboard in tow, a new generation of potential leaders. She ran unsuccessfully for president in 2020. But Gabbard abruptly left the party and briefly became an independent before joining with Trump's 2024 campaign as one of his enthusiasts, in large part over his disdain for U.S. involvement overseas and opposition to helping Ukraine battle Russia. Her visit to Syria to meet with then-President Bashar Assad around the time of Trump's first inauguration during the country's bloody civil war stunned her former colleagues and the Washington national security establishment. The U.S. had severed diplomatic relations with Syria. Her visit was seen by some as legitimizing a brutal leader who was accused of war crimes. Gabbard has defended the trip, saying it's important to open dialogue, but critics hear in her commentary echoes of Russia-fueled talking points. Assad fled to Moscow over the weekend after Islamist rebels overtook Syria in a surprise attack, ending his family's five decades of rule. She said her own views have been shaped by “my multiple deployments and seeing firsthand the cost of war and the threat of Islamist terrorism.” Gabbard said, “It's one of the many reasons why I appreciate President Trump’s leadership and his election, where he is fully committed, as he has said over and over, to bring about an end to wars.” Last week, the nearly 100 former officials, who served in both Democratic and Republican administrations, said in the letter to Senate leaders they were “alarmed” by the choice of Gabbard to oversee all 18 U.S. intelligence agencies. They said her past actions “call into question her ability to deliver unbiased intelligence briefings to the President, Congress, and to the entire national security apparatus.” The Office of the Director of National Intelligence was created after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to coordinate the nation’s intelligence agencies and act as the president’s main intelligence adviser. Associated Press writer Stephen Groves contributed to this report.
TORONTO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec 6, 2024-- Greenland Resources Inc. (Cboe CA: MOLY | FSE: M0LY) (“Greenland Resources” or the “Company”) welcomes the Government of Canada’s decision announced today to appoint an Arctic ambassador and open a consulate in Nuuk, Greenland. This follows the new Canadian Arctic Foreign Policy Framework to protect, together with its allies, the economic and military challenges including mineral resources security supply in the Arctic. The Company believes this is relevant for the Project as it is in negotiations to secure Capex funding from Canadian and recently announced European financial institutions and agencies in its press releases dated October 1 and October 15, 2024 . This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: Greenland Resources Inc. Greenland Resources is a Canadian public company with the Ontario Securities Commission as its principal regulator and is focused on the development of its 100% owned Climax type primary molybdenum deposit located in central east Greenland. The Project has copper and also magnesium, a market dominated 98% by China. The Malmbjerg molybdenum project is an open pit operation with an environmentally friendly mine design focused on reduced water usage, low aquatic disturbance and low footprint due to modularized infrastructure. The Malmbjerg project benefits from an NI 43-101 Definitive Feasibility Study completed by Tetra Tech in 2022, with an US$820 million capex and a levered after-tax IRR of 33.8% and payback of 2.4 years, using US$18 per pound molybdenum price. The Proven and Probable Reserves are 245 million tonnes at 0.176% MoS 2, for 571 million pounds of contained molybdenum metal. As the high-grade molybdenum is mined for the first half of the mine life, the average annual production for years one to ten is 32.8 million pounds per year of contained molybdenum metal at an average grade of 0.23% MoS 2, approximately 25% of EU total yearly consumption. The project had a previous exploitation license granted in 2009. With offices in Toronto, the Company is led by a management team with an extensive track record in the mining industry and capital markets. For further details, please refer to our web site ( ) and our Canadian regulatory filings on Greenland Resources’ profile at . The Project is supported by the European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA). ERMA is managed by EIT RawMaterials , an organization within the EIT, a body of the European Union. About Molybdenum and the European Union Molybdenum is a critical metal used mainly in steel and chemicals that is needed in all technologies in the upcoming green energy transition. When added to steel and cast iron, it enhances strength, hardenability, weldability, toughness, temperature strength, and corrosion resistance. Based on data from the International Molybdenum Association and the European Commission Steel Report, the world produced around 576 million pounds of molybdenum in 2021 where the European Union (“EU”) as the second largest steel producer in the world used approximately 24% of global molybdenum supply and has no domestic molybdenum production. To a greater degree, the EU steel dependent industries like the automotive, construction, and engineering, represent around 18% of the EU’s ≈ US$16 trillion GDP. Greenland Resources strategically located Malmbjerg molybdenum project has the potential to supply in and for the EU approximately 25% of the EU consumption, of environmentally friendly high-quality molybdenum from a responsible EU Associate country, for decades to come. The high quality of the Malmbjerg ore, having low impurity content in phosphorus, tin, antimony, and arsenic, makes it an ideal source of molybdenum for the high-performance steel industry lead worldwide by Europe, specifically the Scandinavian countries and Germany. Forward Looking Statements This news release contains "forward-looking information" (also referred to as "forward looking statements"), which relate to future events or future performance and reflect management’s current expectations and assumptions. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "hopes", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", or "believes" or variations (including negative variations) of such words and phrases, or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Such forward-looking statements reflect management’s current beliefs and are based on assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements or information. Forward-looking statements or information in this news release relate to, among other things: the Company’s objectives, goals or future plans; planned capex financing and outcomes of due diligence reviews; construction and engineering initiatives for the Malmbjerg molybdenum project; statements, exploration results, potential mineralization, the estimation of mineral resources and reserves, and their valuation, exploration and mine development plans, timing of the commencement of operations and estimates of market conditions. These forward-looking statements and information reflect the Company’s current views with respect to future events and are necessarily based upon a number of assumptions that, while considered reasonable by the Company, are inherently subject to significant operational, business, economic and regulatory uncertainties and contingencies. These assumptions include: future planned development and other activities on the Project; favourable outcomes of due diligence reviews; planned energy requirements of the Project; obtaining the permitting on the Project in a timely manner; no adverse changes to the planned operations of the Project; continued favourable relationships with local communities; current EU and other initiatives remaining in place into the future; expected demand for molybdenum in the EU and abroad, including by companies that expressed an interest in purchasing molybdenum; our mineral reserve estimates and the assumptions upon which they are based, including geotechnical and metallurgical characteristics of rock confirming to sampled results and metallurgical performance; tonnage of ore to be mined and processed; ore grades and recoveries; assumptions and discount rates being appropriately applied to the technical studies; estimated valuation and probability of success of the Company’s projects, including the Malmbjerg molybdenum project; prices for molybdenum remaining as estimated; currency exchange rates remaining as estimated; availability of funds for the Company’s projects; capital decommissioning and reclamation estimates; mineral reserve and resource estimates and the assumptions upon which they are based; prices for energy inputs, labour, materials, supplies and services (including transportation); no labour-related disruptions; no unplanned delays or interruptions in scheduled construction and production; all necessary permits, licenses and regulatory approvals are received in a timely manner or at all; and the ability to comply with environmental, health and safety laws. The foregoing list of assumptions is not exhaustive. The Company cautions the reader that forward-looking statements and information include known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements or information contained in this news release and the Company has made assumptions and estimates based on or related to many of these factors. Such factors include, without limitation: the favourable results of the SIA (Social Impact Assessment) and EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment); favourable local community support for the Project’s development; the projected demand for molybdenum both in the EU and elsewhere, including by companies that expressed an interest in purchasing molybdenum; the current initiatives and programs for resource development in the EU and abroad; the projected and actual status of supply chains, labour market, currency and commodity prices interest rates and inflation; the projected and actual status of the global and Canadian capital markets, fluctuations in molybdenum and commodity prices; fluctuations in prices for energy inputs, labour, materials, supplies and services (including transportation); fluctuations in currency markets (such as the Canadian dollar versus the U.S. dollar versus the Euro); operational risks and hazards inherent with the business of mining (including environmental accidents and hazards, industrial accidents, equipment breakdown, unusual or unexpected geological or structure formations, cave-ins, flooding and severe weather); inadequate insurance, or the inability to obtain insurance, to cover these risks and hazards; our ability to obtain all necessary permits, licenses and regulatory approvals in a timely manner; changes in laws, regulations and government practices in Greenland, including environmental, export and import laws and regulations; legal restrictions relating to mining; risks relating to expropriation; increased competition in the mining industry for equipment and qualified personnel; the availability of additional capital; title matters and the additional risks identified in our filings with Canadian securities regulators on SEDAR+ in Canada (available at ). Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated, described, or intended. Investors are cautioned against undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and, except as required by applicable securities regulations, the Company does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update the forward-looking information. Neither the Cboe Canada Exchange nor its regulation services provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy of this release. No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein. View source version on : CONTACT: Ruben Shiffman, PhD Chairman, President Keith Minty, P.Eng, MBA Engineering and Project Management Jim Steel, P.Geo, MBA Exploration and Mining Geology Nauja Bianco, M.Pol.Sci. Public and Community Relations Gary Anstey Investor Relations Eric Grossman, CPA, CGA Chief Financial Officer Corporate office Suite 1810, 25 York Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5J 2V5 1-844-252-0532 KEYWORD: IRELAND UNITED KINGDOM GREENLAND CANADA NORTH AMERICA EUROPE INDUSTRY KEYWORD: PUBLIC POLICY/GOVERNMENT DEFENSE MINING/MINERALS OTHER POLICY ISSUES MILITARY NATURAL RESOURCES SOURCE: Greenland Resources Inc. Copyright Business Wire 2024. PUB: 12/06/2024 02:07 PM/DISC: 12/06/2024 02:05 PM Sex Lives of College Girls Co-Creator Lists Goals for Season 3 of Max Comedy By premiered this week, and the series’ co-showrunner Justin Noble recently opened up about his goals for the upcoming season of the dramedy. What are the goals for The Sex Lives of College Girls Season 3? Speaking to THR, Noble — who co-created the series with and also serves as showrunner — was asked about his goals for the upcoming series. According to Noble, his hopes are to explore the feel of what sophomore year in college is like, and how different it is from the girls’ freshman years. “This season is so interesting, because sophomore year is a really unique time in the college experience,” said Noble. “You come into school as a first-year, and you don’t know anything at all, and you’re shell-shocked. Three months ago, you had to call your parents to pick you up at the mall because you got a Wetzel’s Pretzels with your friend and you needed a ride home. And now you’re like, ‘I’m a full-blown adult,’ and life smacks you in the face. Then, sophomore year, you have the same thing happen but in a different way because it’s like, ‘Oh, I know everything about college. I’ve been here for a full year. Oh, you’re a first-year. You need to know how this works.’ Meanwhile, based on when your birthday is, you are like six months older than these people.” Noble went on to say that it would also be fun to see the girls interact with the underclassman, and opening up the world of the show. “It’s fun to see our girls start to interact with the class underneath them. It’s fun to see the world getting bigger,” Noble said. “That’s what happens in college, in my experience, and in the writers’ experiences that we talked about so much. Your first year, you hang on to the people in your life so close, because you’re in it together, and you’re like, “This is my close circle of friends.” And then as you get more comfortable, you’re joining clubs, and you’re meeting more people; your world just gets bigger and bigger. I think we start to see that a little bit in the first episode. But obviously, we have a lot to accomplish between season two cliffhangers and switching up the cast a little bit. So we’re just starting to meet some people who we’ll interact with more.” is created by Kaling and Noble, the latter of whom also serves as the showrunner. The series stars Pauline Chalamet, Amrit Kaur, Alyah Chanelle Scott, Mekki Leeper, Christopher Meyer, Ilia Paulino, Lolo Spencer, Renika Williams, Mitchell Slaggert, and , the latter of whom will be in the show for just a few episodes before her departue. Additional cast members for Season 3 include Rebecca Wisocky, Nabeel Muscatwalla, Michael Hsu Rosen, Ruby Cruz, Devin Craig, Michael Provost, and Roby Attal. It is executive produced by Howard Klein. It is a production by Kaling International in association with Warner Bros. Television. (Source: ) Anthony Nash has been writing about games and the gaming industry for nearly a decade. When he’s not writing about games, he’s usually playing them. You can find him on Twitter talking about games or sports at @_anthonynash. Share article
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The Winnipeg Jets have been getting a glimpse of life without Nikolaj Ehlers lately as the flashy winger remains sidelined with a lower-body injury. Read this article for free: Already have an account? To continue reading, please subscribe: * The Winnipeg Jets have been getting a glimpse of life without Nikolaj Ehlers lately as the flashy winger remains sidelined with a lower-body injury. Read unlimited articles for free today: Already have an account? The Winnipeg Jets have been getting a glimpse of life without Nikolaj Ehlers lately as the flashy winger remains sidelined with a lower-body injury. It hasn’t been pretty. They’ve only won two of the (mostly) six games he’s missed, scoring just 13 goals in the process. The power play has gone from potent to punchless in the form of an ugly two-for-18 rut. Jeff McIntosh / THE CANADIAN PRESS files Nikolaj Ehlers, second from left, celebrates a power play goal with teammates in October. The Jets have been pedestrian at best with the man advantage since Ehlers was injured in late November. In three of the four Winnipeg losses — in Vegas (the game Ehlers got hurt), in Dallas and on Sunday at home against Columbus — the score was tied in the third period, the outcome still very much up for grabs. Those are ones where a game-breaker like Ehlers can be so valuable. Instead, the Jets came away with nothing. Might they have been able to snatch a victory or two along the way if Ehlers was in the lineup? We’ll never know, but it certainly would have increased their odds. Ehlers, 28, was off to a terrific start and on track to have the best season of his now decade-long career, with 25 points (9G, 16A) in his first 24 games. He’s never been a point-per-game player, coming closest during the COVID-impacted campaign in 2021 with 46 points (21G, 25A) in 47 games. When he’s healthy — and that’s unfortunately been an issue now in parts of five different years even though he did play all 82 last year — Ehlers is as dynamic as they come, with a mix of speed and skill and savvy instinct that is hard to replace. Impossible, really. When it comes to the power play, Ehlers was feasting in the “pop” position and was a major reason the Jets had the No. 1 unit in the league. Without him, those numbers have taken a hit as they often struggle even to gain entry into the offensive zone and get set up. Winnipeg Jets Game Days On Winnipeg Jets game days, hockey writers Mike McIntyre and Ken Wiebe send news, notes and quotes from the morning skate, as well as injury updates and lineup decisions. Arrives a few hours prior to puck drop. Cole Perfetti has replaced him on the top unit and simply doesn’t have the experience, nor the speed, to replicate what he does. Ehlers is never afraid to shoot the puck, either, and the Jets have been guilty of over-passing and trying to get too cute at times in his absence. At five-on-five, Brad Lambert was summoned from the Manitoba Moose to take Ehlers’ spot beside Perfetti and Vlad Namestnikov. Although he showed some promising glimpses — the dynamic Lambert might be the closest thing the Jets have to a reasonable facsimile of Ehlers — the 20-year-old didn’t record a point in four games and was sent back to the AHL on Monday afternoon. Nikita Chibrikov, 21, was called up to take his spot, and the Moose’s leading scorer (13 points in 19 games) appears next in line to try to help fill the void. Ehlers is in the final year of his seven-year, US$42-million contract and set to become an unrestricted free agent next July 1. A compelling argument can be made that seeing how the team looks without him lately has increased his value. No doubt his agent will have that mindset. Paul Vernon / The Associated Press files Before his injury, Ehlers was off to a terrific start this season with 25 points in his first 24 games. A multi-game stretch without Ehlers in November and December is one thing. Are the Jets prepared to absorb his loss for good? If so, how? It’s impossible to predict how this might play out. Other drafted-and-developed core players such as Mark Scheifele, Connor Hellebuyck, Josh Morrissey and Kyle Connor never got to the point of playing a single game in their pending UFA seasons as they inked lengthy contract extensions. In that sense, has this already reached the point of no return for Ehlers, the ninth-overall pick from 2014? The Jets did lock up trade addition Nino Niederreiter last December after he’d played a couple months in the final year of his deal, so perhaps that could happen with Ehlers. It’s also possible the Jets simply let this play out, the way they did with defenceman Dylan DeMelo last year, and then re-engage before he can hit the open market. Of course, you need two to tango, and there’s no telling how Ehlers feels about all of this. He’s brushed off questions since training camp about the issue and clearly has no interest in discussing it publicly. One thing is clear: With the salary cap set to rise significantly, Winnipeg should have no problems finding a way to make the money work. With the Jets still in great shape at 20-9-0 overall, we can probably rule out moving Ehlers at the trade deadline, the way they did with UFA Andrew Copp a few seasons ago when they were not in the playoff race. The worst-case scenario here is they use him as their own “rental,” even if it ultimately means getting no assets in return should he eventually sign with another club. Ehlers has plenty of company, as forwards Namestnikov, Mason Appleton and Alex Iafallo and defencemen Neal Pionk, Haydn Fleury and Dylan Coghlan are also pending UFAs. If nothing else, that’s a lot of motivated skaters who are playing for their next contracts. The good news for the Jets is their sizzling start to the year, winning 15 of the first 16 games, gave them plenty of cushion to absorb some bumps along the way such as the temporary loss of Ehlers, who went down awkwardly after trying to hit Golden Knights forward Pavel Dorofeyev on Nov. 30. There’s also hope that his absence won’t extend much longer. Initially listed as day-to-day, he was placed on injured reserve last week but is eligible to come off at any time now. Following the 4-1 defeat to the Blue Jackets to open a four-game homestand, coach Scott Arniel was asked by the for an update. Paul Vernon / The Associated Press files Ehlers, centre, celebrates a goal with linemates Cole Perfetti and Vlad Namestnikov. Ehlers is in the final year of his seven-year contract with the Jets and set to become an unrestricted free agent on July 1, 2025. “There’ll be a chance he might be skating this week. We’ll see,” he said. “Good chance he’ll be out on the ice this week.” The Jets took Monday off after a busy stretch which saw them play 10 times over a 17-day stretch. In addition to losing Ehlers, shutdown defenceman Dylan Samberg also suffered a broken foot and is out at least another couple of weeks, while the likes of Scheifele, Namestnikov and DeMelo have been playing through various ailments. With just three games now over an eight-day span, it’s a good chance to rest up and hopefully heal up. The Jets will return to the ice on Tuesday as they host the Boston Bruins. Might Ehlers be ready to at least take a twirl at the morning skate? Winnipeg also has practices set for Wednesday and Friday this week in between games against Vegas (Thursday) and the Montreal Canadiens (Saturday). Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and the Jets (and their fans) should certainly be pining for the speedy return of the guy known as “Fly.” X and Bluesky: @mikemcintyrewpg Mike McIntyre is a sports reporter whose primary role is covering the Winnipeg Jets. After graduating from the Creative Communications program at Red River College in 1995, he spent two years gaining experience at the before joining the in 1997, where he served on the crime and justice beat until 2016. . Every piece of reporting Mike produces is reviewed by an editing team before it is posted online or published in print — part of the ‘s tradition, since 1872, of producing reliable independent journalism. Read more about , and . Our newsroom depends on a growing audience of readers to power our journalism. If you are not a paid reader, please consider . Our newsroom depends on its audience of readers to power our journalism. Thank you for your support.Colorado hands No. 2 UConn second straight loss in Maui