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Drop in Boxing Day footfall ‘signals return to declining pre-pandemic levels’Future Red Wings defenseman breaks out at World Juniors

In the final push to defeat Nazi Germany during World War II, Edward Gorski Jr. was trying to shield himself inside a foxhole when the 19-year-old Chicagoan was struck by enemy fire. Gorski, a broad-shouldered Army private with a rugged face, was hit with mortar shrapnel after a fellow soldier in a nearby trench lit a fire for warmth, accidentally revealing their position to German forces. It was May 2, 1945, days after Adolf Hitler’s suicide and days before the end of the war in Europe. The shrapnel struck Gorski in the face, and he nearly lost an eye, but he survived to share some wartime stories — including how he earned a Purple Heart for his combat injuries. “He said you’d see bullets flying, especially at night, and you’d hear them zip,” said a son, Scott Gorski, 62, of North Carolina. “He told me as long as you hear them, you’re fine. It’s when you don’t hear the bullet, that’s when you’re hit.” His father died in early 1993 after suffering a massive heart attack in his Westmont home. The retired private security captain had turned 67 one month earlier. Another son, David, said that after his father’s death he put the Purple Heart and other medals in a bank safe-deposit box but eventually lost track of the box after he moved out of state and the bank closed or merged with another institution. The family assumed the contents of the safe-deposit box were gone forever until a recent December day when the Tribune tracked them down to say that their father’s medals, including the Purple Heart, had ended up in the unclaimed property section of the Illinois treasurer’s office. The office had preserved the medals in a Springfield vault since Oct. 30, 2003, when a Darien bank turned them over as contents from an abandoned safe-deposit box. Treasurer Michael Frerichs is the state’s official custodian of unclaimed property, which includes everything from bank accounts and insurance policies to stamps, baseball cards, jewelry and coins. An estimated $2 billion in forgotten cash and stock has been returned to individuals, employers and nonprofits during Frerichs’ three terms, according to his office. Military medals are often difficult to return because the name under which the property was submitted may not correspond to the name of the honoree. A Purple Heart has no engravings that would identify the recipient or the conflict in which it was awarded. And neither the Armed Forces nor the federal government maintains a comprehensive list. The treasurer launched a special effort, “Operation Purple Heart,” in late 2021 to raise awareness about unclaimed medals. On Veterans Day weekend, the Tribune detailed its efforts to help identify the veterans who earned 11 Purple Hearts that sat unclaimed in the treasurer’s vault. After four months of research, the Tribune succeeded in nine of the outstanding cases. Frerichs gave one of the Purple Hearts to a Decatur woman last fall, the 12th he has returned during his time in office. Two more families have filed claims for medals since the Tribune wrote about their cases. But the safe-deposit boxes connected to Gorski and another man, Robert Cawthon, remained a mystery. The Tribune continued digging and, with the help of researchers at the National Archives and Records Administration in St. Louis, unearthed Gorski’s discharge papers from nearly 80 years ago. The documents confirmed he earned the same five military decorations — including the Purple Heart and a blue combat infantryman badge — as those in the treasurer’s vault. Scott and David Gorski said their father was proud of his military service. They hope to honor his wishes by giving the medals to Scott’s oldest son, Shawn, also an Army veteran. ‘A man’s man’ Edward Gorski Jr. voluntarily enlisted in the Army in April 1944, months after his 18th birthday. The oldest child of working-class parents, he grew up on Chicago’s North Side near Wrigley Field. Tall and muscular, he and his brothers looked like their own football team, Scott Gorski said. He wasn’t surprised his father volunteered to serve. “He was a man’s man — there’s no doubt about it,” he said. “I remember my dad saying, ‘Scott, the most important thing about it is keeping the battle on their soil, not ours.’ He said, ‘When you have a battle on your soil, you’ve got a lot more casualties and a lot more problems. It just makes sense to bring the fight to them and away from our families.’” The military records confirm some of Gorski’s stories. The infantryman and his battalion pushed from France through the Rhineland toward Austria, facing brutal cold, sleep deprivation and days of bloody, ruthless fighting. He survived significant combat, including a battle in Germany where he was struck by shrapnel in the face and body. Though he shielded his family from the atrocities he experienced at war, Scott Gorski said his father told him the hardest experiences were the casualties of men in his battalion, including being forced to leave them behind, and when he witnessed the suffering of children. “The biggest thing to him was some of the things he saw with poverty and kids during the war,” Scott Gorski said. “He remembers seeing a child eating grease in the back of a diner ... just scooping grease out of a bin and taking a sugar packet and pouring sugar on it just so he could get it down.” Gorski said his father told him he’d often share his military rations, such as peaches or chocolate bars. There was one story about a lighter moment that still makes Scott Gorski smile. After a relentless night of combat, as Edward Gorski and his fellow soldiers made their way through Austria, they spotted children sledding on a snowy hill. Ignoring his lieutenant’s command to push on, the soldier driving the truck carrying Gorski stopped to allow the men to run up and down the hill, each taking his turn sledding. “All they had seen was nothing but fighting,” the son said. “He said it made them feel normal for a change.” He said her father’s dedication to his country and fellow soldiers is inspiring. “I couldn’t imagine being that age and making those kinds of decisions every moment of the day while just trying to stay alive,” Scott Gorski said. “He said you really got to have guys who are looking out for each other, and obviously they did because he said a lot of his guys made it back. Some obviously didn’t.” Indulgent grandpa As Edward Gorski fought overseas, his girlfriend, Evelyn, worked long hours at a Chicago parachute factory, according to David Gorski, 68, who now lives in Wisconsin. “They were sweethearts,” he said. “I bet every night she went to bed wondering if he was all right. My mother put herself to work as much as her body could handle so she wouldn’t think about it.” Edward Gorski returned to Chicago after being honorably discharged in November 1945. He had earned a Purple Heart, a European-African Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with two bronze service stars, a combat infantryman badge, and the good conduct and World War II victory medals, according to his discharge records. He and Evelyn exchanged vows in a Presbyterian church the following September. David Gorski said his mother had saved her paychecks to help the young couple begin their lives as husband and wife. They started a family on Chicago’s North Side but eventually moved to suburban DuPage County. They lived mostly paycheck to paycheck, with Evelyn staying home to raise their daughter and four sons while working part time selling Avon beauty products. Gorski worked for a while as a welder but eventually switched careers to private security. He worked 13-hour shifts, six days a week, for many years, David Gorski said. On some weekends, Gorski took his family on excursions to the Wisconsin Dells, to Springfield or into Chicago for a hot dog at Jimmy’s Red Hots, for a Cubs game or to catch perch at his favorite fishing spot, “the horseshoe” near Montrose Harbor on Lake Michigan. Scott Gorski said his dad “never met a stranger,” at times opening his home to a neighborhood kid in need. His patriotic dad played cards with other veterans at local VFW or American Legion halls and put Scott through scouting, helping troop members earn their safety badges by teaching target practice with rifles he acquired for the task. “There was nothing he wouldn’t sacrifice for us,” his son said. Years later, after he retired, Edward Gorski often babysat his first grandchild, Shawn, who is Scott’s oldest child. Edward and Shawn shared the same birth date, Jan. 9. Shawn Gorski, of Geneva, told the Tribune his grandpa “stepped in” at a crucial time after his parents divorced. Edward took Shawn to fish for bluegills, to play tennis at the courts outside his apartment and for regular trips to Lincoln Park Zoo. He also dutifully attended Shawn’s football games and came along for a trip to Disney World in Florida when Shawn was about 5. “I think he just knew that he needed to be there for me,” said Gorski, 39. Shawn was barely 8 years old when his grandfather died. He still remembers when his mother, Lora Oldham, broke the news to him after he returned home from school. Gorski said he instantly knew his grandfather was gone before his mother spoke the words. At the services, Oldham said, a woman turned to her son and told him: “You were the apple of your grandpa’s eyes.” “And Shawn just started bawling,” she said. “He was always so good to Shawn.” After college, inspired to serve his country after the 9/11 attacks, Shawn Gorski followed in his grandpa’s footsteps and joined the Army. Gorski said he served from 2009 to 2013 as a signal officer in Germany training soldiers on communications before they were deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq. He said his grandfather was “my buddy, for sure.” “He was incredibly patient and fun,” Gorski said. “It was literally my rules. He had multiple heart attacks and, I think, he knew he wasn’t going to live long and so just kind of let it be, you know, just enjoyed it.” Lost valor Edward Gorski had a scar shaped like a half “C” beneath his left eye that served as a daily reminder of what he survived during World War II. He also had his medals, which his son Scott said his father kept in a metal Band-Aid tin in his bedroom nightstand. “I think it meant a lot to him,” the son said. “It showed him he wasn’t going to run from something.” Scott assumed the medals were long lost, not realizing his brother David had put them in a bank after their father’s death. “I set the deposit box up because I wanted to keep them safe for my parents’ oldest grandson,” David said. “My dad expressed when he was alive and Shawn was very young that he wanted them to go to him.” David Gorski moved to central Wisconsin nearly 25 years ago with his mother and eventually lost track of the box. The medals ended up in Illinois’ unclaimed property section in late 2003. The only information the state had was David’s name and a post office box address in Darien. After researching several families with the same Polish moniker and connections to the western suburbs, the Tribune identified the correct Gorski through obituaries, old addresses, military records and other public documents. One of the records confirmed that David Gorski once held a P.O. box with the same address as the one the bank provided. The family didn’t know about the treasurer’s “Operation Purple Heart” campaign. Scott moved to North Carolina the year before his father died. Evelyn, David and an older brother were in Wisconsin. Another brother died in 1995. A sister lived in Florida until recently. Scott Gorski said he plans to file a claim, with David’s help, to get back their father’s medals and give them to Shawn. Edward Gorski is buried at Elm Lawn Memorial Park in Elmhurst. Sadly, his widow died weeks before the Tribune contacted the family with information about her husband’s long-lost medals. Evelyn Gorski, who never remarried, died on Oct. 8 in Wausau, Wisconsin. She was 99. More than 30 years after her husband’s death, she is now buried alongside him. Their shared grave marker includes an emblem of a cross, an open Bible and the words “together forever.” Anyone with information about a Purple Heart return, particularly a safe-deposit box connected to Robert Cawthon, is urged to contact the Illinois treasurer’s office at claimantconnect@illinoistreasurer.gov . For more information, visit https://www.illinoistreasurer.gov/purplehearts/ . cmgutowski@chicagotribune.com Be the first to know Get local news delivered to your inbox!Jimmy Carter’s public service heralded by Southern California lawmakers on either side of the aisleThe Inner Circle acknowledges, Donald B. Olson as a Pinnacle Life Achiever

Prime minister Narendra Modi on Sunday gave a clarion call for unity and brotherhood in the country in his final Mann ki Baat episode of the year, and urged people to “annihilate the feeling of division and hatred in the society” while he hailed the upcoming Kumbh Mela as a unique scene of unity in diversity. Modi also announced that a special website named constitution75.com has been created to connect the citizens of the country with the legacy of the Constitution. As the Prime Minister informed his audience of the preparations for the Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj from January 13, he hailed the spiritual festival as a manifestation of India’s diversity where there is no discrimination against anyone and everyone is treated equally. “The speciality of the Maha Kumbh is not only in its vastness. The speciality of the Kumbh is also in its diversity. Crores of people congregate for this event. Lakhs of saints, thousands of traditions, hundreds of sects, many akharas, everyone becomes a part of this event. There is no discrimination anywhere, no one is big, no one is small. Such a scene of unity in diversity will not be seen anywhere else in the world. Therefore, our Kumbh is also the Maha Kumbh of unity. This time’s Maha Kumbh will also bolster the mantra of Maha Kumbh of unity.” “Let me tell all of you; when we participate in the Kumbh, let us bring along this resolve of unity with us. Let us also make a resolve to annihilate the feeling of division and hatred in society. If I have to say it in a few words, then I will say Mahakumbh Ka Sandesh, Ek Ho Poora Desh... The message of the Mahakumbh, let the whole country be united... and putting it in another way, I will express Ganga Ki Aviral Dhara, Na Bate Samaj Hamara... Like the uninterrupted flow of the Ganga, let our society be undivided. Friends, this time in Prayagraj, devotees from the country and the world will also be witness to the digital Maha Kumbh,” the PM added. This is the second time in as many months that the PM has spoken about unity and peace in society. On November 11, speaking virtually at the 200th-anniversary celebrations of the Shri Swaminarayan Temple in Vadtal, Gujarat, Modi urged for collective action to safeguard national integrity. “Unity among citizens and integrity of the nation is important to make India a developed nation by 2047. Some forces are working to divide our society on the basis of caste, faith, language, social status, gender, and the rural-urban divide. We must recognise the gravity of these attempts by those who seek to harm our nation, understand the threat they pose, and work collectively to defeat such divisive acts,” Modi said. The PM also informed that for the first time an AI chatbot will be used at the mega carnival of humanity. “With the help of digital navigation, you will be able to reach different ghats, temples, and akharas of sadhus. The same navigation system will also help you reach parking spaces. For the first time, an AI chatbot will be used in the Kumbh event. All kinds of information related to the Kumbh will be available in 11 Indian languages ​​through the AI ​​chatbot. Anyone can ask for any kind of help through this chatbot, either by typing text or by speaking in. The entire fair area is being covered with AI-powered cameras,” the PM said. If a person gets separated from one’s kith and kin during the Kumbh, these cameras will help find them and devotees will also get the facility of a digital lost and found centre, the PM added. He spoke of how devotees will also be provided information about government-approved tour packages, accommodation and homestays on their mobile phones and a facility to click selfies with #EktaKaMahakumbh. As the government is making mega plans to celebrate 75 years of the installation of the Constitution — which has also been at the centre of major political battles in the recent past between the Congress and the BJP — the Prime Minister in his Mann ki Baat announced that a special website has been created to bring the common people closer to the spirit of the document. “On January 26, 2025, our Constitution is completing 75 years. It is a matter of great honour for all of us. The Constitution, handed over to us by our Constitution makers, has stood the test of time in every sense of the term. The Constitution is our guiding light, our guide. It is on account of the Constitution of India that I am here today, being able to talk to you. This year, on Constitution Day, the 26th of November, many activities have commenced that will go on for a year. A special website named constitution75.com has also been created to connect the citizens of the country with the legacy of the Constitution,” the PM said. “In this”, Modi added, “you can read the Preamble of the Constitution and upload your video. You can read the Constitution in myriad languages; you can also ask questions pertaining to the Constitution. I urge the listeners of Mann Ki Baat, school-going children, college-going youth, to visit this website and become a part of it.” Modi also touted the ministry of information and broadcasting’s upcoming WAVES Summit in New Delhi that the ministry wants to turn into India’s flagship entertainment conference, akin to what the Cannes Film Festival is to France. “A great opportunity is on the way to showcase India’s creative talent to the world. Next year, for the first time, the World Audio Visual Entertainment Summit, that is, WAVES Summit is going to be organised in our country. All of you must have heard about Davos, where the world’s economic giants gather. Similarly, in the WAVES Summit, giants from the media and entertainment industry and people from the creative world will come to India. This summit is an important step towards making India a hub of global content creation. I feel proud informing you that the young creators of our country are also joining with full enthusiasm in the preparations for this summit. When we are moving towards a $5 trillion economy, our creator economy is bringing in a new energy. “I would urge the entire entertainment and creative industry of India -- whether you are a young creator or an established artist, associated with Bollywood or regional cinema, a professional from the TV industry, an expert in animation, gaming or an innovator in entertainment technology -- to be a part of the WAVES Summit,” he said. The WAVES Summit was earlier scheduled to be held in Goa alongside IFFI in November but was rescheduled to four months later. Modi also told the country about the first Bastar Olympics that concluded earlier this month and saw the participation of 165,000 players from seven districts. “You will also be happy to know that this is taking place in the region which was once a witness to Maoist violence,” he said. The events included athletics, archery, badminton, football, hockey, weightlifting, karate, kabaddi, kho-kho, and volleyball. “Bastar Olympics is not just a sports event. It is a platform where development and sports are merging together, where our youth are honing their talent and building a new India,” he said.The oil and auto industries’ inconvenient truth

TAIPEI , Dec. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- VIVOTEK (3454-TW), the global leading security solution provider, has once again demonstrated its outstanding commitment to sustainability. Participating for the first time in the 17th Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA), VIVOTEK emerged victorious, earning the Sustainability Report Award for the Information, Communication, and Broadcasting Industry and the Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Excellence Award. These recognitions showcase VIVOTEK's remarkable success in corporate governance, environmental protection, and social responsibility, affirming its dedication to sustainable growth. Pioneering Sustainability with Dual Recognition "For over seven years, VIVOTEK has independently published sustainability reports, actively driving and disclosing our internal sustainability initiatives." said Allen Hsieh , VIVOTEK's Spokesperson and Director of the Global Marketing Division. "These awards not only recognize our integrity and efforts in presenting operational performance, environmental data, and social impact but also serve as a strong motivation for us to continue advancing on the path of sustainable development." Driving Sustainability through AI Innovation VIVOTEK delivers advanced AI-powered security solutions built on cutting-edge AI and edge computing technologies. Beyond innovation, the company drives green initiatives, reduces its carbon footprint, and fosters a sustainable, supportive workplace. Committed to social responsibility, VIVOTEK leads the security industry's sustainability efforts through its 'Safety Map' initiative. For four years, employees have formed security teams to enhance safety in neighborhoods, care centers, and schools with on-site assessments and improvement plans. In 2024, VIVOTEK will expand its efforts to Hualien's Dacheng Village, where it will help improve local safety environments and support cultural preservation and tourism revitalization. These actions reflect its dedication to sustainability, community well-being, and lasting societal contributions. Security Sustainability as a Foundation for Social Impact VIVOTEK proudly received two prestigious honors at the Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards, highlighting its dedication to sustainable practices. These accolades inspire the company to deepen its internal efforts and mark the start of an exciting new chapter. Building on this achievement, VIVOTEK aims to strengthen its mission of becoming the world's most trusted smart security brand. By aligning with global market needs and fostering collaboration with customers, partners, and employees, VIVOTEK is committed to shaping a sustainable future founded on mutual trust and shared success. To learn more about VIVOTEK's sustainability initiatives, please refer to the 2023 Sustainability Report . Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2587738/VIVOTEK_Wins_Double_Honors_for_Its_Commitment_to_Sustainability.jpg

AAR Earnings Are Imminent; These Most Accurate Analysts Revise Forecasts Ahead Of Earnings Call

Darnold gives Vikings another gem with career-high 377 yards in 27-25 win over Packers MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Sam Darnold added another exploit to his career-altering season, passing for a personal-best 377 yards and three touchdowns as the Minnesota Vikings hung on to beat the Green Bay Packers 27-25 for their ninth consecutive victory. The Vikings are 14-2. They set up a final-week showdown in Detroit for both the division title and the No. 1 seed for the playoffs in the NFC. Jordan Love’s only touchdown pass for the Packers came with 2:18 left to pull the Packers within two points. Darnold responded with two completions for first downs to seal the game. Saquon Barkley tops 2,000 yards rushing and moves within 100 of Dickerson's record PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Saquon Barkley became the ninth running back in NFL history to top 2,000 yards rushing in a season, reaching the milestone with a 23-yard run in the fourth quarter against the Dallas Cowboys. That rush gave Barkley 2,005 yards with one game left and left him exactly 100 yards from Eric Dickerson’s record of 2,105, set in 1984 for the Los Angeles Rams. Barkley could potentially top the record in next week’s finale against the New York Giants. However, that game will be mostly meaningless for the Eagles, who could opt to rest Barkley to protect him from injury ahead of the playoffs. Moment of silence for former President Jimmy Carter held before the Falcons-Commanders game LANDOVER, Md. (AP) — A moment of silence was held for former President Jimmy Carter before the Atlanta Falcons' game at the Washington Commanders. The Georgia native served as the 39th president of the United States at the White House less than 10 miles away from 1977-81. Falcons owner Arthur Blank in a statement called Carter an inspirational global humanitarian. Carter died earlier Sunday at the age of 100 in Plains, Georgia. He also has a connection to the NFL as the first president to host the Super Bowl champions at the White House when he welcomed the Pittsburgh Steelers there in 1980. NFC's No. 1 seed comes down to Vikings-Lions showdown at Detroit in Week 18 The NFC’s No. 1 seed will come down to the final week when the Detroit Lions host the Minnesota Vikings. The winner takes the NFC North and gets a first-round playoff bye and home-field advantage until the Super Bowl. The loser gets the No. 5 seed and must play on the road in the wild-card round. The Vikings held on for a 27-25 victory over the Green Bay Packers to set up the high-stakes showdown in Week 18. The Lions visit the San Francisco 49ers on Monday night. Win, lose or tie, they have to beat the Vikings for a second time this season. Bills clinch the AFC's No. 2 seed with a 40-14 rout of the undisciplined Jets ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. (AP) — Josh Allen threw two touchdown passes and ran for another score and the Buffalo Bills clinched the AFC’s No. 2 seed with a 40-14 rout of the New York Jets. The Bills put the game away by capitalizing on two Jets turnovers and scoring three touchdowns over a 5:01 span in the closing minutes of the third quarter. Buffalo’s defense forced three takeaways overall and sacked Aaron Rodgers four times, including a 2-yard loss for a safety in the second quarter. The five-time defending AFC East champion Bills improved to 13-3 to match a franchise single-season record. Saquon Barkley tops 2,000 yards rushing as Eagles beat Cowboys 41-7 to clinch NFC East PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Saquon Barkley rushed for 167 yards to top 2,000 on the season, backup quarterback Kenny Pickett ran and threw for scores before departing with injured ribs, and the Philadelphia Eagles clinched the NFC East title by routing the Dallas Cowboys 41-7. Barkley has 2,005 yards and needs 101 in next week’s mostly meaningless regular-season finale to top Eric Dickerson and his 2,105 yards for the Los Angeles Rams in 1984. The Eagles led 24-7 in the third quarter when Pickett was drilled by defensive end Micah Parsons, ending his first start in place of the concussed Jalen Hurts. Penn State coach James Franklin says Nick Saban should be college football's commissioner SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (AP) — Penn State coach James Franklin believes college football needs a commissioner and he even has a candidate in mind: former Alabama coach Nick Saban. Franklin made the suggestion Sunday at Penn State’s College Football Playoff quarterfinals media day ahead of the Fiesta Bowl. The sixth-seeded Nittany Lions are preparing for their game against No. 3 seed Boise State on Tuesday. The veteran coach was responding to a question about Penn State’s backup quarterback situation after Beau Pribula transferred to Missouri before the playoff. Pribula’s decision highlighted some of the frustrating aspects of a new college football world in the Name, Image and Likeness era and the transfer portal, forcing players to make tough decisions at inopportune times. LeBron James at 40: A milestone birthday arrives Monday for the NBA's all-time scoring leader When LeBron James broke another NBA record earlier this month, the one for most regular-season minutes played in a career, his Los Angeles Lakers teammates handled the moment in typical locker room fashion. They made fun of him. Dubbed The Kid from Akron, with a limitless future, James is now the 40-year-old from Los Angeles with wisps of gray in his beard, his milestone birthday coming Monday, one that will make him the first player in NBA history to play in his teens, 20s, 30s and 40s. He has stood and excelled in the spotlight his entire career. Rising Sun Devils: Arizona State looks to pull off another big surprise at the Peach Bowl ATLANTA (AP) — As they prepare for Arizona State’s biggest game in nearly three decades, the guys who made it happen aren’t the least bit surprised to be rated a nearly two-touchdown underdog in the College Football Playoff. That’s a familiar position for the Sun Devils. They've been an underdog most of the season. Of the eight teams still vying for a national championship, there’s no bigger surprise than 11-2 Arizona State. The Sun Devils went 3-9 a year ago and were picked to finish dead last in their first season in the Big 12 Conference. Now, they're getting ready to face Texas in the Peach Bowl quarterfinal game on New Year’s Day. Lakers send D'Angelo Russell to Nets in trade for Dorian Finney-Smith, Shake Milton LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Los Angeles Lakers have traded guard D’Angelo Russell to the Brooklyn Nets for forward Dorian Finney-Smith and guard Shake Milton. The Lakers also sent forward Maxwell Lewis and three second-round draft picks to Brooklyn. Russell averaged a career-low 12.4 points per game for the Lakers this season in a diminished role under new coach JJ Redick. Finney-Smith is a steady 3-and-D wing who fills an obvious need for the Lakers. Russell is being traded by the Lakers to the Nets for the second time in his career. He also made the move in 2017.An online debate over foreign workers in tech shows tensions in Trump’s political coalitionOutrage after Target fires woman over 'dress code issue' By RACHEL BOWMAN FOR DAILYMAIL.COM Published: 20:56, 23 November 2024 | Updated: 21:24, 23 November 2024 e-mail View comments A North Dakota Target is facing backlash for firing a woman who wrote 'Trust in Jesus' on her name tag. Denise Kendrick, an employee of the store in Fargo, said she was fired on November 16 over a dress code issue. She put 'Trust in Jesus' and a drawing of a cross on her name tag for that shift, but was approached by a manager who told her she could not wear it, according to KVLY . 'I replied, "Well, I've seen people with rainbows on theirs. I'm going to continue to wear this name tag," and then they said, "Well, you can't work here anymore,"' Kendrick said. She said she asked for a reason why she was fired, but was only give a list of information about the dress code policy . 'I said, "Can I get it in writing why you're firing me?" and they refused to do that,' said Kendrick 'They gave me this paper with all these phone numbers on it and said, "If you have any questions about the violation of the dress code, just call one of these numbers." And he just kept repeating it, and we just kept going back and forth, and it was going nowhere.' Kendrick said she was wearing a plain long sleeve red sweatshirt and jeans when she was fore. She said she had been wearing other religious apparel for months and never had an issue. Denise Kendrick (pictured), an employee of the store in Fargo, said she was fired on November 16 over a dress code issue She put 'Trust in Jesus' and a drawing of a cross on her name tag for that shift 'I had no problems with anyone approaching me with my Christian shirts,' said Kendrick. According to Target's policy, 'Target is an equal opportunity employer that prohibits discrimination and will make decisions regarding employment opportunities, including hiring, promotion, and advancement, without regard to the following characteristics: race, color, national origin, religious beliefs.' Outrage social media users called Kendrick's firing discrimination and said it was hypocritical to allow some people to write on their name tags but not her. 'I don't shop at Target! I hope that lady sues Target for wrongful termination! I am so sick of the intolerant left! They are all so wretched,' one Reddit user said. 'I'm done with target too expensive and their quality is not any better. I'm sick of their left policies. If they're gonna allow people to put rainbows and pronouns they have no reason not to allow her to put that,' said a another. 'How about a simple "you only wear the approved uniform and nothing else" policy. No "flair" or other garbage, just the corporate stuff required,' a third person said. 'Suddenly all of the problems go away. But of course the lefty "feelies" crowd won't be able to virtue signal if that happens.' Another person said, 'You'd think Target would allow their employees to express themselves. At least that's what they are giving off, but apparently not.' Kendrick said a manager approached her and told her she could not wear her name tag and then fired her Following her interview with the local news station, a Target spokesperson released a statement rehiring Kendrick Following her interview with the local news station, a Target spokesperson released a statement rehiring Kendrick. 'Upon learning of the situation, we conducted a review and determined that the team member should not have been terminated. We apologized to her and offered to reinstate her immediately,' the spokesperson said. 'We are taking the appropriate steps to address the actions taken by the individual leader involved in this situation and are working with the store to ensure our policies are appropriately followed moving forward.' Kendrick said on Facebook, 'My job has been reinstated, and yes I will continue to wear "Trust in Jesus" on my name tag.' Reddit North Dakota Share or comment on this article: Outrage after Target fires woman over 'dress code issue' e-mail Add comment

Jevon Carter Shows His Worth in Midst of Tough Season for BullsTeen actor Hudson Meek, who appeared in ‘Baby Driver,’ dies after falling from moving vehicleShare Tweet Share Share Email On Monday morning, 25th November 2024 precisely, a bird-like silhouette cuts through the morning sky, its carbon fiber frame glistening in the sunlight as it effortlessly navigates between buildings, capturing breathtaking footage that was once impossible to achieve. I checked closely, and it happened to be the Skyhawk drone, a remarkable piece of engineering that’s revolutionizing aerial photography and surveillance. Though it has been around since, I was unlucky to know about it lately. Skyhawk Drone is a mini camera drone with incredible features though it has its own obvious limitations like some low-cost drones I have reviewed in the past. Not really new in the market but currently trending, mostly in the United States. On paper it has 5.0 star ratings making it the number consumer choice automatically. Truly, It represents the pinnacle of modern drone technology, combining advanced aerodynamics with cutting-edge artificial intelligence. Developed by leading aerospace engineers, Skyhawk Drone Reviews confirmed that it stands out in the crowded drone market for its unique biomimetic design inspired by the flight patterns of hawks. Truly, It’s not just another toy with a camera as many people already concluded, rather, it’s a sophisticated flying platform that challenges our expectations of what consumer drones can achieve. Its camera quality is unmatched and nothing comes close to it, generally. Sincerely speaking, most cheap Drone like Skyhawk has nothing to write home about. Some are just ordinary toys, while some are rebrands from scammers who only want to make money, not minding the consumer experience. No, doubt, Skyhawk Drone has mixed reviews, its 4k dual Cameras amazed many people likewise its level 5 wind resistance though many people, mainly professionals are complaining bitterly about its limited Battery Life, and its limited functionality and many more. Today, I’m going to reveal in more clarity all the truth about it after protracted research. In the end you can see why it is selling like a hot cake despite having a lot of obvious limitations. I would have reviewed on time but needed to take much time to ensure that all the information is nearly correct. As regards purchase, I have also linked to the official website where it is sold at much lower prices though I suggest you go through the review, do more research and check if it is okay for your needs or applications. It is also available in some local stores in the United States so you can still check out there if you don’t mind. I only want you to get the right value for your money. Don’t buy it because someone’s love it, you might need something totally different. Read and see more here if you don’t mind. Key Highlights (Skyhawk Drone Reviews) HD Camera Extended Battery Life (15 minutes, minimum) Lightweight and Portable Silent Operation Anti-Collision Technology Shoot at 60 frames per second Features level 5 wind resistance Take photos and videos App control First Person View Maximum speed of 30 miles per hour Designed with additional features like Auto-follow, Altitude hold, Panoramic Mode, slo-mo-mode, Multi-directional obstacle avoidance sensor, gesture photos, etc. Come with 90-Day money-back guarantee on all orders What’s Skyhawk Drone Skyhawk Drone is a 4k foldable drone also known as Skyhawk 4k Drone used to take pictures and videos from the sky. It is a mini drone that can fit comfortably in any backpack, pockets but the amazing thing is that it is powerful, and faster than most mini drones. It is a professional-grade drone that integrates high-performance cameras, intelligent flight controls, and robust safety features into a surprisingly compact package that looks like the smallest Drone ever. It offers capabilities that were previously available only in much larger and more expensive brands making it hard to ignore. Skyhawk Drone is a wifi-enabled drone with some additional features that were once impossible for drones under $100. It comes with a mobile app that is compatible with all smartphones, and tablets. It is lightweight, portable and designed with durable materials with nice looking packaging. Skyhawk Drone is powered by a lithium-ion rechargeable battery designed with advanced technology in the battery industry. When fully charged it can last at least 15 minutes though small in some applications but a real upgrade to what is possible with most low cost drones on sale today. Skyhawk Drone captures images and videos with spectacular quality not possible in most low-cost drones I have tried. Its compactness enables it to fly through tight spots like windows, Corridors, and doorways. It has an altitude holding feature which helps to navigate entryway, closets etc with ease while capturing HD quality videos in more stable and seamless shots. It comes with a base transmitter or controller that runs on 3 AAA batteries, just like the majority of drones I have Reviewed, though most low-cost drones are now using rechargeable transmitters. It has six arrow buttons to trim left, right, up, and down, two thumb sticks that are not detachable, and also, a dedicated auto takeoff and auto landing button. Like other drones I have used in the past, The underside is where the controller’s battery slot is situated. Using the included portable screwdriver or any professional Star screwdriver, unscrew the battery compartment to insert the batteries. Additionally, the transmitter has a tray slot to which you can connect your smartphone for live Streaming. Like expected, it is very easy to use and very flexible. It can be controlled via Skyhawk App or the controller. For newbies, the manufacturer’s included an easy to use user manual with balance of text and figures making it possible for new beginners to start shooting from the very first day. In addition to 4k electrically adjustable dual Camera, First Person View, brushless motor, Skyhawk Drone comes with some smart features like height setting function, Gesture photos, Videos recording, Headless mode, Emergency stop, Trajectory flight, and gravity sensing. It is really amazing from my previous experience. Skyhawk Drone is equipped with an ultra-wide HD camera that has a built-in 3-Axis Gimbal Stabilizer meaning that you can take super sharp images and stunning 4K video, even in wind. You’ll see the world from a perspective you’ve never seen before.. It was an awesome experience ... .I confessed. Truly, it is amazing though it might not compete favourably with some high-end drones available today but a great option for people under budget. It captures Ultra Clear images from tight angles, around obstacles, during bad weather conditions etc. It is one of the drones I’m recommending without any doubt. Skyhawk Drone is readily available on the official website at discounted prices. Unlike others, the manufacturer’s are offering it with an unending discount so if you have any doubt, take your time and come to a conclusion, favourable to you. Don’t rush to buy, I only want you to get value for your money. Remember, you get what you paid for. Features Of Skyhawk Drone Having reviewed many drones under $100, I didn’t expect much features from it but after a close look I see some improvements though not really much but worth mentioning. Most of these drones look almost the same in physical Outlook and many people struggle to believe that there is any difference between them. Here are some features as advertised by the manufacturer: Foldable Propeller Design: Skyhawk Drone follows the trend. Foldable propeller has been the preferred choice in most drones these days and offers more advantages. It makes drones more compact when not in use, making it more easy to handle. Wifi-enabled : Skyhawk Drone can be connected over WiFi for strong connections. This feature is also common in most drones I have reviewed. Anti-Collision System : Skyhawk Drone uses advanced sensors to detect obstacles in all directions and avoid possible collisions that might break it down instantly. Lightweight, Compact, and Portable: Skyhawk drone’s foldable design makes it appear incredibly portable, making it perfect for photographers, those who are constantly on the go, and anybody who wants something small without compromising performance, which, in my opinion, is what everyone wants. High Altitude : Skyhawk can reach up to 3000 feet making it possible to record every event. Its high vertical height has the noteworthy benefit of providing the perfect bird’s-eye vision giving users the chance to record all of their amazing experiences without going over their spending limits. Intelligent Flight Modes : Skyhawk Drone was designed with advanced features including auto-follow, obstacle avoidance, and QuickShots that allow for automated, cinematic shots without manual piloting skills which sounds incredible but it is true. This is one of the reasons it is recommended by newbies. Altitude Hold: By maintaining a steady height, Skyhawk Drone enables aerial photographers to capture still images in the most effective manner. Riders who want to get the greatest footage without worrying about the drone position would especially benefit from this function. Another reason why it is getting the most attention despite the huge number of low-cost drones available in the United States. Slow-Mo Mode : Though it is becoming popular these days, Skyhawk is one of the few drones to have this great function. It makes it possible to fully record every adventure, record immersive video of moving objects, opening an infinite number of possibilities for your recordings. Specifications Dimension: 2.76 X 1.94 X 1.08 inches Brand: Skyhawk Drone Weight:180g Media type: SD Connecting Technology: WiFi Colour: Black Runtime: 15 minutes (minimum) Charging time: Around 60 minutes Why Is Skyhawk Drone Recommended? A lot of reasons, I will share some based on my knowledge and what other Skyhawk Reviews said about it. Increased Flight Time : Skyhawk Drone uses advanced lithium-ion battery that provides extended runtime though not as good as advanced drones but a great feature for any cheap Drone. It can last at least 15 minutes on any flight session which is a massive improvement. Most drones last just 7 minutes or 10 which limits their applications. Skyhawk Drone can be used in an event that requires extended recordings. Users with an additional battery can record all more. Ultra 4k Camera: Skyhawk Drone Capture crystal clear images and record 4k videos making it the few drones under budget to do that. Such functionality is available only in some real advanced brands. Durably Made: Skyhawk Drone is designed with high quality materials to ensure it stands the test of time, it doesn’t mean that it won’t break when handled carelessly. Versatile Function : Skyhawk Drone can be used indoors, outdoors, and perform extra functions like surveillance, traffic monitoring etc. Easy To Control : Multiple sensors are included to provide stable flight and high-quality photographs. Inclusion of features like automatic takeoff and landing, altitude hold, emergency stop, electronic fence, and many other features make it simple to use, even for beginners. Smart Functions : Skyhawk Drone comes with Beauty filter, mobile image transmission, App Control, Live Streaming intelligent Obstacle avoidance sensor, Trajectory flight, 50X zoom etc which are rare in low-cost drones available in the United States. What Sets Skyhawk Drone Apart? Sincerely speaking, Skyhawk Drone looks similar to most low-cost drones I have reviewed. Lately, It has been trending in social media and it is advertised with features that will blow you away. The shocking thing is that it is just under $100. It is a really amazing discovery perfected by experts. No doubt, Skyhawk Drone is a fantastic brand that tackles all the evident drawbacks of the majority of low-cost drones available today. Its unique features include trajectory flight, three infrared sensors to avoid obstructions, an intuitive interface, gesture photographs, backflip, LED night light, and panoramic mode, among others. It is becoming popular and looks like the best selling Drone in 2025. Skyhawk Drone is aerodynamically made, the fastest drone of its size and can fly at a speed of 30 miles per hour which is incredible for most drones under $100 available today. Return to Home functionality is another breaking technology added to it. In cases like low battery and lost Connection, Skyhawk Drone will safely return to its takeoff point. Skyhawk Drone comes with Autonomous Flight Modes, including pre-programmed flight modes like follow-me, orbit, and waypoint navigation which enabled it to fly autonomously, capturing footage without manual control. Skyhawk Drone also supports gesture photos and uses advanced GPS technology allowing it to maintain stable flight and hover in place accurately. Skyhawk Drone also has high wind resistance. Its level 5 wind resistance is unique, nothing comes close. It can easily withstand a wind speed of 19-24 miles per hour (29-38 kph). A feature new drone pilots must appreciate. Truly, Skyhawk Drone is a game-changer though might not be suitable in some applications. I strongly recommend it to newbies as it is one of the best drones to start learning. It is durable, smarter and It is also affordable. How To Set Up Skyhawk Drone It is very similar to other cheap drones you might have used. Go through the instructions manual before using it. Unboxing Carefully unbox It from the right direction and ensure that the packaging is not damaged. Confirmed that all the components are there: The drone, transmitter, screwdriver, user manual, additional propeller, charging cable. In case any part is missing though is rare, contact the manufacturer for a quick refund or replacement as you wish. Then charge the battery and insert 3 AAA batteries to the controller. Unfold it, turn it on and pair the drone with the transmitter. You can download the app and connect to WiFi. The drone password is the user manual. Once connected, open the drone app in your phone, it will connect automatically with it. You can view live feeds on your app. Also, you can adjust the camera settings like resolution, frame rate, exposure, etc. Is Skyhawk Drone Any Good? It all depends on your application. For newbies, enthusiasts, riders, and others who want to record for fun, Skyhawk is the best option. While it has some professional grade features I wouldn’t advise professional photographers to rely on it rather it can be used as a supplementary drone. In all, I still rate it high, it is an amazing drone and worth all the penny. You can purchase it today from the official website if it interests you. What People Are Saying About It Skyhawk Drone has been used by many people with some mixed reviews. Some are extremely satisfied while some aren’t. It all depends on your expectations. I see it as a cheap Drone with some improvements. I never expected it to rival most premium brands though most reviewers claimed it can do more. Impressive Performance! Smooth control, even for beginners. I’m extremely satisfied with this drone’s responsiveness.I wholeheartedly recommend it; I couldn’t be happier.Sarah M. Exceptional Value!!! This drone is a hidden gem! It offers a remarkably stable flight with altitude hold. In my opinion, it provides more features than expected for the price. A great buy.Chris J. Unbeatable Fun!!! I received my drone right on time, and it’s an absolute blast to fly! The price is unbeatable, making it an ideal choice for anyone looking to start their drone journey. Alex K. Prices (Skyhawk Drone Reviews) Skyhawk Drone is available on the official website at $99.99 for one unit though there are other amazing deals available for our readers. Check out for more on the official product sales page. Does it possess FPV (First Person View) capability? Benefiting from a WiFi real-time transmission FPV system, you can connect your phone to the drone. This allows you to view the drone’s perspective directly on your phone, offering a unique experience above the horizon. Capture photos and record videos for lasting memories. How can I initiate a backflip? Press the 360 button located on the top right of the controller. Upon hearing a beep, push the right joystick forward for a front flip, backward for a backflip, right for a right flip, and left for a left flip. Is it possible to fine-tune the balance? Adjusting the balance is achievable by utilizing the Fine-tune buttons to correct the orientation effectively. How long does it take to complete charging? The charging process requires approximately 60-70 minutes for a full charge. How long will my order take to arrive? All orders will be shipped USPS within 48 hours after order confirmation. Please allow 2-5 business days for standard delivery. You will receive an email confirmation with your tracking number after your order is shipped. You may track your package or sign up for SMS shipping alerts by going to the carrier’s website, www.USPS.com Conclusion Based on my experience and reviews, Skyhawk Drone is still an option. It might not be suitable in some applications and has its own drawbacks but it is still one of the top performing drones available today. It is the number consumer choice in the United States currently though other drones are becoming popular too . 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Vaxcyte, Inc. ( NASDAQ:PCVX – Get Free Report ) dropped 5.8% on Friday . The stock traded as low as $80.57 and last traded at $80.79. 475,390 shares traded hands during trading, a decline of 48% from the average daily volume of 916,270 shares. The stock had previously closed at $85.78. Analysts Set New Price Targets Several research analysts have commented on the company. Needham & Company LLC reaffirmed a “buy” rating and issued a $140.00 price target on shares of Vaxcyte in a research report on Wednesday, November 6th. Jefferies Financial Group boosted their target price on shares of Vaxcyte from $108.00 to $129.00 and gave the stock a “buy” rating in a research report on Tuesday, September 3rd. Leerink Partners increased their price target on shares of Vaxcyte from $106.00 to $153.00 and gave the company an “outperform” rating in a report on Tuesday, September 3rd. Cantor Fitzgerald reaffirmed an “overweight” rating on shares of Vaxcyte in a research report on Wednesday, November 6th. Finally, The Goldman Sachs Group assumed coverage on Vaxcyte in a research report on Friday, December 20th. They set a “buy” rating and a $135.00 target price on the stock. Eight investment analysts have rated the stock with a buy rating, According to data from MarketBeat.com, the company currently has an average rating of “Buy” and an average price target of $145.71. Read Our Latest Stock Report on PCVX Vaxcyte Stock Performance Vaxcyte ( NASDAQ:PCVX – Get Free Report ) last released its quarterly earnings data on Tuesday, November 5th. The company reported ($0.83) earnings per share for the quarter, beating analysts’ consensus estimates of ($1.10) by $0.27. During the same period last year, the company earned ($0.91) EPS. As a group, equities research analysts anticipate that Vaxcyte, Inc. will post -4.14 EPS for the current year. Insider Buying and Selling at Vaxcyte In related news, SVP Mikhail Eydelman sold 5,000 shares of the stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, October 7th. The stock was sold at an average price of $109.27, for a total transaction of $546,350.00. Following the sale, the senior vice president now directly owns 28,623 shares in the company, valued at $3,127,635.21. This represents a 14.87 % decrease in their position. The transaction was disclosed in a legal filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is available at the SEC website . Also, CEO Grant Pickering sold 7,098 shares of the firm’s stock in a transaction on Monday, October 7th. The shares were sold at an average price of $109.21, for a total value of $775,172.58. Following the sale, the chief executive officer now directly owns 138,581 shares of the company’s stock, valued at $15,134,431.01. This represents a 4.87 % decrease in their ownership of the stock. The disclosure for this sale can be found here . Over the last three months, insiders sold 117,830 shares of company stock valued at $12,383,030. 3.10% of the stock is currently owned by company insiders. Institutional Trading of Vaxcyte Large investors have recently made changes to their positions in the business. Janus Henderson Group PLC raised its holdings in shares of Vaxcyte by 23.1% in the third quarter. Janus Henderson Group PLC now owns 10,921,896 shares of the company’s stock valued at $1,247,954,000 after buying an additional 2,052,989 shares during the last quarter. RA Capital Management L.P. increased its position in Vaxcyte by 5.9% in the 3rd quarter. RA Capital Management L.P. now owns 8,689,190 shares of the company’s stock valued at $992,914,000 after acquiring an additional 485,436 shares in the last quarter. State Street Corp raised its stake in shares of Vaxcyte by 1.1% in the third quarter. State Street Corp now owns 3,405,743 shares of the company’s stock worth $389,174,000 after acquiring an additional 38,596 shares during the last quarter. Franklin Resources Inc. lifted its position in shares of Vaxcyte by 13.2% during the third quarter. Franklin Resources Inc. now owns 2,786,335 shares of the company’s stock worth $315,162,000 after purchasing an additional 324,560 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Geode Capital Management LLC grew its stake in shares of Vaxcyte by 10.6% during the third quarter. Geode Capital Management LLC now owns 2,700,782 shares of the company’s stock valued at $308,675,000 after purchasing an additional 259,010 shares during the last quarter. Institutional investors own 96.78% of the company’s stock. About Vaxcyte ( Get Free Report ) Vaxcyte, Inc, a clinical-stage biotechnology vaccine company, develops novel protein vaccines to prevent or treat bacterial infectious diseases. Its lead vaccine candidate is VAX-24, a 24-valent investigational pneumococcal conjugate vaccine for the prevention of invasive pneumococcal disease. The company also develops VAX-31 to protect against emerging strains and to help address antibiotic resistance; VAX-A1, a novel conjugate vaccine candidate to prevent disease caused by Group A Streptococcus; VAX-PG, a novel protein vaccine candidate targeting keystone pathogen responsible for periodontitis; and VAX-GI to prevent Shigella, a bacterial illness. See Also Receive News & Ratings for Vaxcyte Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Vaxcyte and related companies with MarketBeat.com's FREE daily email newsletter .

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